# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) Jupyter Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import io import json import logging import os from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from html import escape from urllib.parse import urlparse import markdown from jinja2 import Environment from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader from nbconvert.exporters.export import exporter_map from tornado import httpserver from tornado import ioloop from tornado import web from tornado.curl_httpclient import curl_log from tornado.log import access_log from tornado.log import app_log from tornado.log import LogFormatter from traitlets import Any from traitlets import Bool from traitlets import default from traitlets import Dict from traitlets import Int from traitlets import List from traitlets import Set from traitlets import Unicode from traitlets.config import Application from .cache import AsyncMultipartMemcache from .cache import DummyAsyncCache from .cache import MockCache from .cache import pylibmc from .client import NBViewerAsyncHTTPClient as HTTPClientClass from .formats import default_formats from .handlers import init_handlers from .index import NoSearch from .log import log_request from .providers import default_providers from .providers import default_rewrites from .ratelimit import RateLimiter from .utils import git_info from .utils import jupyter_info from .utils import url_path_join try: # Python 3.8 from functools import cached_property except ImportError: from .utils import cached_property from jupyter_server.base.handlers import FileFindHandler as StaticFileHandler # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- here = os.path.dirname(__file__) pjoin = os.path.join def nrhead(): try: import newrelic.agent except ImportError: return "" return newrelic.agent.get_browser_timing_header() def nrfoot(): try: import newrelic.agent except ImportError: return "" return newrelic.agent.get_browser_timing_footer() this_dir, this_filename = os.path.split(__file__) FRONTPAGE_JSON = os.path.join(this_dir, "frontpage.json") class NBViewer(Application): name = Unicode("NBViewer") aliases = Dict( { "base-url": "NBViewer.base_url", "binder-base-url": "NBViewer.binder_base_url", "cache-expiry-max": "NBViewer.cache_expiry_max", "cache-expiry-min": "NBViewer.cache_expiry_min", "config-file": "NBViewer.config_file", "content-security-policy": "NBViewer.content_security_policy", "default-format": "NBViewer.default_format", "frontpage": "NBViewer.frontpage", "host": "NBViewer.host", "ipywidgets-base-url": "NBViewer.ipywidgets_base_url", "jupyter-js-widgets-version": "NBViewer.jupyter_js_widgets_version", "jupyter-widgets-html-manager-version": "NBViewer.jupyter_widgets_html_manager_version", "localfiles": "NBViewer.localfiles", "log-level": "Application.log_level", "mathjax-url": "NBViewer.mathjax_url", "mc-threads": "NBViewer.mc_threads", "port": "NBViewer.port", "processes": "NBViewer.processes", "provider-rewrites": "NBViewer.provider_rewrites", "providers": "NBViewer.providers", "proxy-host": "NBViewer.proxy_host", "proxy-port": "NBViewer.proxy_port", "rate-limit": "NBViewer.rate_limit", "rate-limit-interval": "NBViewer.rate_limit_interval", "render-timeout": "NBViewer.render_timeout", "sslcert": "NBViewer.sslcert", "sslkey": "NBViewer.sslkey", "static-path": "NBViewer.static_path", "static-url-prefix": "NBViewer.static_url_prefix", "statsd-host": "NBViewer.statsd_host", "statsd-port": "NBViewer.statsd_port", "statsd-prefix": "NBViewer.statsd_prefix", "template-path": "NBViewer.template_path", "threads": "NBViewer.threads", } ) flags = Dict( { "debug": ( {"Application": {"log_level": logging.DEBUG}}, "Set log-level to debug, for the most verbose logging.", ), "generate-config": ( {"NBViewer": {"generate_config": True}}, "Generate default config file.", ), "localfile-any-user": ( {"NBViewer": {"localfile_any_user": True}}, "Also serve files that are not readable by 'Other' on the local file system.", ), "localfile-follow-symlinks": ( {"NBViewer": {"localfile_follow_symlinks": True}}, "Resolve/follow symbolic links to their target file using realpath.", ), "no-cache": ({"NBViewer": {"no_cache": True}}, "Do not cache results."), "no-check-certificate": ( {"NBViewer": {"no_check_certificate": True}}, "Do not validate SSL certificates.", ), "y": ( {"NBViewer": {"answer_yes": True}}, "Answer yes to any questions (e.g. confirm overwrite).", ), "yes": ( {"NBViewer": {"answer_yes": True}}, "Answer yes to any questions (e.g. confirm overwrite).", ), } ) # Use this to insert custom configuration of handlers for NBViewer extensions handler_settings = Dict().tag(config=True) create_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.handlers.CreateHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for creation via frontpage form.", ).tag(config=True) custom404_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.handlers.Custom404", help="The Tornado handler to use for