Class.subclass( Page.Base, "Page.Login", { onInit: function() { // called once at page load // var html = 'Now is the time (LOGIN)'; // this.div.html( html ); }, onActivate: function(args) { // page activation if (app.user) { // user already logged in setTimeout( function() { Nav.go(app.navAfterLogin || config.DefaultPage) }, 1 ); return true; } else if (args.u && args.h) { this.showPasswordResetForm(args); return true; } else if (args.create) { this.showCreateAccountForm(); return true; } else if (args.recover) { this.showRecoverPasswordForm(); return true; } app.setWindowTitle('Login'); app.showTabBar(false); this.div.css({ 'padding-top':'75px', 'padding-bottom':'75px' }); var html = ''; // html += ''; // html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
User Login
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
' + app.get_password_toggle_html() + '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; if (config.free_accounts) { html += ''; html += ''; } html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
Create Account...
Forgot Password...
'; html += '
'; // html += ''; html += '
'; this.div.html( html ); setTimeout( function() { $( app.getPref('username') ? '#fe_login_password' : '#fe_login_username' ).focus(); $('#fe_login_username, #fe_login_password').keypress( function(event) { if (event.keyCode == '13') { // enter key event.preventDefault(); $P().doLogin(); } } ); }, 1 ); return true; }, /*doLoginFormSubmit: function() { // force login form to submit $('#f_login')[0].submit(); }, doFrameLogin: function(resp) { // login from IFRAME redirect // alert("GOT HERE FROM IFRAME " + JSON.stringify(resp)); this.tempFrameResp = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(resp) ); setTimeout( '$P().doFrameLogin2()', 1 ); }, doFrameLogin2: function() { // login from IFRAME redirect var resp = this.tempFrameResp; delete this.tempFrameResp; Debug.trace("IFRAME Response: " + JSON.stringify(resp)); if (resp.code) { return app.doError( resp.description ); } Debug.trace("IFRAME User Login: " + resp.username + ": " + resp.session_id); app.clearError(); app.hideProgress(); app.doUserLogin( resp ); Nav.go( app.navAfterLogin || config.DefaultPage ); // alert("GOT HERE: " + (app.navAfterLogin || config.DefaultPage) ); },*/ doLogin: function() { // attempt to log user in var username = $('#fe_login_username').val().toLowerCase(); var password = $('#fe_login_password').val(); if (username && password) { app.showProgress(1.0, "Logging in..."); 'user/login', { username: username, password: password }, function(resp, tx) { Debug.trace("User Login: " + username + ": " + resp.session_id); app.hideProgress(); app.doUserLogin( resp ); Nav.go( app.navAfterLogin || config.DefaultPage ); } ); // post } }, cancel: function() { // return to login page app.clearError(); Nav.go('Login', true); }, navCreateAccount: function() { // nav to create account form app.clearError(); Nav.go('Login?create=1', true); }, showCreateAccountForm: function() { // allow user to create a new account app.setWindowTitle('Create Account'); app.showTabBar(false); this.div.css({ 'padding-top':'75px', 'padding-bottom':'75px' }); var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
Create Account
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += get_form_table_row( 'Username:', '
' + '' + '' + '
' ); html += get_form_table_caption('Choose a unique alphanumeric username for your account.') + get_form_table_spacer() + get_form_table_row('Password:', '' + app.get_password_toggle_html()) + get_form_table_caption('Enter a secure password that you will not forget.') + get_form_table_spacer() + get_form_table_row('Full Name:', '') + get_form_table_caption('This is used for display purposes only.') + get_form_table_spacer() + get_form_table_row('Email Address:', '') + get_form_table_caption('This is used only to recover your password should you lose it.'); html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; this.div.html( html ); setTimeout( function() { $( '#fe_ca_username' ).focus(); app.password_strengthify( '#fe_ca_password' ); }, 1 ); }, doCreateAccount: function(force) { // actually create account app.clearError(); var username = trim($('#fe_ca_username').val().toLowerCase()); var email = trim($('#fe_ca_email').val()); var full_name = trim($('#fe_ca_fullname').val()); var password = trim($('#fe_ca_password').val()); if (!username.length) { return app.badField('#fe_ca_username', "Please enter a username for your account."); } if (!username.match(/^[\w\-\.]