2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

440 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env node
// Cronicle Storage Migration System
// Copyright (c) 2018 Joseph Huckaby
// Released under the MIT License
// Instructions:
// Edit your Cronicle conf/config.json file, and make a copy of the `Storage` element.
// Name the copy `NewStorage`, and put all the new settings in there, that you are migrating to.
// Command-Line Usage:
// bin/storage-migrate.js
// --debug: Echo debug log to console
// --verbose: List every key as it is copied
// --dryrun: Do not write any changes
// After completion, delete `Storage`, and rename `NewStorage` to `Storage`, and you're migrated.
var Path = require('path');
var os = require('os');
var fs = require('fs');
var async = require('async');
var Logger = require('pixl-logger');
var cli = require('pixl-cli');
var args = cli.args;;
var StandaloneStorage = require('pixl-server-storage/standalone');
// chdir to the proper server root dir
process.chdir( Path.dirname( __dirname ) );
// load app's config file
var config = require('../conf/config.json');
var StorageMigrator = {
version: "1.0.0",
run: function() {
// here we go
var self = this;
// setup logger
var log_file = Path.join( config.log_dir, 'StorageMigration.log' );
this.logger = new Logger( log_file, config.log_columns, {
debugLevel: config.debug_level,
sync: true,
echo: args.debug,
color: args.color
} );
this.logPrint(1, "Cronicle Storage Migration Script v" + this.version + " starting up");
this.logPrint(2, "Starting storage engines");
if (!config.Storage) this.fatal("Your Cronicle configuration lacks a 'Storage' property");
if (!config.NewStorage) this.fatal("Your Cronicle configuration lacks a 'NewStorage' property.");
if (config.uid && (process.getuid() != 0)) {
this.fatal( "Must be root to use the storage migration script." );
// check pid file
if (config.pid_file) try {
var pid = fs.readFileSync( config.pid_file, 'utf8' );
if (pid && process.kill(pid, 0)) this.fatal("Please shut down Cronicle before migrating storage.");
catch (e) {;}
// massage config, override logger
config.Storage.logger = self.logger;
config.Storage.log_event_types = { all: 1 };
config.NewStorage.logger = self.logger;
config.NewStorage.log_event_types = { all: 1 };
// start both standalone storage instances
function(callback) {
self.oldStorage = new StandaloneStorage(config.Storage, callback);
function(callback) {
self.newStorage = new StandaloneStorage(config.NewStorage, callback);
function(err) {
if (err) self.fatal("Failed to start storage engine: " + err);
self.logPrint(2, "Storage engines are ready to go");
// become correct user
if (config.uid && (process.getuid() == 0)) {
self.logPrint( 3, "Switching to user: " + config.uid );
process.setuid( config.uid );
); // series
testStorage: function() {
// test both old and new storage
var self = this;
this.logDebug(3, "Testing storage engines");
function(callback) {
self.oldStorage.get('global/users', callback);
function(callback) {
self.newStorage.put('test/test1', { "foo1": "bar1" }, function(err) {
if (err) return callback(err);
self.newStorage.delete('test/test1', function(err) {
if (err) return callback(err);
function(err) {
if (err) self.fatal("Storage test failure: " + err);
self.logPrint(2, "Storage engines tested successfully");
); // series
startMigration: function() {
// start migration process
var self = this;
this.logPrint(3, "Starting migration");
this.timeStart = Tools.timeNow(true);
this.numRecords = 0;
this.copyKey( 'global/state', { ignore: true } );
var lists = [
lists.forEach( function(key) { self.copyList(key); } );
// these lists technically may not exist yet:
this.copyList( 'logs/completed', { ignore: true } );
this.copyList( 'logs/activity', { ignore: true } );
migrateUsers: function() {
var self = this;
this.logPrint(3, "Migrating user records");
this.oldStorage.listEach( 'global/users',
function(user, idx, callback) {
var username = self.normalizeUsername(user.username);
var key = 'users/' + username;
self.copyKey( key );
process.nextTick( callback );
function() {
); // listEach
migrateCompletedEvents: function() {
var self = this;
this.logPrint(3, "Migrating completed events");
this.oldStorage.listEach( 'global/schedule',
function(event, idx, callback) {
var key = 'logs/events/' +;
self.copyList( key, { ignore: true } );
process.nextTick( callback );
function() {
); // listEach
migrateCompletedJobs: function() {
var self = this;
this.logPrint(3, "Migrating completed jobs");
var unique_cleanup_lists = {};
this.oldStorage.listEach( 'logs/completed',
function(job, idx, callback) {
self.copyKey( 'jobs/' +, { ignore: true } );
self.copyKey( 'jobs/' + + '/log.txt.gz', { ignore: true } );
var time_end = job.time_start + job.elapsed;
var key_expires = time_end + (86400 * config.job_data_expire_days);
var log_expires = time_end + (86400 * (job.log_expire_days || config.job_data_expire_days));
// get hash of unique exp dates, to grab cleanup lists
var dargs = Tools.getDateArgs( key_expires );
var cleanup_list_path = '_cleanup/' + dargs.yyyy + '/' + + '/' + dargs.dd;
unique_cleanup_lists[ cleanup_list_path ] = true;
dargs = Tools.getDateArgs( log_expires );
cleanup_list_path = '_cleanup/' + dargs.yyyy + '/' + + '/' + dargs.dd;
unique_cleanup_lists[ cleanup_list_path ] = true;
process.nextTick( callback );
function() {
// now queue up list copies for cleanup lists
self.logPrint(3, "Migrating cleanup lists");
for (var key in unique_cleanup_lists) {
self.copyList( key, { ignore: true } );
// Note: we are deliberately skipping the cleanup master hash, e.g. _cleanup/expires
// This is only needed for records that CHANGE their expiration after the fact,
// which never happens with Cronicle.