rendering 404 templates.", ).tag(config=True) faq_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.handlers.FAQHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for rendering and viewing the FAQ section.", ).tag(config=True) gist_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.providers.gist.handlers.GistHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for viewing notebooks stored as GitHub Gists", ).tag(config=True) github_blob_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.providers.github.handlers.GitHubBlobHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for viewing notebooks stored as blobs on GitHub", ).tag(config=True) github_tree_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.providers.github.handlers.GitHubTreeHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for viewing directory trees on GitHub", ).tag(config=True) github_user_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.providers.github.handlers.GitHubUserHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for viewing all of a user's repositories on GitHub.", ).tag(config=True) index_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.handlers.IndexHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for rendering the frontpage section.", ).tag(config=True) local_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.providers.local.handlers.LocalFileHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for viewing notebooks found on a local filesystem", ).tag(config=True) url_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.providers.url.handlers.URLHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for viewing notebooks accessed via URL", ).tag(config=True) user_gists_handler = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer.providers.gist.handlers.UserGistsHandler", help="The Tornado handler to use for viewing directory containing all of a user's Gists", ).tag(config=True) answer_yes = Bool( default_value=False, help="Answer yes to any questions (e.g. confirm overwrite).", ).tag(config=True) # base_url specified by the user base_url = Unicode(default_value="/", help="URL base for the server").tag( config=True ) binder_base_url = Unicode( default_value="https://mybinder.org/v2", help="URL base for binder notebook execution service.", ).tag(config=True) cache_expiry_max = Int( default_value=2 * 60 * 60, help="Maximum cache expiry (seconds)." ).tag(config=True) cache_expiry_min = Int( default_value=10 * 60, help="Minimum cache expiry (seconds)." ).tag(config=True) client = Any().tag(config=True) @default("client") def _default_client(self): client = HTTPClientClass(log=self.log) client.cache = self.cache return client config_file = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer_config.py", help="The config file to load." ).tag(config=True) content_security_policy = Unicode( default_value="connect-src 'none';", help="Content-Security-Policy header setting.", ).tag(config=True) default_format = Unicode( default_value="html", help="Format to use for legacy / URLs." ).tag(config=True) frontpage = Unicode( default_value=FRONTPAGE_JSON, help="Path to json file containing frontpage content.", ).tag(config=True) generate_config = Bool( default_value=False, help="Generate default config file." ).tag(config=True) host = Unicode(help="Run on the given interface.").tag(config=True) @default("host") def _default_host(self): return self.default_endpoint["host"] index = Any().tag(config=True) @default("index") def _load_index(self): if os.environ.get("NBINDEX_PORT"): self.log.info("Indexing notebooks") tcp_index = os.environ.get("NBINDEX_PORT") index_url = tcp_index.split("tcp://")[1] index_host, index_port = index_url.split(":") else: self.log.info("Not indexing notebooks") indexer = NoSearch() return indexer ipywidgets_base_url = Unicode( default_value="https://unpkg.com/", help="URL base for ipywidgets JS package." ).tag(config=True) jupyter_js_widgets_version = Unicode( default_value="*", help="Version specifier for jupyter-js-widgets JS package." ).tag(config=True) jupyter_widgets_html_manager_version = Unicode( default_value="*", help="Version specifier for @jupyter-widgets/html-manager JS package.", ).tag(config=True) localfile_any_user = Bool( default_value=False, help="Also serve files that are not readable by 'Other' on the local file system.", ).tag(config=True) localfile_follow_symlinks = Bool( default_value=False, help="Resolve/follow symbolic links to their target file using realpath.", ).tag(config=True) localfiles = Unicode( default_value="", help="Allow to serve local files under /localfile/* this can be a security risk.", ).tag(config=True) mathjax_url = Unicode( default_value="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/", help="URL base for mathjax package.", ).tag(config=True) # cache frontpage links for the maximum allowed time max_cache_uris = Set().tag(config=True) @default("max_cache_uris") def _load_max_cache_uris(self): max_cache_uris = {""} for section