2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

610 lines
18 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env node
// CLI for Storage System
// Copyright (c) 2015 Joseph Huckaby
// Released under the MIT License
var path = require('path');
var cp = require('child_process');
var os = require('os');
var fs = require('fs');
var async = require('async');
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt-node');
var Args = require('pixl-args');
var Tools = require('pixl-tools');
var StandaloneStorage = require('pixl-server-storage/standalone');
// chdir to the proper server root dir
process.chdir( path.dirname( __dirname ) );
// load app's config file
var config = require('../conf/config.json');
// shift commands off beginning of arg array
var argv = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(process.argv.slice(2)) );
var commands = [];
while (argv.length && !argv[0].match(/^\-/)) {
commands.push( argv.shift() );
// now parse rest of cmdline args, if any
var args = new Args( argv, {
debug: false,
verbose: false,
quiet: false
} );
args = args.get(); // simple hash
// copy debug flag into config (for standalone)
config.Storage.debug = args.debug;
var print = function(msg) {
// print message to console
if (!args.quiet) process.stdout.write(msg);
var verbose = function(msg) {
// print only in verbose mode
if (args.verbose) print(msg);
var warn = function(msg) {
// print to stderr unless quiet
if (!args.quiet) process.stderr.write(msg);
var verbose_warn = function(msg) {
// verbose print to stderr unless quiet
if (args.verbose && !args.quiet) process.stderr.write(msg);
if (config.uid && (process.getuid() != 0)) {
print( "ERROR: Must be root to use this script.\n" );
// determine server hostname
var hostname = (process.env['HOSTNAME'] || process.env['HOST'] || os.hostname()).toLowerCase();
// find the first external IPv4 address
var ip = '';
var ifaces = os.networkInterfaces();
var addrs = [];
for (var key in ifaces) {
if (ifaces[key] && ifaces[key].length) {
Array.from(ifaces[key]).forEach( function(item) { addrs.push(item); } );
var addr = Tools.findObject( addrs, { family: 'IPv4', internal: false } );
if (addr && addr.address && addr.address.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)) {
ip = addr.address;
else {
print( "ERROR: Could not determine server's IP address.\n" );
// util.isArray is DEPRECATED??? Nooooooooode!
var isArray = Array.isArray || util.isArray;
// prevent logging transactions to STDOUT
config.Storage.log_event_types = {};
// allow APPNAME_key env vars to override config
var env_regex = new RegExp( "^CRONICLE_(.+)$" );
for (var env_key in process.env) {
if (env_key.match(env_regex)) {
var env_path = RegExp.$1.trim().replace(/^_+/, '').replace(/_+$/, '').replace(/__/g, '/');
var env_value = process.env[env_key].toString();
// massage value into various types
if (env_value === 'true') env_value = true;
else if (env_value === 'false') env_value = false;
else if (env_value.match(/^\-?\d+$/)) env_value = parseInt(env_value);
else if (env_value.match(/^\-?\d+\.\d+$/)) env_value = parseFloat(env_value);
Tools.setPath(config, env_path, env_value);
// construct standalone storage server
var storage = new StandaloneStorage(config.Storage, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
// storage system is ready to go
// become correct user
if (config.uid && (process.getuid() == 0)) {
verbose( "Switching to user: " + config.uid + "\n" );
process.setuid( config.uid );
// custom job data expire handler
storage.addRecordType( 'cronicle_job', {
'delete': function(key, value, callback) {
storage.delete( key, function(err) {
storage.delete( key + '/log.txt.gz', function(err) {
} ); // delete
} ); // delete
} );
// process command
var cmd = commands.shift();
switch (cmd) {
case 'setup':
case 'install':
// setup new master server
var setup = require('../conf/setup.json');
// make sure this is only run once
storage.get( 'global/users', function(err) {
if (!err) {
print( "Storage has already been set up. There is no need to run this command again.\n\n" );
function(params, callback) {
verbose( "Executing: " + JSON.stringify(params) + "\n" );
// [ "listCreate", "global/users", { "page_size": 100 } ]
var func = params.shift();
params.push( callback );
// massage a few params
if (typeof(params[1]) == 'object') {
var obj = params[1];
if (obj.created) obj.created = Tools.timeNow(true);
if (obj.modified) obj.modified = Tools.timeNow(true);
if (obj.regexp && (obj.regexp == '_HOSTNAME_')) obj.regexp = '^(' + Tools.escapeRegExp( hostname ) + ')$';
if (obj.hostname && (obj.hostname == '_HOSTNAME_')) obj.hostname = hostname;
if (obj.ip && (obj.ip == '_IP_')) obj.ip = ip;
// call storage directly
storage[func].apply( storage, params );
function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
print( "Setup completed successfully!\n" );
print( "This server ("+hostname+") has been added as the single primary master server.\n" );
print( "An administrator account has been created with username 'admin' and password 'admin'.\n" );
print( "You should now be able to start the service by typing: '/opt/cronicle/bin/ start'\n" );
print( "Then, the web interface should be available at: http://"+hostname+":"+config.WebServer.http_port+"/\n" );
print( "Please allow for up to 60 seconds for the server to become master.\n\n" );
