jupyterlab==3.3.0 ## Notebooks: Productionalize markdown==3.3.7 nbconvert==6.5.0 nbformat==5.4.0 papermill==2.3.4 nbless==0.2.38 ## Notebooks: Voila voila==0.3.5 # voila-gridstack==0.3.0 voila-material==0.4.0 ipywidgets==7.7.0 ## Notebook Extensions RISE==5.7.1 # Slides ipywidgets==7.7.0 qgrid==1.3.1 # dataframe viz (Jupyter only) lux-api==0.5.1 # data discovery (both Jupyter and Jupyterlab) lux-widget==0.1.11 dtale==2.5.1 # perfect data viz and discovery (Jupyterlab only) fugue==0.6.6 # SQL on pandas jupytext==1.13.8 # jupyter as plain text ## Autocompletion jupyter-lsp==1.5.1 jupyterlab-lsp==3.10.1 python-lsp-server==1.4.1 jedi-language-server==0.36.0 ## Data and viz packages numpy==1.22.4 pandas==1.4.2 scipy==1.8.1 matplotlib==3.5.2 seaborn==0.11.2 plotnine==0.8.0 altair==4.2.0 plotly==5.8.0 datapane==0.14.0 ## Interactive web app jupyter-dash==0.4.2 panel==0.13.1 ## Pipelines # sqlalchemy==1.4.37 #<- problems with luigi history sqlalchemy==1.3.23 luigi==3.0.3 ploomber==0.19.6