using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Navigation; using static ModAssistant.Http; using ModAssistant.Libs; namespace ModAssistant.Pages { /// /// Interaction logic for Mods.xaml /// public sealed partial class Mods : Page { public static Mods Instance = new Mods(); public List DefaultMods = new List() { "SongCore", "ScoreSaber", "BeatSaverDownloader", "BeatSaverVoting", "PlaylistCore", "Survey" }; public Mod[] ModsList; public Mod[] AllModsList; public static List InstalledMods = new List(); public List CategoryNames = new List(); public CollectionView view; public bool PendingChanges; private readonly SemaphoreSlim _modsLoadSem = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); public List ModList { get; set; } public Mods() { InitializeComponent(); } private void RefreshModsList() { if (view != null) { view.Refresh(); } } public void RefreshColumns() { if (MainWindow.Instance.Main.Content != Mods.Instance) return; double viewWidth = ModsListView.ActualWidth; double totalSize = 0; GridViewColumn description = null; GridView grid = ModsListView.View as GridView; if (grid != null) { foreach (var column in grid.Columns) { if (column.Header?.ToString() == FindResource("Mods:Header:Description").ToString()) { description = column; } else { totalSize += column.ActualWidth; } if (double.IsNaN(column.Width)) { column.Width = column.ActualWidth; column.Width = double.NaN; } } double descriptionNewWidth = viewWidth - totalSize - 35; description.Width = descriptionNewWidth > 200 ? descriptionNewWidth : 200; } } public async Task LoadMods() { var versionLoadSuccess = await MainWindow.Instance.VersionLoadStatus.Task; if (versionLoadSuccess == false) return; await _modsLoadSem.WaitAsync(); try { MainWindow.Instance.InstallButton.IsEnabled = false; MainWindow.Instance.GameVersionsBox.IsEnabled = false; MainWindow.Instance.InfoButton.IsEnabled = false; if (ModsList != null) { Array.Clear(ModsList, 0, ModsList.Length); } if (AllModsList != null) { Array.Clear(AllModsList, 0, AllModsList.Length); } InstalledMods = new List(); CategoryNames = new List(); ModList = new List(); ModsListView.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; if (App.CheckInstalledMods) { MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{FindResource("Mods:CheckingInstalledMods")}..."; await Task.Run(async () => await CheckInstalledMods()); InstalledColumn.Width = double.NaN; UninstallColumn.Width = 70; DescriptionColumn.Width = 750; } else { InstalledColumn.Width = 0; UninstallColumn.Width = 0; DescriptionColumn.Width = 800; } MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{FindResource("Mods:LoadingMods")}..."; await Task.Run(async () => await PopulateModsList()); ModsListView.ItemsSource = ModList; view = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(ModsListView.ItemsSource); PropertyGroupDescription groupDescription = new PropertyGroupDescription("Category"); view.GroupDescriptions.Add(groupDescription); this.DataContext = this; RefreshModsList(); ModsListView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{FindResource("Mods:FinishedLoadingMods")}."; MainWindow.Instance.InstallButton.IsEnabled = true; MainWindow.Instance.GameVersionsBox.IsEnabled = true; } finally { _modsLoadSem.Release(); } } public async Task CheckInstalledMods() { await GetAllMods(); List empty = new List(); GetBSIPAVersion(); CheckInstallDir("IPA/Pending/Plugins", empty); CheckInstallDir("IPA/Pending/Libs", empty); CheckInstallDir("Plugins", empty); CheckInstallDir("Libs", empty); } public async Task GetAllMods() { var resp = await HttpClient.GetAsync(Utils.Constants.BeatModsAPIUrl + "mod"); var body = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); AllModsList = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(body); } private void CheckInstallDir(string directory, List blacklist) { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, directory))) { return; } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, directory))) { if (File.Exists(file) && Path.GetExtension(file) == ".dll" || Path.GetExtension(file) == ".manifest") { Mod mod = GetModFromHash(Utils.CalculateMD5(file)); if (mod != null) { AddDetectedMod(mod); } } } } public void