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2021-07-31 00:18:29 +12:00
// Cronicle Admin Page -- Users
Class.add( Page.Admin, {
gosub_users: function(args) {
// show user list
app.setWindowTitle( "User List" );
if (!args.offset) args.offset = 0;
if (!args.limit) args.limit = 25; 'user/admin_get_users', copy_object(args), this.receive_users.bind(this) );
receive_users: function(resp) {
// receive page of users from server, render it
this.lastUsersResp = resp;
var html = '';
var size = get_inner_window_size();
var col_width = Math.floor( ((size.width * 0.9) + 200) / 7 );
this.users = [];
if (resp.rows) this.users = resp.rows;
html += this.getSidebarTabs( 'users',
['activity', "Activity Log"],
['api_keys', "API Keys"],
['categories', "Categories"],
['plugins', "Plugins"],
['servers', "Servers"],
['users', "Users"]
var cols = ['Username', 'Full Name', 'Email Address', 'Status', 'Type', 'Created', 'Actions'];
// html += '<div style="padding:5px 15px 15px 15px;">';
html += '<div style="padding:20px 20px 30px 20px">';
html += '<div class="subtitle">';
html += 'User Accounts';
// html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().refresh_user_list()"><b>Refresh</b></span></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-search">&nbsp;</i><input type="text" id="fe_ul_search" size="15" placeholder="Find username..." style="border:0px;"/></div>';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</div>';
var self = this;
html += this.getPaginatedTable( resp, cols, 'user', function(user, idx) {
var actions = [
'<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().edit_user('+idx+')"><b>Edit</b></span>',
'<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().delete_user('+idx+')"><b>Delete</b></span>'
return [
'<div class="td_big">' + self.getNiceUsername(user, true, col_width) + '</div>',
'<div class="ellip" style="max-width:'+col_width+'px;">' + encode_entities(user.full_name) + '</div>',
'<div class="ellip" style="max-width:'+col_width+'px;"><a href="mailto:''">'+encode_entities('</a></div>', ? '<span class="color_label green"><i class="fa fa-check">&nbsp;</i>Active</span>' : '<span class="color_label red"><i class="fa fa-warning">&nbsp;</i>Suspended</span>',
user.privileges.admin ? '<span class="color_label purple"><i class="fa fa-lock">&nbsp;</i>Admin</span>' : '<span class="color_label gray">Standard</span>',
'<span title="'+get_nice_date_time(user.created, true)+'">'+get_nice_date(user.created, true)+'</span>',
actions.join(' | ')
} );
html += '<div style="height:30px;"></div>';
html += '<center><table><tr>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px;" onMouseUp="$P().edit_user(-1)"><i class="fa fa-user-plus">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Add User...</div></td>';
html += '</tr></table></center>';
html += '</div>'; // padding
html += '</div>'; // sidebar tabs
this.div.html( html );
setTimeout( function() {
$('#fe_ul_search').keypress( function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == '13') { // enter key
$P().do_user_search( $('#fe_ul_search').val() );
} )
.blur( function() { app.hideMessage(250); } )
.keydown( function() { app.hideMessage(); } );
}, 1 );
do_user_search: function(username) {
// see if user exists, edit if so 'user/admin_get_user', { username: username },
function(resp) {
Nav.go('Admin?sub=edit_user&username=' + username);
function(resp) {
app.doError("User not found: " + username, 10);
edit_user: function(idx) {
// jump to edit sub
if (idx > -1) Nav.go( '#Admin?sub=edit_user&username=' + this.users[idx].username );
else if (app.config.external_users) {
app.doError("Users are managed by an external system, so you cannot add users from here.");
else Nav.go( '#Admin?sub=new_user' );
delete_user: function(idx) {
// delete user from search results
this.user = this.users[idx];
gosub_new_user: function(args) {
// create new user
var html = '';
app.setWindowTitle( "Add New User" );
html += this.getSidebarTabs( 'new_user',
['activity', "Activity Log"],
['api_keys', "API Keys"],
['categories', "Categories"],
['plugins', "Plugins"],
['servers', "Servers"],
['users', "Users"],
['new_user', "Add New User"]
html += '<div style="padding:20px;"><div class="subtitle">Add New User</div></div>';
html += '<div style="padding:0px 20px 50px 20px">';
html += '<center><table style="margin:0;">';
this.user = {
privileges: copy_object( config.default_privileges )
html += this.get_user_edit_html();
// notify user
html += get_form_table_row( 'Notify', '<input type="checkbox" id="fe_eu_send_email" value="1" checked="checked"/><label for="fe_eu_send_email">Send Welcome Email</label>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Select notification options for the new user." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// buttons at bottom
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">';
html += '<div style="height:30px;"></div>';
html += '<table><tr>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:120px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().cancel_user_edit()">Cancel</div></td>';