in self.frontpage_setup["sections"]: for link in section["links"]: max_cache_uris.add("/" + link["target"]) return max_cache_uris mc_threads = Int( default_value=1, help="Number of threads to use for Async Memcache." ).tag(config=True) no_cache = Bool(default_value=False, help="Do not cache results.").tag(config=True) no_check_certificate = Bool( default_value=False, help="Do not validate SSL certificates." ).tag(config=True) port = Int(help="Run on the given port.").tag(config=True) @default("port") def _default_port(self): return self.default_endpoint["port"] processes = Int( default_value=0, help="Use processes instead of threads for rendering." ).tag(config=True) provider_rewrites = List( trait=Unicode, default_value=default_rewrites, help="Full dotted package(s) that provide `uri_rewrites`.", ).tag(config=True) providers = List( trait=Unicode, default_value=default_providers, help="Full dotted package(s) that provide `default_handlers`.", ).tag(config=True) proxy_host = Unicode(default_value="", help="The proxy URL.").tag(config=True) proxy_port = Int(default_value=-1, help="The proxy port.").tag(config=True) rate_limit = Int( default_value=60, help="Number of requests to allow in rate_limit_interval before limiting. Only requests that trigger a new render are counted.", ).tag(config=True) rate_limit_interval = Int( default_value=600, help="Interval (in seconds) for rate limiting." ).tag(config=True) render_timeout = Int( default_value=15, help="Time to wait for a render to complete before showing the 'Working...' page.", ).tag(config=True) sslcert = Unicode(help="Path to ssl .crt file.").tag(config=True) sslkey = Unicode(help="Path to ssl .key file.").tag(config=True) static_path = Unicode( default_value=os.environ.get("NBVIEWER_STATIC_PATH", ""), help="Custom path for loading additional static files.", ).tag(config=True) static_url_prefix = Unicode(default_value="/static/").tag(config=True) # Not exposed to end user for configuration, since needs to access base_url _static_url_prefix = Unicode() @default("_static_url_prefix") def _load_static_url_prefix(self): # Last '/' ensures that NBViewer still works regardless of whether user chooses e.g. '/static2/' or '/static2' as their custom prefix return url_path_join(self._base_url, self.static_url_prefix, "/") statsd_host = Unicode( default_value="", help="Host running statsd to send metrics to." ).tag(config=True) statsd_port = Int( default_value=8125, help="Port on which statsd is listening for metrics on statsd_host.", ).tag(config=True) statsd_prefix = Unicode( default_value="nbviewer", help="Prefix to use for naming metrics sent to statsd.", ).tag(config=True) template_path = Unicode( default_value=os.environ.get("NBVIEWER_TEMPLATE_PATH", ""), help="Custom template path for the nbviewer app (not rendered notebooks).", ).tag(config=True) threads = Int(default_value=1, help="Number of threads to use for rendering.").tag( config=True ) # prefer the JupyterHub defined service prefix over the CLI @cached_property def _base_url(self): return os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX", self.base_url) @cached_property def cache(self): memcache_urls = os.environ.get( "MEMCACHIER_SERVERS", os.environ.get("MEMCACHE_SERVERS") ) # Handle linked Docker containers if os.environ.get("NBCACHE_PORT"): tcp_memcache = os.environ.get("NBCACHE_PORT") memcache_urls = tcp_memcache.split("tcp://")[1] if self.no_cache: self.log.info("Not using cache") cache = MockCache() elif pylibmc and memcache_urls: # setup memcache mc_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.mc_threads) kwargs = dict(pool=mc_pool) username = os.environ.get("MEMCACHIER_USERNAME", "") password = os.environ.get("MEMCACHIER_PASSWORD", "") if username and password: kwargs["binary"] = True kwargs["username"] = username kwargs["password"] = password self.log.info("Using SASL memcache") else: self.log.info("Using plain memcache") cache = AsyncMultipartMemcache(memcache_urls.split(","), **kwargs) else: self.log.info("Using in-memory cache") cache = DummyAsyncCache() return cache @cached_property def default_endpoint(self): # check if JupyterHub service options are available to use as defaults if "JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL" in os.environ: url = urlparse(os.environ["JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL"]) default_host, default_port = url.hostname, url.port else: default_host, default_port = "", 5000 return {"host": default_host, "port": default_port} @cached_property def env(self): env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(self.template_paths), autoescape=True) env.filters["markdown"] = markdown.markdown try: git_data = git_info(here) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to get git info: %s", e) git_data = {} else: git_data["msg"] = escape(git_data["msg"]) if self.no_cache: # force Jinja2 to recompile template every time env.globals.update(cache_size=0) env.globals.update( nrhead=nrhead, nrfoot=nrfoot, git_data=git_data, jupyter_info=jupyter_info(), len=len, ) return