GetBSIPAVersion() { string InjectorPath = Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, "Beat Saber_Data", "Managed", "IPA.Injector.dll"); if (!File.Exists(InjectorPath)) return; string InjectorHash = Utils.CalculateMD5(InjectorPath); foreach (Mod mod in AllModsList) { if ( == "bsipa") { foreach (Mod.DownloadLink download in mod.downloads) { foreach (Mod.FileHashes fileHash in download.hashMd5) { if (fileHash.hash == InjectorHash) { AddDetectedMod(mod); } } } } } } private void AddDetectedMod(Mod mod) { if (!InstalledMods.Contains(mod)) { InstalledMods.Add(mod); if (App.SelectInstalledMods && !DefaultMods.Contains( { DefaultMods.Add(; } } } private Mod GetModFromHash(string hash) { foreach (Mod mod in AllModsList) { if ( != "bsipa" && mod.status != "declined") { foreach (Mod.DownloadLink download in mod.downloads) { foreach (Mod.FileHashes fileHash in download.hashMd5) { if (fileHash.hash == hash) return mod; } } } } return null; } public async Task PopulateModsList() { try { var resp = await HttpClient.GetAsync(Utils.Constants.BeatModsAPIUrl + Utils.Constants.BeatModsModsOptions + "&gameVersion=" + MainWindow.GameVersion); var body = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); ModsList = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(body); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show($"{FindResource("Mods:LoadFailed")}.\n\n" + e); return; } foreach (Mod mod in ModsList) { bool preSelected = mod.required; if (DefaultMods.Contains( || (App.SaveModSelection && App.SavedMods.Contains( { preSelected = true; if (!App.SavedMods.Contains( { App.SavedMods.Add(; } } RegisterDependencies(mod); ModListItem ListItem = new ModListItem() { IsSelected = preSelected, IsEnabled = !mod.required, ModName =, ModVersion = mod.version, ModDescription = mod.description.Replace("\r\n", " ").Replace("\n", " "), ModInfo = mod, Category = mod.category }; foreach (Promotion promo in Promotions.ActivePromotions) { if ( == promo.ModName) { ListItem.PromotionText = promo.Text; ListItem.PromotionLink = promo.Link; } } foreach (Mod installedMod in InstalledMods) { if ( == { ListItem.InstalledModInfo = installedMod; ListItem.IsInstalled = true; ListItem.InstalledVersion = installedMod.version; break; } } mod.ListItem = ListItem; ModList.Add(ListItem); } foreach (Mod mod in ModsList) { ResolveDependencies(mod); } } public async void InstallMods(bool reinstallInstalledMods) { MainWindow.Instance.InstallButton.IsEnabled = false; string installDirectory = App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory; foreach (Mod mod in ModsList) { // Ignore mods that are newer than installed version if (mod.ListItem.GetVersionComparison > 0) continue; // Ignore mods that are on current version if we aren't reinstalling mods if (mod.ListItem.GetVersionComparison == 0 && !reinstallInstalledMods) continue; if ( == "bsipa") { MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:InstallingMod"),}..."; await Task.Run(async () => await InstallMod(mod, installDirectory)); MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:InstalledMod"),}."; if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(installDirectory, "winhttp.dll"))) { await Task.Run(() => Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = Path.Combine(installDirectory, "IPA.exe"), WorkingDirectory = installDirectory, Arguments = "-n" }).WaitForExit() ); } Pages.Options.Instance.YeetBSIPA.IsEnabled = true; } else if (mod.ListItem.IsSelected) { MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:InstallingMod"),}..."; await Task.Run(async () => await InstallMod(mod, Path.Combine(installDirectory, @"IPA\Pending"))); MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:InstalledMod"),}."; } } MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{FindResource("Mods:FinishedInstallingMods")}."; MainWindow.Instance.InstallButton.IsEnabled = true; RefreshModsList(); } private async Task InstallMod(Mod mod, string directory) { string downloadLink = null; foreach (Mod.DownloadLink link in mod.downloads) { if (link.type == "universal") { downloadLink = link.url; break; } else if (link.type.ToLower() == App.BeatSaberInstallType.ToLower()) { downloadLink = link.url; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadLink)) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:ModDownloadLinkMissing"),; return; } using (Stream stream = await DownloadMod(Utils.Constants.BeatModsURL + downloadLink)) using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(stream)) { foreach (ZipArchiveEntry file in archive.Entries) { string fileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.Combine(directory, file.FullName)); if (!Directory.Exists(fileDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fileDirectory); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Name)) { await ExtractFile(file, Path.Combine(directory, file.FullName), 3.0,, 10); } } } if (App.CheckInstalledMods) { mod.ListItem.IsInstalled = true; mod.ListItem.InstalledVersion = mod.version; mod.ListItem.InstalledModInfo = mod; } } private async Task ExtractFile(ZipArchiveEntry file, string path, double seconds, string name, int maxTries, int tryNumber = 0) { if (tryNumber < maxTries) { try { file.ExtractToFile(path, true); } catch { MainWindow.Instance.MainText = $"{string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:FailedExtract"), name, seconds, tryNumber + 1, maxTries)}"; await Task.Delay((int)(seconds * 1000)); await ExtractFile(file, path, seconds, name, maxTries, tryNumber + 1); } } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show($"{string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:FailedExtractMaxReached"), name, maxTries)}.", "Failed to install " + name); } } private async Task DownloadMod(string link) { var resp = await HttpClient.GetAsync(link); return await resp.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); } private void RegisterDependencies(Mod dependent) { if (dependent.dependencies.Length == 0) return; foreach (Mod mod in ModsList) { foreach (Mod.Dependency dep in dependent.dependencies) { if ( == { dep.Mod = mod; mod.Dependents.Add(dependent); } } } } private void ResolveDependencies(Mod dependent) { if (dependent.ListItem.IsSelected && dependent.dependencies.Length > 0) { foreach (Mod.Dependency dependency in dependent.dependencies) { if (dependency.Mod.ListItem.IsEnabled) { dependency.Mod.ListItem.PreviousState = dependency.Mod.ListItem.IsSelected; dependency.Mod.ListItem.IsSelected = true; dependency.Mod.ListItem.IsEnabled = false; ResolveDependencies(dependency.Mod); } } } } private void UnresolveDependencies(Mod dependent) { if (!dependent.ListItem.IsSelected && dependent.dependencies.Length > 0) { foreach (Mod.Dependency dependency in dependent.dependencies) { if (!dependency.Mod.ListItem.IsEnabled) { bool needed = false; foreach (Mod dep in dependency.Mod.Dependents) { if (dep.ListItem.IsSelected) { needed = true; break; } } if (!needed && !dependency.Mod.required) { dependency.Mod.ListItem.IsSelected = dependency.Mod.ListItem.PreviousState; dependency.Mod.ListItem.IsEnabled = true; UnresolveDependencies(dependency.Mod); } } } } } private void ModCheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Mod mod = ((sender as System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox).Tag as Mod); mod.ListItem.IsSelected = true; ResolveDependencies(mod); App.SavedMods.Add(; Properties.Settings.Default.SavedMods = string.Join(",", App.SavedMods.ToArray()); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); RefreshModsList(); } private void ModCheckBox_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Mod mod = ((sender as System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox).Tag as Mod); mod.ListItem.IsSelected = false; UnresolveDependencies(mod); App.SavedMods.Remove(; Properties.Settings.Default.SavedMods = string.Join(",", App.SavedMods.ToArray()); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); RefreshModsList(); } public class Category { public string CategoryName { get; set; } public List Mods = new List(); } public class ModListItem { public string ModName { get; set; } public string ModVersion { get; set; } public string ModDescription { get; set; } public bool PreviousState { get; set; } public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } public bool IsSelected { get; set; } public Mod ModInfo { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public