**This is a starting point to create docs for this workspace!** In order to change this page, simply modify the file `/home/docs/docs/README.md`. Changes will be applied automatically. In order to add a new doc file, it is enough to create a file in the folder `/home/docs/docs` and add respective entry to the configuratiion file `/home/docs/mkdcs.yaml`. For example, [enter the terminal in the workspace](get-started.md#workspace-terminal), and create new documentation file with some text at your will, and save changes > `nano /home/docs/docs/new.md` edit file `mkdcs.yaml` > `nano /home/docs/mkdcs.yaml` Add record about the new file to **nav**, and save changes ```yaml nav: - Home: pages/home/home.md - About: README.md - Get started: get-started.md - New: new.md ```