
This commit is contained in:
bluxmit 2022-01-11 16:02:43 +00:00
parent 4f887d52a3
commit 072f343d44
33 changed files with 797 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
"private": true,
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"@theia/vsx-registry": "1.15.0"
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"scripts": {
"preinstall": "node-gyp install"
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
ARG image_tag=18.04-0.9
## Images used:
ARG BUILD_IMAGE=node:12.18.3
ARG DEPLOY_IMAGE=${docker_registry}/base-workspace:${image_tag}
################################################################################ BUILD
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get upgrade -y \
&& apt-get install -y apt-utils \
&& apt-get install -y git \
&& apt-get install -y libsecret-1-dev \
&& mkdir /opt/theia
WORKDIR /opt/theia
ADD ${THEIA_VERSION}.package.json ./package.json
RUN yarn --pure-lockfile && \
NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=8192" yarn theia build && \
yarn theia download:plugins && \
yarn --production && \
yarn autoclean --init && \
echo *.ts >> .yarnclean && \
echo * >> .yarnclean && \
echo *.spec.* >> .yarnclean && \
yarn autoclean --force && \
yarn cache clean
################################################################################ IMAGE
USER root
RUN mkdir -p -m 777 /opt/theia \
&& cd /opt/theia && nodeenv --node=12.18.3 env && . env/bin/activate \
&& mkdir -p -m 777 /home/project \
&& apt-get install -y libsecret-1-dev \
&& rm -rf /home/docs
COPY --from=0 /opt/theia /opt/theia
COPY settings.json /home/abc/.theia/settings.json
COPY supervisord-redis-wid.conf /etc/supervisord/
COPY mkdocs /home/docs
COPY /home/docs/docs/
ENV SHELL=/bin/bash \
THEIA_DEFAULT_PLUGINS=local-dir:/opt/theia/plugins \
HOME=/home/abc \
PATH="/home/abc/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" \
RUN apt-get -y update \
# && echo "------------------------------------------------------ utils" \
# && rm -rf /home/abc/utils || true \
# && git clone /tmp/alnoda-workspaces \
# && mv /tmp/alnoda-workspaces/utils /home/abc/ \
# && rm -rf /tmp/alnoda-workspaces \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ local redis" \
&& apt-get -y install redis-server \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ redis tools" \
&& apt-get -y install redis-tools \
&& pip install iredis==1.10.0 \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ redis-dump" \
&& cd /tmp && wget \
&& tar -xzf redis-dump-go-linux-amd64.tar.gz \
&& chmod +x redis-dump-go \
&& mv /tmp/redis-dump-go /usr/bin/redis-dump-go \
&& rm /tmp/redis-dump-go-linux-amd64.tar.gz \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ redis-tui" \
&& cd /tmp && wget \
&& chmod +x /tmp/redis-tui-linux \
&& mv /tmp/redis-tui-linux /usr/bin/redis-tui \
&& rm -rf /tmp/redis-tui-linux \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ redis-commander" \
&& mkdir -p -m 777 /opt/redis-commander \
&& cd /opt/redis-commander && nodeenv --node=12.18.3 env && . env/bin/activate \
&& npm install -g redis-commander@0.7.2 \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ user" \
&& chown -R abc /opt/theia \
&& mkdir -p /var/log/theia && chown -R abc /var/log/theia \
&& mkdir -p /var/log/redis && chown -R abc /var/log/redis \
&& mkdir -p /opt/redis && chown -R abc /opt/redis \
&& chmod 777 /var/lib/redis \
&& mkdir -p /home/redis-data && chown -R abc /home/redis-data \
&& chown -R abc /opt/redis-commander \
&& mkdir -p /var/log/redis-commander && chown -R abc /var/log/redis-commander \
&& chown -R abc /home/docs \
&& chown -R abc /home/abc/utils \
&& chown -R abc /home/abc/installed-python-packages \
&& find /home -type d | xargs -I{} chown -R abc {} \
&& find /home -type f | xargs -I{} chown abc {}
USER abc
COPY redis.conf /opt/redis/redis.conf