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'admin':
// create or replace admin account
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js admin USERNAME PASSWORD [EMAIL]
var username = commands.shift();
var password = commands.shift();
var email = commands.shift() || 'admin@localhost';
if (!username || !password) {
print( "\nUsage: bin/storage-cli.js admin USERNAME PASSWORD [EMAIL]\n\n" );
if (!username.match(/^[\w\-\.]+$/)) {
print( "\nERROR: Username must contain only alphanumerics, dash and period.\n\n" );
username = username.toLowerCase();
var user = {
username: username,
password: password,
full_name: "Administrator",
email: email
}; = 1;
user.created = user.modified = Tools.timeNow(true);
user.salt = Tools.generateUniqueID( 64, user.username );
user.password = bcrypt.hashSync( user.password + user.salt );
user.privileges = { admin: 1 };
storage.put( 'users/' + username, user, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
print( "\nAdministrator '"+username+"' created successfully.\n" );
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'get':
case 'fetch':
case 'view':
case 'cat':
// get storage key
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js get users/jhuckaby
var key = commands.shift();
storage.get( key, function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
if (storage.isBinaryKey(key)) print( data.toString() + "\n" );
else print( ((typeof(data) == 'object') ? JSON.stringify(data, null, "\t") : data) + "\n" );
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'put':
case 'save':
case 'store':
// put storage key (read data from STDIN)
// Usage: cat USER.json | ./storage-cli.js put users/jhuckaby
var key = commands.shift();
var json_raw = '';
var rl = require('readline').createInterface({ input: process.stdin });
rl.on('line', function(line) { json_raw += line; });
rl.on('close', function() {
print( "Writing record from STDIN: " + key + "\n" );
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(json_raw); }
catch (err) {
warn( "Failed to parse JSON for key: " + key + ": " + err + "\n" );
storage.put( key, data, function(err) {
if (err) {
warn( "Failed to store record: " + key + ": " + err + "\n" );
print("Record successfully saved: "+key+"\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'edit':
case 'vi':
var key = commands.shift();
if ((cmd == 'edit') && !process.env.EDITOR) {
warn( "No EDITOR environment variable is set.\n" );
storage.get( key, function(err, data) {
if (err) data = {};
print("Spawning editor to edit record: " + key + "\n");
// save to local temp file
var temp_file = path.join( os.tmpdir(), 'cli-temp-' + + '.json' );
fs.writeFileSync( temp_file, JSON.stringify(data, null, "\t") + "\n" );
var stats = fs.statSync( temp_file );
var old_mod = Math.floor( stats.mtime.getTime() / 1000 );
// spawn vi but inherit terminal
var child = cp.spawn( (cmd == 'vi') ? 'vi' : process.env.EDITOR, [temp_file], {
stdio: 'inherit'
} );
child.on('exit', function (e, code) {
var stats = fs.statSync( temp_file );
var new_mod = Math.floor( stats.mtime.getTime() / 1000 );
if (new_mod != old_mod) {
print("Saving new data back into record: "+key+"\n");
var json_raw = fs.readFileSync( temp_file, { encoding: 'utf8' } );
fs.unlinkSync( temp_file );
var data = JSON.parse( json_raw );
storage.put( key, data, function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
print("Record successfully saved with your changes: "+key+"\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
else {
fs.unlinkSync( temp_file );
print("File has not been changed, record was not touched: "+key+"\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
} ); // got data
case 'delete':
// delete storage key
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js delete users/jhuckaby
var key = commands.shift();
storage.delete( key, function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
print("Record '"+key+"' deleted successfully.\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'list_create':
// create new list
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js list_create key
var key = commands.shift();
storage.listCreate( key, null, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
print("List created successfully: " + key + "\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'list_pop':
// pop item off end of list
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js list_pop key
var key = commands.shift();
storage.listPop( key, function(err, item) {
if (err) throw err;
print("Item popped off list: " + key + ": " + JSON.stringify(item, null, "\t") + "\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'list_get':
// fetch items from list
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js list_get key idx len
var key = commands.shift();
var idx = parseInt( commands.shift() || 0 );
var len = parseInt( commands.shift() || 0 );
storage.listGet( key, idx, len, function(err, items) {
if (err) throw err;
print("Got " + items.length + " items.\n");
print("Items from list: " + key + ": " + JSON.stringify(items, null, "\t") + "\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'list_info':
// fetch info about list
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js list_info key
var key = commands.shift();
storage.listGetInfo( key, function(err, list) {
if (err) throw err;
print("List Header: " + key + ": " + JSON.stringify(list, null, "\t") + "\n\n");