+$/)) { return app.badField('#fe_ca_username', "Please make sure your username contains only alphanumerics, dashes and periods."); } if (!email.length) { return app.badField('#fe_ca_email', "Please enter an e-mail address where you can be reached."); } if (!email.match(/^\S+\@\S+$/)) { return app.badField('#fe_ca_email', "The e-mail address you entered does not appear to be correct."); } if (!full_name.length) { return app.badField('#fe_ca_fullname', "Please enter your first and last names. These are used only for display purposes."); } if (!password.length) { return app.badField('#fe_ca_password', "Please enter a secure password to protect your account."); } if (!force && (app.last_password_strength.score < 3)) { app.confirm( 'Insecure Password Warning', app.get_password_warning(), "Proceed", function(result) { if (result) $P().doCreateAccount('force'); } ); return; } // insecure password Dialog.hide(); app.showProgress( 1.0, "Creating account..." ); 'user/create', { username: username, email: email, password: password, full_name: full_name }, function(resp, tx) { app.hideProgress(); app.showMessage('success', "Account created successfully."); app.setPref('username', username); Nav.go( 'Login', true ); } ); // }, navPasswordRecovery: function() { // nav to recover password form app.clearError(); Nav.go('Login?recover=1', true); }, showRecoverPasswordForm: function() { // allow user to create a new account app.setWindowTitle('Forgot Password'); app.showTabBar(false); this.div.css({ 'padding-top':'75px', 'padding-bottom':'75px' }); var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
Forgot Password
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += get_form_table_row('Username:', '') + get_form_table_spacer() + get_form_table_row('Email Address:', ''); html += '
'; html += '
Please enter the username and e-mail address associated with your account, and we will send you instructions for resetting your password.
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
  Send Email
'; html += '
'; this.div.html( html ); setTimeout( function() { $('#fe_pr_username, #fe_pr_email').keypress( function(event) { if (event.keyCode == '13') { // enter key event.preventDefault(); $P().doSendEmail(); } } ); $( '#fe_pr_username' ).focus(); }, 1 ); }, doSendRecoveryEmail: function() { // send password recovery e-mail app.clearError(); var username = trim($('#fe_pr_username').val()).toLowerCase(); var email = trim($('#fe_pr_email').val()); if (username.match(/^[\w.-]+$/)) { if (email.match(/.+\@.+/)) { Dialog.hide(); app.showProgress( 1.0, "Sending e-mail..." ); 'user/forgot_password', { username: username, email: email }, function(resp, tx) { app.hideProgress(); app.showMessage('success', "Password reset instructions sent successfully."); Nav.go('Login', true); } ); // } // good address else app.badField('#fe_pr_email', "The e-mail address you entered does not appear to be correct."); } // good username else app.badField('#fe_pr_username', "The username you entered does not appear to be correct."); }, showPasswordResetForm: function(args) { // show password reset form this.recoveryKey = args.h; app.setWindowTitle('Reset Password'); app.showTabBar(false); this.div.css({ 'padding-top':'75px', 'padding-bottom':'75px' }); var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
Reset Password
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
New Password:
' + app.get_password_toggle_html() + '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
  Reset Password
'; html += '
'; this.div.html( html ); setTimeout( function() { $( '#fe_reset_password' ).focus(); $('#fe_reset_password').keypress( function(event) { if (event.keyCode == '13') { // enter key event.preventDefault(); $P().doResetPassword(); } } ); app.password_strengthify( '#fe_reset_password' ); }, 1 ); }, doResetPassword: function(force) { // reset password now var username = $('#fe_reset_username').val().toLowerCase(); var new_password = $('#fe_reset_password').val(); var recovery_key = this.recoveryKey; if (username && new_password) { if (!force && (app.last_password_strength.score < 3)) { app.confirm( 'Insecure Password Warning', app.get_password_warning(), "Proceed", function(result) { if (result) $P().doResetPassword('force'); } ); return; } // insecure password app.showProgress(1.0, "Resetting password..."); 'user/reset_password', { username: username, key: recovery_key, new_password: new_password }, function(resp, tx) { Debug.trace("User password was reset: " + username); app.hideProgress(); app.setPref('username', username); Nav.go( 'Login', true ); setTimeout( function() { app.showMessage('success', "Your password was reset successfully."); }, 100 ); } ); // post } }, onDeactivate: function() { // called when page is deactivated this.div.html( '' ); return true; } } );