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Open-source portable containerized workspaces. Isolate your work, make backups, copy, move between computers and cloud seamlessly. 🚀 __NOW WITH FREE CHAT GPT!__ 🚀 - 🔥 Have a full chat GPT in the workspace. - 🔥 Free without registration required - 🔥 __Works even offline!__ ## Flexible You can select preconfigured workspace [here]( or make your own special workspace. ![demo](img/wrk-demo.gif) How to make this (Dockerfile): ``` FROM alnoda/alnoda-workspace:latest RUN wrk install openvscode RUN wrk install kodexplorer RUN wrk install cloud-commander RUN wrk install zellij-ui RUN wrk install mate-desktop RUN wrk install jupyterlab RUN wrk install r RUN wrk install rstudio RUN wrk install excalidraw RUN wrk install vvvebjs ``` __*Create your own workspace choosing from hundreeds of applications in [Alnoda Hub](*__ ## Alternatively Start workspace: ``` docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8020-8040:8020-8040 --restart=always alnoda/alnoda-workspace ``` open [localhost:8020](http://localhost:8020) in browser and then terminal Install apps: ``` wrk install openvscode wrk install kodexplorer wrk install cloud-commander wrk install zellij-ui wrk install mate-desktop wrk install jupyterlab wrk install r wrk install rstudio wrk install excalidraw wrk install vvvebjs ``` Restart workspace: ``` wrk kill ``` Ready to begin? Have a look at the [__*Getting Started Guide*__]( ## Chat GPT __*Need full chat GPT experience?*__ Open workspace termial and innstall GPT: ``` wrk install gpt ``` After installation has finished, reload terminal window, and open chat by executing `gpt` command in the terminal ``` gpt ``` __💡 NOTE:__ GPT is experimental feature! Currently it is supported only in alnoda workspace v.2 __❗ INFO:__ GPT is based on the Vicuna 7B model and only allowed for personal use. ## Sharing Do you want to share any application of your workspace with your colleague? Code editor, IDE, termial, notebook - you can grant access to any of the workspace applications over the Internet. Your colleague only needs browser to work with you in your workspace running on your laptop! ## Self-hosting Wnat to run it in cloud and work from anywhere and any device? Read [__here__]( - [Docker compose with https and authentication]( - [Kubernetes Helm chart]( ## Docs Please visit our [**documentation website**]( ## This repository This repository houses a variety of workspaces with different selection of installed applications. These workspaces can serve as customized environments for specific projects or serve as examples for reference.
