# Getting started ## Intro To start, open Quickstart page [localhost:8020](http://localhost:8020/) for quick access to all the tools From the quicklaunch page you can open workspace tools, such as code editor or terminal
Demo: Workspace UI


The main code editor of this workspace is [Code-server](https://github.com/cdr/code-server)
Demo: Code-server

Code-server demo

Workspace has full-size browser-base terminal

Base-Workspace terminal

## Scala To check scala version, execute in terminal ``` scala -version ``` To open scala REPL simply execute ``` scala ```


### Hello world Use Code editor to create folder `helloworld` with file `Hello.scala` in it. The file should have the following content ``` object Hello { def main(args: Array[String]) = { println("Hello, world") } } ``` Open terminal, go into this folder and execute ``` scala Hello.scala ``` ### Hello world with sbt cd to the projects directory, and create new project with Sbt ``` cd /home/project sbt new scala/scala3.g8 ``` Upon prompt type any project name, i.e. "hello-world". Sbt will generate progje boilerplate with the required folder structure. Enter the project folder, compile and run the app ``` sbt run ``` ## Coursier [Coursier](https://get-coursier.io/) is the Scala application and artifact manager. It can install Scala applications and setup your Scala development environment. It can also download and cache artifacts from the web. Coursier provides a number of services: - manage the installed Scala applications: `install`, `list`, `update`, `uninstall`, `search` - configure channels to install Scala applications from: `channel` - launchers for Scala applications: `launch`, `bootstrap` - manage the installed JVMs: `java`, `java-home` - directly manipulate Maven dependencies: `fetch`, `resolve` - perform setup again List all applications, installed by Coursier ``` cs list ``` The `install` command installs Scala applications, i.e. ``` cs install scalafmt ``` If you want to launch another scala version ``` cs launch scala:2.12.15 ```