); // listEach
waitForQueue: function() {
// wait for storage to complete queue
var self = this;
this.logPrint(3, "Waiting for storage queue");
this.queueMax = this.newStorage.queue.length();
this.logDebug(5, "Queue length: " + this.queueMax);
if (!args.verbose && !args.debug && !args.dryrun && !args.dots) {
cli.progress.start({ max: this.queueMax });
this.newStorage.waitForQueueDrain( this.finish.bind(this) );
finish: function() {
// all done
var self = this;
var elapsed = Tools.timeNow(true) - this.timeStart;
this.logPrint(1, "Storage migration complete!");
this.logPrint(2, Tools.commify(this.numRecords) + " total records copied in " + Tools.getTextFromSeconds(elapsed, false, true) + ".");
this.logPrint(4, "You should now overwrite 'Storage' with 'NewStorage' in your config.json.");
this.logPrint(3, "Shutting down");
function(callback) {
function(callback) {
function(err) {
self.logPrint(3, "Shutdown complete, exiting.");
); // series
normalizeUsername: function(username) {
// lower-case, strip all non-alpha
if (!username) return '';
return username.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/\W+/g, '');
copyKey: function(key, opts) {
// enqueue key for copy
this.logDebug(9, "Enqueuing key for copy: " + key, opts);
this.newStorage.enqueue( Tools.mergeHashes({
action: 'custom',
copy_type: 'key',
copy_key: key,
handler: this.dequeue.bind(this)
}, opts || {} ));
copyList: function(key, opts) {
// enqueue list for copy
this.logDebug(9, "Enqueuing list for copy: " + key, opts);
this.newStorage.enqueue( Tools.mergeHashes({
action: 'custom',
copy_type: 'list',
copy_key: key,
handler: this.dequeue.bind(this)
}, opts || {} ));
dequeue: function(task, callback) {
// copy list or key
var self = this;
var key = task.copy_key;
switch (task.copy_type) {
case 'list':
// copy whole list
this.oldStorage.get(key, function(err, list) {
if (err) {
if (task.ignore) return callback();
self.fatal("Failed to get list: " + key + ": " + err);
self.copyKey( key ); // list header
for (var page_idx = list.first_page; page_idx <= list.last_page; page_idx++) {
self.copyKey( key + '/' + page_idx );
// copy record
if (this.newStorage.isBinaryKey(key)) {
// binary record, use streams
this.oldStorage.getStream(key, function(err, stream) {
if (err) {
if (task.ignore) return callback();
self.fatal("Failed to getStream key: " + key + ": " + err);
if (args.dryrun) {
stream.on('end', function() {
verbose("DRY RUN: Copied binary record: " + key + "\n");
self.newStorage.putStream(key, stream, function(err) {
if (err) {
if (task.ignore) return callback();
self.fatal("Failed to putStream key: " + key + ": " + err);
verbose("Copied binary record: " + key + "\n");
if (args.dots) print(".");
if (self.queueMax) {
var queueCurrent = self.newStorage.queue.length();
cli.progress.update( self.queueMax - queueCurrent );
}); // putStream
} ); // getStream
else {
// standard JSON record
this.oldStorage.get(key, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
if (task.ignore) return callback();
self.fatal("Failed to get key: " + key + ": " + err);
if (args.dryrun) {
verbose("DRY RUN: Copied record: " + key + "\n");
return callback();
self.newStorage.put(key, data, function(err) {
if (err) {
if (task.ignore) return callback();
self.fatal("Failed to put key: " + key + ": " + err);
verbose("Copied record: " + key + "\n");
if (args.dots) print(".");
if (self.queueMax) {
var queueCurrent = self.newStorage.queue.length();
cli.progress.update( self.queueMax - queueCurrent );
}); // put
} ); // get
} // switch copy_type
logDebug: function(level, msg, data) {
this.logger.debug( level, msg, data );
logPrint: function(level, msg, data) {
// echo message to console and log it
switch (level) {
case 1: print( bold.yellow(msg) + "\n" ); break;
case 2: print( cyan(msg) + "\n" ); break;
case 3: print( green(msg) + "\n" ); break;
case 4: print( magenta(msg) + "\n" ); break;
case 9: print( gray(msg) + "\n" ); break;
default: print( msg + "\n" ); break;
if (data) print( gray( JSON.stringify(data) ) + "\n" );
this.logger.debug( level, msg, data );
fatal: function(msg) {
// log fatal error and die
this.logger.error('fatal', msg);
die( "\n" +"ERROR: ") + bold(msg) + "\n\n" );