html += '<td width="50">&nbsp;</td>';
if (config.debug) {
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:120px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().populate_random_user()">Randomize...</div></td>';
html += '<td width="50">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:120px;" onMouseUp="$P().do_new_user()"><i class="fa fa-user-plus">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Create User</div></td>';
html += '</tr></table>';
html += '</td></tr>';
html += '</table></center>';
html += '</div>'; // table wrapper div
html += '</div>'; // sidebar tabs
this.div.html( html );
setTimeout( function() {
}, 1 );
cancel_user_edit: function() {
// cancel editing user and return to list
Nav.go( 'Admin?sub=users' );
populate_random_user: function() {
// grab random user data (for testing only)
var self = this;
url: '',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
// console.log(data);
if (data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].user) {
var user = data.results[0].user;
$('#fe_eu_username').val( user.username );
$('#fe_eu_email').val( );
$('#fe_eu_fullname').val( ucfirst( + ' ' + ucfirst( );
$('#fe_eu_send_email').prop( 'checked', false );
do_new_user: function(force) {
// create new user
var user = this.get_user_form_json();
if (!user) return; // error
if (!user.username.length) {
return app.badField('#fe_eu_username', "Please enter a username for the new account.");
if (!user.username.match(/^[\w\-\.]+$/)) {
return app.badField('#fe_eu_username', "Please make sure the username contains only alphanumerics, periods and dashes.");
if (! {
return app.badField('#fe_eu_email', "Please enter an e-mail address where the user can be reached.");
if (!^\S+\@\S+$/)) {
return app.badField('#fe_eu_email', "The e-mail address you entered does not appear to be correct.");
if (!user.full_name.length) {
return app.badField('#fe_eu_fullname', "Please enter the user's first and last names.");
if (!user.password.length) {
return app.badField('#fe_eu_password', "Please enter a secure password to protect the account.");
user.send_email = $('#fe_eu_send_email').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
this.user = user;
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Creating user..." ); 'user/admin_create', user, this.new_user_finish.bind(this) );
new_user_finish: function(resp) {
// new user created successfully
Nav.go('Admin?sub=edit_user&username=' + this.user.username);
setTimeout( function() {
app.showMessage('success', "The new user account was created successfully.");
}, 150 );
gosub_edit_user: function(args) {
// edit user subpage
this.div.addClass('loading'); 'user/admin_get_user', { username: args.username }, this.receive_user.bind(this) );
receive_user: function(resp) {
// edit existing user
var html = '';
app.setWindowTitle( "Editing User \"" + (this.args.username) + "\"" );
html += this.getSidebarTabs( 'edit_user',
['activity', "Activity Log"],
['api_keys', "API Keys"],
['categories', "Categories"],
['plugins', "Plugins"],
['servers', "Servers"],
['users', "Users"],
['edit_user', "Edit User"]
html += '<div style="padding:20px;"><div class="subtitle">Editing User &ldquo;' + (this.args.username) + '&rdquo;</div></div>';
html += '<div style="padding:0px 20px 50px 20px">';
html += '<center>';
html += '<table style="margin:0;">';
this.user = resp.user;
html += this.get_user_edit_html();
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">';
html += '<div style="height:30px;"></div>';
html += '<table><tr>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().cancel_user_edit()">Cancel</div></td>';
html += '<td width="50">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().show_delete_account_dialog()">Delete Account...</div></td>';
html += '<td width="50">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px;" onMouseUp="$P().do_save_user()"><i class="fa fa-floppy-o">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Save Changes</div></td>';
html += '</tr></table>';
html += '</td></tr>';
html += '</table>';
html += '</center>';
html += '</div>'; // table wrapper div
html += '</div>'; // sidebar tabs
this.div.html( html );
setTimeout( function() {
$('#fe_eu_username').attr('disabled', true);
if (app.config.external_users) {
app.showMessage('warning', "Users are managed by an external system, so making changes here may have little effect.");
// self.div.find('input').prop('disabled', true);
}, 1 );
do_save_user: function() {
// create new user
var user = this.get_user_form_json();
if (!user) return; // error
// if changing password, give server a hint
if (user.password) {
user.new_password = user.password;
delete user.password;
this.user = user;
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Saving user account..." ); 'user/admin_update', user, this.save_user_finish.bind(this) );
save_user_finish: function(resp, tx) {
// new user created successfully
app.showMessage('success', "The user was saved successfully.");
window.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
// if we edited ourself, update header