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# Redis workspace
Docker image with Redis, and many other tools that make development with Redis much more convenient.
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Collage">
docker run --name rwid-1 -d -p 8020-8035:8020-8035 alnoda/redis-wid
open your browser on [http://localhost:8020](http://localhost:8020)
## Why
Substitute in your development `docker-compose.yaml` file standard redis image with this one, add port-mapping `-p 8020-8035:8020-8035`.
Now in addition to Redis, you've got a whole set of tools with UIs, that allow you to explore you Redis database, get and set keys, import datasets,
install Redis modules and more.
__List of tools__
- [**Eclipse Theia**](
- [Redis extension for VS-Code](
- [Iredis](
- [Redis-dump](
- [Redis-Tui](
- [Redis-commander](
in addition - [the common workspace-in-docker toolset](
### Get started
Open workspace UI [http://localhost:800/](http://localhost:8020/) for quick access to all the tools
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Redis WID" width="750">
Use workspace terminal [http://localhost:8026/](http://localhost:8026/) and load some Redis datasets
git clone /home/project/redis-datasets
cat /home/project/redis-datasets/movie-database/import_actors.redis | redis-cli
cat /home/project/redis-datasets/movie-database/import_movies.redis | redis-cli
Open Redis Commander UI on [http://localhost:8029/](http://localhost:8029/) and explore Redis databeses
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Redis commander" width="750">
Alternatively use browser-based VS-code with Redis extension
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Theia" width="750">
In the Workspace terminal launch iredis CLI, get & set keys
iredis --newbie
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Iredis" width="450">
Create dump of the Redis database
redis-dump-go -h localhost > /home/redis-movie-dump.resp
Use File Browser [http://localhost:8021](http://localhost:8021) to get the dump to your PC

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
# Distribution / packaging
# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
# Unit test / coverage reports
# Translations
# Scrapy stuff:
# PyBuilder
# IPython Notebook
# pyenv
# virtualenv
# MkDocs documentation

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
**This is a starting point to create docs for this workspace!**
> Don't neglect documentation for your workspace! Soon you will forget what you were doing with it.
> This page exists for you to modify it, and write down everything you need to know next time you come here.
In order to change this page, simply modify the file `/home/docs/docs/`. Changes will be applied automatically - the
server that serves this page has live reload.
In order to add a new doc file, it is enough to create a file in the folder `/home/docs/docs` and add respective entry
to the configuratiion file `/home/docs/mkdcs.yaml`.
Open workspace terminal, and create new documentation file with some text at your will, and save changes
> `nano /home/docs/docs/`
edit file `mkdcs.yaml`
> `nano /home/docs/mkdcs.yaml`
Add record about the new file to **nav**, and save changes
- Home: pages/home/
- About:
- Get started:
- New:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
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document$.subscribe(() => {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
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set tools = [
"env": "IDE_URL",
"name": "IDE",
"image": "IDE.jpg",
"description": "Browser-based version of Visual Studio Code. Develop in any language, install hundreeds of extensions"
"env": "TERMINAL_URL",
"name": "Terminal",
"image": "Terminal.png",
"description": "Full-fledged browser-based terminal with Z-shell"
"name": "File Browser",
"image": "Filebrowser.png",
"description": "Browse, upload and download files and folders to and from the Workspace"
"name": "Redis Commander",
"image": "Redis-commander.png",
"description": "Redis web management tool"
"env": "CRONICLE_URL",
"name": "Cronicle",
"image": "Cronicle.jpg",
"description": "Schedule jobs, manage schedules, observe and monitor executions (user/pass - admin/admin)"
"env": "UNGIT_URL",
"name": "Ungit",
"image": "Ungit.jpg",
"description": "Manage Git repositories and work flow using beautiful UI"
"env": "STATICFS_URL",
"name": "Static File Server",
"image": "Static-server.png",
"description": "Serve any static websites like a breeze"
"env": "MC_URL",
"name": "M.Commander",
"image": "MC.jpg",
"description": "Feature rich visual file manager with internal text viewer and editor"
"env": "HTOP_URL",
"name": "Process monitor",
"image": "Htop.jpg",
"description": "Monitor running process and resource utilization"
<div class="quickstart-wrapper">
{% for tool in tools %}
{% set tool_url = get_tool_url(tool.env) %}
<a href="{{ tool_url }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<img src="{{ tool.image }}" class="tool-img"/>
<a href="{{ tool_url }}">
<div class="tool-caption">{{ }}</div>
<div class="tool-description">{{ tool.description }}</div>
{% endfor %}

