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# Ubuntu workspace Containerized Linux terminal environment. Essentially Ubuntu 20.04 docker image extended with typical console apps, such as Git, file browsers and system monitors. Start ``` docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8026:8026 alnoda/ubuntu-workspace ``` Enter workspace ``` docker exec -it --user=root space-1 /bin/zsh ``` ## Features - **Ubuntu 20.4** with the following apps - [Zsh](, [Oh my Zsh]( - Python 3, Pip - Node/nodeenv - git, git-flow, lazygit - curl, wget, telnet, jq - nano, vim, mc - ncdu, htop, glances, vizex - supervisord - cron ## Why this image If you need to isolate some work without polluting main environment. ## Docs See our guides on [**getting started**](docs/ and [**advanced features**](docs/
Demo: Ubuntu-workspace

Ubuntu workspace