if (this.args.username == app.username) {
app.user = resp.user;
show_delete_account_dialog: function() {
// show dialog confirming account delete action
var self = this;
var msg = "Are you sure you want to <b>permanently delete</b> the user account \""+this.user.username+"\"? There is no way to undo this action, and no way to recover the data.";
if (app.config.external_users) {
msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the user account \""+this.user.username+"\"? Users are managed by an external system, so this will have little effect here.";
// return app.doError("Users are managed by an external system, so you cannot make changes here.");
app.confirm( '<span style="color:red">Delete Account</span>', msg, 'Delete', function(result) {
if (result) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Deleting Account..." ); 'user/admin_delete', {
username: self.user.username
}, self.delete_user_finish.bind(self) );
} );
delete_user_finish: function(resp, tx) {
// finished deleting, immediately log user out
var self = this;
Nav.go('Admin?sub=users', 'force');
setTimeout( function() {
app.showMessage('success', "The user account '"+self.user.username+"' was deleted successfully.");
}, 150 );
get_user_edit_html: function() {
// get html for editing a user (or creating a new one)
var html = '';
var user = this.user;
// user id
html += get_form_table_row( 'Username',
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><input type="text" id="fe_eu_username" size="20" style="font-size:14px;" value="'+escape_text_field_value(user.username)+'" spellcheck="false" onChange="$P().checkUserExists(\'eu\')"/></td>' +
'<td><div id="d_eu_valid" style="margin-left:5px; font-weight:bold;"></div></td>' +
html += get_form_table_caption( "Enter the username which identifies this account. Once entered, it cannot be changed. " );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// account status
html += get_form_table_row( 'Account Status', '<select id="fe_eu_status">' + render_menu_options([[1,'Active'], [0,'Suspended']], + '</select>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "'Suspended' means that the account remains in the system, but the user cannot log in." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// full name
html += get_form_table_row( 'Full Name', '<input type="text" id="fe_eu_fullname" size="30" value="'+escape_text_field_value(user.full_name)+'" spellcheck="false"/>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "User's first and last name. They will not be shared with anyone outside the server.");
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// email
html += get_form_table_row( 'Email Address', '<input type="text" id="fe_eu_email" size="30" value="'+escape_text_field_value('" spellcheck="false"/>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "This can be used to recover the password if the user forgets. It will not be shared with anyone outside the server." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// password
html += get_form_table_row( user.password ? 'Change Password' : 'Password', '<input type="text" id="fe_eu_password" size="20" value="" spellcheck="false"/>&nbsp;<span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().generate_password()">&laquo; Generate Random</span>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( user.password ? "Optionally enter a new password here to reset it. Please make it secure." : "Enter a password for the account. Please make it secure." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// privilege list
var priv_html = '';
var user_is_admin = !!user.privileges.admin;
for (var idx = 0, len = config.privilege_list.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var priv = config.privilege_list[idx];
var has_priv = !!user.privileges[ ];
var priv_visible = ( == 'admin') || !user_is_admin;
var priv_class = ( == 'admin') ? 'priv_group_admin' : 'priv_group_other';
priv_html += '<div class="'+priv_class+'" style="margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; '+(priv_visible ? '' : 'display:none;')+'">';
priv_html += '<input type="checkbox" id="fe_eu_priv_''" value="1" ' +
(has_priv ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') + (( == 'admin') ? 'onChange="$P().change_admin_checkbox()"' : '') + '>';
priv_html += '<label for="fe_eu_priv_''">'+priv.title+'</label>';
priv_html += '</div>';
// user can be limited to certain categories
var priv = { id: "cat_limit", title: "Limit to Categories" };
var has_priv = !!user.privileges[ ];
var priv_visible = !user_is_admin;
priv_html += '<div class="priv_group_other" style="margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; '+(priv_visible ? '' : 'display:none;')+'">';
priv_html += '<input type="checkbox" id="fe_eu_priv_''" value="1" ' +
(has_priv ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') + 'onChange="$P().change_cat_checkbox()"' + '>';
priv_html += '<label for="fe_eu_priv_''">'+priv.title+'</label>';
priv_html += '</div>';
priv_html += '<div class="priv_group_other">';
// sort by title ascending