Mod InstalledModInfo { get; set; } public bool IsInstalled { get; set; } private SemVersion _installedVersion { get; set; } public string InstalledVersion { get { if (!IsInstalled || _installedVersion == null) return "-"; return _installedVersion.ToString(); } set { if (SemVersion.TryParse(value, out SemVersion tempInstalledVersion)) { _installedVersion = tempInstalledVersion; } else { _installedVersion = null; } } } public string GetVersionColor { get { if (!IsInstalled) return "Black"; return _installedVersion >= ModVersion ? "Green" : "Red"; } } public string GetVersionDecoration { get { if (!IsInstalled) return "None"; return _installedVersion >= ModVersion ? "None" : "Strikethrough"; } } public int GetVersionComparison { get { if (!IsInstalled || _installedVersion < ModVersion) return -1; if (_installedVersion > ModVersion) return 1; return 0; } } public bool CanDelete { get { return (!ModInfo.required && IsInstalled); } } public string CanSeeDelete { get { if (!ModInfo.required && IsInstalled) return "Visible"; else return "Hidden"; } } public string PromotionText { get; set; } public string PromotionLink { get; set; } public string PromotionMargin { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PromotionText)) return "0"; return "0,0,5,0"; } } } private void ModsListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if ((Mods.ModListItem)Mods.Instance.ModsListView.SelectedItem == null) { MainWindow.Instance.InfoButton.IsEnabled = false; } else { MainWindow.Instance.InfoButton.IsEnabled = true; } } public void UninstallBSIPA(Mod.DownloadLink links) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, "IPA.exe"), WorkingDirectory = App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, Arguments = "--revert -n" }).WaitForExit(); foreach (Mod.FileHashes files in links.hashMd5) { string file = files.file.Replace("IPA/", "").Replace("Data", "Beat Saber_Data"); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, file))) File.Delete(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, file)); } Pages.Options.Instance.YeetBSIPA.IsEnabled = false; } private void Uninstall_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Mod mod = ((sender as System.Windows.Controls.Button).Tag as Mod); string title = string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:UninstallBox:Title"),; string body1 = string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:UninstallBox:Body1"),; string body2 = string.Format((string)FindResource("Mods:UninstallBox:Body2"),; var result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($"{body1}\n{body2}", title, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { UninstallModFromList(mod); } } private void UninstallModFromList(Mod mod) { UninstallMod(mod.ListItem.InstalledModInfo); mod.ListItem.IsInstalled = false; mod.ListItem.InstalledVersion = null; if (App.SelectInstalledMods) { mod.ListItem.IsSelected = false; UnresolveDependencies(mod); App.SavedMods.Remove(; Properties.Settings.Default.SavedMods = string.Join(",", App.SavedMods.ToArray()); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); RefreshModsList(); } view.Refresh(); } public void UninstallMod(Mod mod) { Mod.DownloadLink links = null; foreach (Mod.DownloadLink link in mod.downloads) { if (link.type.ToLower() == "universal" || link.type.ToLower() == App.BeatSaberInstallType.ToLower()) { links = link; break; } } if ( == "bsipa") UninstallBSIPA(links); foreach (Mod.FileHashes files in links.hashMd5) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, files.file))) File.Delete(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, files.file)); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, "IPA", "Pending", files.file))) File.Delete(Path.Combine(App.BeatSaberInstallDirectory, "IPA", "Pending", files.file)); } } private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e) { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(e.Uri.AbsoluteUri)); e.Handled = true; } private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RefreshColumns(); } private void CopyText(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Clipboard.SetText(((TextBlock)sender).Text); Utils.SendNotify("Copied text to clipboard"); } } }