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Basic example of a Mkdocs-macros module.
Include this {{ macros_info() }} in any page to get complete macro info
import os
port_increments = {
"DOCS_URL": 0,
"IDE_URL": 5,
"MC_URL": 7,
"HTOP_URL": 8,
# this function name should not be changed
def define_env(env):
This is the hook for defining variables, macros and filters
- variables: the dictionary that contains the environment variables
- macro: a decorator function, to declare a macro.
- filter: a function with one of more arguments,
used to perform a transformation
def get_tool_url(env):
return os.environ[name]
# Get host
host = "localhost"
host = os.environ["WRK_HOST"]
proto = "http"
proto = os.environ["WRK_PROTO"]
# Entry port - port relative to which other ports will be calculated
entry_port = 8020
entry_port = int(os.environ["ENTRY_PORT"])
# Assign port
port = port_increments[env] + entry_port
port = 80
return f"{proto}://{host}:{port}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# ===========================================================
# ===========================================================
- Home: pages/home/
- About:
- Docs:
# ===========================================================
# ===========================================================
site_name: My Workspace
edit_uri: ""
# ===========================================================
# ===========================================================
name: 'material'
favicon: 'assets/favicon.ico'
logo: 'assets/Alnoda-logo.svg'
custom_dir: overrides
repo: fontawesome/brands/git-alt
- navigation.instant
- scheme: default
icon: material/toggle-switch-off-outline
name: Switch to light mode
primary: red
accent: deep orange
- scheme: slate
icon: material/toggle-switch
name: Switch to dark mode
primary: deep orange
accent: red
# Link to open when your logo is clicked
host_url: http://localhost
- search
# Enable Macros and jinja2 templates
- macros:
module_name: macros/helpers
- javascripts/config.js

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
dir /home/redis-data

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"": "/bin/zsh",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Search Lights Italic",
"git-graph.maxDepthOfRepoSearch": 3

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
command=/bin/sh -c " . env/bin/activate && node /opt/theia/src-gen/backend/main.js --hostname= --port=8025 /home "
stderr_logfile = /var/log/theia/theia-stderr.log
stdout_logfile = /var/log/theia/theia-stdout.log
logfile_maxbytes = 1024
command=redis-server /opt/redis/redis.conf
command=/bin/sh -c " . env/bin/activate && redis-commander --port=8029"
stderr_logfile = /var/log/redis-commander/redis-commander-stderr.log
stdout_logfile = /var/log/redis-commander/redis-commander-stdout.log
logfile_maxbytes = 1024

View file

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
} }
} }
}, },
"resolutions": {
"**/*/colors": "1.4.0"
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"@theia/editor-preview": "1.15.0", "@theia/editor-preview": "1.15.0",
"@theia/file-search": "1.15.0", "@theia/file-search": "1.15.0",
@ -107,10 +110,14 @@
"teabyii.ayu": "", "teabyii.ayu": "",
"yurihs.sublime-vscode-theme": "", "yurihs.sublime-vscode-theme": "",
"wesbos.theme-cobalt2": "", "wesbos.theme-cobalt2": "",
"github.github-vscode-theme": "",
"armandphilippot.coldark": "", "armandphilippot.coldark": "",
"": "", "": "",
"vladeeg.vscode-theme-vlight": "", "vladeeg.vscode-theme-vlight": "",
"akamud.vscode-theme-onelight": "", "akamud.vscode-theme-onelight": "",
"akamud.vscode-theme-onedark": "" "akamud.vscode-theme-onedark": "",
} "emroussel.atom-icons": "",
"laurenttreguier.vscode-simple-icons": "",
"technicolor-creamsicle.deepdark-material": ""
} }

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARG image_tag=18.04-0.9 ARG image_tag=18.04-0.8
## Images used: ## Images used:
ARG BUILD_IMAGE=node:12.18.3 ARG BUILD_IMAGE=node:12.18.3
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ USER root
RUN mkdir -p -m 777 /opt/theia \ RUN mkdir -p -m 777 /opt/theia \
&& cd /opt/theia && nodeenv --node=12.18.3 env && . env/bin/activate \ && cd /opt/theia && nodeenv --node=12.18.3 env && . env/bin/activate \
&& mkdir -p -m 777 /home/project \ && mkdir -p -m 777 /home/project \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y libsecret-1-dev \ && apt-get install -y libsecret-1-dev \
&& rm -rf /home/docs && rm -rf /home/docs

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def define_env(env):
@env.macro @env.macro
def get_tool_url(env): def get_tool_url(env):
try: try:
return os.environ[env] return os.environ[name]
except: except:
# Get host # Get host
host = "localhost" host = "localhost"