language: python node_js: - 6 python: - 3.5 - 3.6 before_install: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install -qq libzmq3-dev pandoc libcurl4-gnutls-dev libmemcached-dev libgnutls28-dev - pip install --upgrade setuptools pip - pip install -r requirements-dev.txt install: - pip install --upgrade setuptools pip - pip install -r requirements.txt - pip install -e . # run tests script: - invoke test # list the jobs jobs: include: - name: autoformatting check python: 3.6 # NOTE: It does not suffice to override to: null, [], or [""]. Travis will # fall back to the default if we do. before_install: echo "Do nothing before install." install: pip install pre-commit script: - pre-commit run --all-files after_success: echo "Do nothing after success." after_failure: - | echo "You can install pre-commit hooks to automatically run formatting" echo "on each commit with:" echo " pre-commit install" echo "or you can run by hand on staged files with" echo " pre-commit run" echo "or after-the-fact on already committed files with" echo " pre-commit run --all-files" env: global: - secure: Sv53YMdsVTin1hUPRqIuvdAOJ0UwklEowW49qpxY9wSgiAM79D+e1b5Yxrn+RTtS3WGlvK1aKHICc+2ajccEJkKFL8WDy2SnTnoWPadrEy4NAGLkNMGK+bAYMnLNoNRbSGVz5JpvNJ7JkeaEplhJ572OJOxa1X7ZF9165ZbOWng= - secure: ajFM7ch1/xYyEjusyTzd963GOOLg5/H0lxvQ7L6r+LBDDro79FxNPMcAkZxF7n24rkPO8I+AP3FfUwbQf4ShmGkAdsxSFMc2d7GDUowxiicPr5bMitygxlzl2ox2lWdpt4QldmEywbrCKKwt/cZkKxE8er9xBcwe7xw/2xUYOLk=