# Getting started ## Start ```sh docker run --name space-1 -d alnoda/ubuntu-workspace ``` Now you can ssh into the running workspace container ```sh docker exec -it space-1 /bin/zsh ``` ## Root user ssh into the running workspace container as root user ```sh docker exec -it --user=root space-1 /bin/zsh ``` ## File browser Explore file system with Midnight Commander ``` mc ```

Midnight commander

Or with Xplr ``` xplr ```


## Text editor Text editors ```vim```, ```nano``` and ```mcedit``` are available. For example, clone git repo and edit python file with nano ``` git clone https://github.com/dimaba/sendmail.git cd sendmail nano sendmail.py ```


``` mcedit sendmail.py ```


## System monitor Launch system-monitor, process-viewer and process-manager ``` htop ```


Explore processes and resources with Glances ``` glances ```


Explore file/folder sizes ``` ncdu ```


## Git Clone Git repo and explore with Lazygit ``` git clone https://github.com/peaceiris/mkdocs-material-boilerplate.git lazygit ```


## Browser terminal This workspace has browser-based terminal up and running. Open [localhost:8026](http://localhost:8026) in browser. Start the workspace on Rasberri Pi and use it via Tablet. In order to use browser-based terminal, expose port 8026 ``` docker run --name space-1 -d -p 8026:8026 alnoda/ubuntu-workspace ```


## Docker in docker If you want to use docker, check out [**ubuntu-docker-workspace**](../../ubuntu-docker-workspace/README.md). It is the same, but with docker-in-docker.