var categories = app.categories.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
for (var idx = 0, len = categories.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var cat = categories[idx];
var priv = { id: 'cat_' +, title: cat.title };
var has_priv = !!user.privileges[ ];
var priv_visible = !!user.privileges.cat_limit;
priv_html += '<div class="priv_group_cat" style="margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; margin-left:20px; '+(priv_visible ? '' : 'display:none;')+'">';
priv_html += '<input type="checkbox" id="fe_eu_priv_''" value="1" ' +
(has_priv ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') + '>';
priv_html += '<label for="fe_eu_priv_''" style="font-weight:normal"><i class="fa fa-folder-open-o">&nbsp;</i>'+priv.title+'</label>';
priv_html += '</div>';
priv_html += '</div>';
// user can be limited to certain server groups
var priv = { id: "grp_limit", title: "Limit to Server Groups" };
var has_priv = !!user.privileges[ ];
var priv_visible = !user_is_admin;
priv_html += '<div class="priv_group_other" style="margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; '+(priv_visible ? '' : 'display:none;')+'">';
priv_html += '<input type="checkbox" id="fe_eu_priv_''" value="1" ' +
(has_priv ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') + 'onChange="$P().change_grp_checkbox()"' + '>';
priv_html += '<label for="fe_eu_priv_''">'+priv.title+'</label>';
priv_html += '</div>';
priv_html += '<div class="priv_group_other">';
// sort by title ascending
var groups = app.server_groups.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
for (var idx = 0, len = groups.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var group = groups[idx];
var priv = { id: 'grp_' +, title: group.title };
var has_priv = !!user.privileges[ ];
var priv_visible = !!user.privileges.grp_limit;
priv_html += '<div class="priv_group_grp" style="margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; margin-left:20px; '+(priv_visible ? '' : 'display:none;')+'">';
priv_html += '<input type="checkbox" id="fe_eu_priv_''" value="1" ' +
(has_priv ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') + '>';
priv_html += '<label for="fe_eu_priv_''" style="font-weight:normal"><i class="fa fa-folder-open-o">&nbsp;</i>'+priv.title+'</label>';
priv_html += '</div>';
priv_html += '</div>';
html += get_form_table_row( 'Privileges', priv_html );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Select which privileges the user account should have. Administrators have all privileges." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
return html;
change_admin_checkbox: function() {
// toggle admin checkbox
var is_checked = $('#fe_eu_priv_admin').is(':checked');
if (is_checked) $('div.priv_group_other').hide(250);
else $('div.priv_group_other').show(250);
change_cat_checkbox: function() {
// toggle category limit checkbox
var is_checked = $('#fe_eu_priv_cat_limit').is(':checked');
if (is_checked) $('div.priv_group_cat').show(250);
else $('div.priv_group_cat').hide(250);
change_grp_checkbox: function() {
// toggle server group limit checkbox
var is_checked = $('#fe_eu_priv_grp_limit').is(':checked');
if (is_checked) $('div.priv_group_grp').show(250);
else $('div.priv_group_grp').hide(250);
get_user_form_json: function() {
// get user elements from form, used for new or edit
var user = {
username: trim($('#fe_eu_username').val().toLowerCase()),
active: $('#fe_eu_status').val(),
full_name: trim($('#fe_eu_fullname').val()),
email: trim($('#fe_eu_email').val()),
password: $('#fe_eu_password').val(),
privileges: {}
user.privileges.admin = $('#fe_eu_priv_admin').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
if (!user.privileges.admin) {
for (var idx = 0, len = config.privilege_list.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var priv = config.privilege_list[idx];
user.privileges[ ] = $('#fe_eu_priv_'':checked') ? 1 : 0;
// category limit privs
user.privileges.cat_limit = $('#fe_eu_priv_cat_limit').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
if (user.privileges.cat_limit) {
var num_cat_privs = 0;
for (var idx = 0, len = app.categories.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var cat = app.categories[idx];
var priv = { id: 'cat_' + };
if ($('#fe_eu_priv_'':checked')) {
user.privileges[ ] = 1;
if (!num_cat_privs) return app.doError("Please select at least one category privilege.");
} // cat limit
// server group limit privs
user.privileges.grp_limit = $('#fe_eu_priv_grp_limit').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
if (user.privileges.grp_limit) {
var num_grp_privs = 0;
for (var idx = 0, len = app.server_groups.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var grp = app.server_groups[idx];
var priv = { id: 'grp_' + };
if ($('#fe_eu_priv_'':checked')) {
user.privileges[ ] = 1;
if (!num_grp_privs) return app.doError("Please select at least one server group privilege.");
} // grp limit
} // not admin
return user;
generate_password: function() {
// generate random password
$('#fe_eu_password').val( b64_md5(get_unique_id()).substring(0, 8) );