env @cached_property def fetch_kwargs(self): fetch_kwargs = dict(connect_timeout=10) if self.proxy_host: fetch_kwargs.update(proxy_host=self.proxy_host, proxy_port=self.proxy_port) self.log.info( "Using web proxy {proxy_host}:{proxy_port}." "".format(**fetch_kwargs) ) if self.no_check_certificate: fetch_kwargs.update(validate_cert=False) self.log.info("Not validating SSL certificates") return fetch_kwargs @cached_property def formats(self): return self.configure_formats() # load frontpage sections @cached_property def frontpage_setup(self): with io.open(self.frontpage, "r") as f: frontpage_setup = json.load(f) # check if the JSON has a 'sections' field, otherwise assume it is just a list of sessions, # and provide the defaults of the other fields if "sections" not in frontpage_setup: frontpage_setup = { "title": "nbviewer", "subtitle": "A simple way to share Jupyter notebooks", "show_input": True, "sections": frontpage_setup, } return frontpage_setup # Attribute inherited from traitlets.config.Application, automatically used to style logs # https://github.com/ipython/traitlets/blob/master/traitlets/config/application.py#L191 _log_formatter_cls = LogFormatter # Need Tornado LogFormatter for color logs, keys 'color' and 'end_color' in log_format # Observed traitlet inherited again from traitlets.config.Application # https://github.com/ipython/traitlets/blob/master/traitlets/config/application.py#L177 @default("log_level") def _log_level_default(self): return logging.INFO # Ditto the above: https://github.com/ipython/traitlets/blob/master/traitlets/config/application.py#L197 @default("log_format") def _log_format_default(self): """override default log format to include time and color, plus to always display the log level, not just when it's high""" return "%(color)s[%(levelname)1.1s %(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(name)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d]%(end_color)s %(message)s" # For consistency with JupyterHub logs @default("log_datefmt") def _log_datefmt_default(self): """Exclude date from default date format""" return "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" @cached_property def pool(self): if self.processes: pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(self.processes) else: pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.threads) return pool @cached_property def rate_limiter(self): rate_limiter = RateLimiter( limit=self.rate_limit, interval=self.rate_limit_interval, cache=self.cache ) return rate_limiter @cached_property def static_paths(self): default_static_path = pjoin(here, "static") if self.static_path: self.log.info("Using custom static path {}".format(self.static_path)) static_paths = [self.static_path, default_static_path] else: static_paths = [default_static_path] return static_paths @cached_property def template_paths(self): default_template_path = pjoin(here, "templates") if self.template_path: self.log.info("Using custom template path {}".format(self.template_path)) template_paths = [self.template_path, default_template_path] else: template_paths = [default_template_path] return template_paths def configure_formats(self, formats=None): """ Format-specific configuration. """ if formats is None: formats = default_formats() # This would be better defined in a class self.config.HTMLExporter.template_file = "basic" self.config.SlidesExporter.template_file = "slides_reveal" self.config.TemplateExporter.template_path = [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "nbconvert") ] for key, format in formats.items(): exporter_cls = format.get("exporter", exporter_map[key]) if self.processes: # can't pickle exporter instances, formats[key]["exporter"] = exporter_cls else: formats[key]["exporter"] = exporter_cls( config=self.config, log=self.log ) return formats def init_tornado_application(self): # handle handlers handler_names = dict( create_handler=self.create_handler, custom404_handler=self.custom404_handler, faq_handler=self.faq_handler, gist_handler=self.gist_handler, github_blob_handler=self.github_blob_handler, github_tree_handler=self.github_tree_handler, github_user_handler=self.github_user_handler, index_handler=self.index_handler, local_handler=self.local_handler, url_handler=self.url_handler, user_gists_handler=self.user_gists_handler, ) handler_kwargs = { "handler_names": handler_names, "handler_settings": self.handler_settings, } handlers = init_handlers( self.formats, self.providers, self._base_url, self.localfiles, **handler_kwargs ) # NBConvert config self.config.NbconvertApp.fileext = "html" self.config.