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# Terraform
[Terraform]( is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that provides a consistent CLI workflow to manage hundreds of cloud services. Terraform codifies cloud APIs into declarative configuration files.
Ansible-Terraform workspace contains a small example Terraform project that creates a server on the Scaleway cloud
cd /home/examples/terraform-scaleway/ && terraform init
If you want to try, set your Scaleway credentials as environment variable in your workspace.
Add the following lines to /home/abc/.zshrc:
Restart terminal, and execute
cd /home/examples/terraform-scaleway/ && terraform plan
Create Scaleway infrastructure with
cd /home/examples/terraform-scaleway/ && terraform apply
## Terraform report
A small tool that produces several outputs from a terraform project and visualizes terraform plan as an interactive HTML page.
Terraform report can be generated from the small example terraform project, included in the Workspace
cd /home/examples/terraform-scaleway/
Terraform-report outputs artefacts to the folder `/home/static-server/terraform-reports/`. This folder is served by the Static File Server that you
can use to view the artifacts, that include interactive HTML pages
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Htop" width="750">
**Example with AWS**
If you want to try Terraform report with your own AWS account, open workspace and configure AWS profile -
create [file with AWS credentials](
mkdir -p ~/.aws
nano ~/.aws/credentials
The file `~/.aws/credentials` would look like this
aws_access_key_id = <YOUR_AWS_KEY>
aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR_AWS_SECRET>
Clone your terraform project to the workspace, or if you don't have any, you can use this terraform example repository:
git clone /home/project/aws-example
Open file `/home/project/aws-example/src/free-tier/` and comment out the part that configures S3 backend
terraform {
backend "s3" {}
Initialize a working Terraform directory
cd /home/project/aws-example/src/free-tier && terraform init
Paste public ssh key (for the sake of example you can type anything)
nano ./provision/access/
Now you can generate terraform report
Use Static File Server to review the report
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Htop" width="900">
## Terraform Rover
[Rover]( - is an awesome Terraform visualizer with browser-based UI. Rover helps to better understand
Terraform state and planned changes. To see how Rover works, you can use a basic Terraform example in folder */home/examples/terraform-scaleway/*.
Initialize Terraform project first
cd /home/examples/terraform-scaleway/ && terraform init
and start Rover to visualize terraform state
rover --workingDir /home/examples/terraform-scaleway/
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="rover-scaleway" width="900">
If you have followed hands-on the tutorial from the previous section (terraform report from the terraform-aws-free-tier repo), you
can visualize it with Rover:
rover --workingDir /home/project/aws-example/src/free-tier
Go to the quickstart page, and open Rover WEB UI
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="rover-aws" width="900">
## Blast Radius
[Blast Radius]( is a tool for reasoning about Terraform dependency graphs with interactive visualizations.
You can try Blast Radius - launch workspace and visualize an example Terraform project.
cd /home/examples/terraform-scaleway && terraform init
blast-radius --serve --port 8030
Go to the quickstart page, and open Blast Radius WEB UI
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Htop" width="900">
***NOTE:** Blast Radius is a great project, but there is lack of updates to the project recently, and it might not work
with some Terraform providers.*
### [Terraform Inframap](
- Visualize terraform state
inframap generate terraform.tfstate | dot -Tpng > graph.png