--- # This is a default settings template generated by ARA. # To use a settings file such as this one, you need to export the # ARA_SETTINGS environment variable like so: # $ export ARA_SETTINGS="/home/abc/.ara/server/settings.yaml" default: ALLOWED_HOSTS: - ::1 - - localhost BASE_DIR: /home/abc/.ara/server CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL: true CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX_WHITELIST: [] CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST: - - http://localhost:3000 DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE: 0 DATABASE_ENGINE: ara.server.db.backends.distributed_sqlite DATABASE_HOST: null DATABASE_NAME: /home/abc/.ara/server/ansible.sqlite DATABASE_OPTIONS: {} DATABASE_PASSWORD: null DATABASE_PORT: null DATABASE_USER: null DEBUG: false DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE: false DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_PREFIX: ara-report DISTRIBUTED_SQLITE_ROOT: /var/www/logs EXTERNAL_AUTH: false LOGGING: disable_existing_loggers: false formatters: normal: format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s' handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler formatter: normal level: INFO stream: ext://sys.stdout loggers: ara: handlers: - console level: INFO propagate: 0 root: handlers: - console level: INFO version: 1 LOG_LEVEL: INFO PAGE_SIZE: 100 READ_LOGIN_REQUIRED: false SECRET_KEY: 8ylCP3gXqxp95RXE87i7c9ilzDWObgs8naPu9Vp6yT6jG8nwxy TIME_ZONE: UTC WRITE_LOGIN_REQUIRED: false