var page_idx = list.first_page;
var item_idx = 0;
function() { return page_idx <= list.last_page; },
function(callback) {
// load each page
storage._listLoadPage(key, page_idx++, false, function(err, page) {
if (err) return callback(err);
print("Page " + Math.floor(page_idx - 1) + ": " + page.items.length + " items\n");
} ); // page loaded
function(err) {
// all pages iterated
if (err) throw err;
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} // pages complete
); // whilst
} );
case 'list_delete':
// delete list
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js list_delete key
var key = commands.shift();
storage.listDelete( key, null, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
print("List deleted successfully: " + key + "\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'maint':
case 'maintenance':
// perform daily maintenance, specify date or defaults to current day
// Usage: ./storage-cli.js maint 2015-05-31
storage.runMaintenance( commands.shift(), function() {
print( "Daily maintenance completed successfully.\n" );
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} );
case 'export':
// export all storage data (except completed jobs, sessions)
var file = commands.shift();
case 'import':
// import storage data from file
var file = commands.shift();
print("Unknown command: " + cmd + "\n");
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} // switch
function export_data(file) {
// export data to file or stdout (except for completed jobs, logs, and sessions)
// one record per line: KEY - JSON
var stream = file ? fs.createWriteStream(file) : process.stdout;
// file header (for humans)
var file_header = "# Cronicle Data Export v1.0\n" +
"# Hostname: " + hostname + "\n" +
"# Date/Time: " + (new Date()).toString() + "\n" +
"# Format: KEY - JSON\n\n";
stream.write( file_header );
verbose_warn( file_header );
if (file) verbose_warn("Exporting to file: " + file + "\n\n");
// need to handle users separately, as they're stored as a list + individual records
storage.listEach( 'global/users',
function(item, idx, callback) {
var username = item.username;
var key = 'users/' + username.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/\W+/g, '');
verbose_warn( "Exporting user: " + username + "\n" );
storage.get( key, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
// user deleted?
warn( "\nFailed to fetch user: " + key + ": " + err + "\n\n" );
return callback();
stream.write( key + ' - ' + JSON.stringify(user) + "\n", 'utf8', callback );
} ); // get
function(err) {
// ignoring errors here
// proceed to the rest of the lists
function(list_key, callback) {
// first get the list header
verbose_warn( "Exporting list: " + list_key + "\n" );
storage.get( list_key, function(err, list) {
if (err) return callback( new Error("Failed to fetch list: " + list_key + ": " + err) );
stream.write( list_key + ' - ' + JSON.stringify(list) + "\n" );
// now iterate over all the list pages
var page_idx = list.first_page;
function() { return page_idx <= list.last_page; },
function(callback) {
// load each page
var page_key = list_key + '/' + page_idx;
verbose_warn( "Exporting list page: " + page_key + "\n");
storage.get(page_key, function(err, page) {
if (err) return callback( new Error("Failed to fetch list page: " + page_key + ": " + err) );
// write page data
stream.write( page_key + ' - ' + JSON.stringify(page) + "\n", 'utf8', callback );
} ); // page get
}, // iterator
); // whilst
} ); // get
}, // iterator
function(err) {
if (err) {
warn( "\nEXPORT ERROR: " + err + "\n" );
verbose_warn( "\nExport completed at " + (new Date()).toString() + ".\nExiting.\n\n" );
if (file) stream.end();
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
} // done done
); // list eachSeries
} // done with users
); // users listEach
function import_data(file) {
// import storage data from specified file or stdin
// one record per line: KEY - JSON
print( "\nCronicle Data Importer v1.0\n" );
if (file) print( "Importing from file: " + file + "\n" );
else print( "Importing from STDIN\n" );
print( "\n" );
var count = 0;
var queue = async.queue( function(line, callback) {
// process each line
if (line.match(/^(\w[\w\-\.\/]*)\s+\-\s+(\{.+\})\s*$/)) {
var key = RegExp.$1;
var json_raw = RegExp.$2;
print( "Importing record: " + key + "\n" );
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(json_raw); }
catch (err) {
warn( "Failed to parse JSON for key: " + key + ": " + err + "\n" );
return callback();
storage.put( key, data, function(err) {
if (err) {
warn( "Failed to store record: " + key + ": " + err + "\n" );
return callback();
} );
else callback();
}, 1 );
// setup readline to line-read from file or stdin
var readline = require('readline');
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: file ? fs.createReadStream(file) : process.stdin
rl.on('line', function(line) {
// enqueue each line
queue.push( line );
rl.on('close', function() {
// end of input stream
var complete = function() {
// finally, delete state so cronicle recreates it
storage.delete( 'global/state', function(err) {
// ignore error here, as state may not exist yet
print( "\nImport complete. " + count + " records imported.\nExiting.\n\n" );
storage.shutdown( function() { process.exit(0); } );
// fire complete on queue drain
if (queue.idle()) complete();
else queue.drain = complete;
}); // rl close