i18n:en-US Could not get map details. Could not download the song. Could not download the song. There might be issues with BeatSaver or your internet connection. Failed to download song ZIP Beat Saber installation path not found. Installed: {0} Failed to install. {0} OneClick™ Install handlers registered! {0} OneClick™ Install handlers unregistered! Couldn't check for updates. Couldn't download update. Mod Assistant Could not detect your Beat Saber install folder. Please select it manually. Mod Assistant needs to run this task as Admin. Please try again. Select your Beat Saber install folder ModAssistant Intro Mods About Options Game Version Version Mod Info Install or Update Intro Welcome to Mod Assistant Please read this page entirely and carefully By using this program attest to have read and agree to the following terms: Beat Saber does not natively support mods. This means: Mods will break every update. This is normal, and not Beat Games' fault. Mods will cause bugs and performance issues. This is not Beat Games' fault. Mods are made for free by people in their free time. Please be patient and understanding. DO NOT leave negative reviews because mods broke. This is not Beat Games' fault. They are not trying to kill mods. If I keep seeing people leave negative reviews because mods broke, I will personally kill mods with a rusty spoon Please read the Beginners Guide on the Wiki . I Agree Disagree Closing Application: You did not agree to terms and conditions. Could not download versions list Mods tab disabled. Please restart to try again. You can now use the Mods tab! Mods Name Installed Latest Description Uninstall Uninstall Could not load mods list Checking installed mods Loading Mods Finished loading mods Installing {0} Installed {0} Finished installing mods Could not find download link for {0} Uninstall {0}? Are you sure you want to remove {0}? This could break your other mods About About Mod Assistant I'm Assistant, and I made Mod Assistant for mod assistance, with a few principles in mind: Simplicity Portability Single Executable Responsible use If you enjoy this program and would like to support me, please visit my donation page or my Patreon Special Thanks ♥ Donate Headpats Hugs Options Settings Install Folder Select Folder Open Folder Save Selected Mods Check Installed Mods Select Installed Mods Enable OneClick™ Installs BeatSaver ModelSaber Game Type Steam Oculus Diagnostics Open Logs Uninstall BSIPA Remove All Mods Uploading Log Log URL Copied To Clipboard! Uploading Log Failed Uploading log failed! Could not upload log file to Teknik, please try again or send the file manually. Getting Mod List Finding BSIPA Version BSIPA Uninstalled Uninstall All Mods? Are you sure you want to remove ALL mods? This cannot be undone. All Mods Uninstalled Invalid Invalid Installation Detected Your game installation is corrupted or otherwise invalid This can happen if your copy of the game is pirated, or if you copied a pirated copy over your legit install If your copy of the game is pirated, please purchase the game HERE . If your copy of the game is not pirated, please do a clean install . If those don't help, ask for support in the #support channel in BSMG . If you used to have a pirated version but have since bought the game Select Folder You will need to restart Mod Assistant after changing to the legit install