# Kafka workspace Docker image with Kafka, and many other tools that make development with Kafka much more convenient.


``` docker run --name rwid-1 -d -p 8020-8035:8020-8035 alnoda/kafka-wid ``` open your browser on [http://localhost:8020](http://localhost:8020) __Tools included__ - [kcat](https://github.com/edenhill/kcat) - [kafkactl](https://github.com/deviceinsight/kafkactl) - [trubka](https://github.com/xitonix/trubka) - [kt](https://github.com/fgeller/kt) - [kcli](https://github.com/cswank/kcli) - [**and all the workspace-in-docker toolset**](https://github.com/bluxmit/alnoda-workspaces/tree/main/workspaces/workspace-in-docker) Workspace includes multiple CLI tools for Kafka with their own unique features. ### Quickstart Open workspace UI [http://localhost:800/](http://localhost:800/) for quick access to all the tools

Kafka WID

Open browser-based VS-code editor from the workspace UI, or go directly to [http://localhost:8025/](http://localhost:8025/), and connect to the local Kafka cluster using VS-code Kafka extension. You only need to provide the name for the cluster, which can be any.

Theia connect WID

Using VS-code Kafka extension create topic "quickstart-events"

Theia connect WID

Cosume events from this topic directly in VS-code using Kafka extension

Theia Kafka consume

### Kafka native tools Kafka distribution itself contains command line tools that allow to create topics, send and consume events, etc. Open workspace terminal [http://localhost:8026/](http://localhost:8026/) and go to Kafka directory ``` cd /opt/kafka ``` - create topic ``` bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 ``` - send some messages ``` bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 ``` - consume messages ``` bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic quickstart-events --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 ``` ### [kt](https://github.com/fgeller/kt) Configure brokers, topic, Kafka version and authentication via environment variables KT_BROKERS, KT_TOPIC, KT_KAFKA_VERSION and KT_AUTH. - Set topic to "quickstart-events" (local Kafka instance by default) ``` export KT_TOPIC="quickstart-events" ``` - Get information about topics, brockers and consumer groups ``` kt topic kt group ``` - consume messages ``` kt consume ``` - produce messages ``` echo 'Bob wins Oscar' | kt produce -topic quickstart-events -literal ```

KT demo

### [kafkactl](https://github.com/deviceinsight/kafkactl) - Consume from topic "quickstart-events" ``` kafkactl consume quickstart-events --from-beginning kafkactl consume quickstart-events --from-beginning --print-keys --print-timestamps -o yaml ``` ### [kcat](https://github.com/edenhill/kcat) - Consume topic "quickstart-events" ``` kafkacat -b localhost -t quickstart-events ``` - Produce events to the topic ``` echo "Hello World" | kafkacat -b localhost -t quickstart-events ``` ### [kcli](https://github.com/cswank/kcli) Launch kcli in the Workspace terminal ``` kcli ``` ### [trubka](https://github.com/xitonix/trubka) - Consume from the topic "quickstart-events" ``` trubka consume plain quickstart-events --brokers localhost:9092 ``` - Produce message to the topic ``` trubka produce plain quickstart-events "Random Data" --brokers localhost:9092 ```