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer.enabled = False # DEBUG env implies both autoreload and log-level if os.environ.get("DEBUG"): self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # input traitlets to settings settings = dict( # Allow FileFindHandler to load static directories from e.g. a Docker container allow_remote_access=True, base_url=self._base_url, binder_base_url=self.binder_base_url, cache=self.cache, cache_expiry_max=self.cache_expiry_max, cache_expiry_min=self.cache_expiry_min, client=self.client, config=self.config, content_security_policy=self.content_security_policy, default_format=self.default_format, fetch_kwargs=self.fetch_kwargs, formats=self.formats, frontpage_setup=self.frontpage_setup, google_analytics_id=os.getenv("GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID"), gzip=True, hub_api_token=os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN"), hub_api_url=os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_API_URL"), hub_base_url=os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_BASE_URL"), index=self.index, ipywidgets_base_url=self.ipywidgets_base_url, jinja2_env=self.env, jupyter_js_widgets_version=self.jupyter_js_widgets_version, jupyter_widgets_html_manager_version=self.jupyter_widgets_html_manager_version, localfile_any_user=self.localfile_any_user, localfile_follow_symlinks=self.localfile_follow_symlinks, localfile_path=os.path.abspath(self.localfiles), log=self.log, log_function=log_request, mathjax_url=self.mathjax_url, max_cache_uris=self.max_cache_uris, pool=self.pool, provider_rewrites=self.provider_rewrites, providers=self.providers, rate_limiter=self.rate_limiter, render_timeout=self.render_timeout, static_handler_class=StaticFileHandler, # FileFindHandler expects list of static paths, so self.static_path*s* is correct static_path=self.static_paths, static_url_prefix=self._static_url_prefix, statsd_host=self.statsd_host, statsd_port=self.statsd_port, statsd_prefix=self.statsd_prefix, ) if self.localfiles: self.log.warning( "Serving local notebooks in %s, this can be a security risk", self.localfiles, ) # create the app self.tornado_application = web.Application(handlers, **settings) def init_logging(self): # Note that we inherit a self.log attribute from traitlets.config.Application # https://github.com/ipython/traitlets/blob/master/traitlets/config/application.py#L209 # as well as a log_level attribute # https://github.com/ipython/traitlets/blob/master/traitlets/config/application.py#L177 # This prevents double log messages because tornado use a root logger that # self.log is a child of. The logging module dispatches log messages to a log # and all of its ancestors until propagate is set to False. self.log.propagate = False tornado_log = logging.getLogger("tornado") # hook up tornado's loggers to our app handlers for log in (app_log, access_log, tornado_log, curl_log): # ensure all log statements identify the application they come from log.name = self.log.name log.parent = self.log log.propagate = True log.setLevel(self.log_level) # disable curl debug, which logs all headers, info for upstream requests, which is TOO MUCH curl_log.setLevel(max(self.log_level, logging.INFO)) # Mostly copied from JupyterHub because if it isn't broken then don't fix it. def write_config_file(self): """Write our default config to a .py config file""" config_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.config_file)) if not os.path.isdir(config_file_dir): self.exit( "{} does not exist. The destination directory must exist before generating config file.".format( config_file_dir ) ) if os.path.exists(self.config_file) and not self.answer_yes: answer = "" def ask(): prompt = "Overwrite %s with default config? [y/N]" % self.config_file try: return input(prompt).lower() or "n" except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") # empty line return "n" answer = ask() while not answer.startswith(("y", "n")): print("Please answer 'yes' or 'no'") answer = ask() if answer.startswith("n"): self.exit("Not overwriting config file with default.") # Inherited method from traitlets.config.Application config_text = self.generate_config_file() if isinstance(config_text, bytes): config_text = config_text.decode("utf8") print("Writing default config to: %s" % self.config_file) with open(self.config_file, mode="w") as f: f.write(config_text) self.exit("Wrote default config file.") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # parse command line with catch_config_error from traitlets.config.Application super().initialize(*args, **kwargs) if self.generate_config: self.write_config_file() # Inherited method from traitlets.config.Application self.load_config_file(self.config_file) self.init_logging() self.init_tornado_application() def main(argv=None): # create and start the app nbviewer = NBViewer() app = nbviewer.tornado_application # load ssl options ssl_options = None if nbviewer.sslcert: ssl_options = {"certfile": nbviewer.sslcert, "keyfile": nbviewer.sslkey} http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(app, xheaders=True, ssl_options=ssl_options) nbviewer.log.info( "Listening on %s:%i, path %s", nbviewer.host, nbviewer.port, app.settings["base_url"], ) http_server.listen(nbviewer.port, nbviewer.host) ioloop.IOLoop.current().start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()