Peter Kirmeier 5314af937f Improve icon loading performance
Revert always loading common file icon extensions in sync.
(It slows down load time of sub menu significantly, so keep using async)
Fix preferring persistent icons for watcher updates.
Simplified icon loading routines.
2023-09-23 19:12:54 +02:00

371 lines
14 KiB

// <copyright file="IconReader.cs" company="PlaceholderCompany">
// Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// see also:
namespace SystemTrayMenu.Utilities
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using SystemTrayMenu.DllImports;
using SystemTrayMenu.Helpers;
/// <summary>
/// Provides static methods to read system icons for folders and files.
/// </summary>
internal static class IconReader
internal static readonly BitmapSource LoadingImage = (BitmapSource)Application.Current.Resources["LoadingIconImage"];
internal static readonly BitmapSource NotFoundImage = (BitmapSource)Application.Current.Resources["NotFoundIconImage"];
private static readonly BitmapSource OverlayImage = (BitmapSource)Application.Current.Resources["LinkArrowIconImage"];
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, BitmapSource> IconDictPersistent = new();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, BitmapSource> IconDictCache = new();
private static readonly BlockingCollection<Action> IconFactoryQueueSTA = new();
private static readonly List<Thread> IconFactoryThreadPoolSTA = new(16);
internal static void Startup()
for (int i = 0; i < IconFactoryThreadPoolSTA.Capacity; i++)
Thread thread = new(IconFactoryWorkerSTA)
Name = "IconFactory STA #" + i.ToString(),
static void IconFactoryWorkerSTA()
while (true)
catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
// Shutdown
internal static void Shutdown()
foreach (Thread thread in IconFactoryThreadPoolSTA)
foreach (Thread thread in IconFactoryThreadPoolSTA)
internal static void ClearCacheWhenLimitReached()
if (IconDictCache.Count > Properties.Settings.Default.ClearCacheIfMoreThanThisNumberOfItems)
internal static void RemoveIconFromCache(string path) => IconDictPersistent.Remove(path, out _);
/// <summary>
/// Loads an Icon requested by parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isFolder">Icon is a folder or file icon.</param>
/// <param name="path">Path to the file or directory entry.</param>
/// <param name="resolvedPath">Path to the file or directory entry which 'path' is pointing at.</param>
/// <param name="linkOverlay">Apply the link overlay to the icon.</param>
/// <param name="persistentEntry">Load from or into persistent cache.</param>
/// <param name="onIconLoaded">Callback called when icon got loaded.</param>
/// <param name="synchronousLoading">Force synchronous loading. e.g. during preloading on startup.</param>
/// <returns>True = Icon was loaded synchronously, False = Icon will be loaded in the background.</returns>
internal static bool GetIconAsync(
bool isFolder,
string path,
string resolvedPath,
bool linkOverlay,
bool persistentEntry,
Action<BitmapSource> onIconLoaded,
bool synchronousLoading)
string key = path;
if (!isFolder)
string extension = Path.GetExtension(path);
if (IsExtensionWithSameIcon(extension))
// Generic file extension
key = extension + ":" + linkOverlay;
persistentEntry = true; // Always store them in persistent cache
if (!DictIconCache(persistentEntry).TryGetValue(key, out BitmapSource? icon) &&
!DictIconCache(!persistentEntry).TryGetValue(key, out icon))
if (synchronousLoading)
icon = DictIconCache(persistentEntry).GetOrAdd(key, FactoryIconSTA);
IconFactoryQueueSTA.Add(() =>
BitmapSource icon = DictIconCache(persistentEntry).GetOrAdd(key, FactoryIconSTA);
return false;
return true;
BitmapSource FactoryIconSTA(string keyExtension)
return GetIconAsBitmapSourceSTA(path, resolvedPath, linkOverlay, isFolder);
internal static Icon? GetRootFolderIcon(string path)
NativeMethods.SHFILEINFO shFileInfo = default;
bool linkOverlay = false;
bool largeIcon = false;
uint flags = GetFlags(linkOverlay, largeIcon);
uint attribute = NativeMethods.FileAttributeDirectory;
IntPtr imageList = NativeMethods.Shell32SHGetFileInfo(path, attribute, ref shFileInfo, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(shFileInfo), flags);
return TryGetIcon(path, linkOverlay, shFileInfo, imageList);
private static bool CacheGetOrAddIcon(
string key,
bool persistentEntry,
Action<BitmapSource?> onIconLoaded,
bool synchronousLoading,
Func<string, BitmapSource> factory)
if (!DictIconCache(persistentEntry).TryGetValue(key, out BitmapSource? icon) &&
!DictIconCache(!persistentEntry).TryGetValue(key, out icon))
if (synchronousLoading)
icon = DictIconCache(persistentEntry).GetOrAdd(key, factory);
IconFactoryQueueSTA.Add(() =>
BitmapSource icon = DictIconCache(persistentEntry).GetOrAdd(key, factory);
return false;
return true;
private static BitmapSource? TryCreateBitmapSourceFromIcon(string path, Icon icon) => Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
BitmapSource? bitmap = null;
bitmap = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Warn($"Failed to {nameof(TryCreateBitmapSourceFromIcon)}: {path} ", ex);
return bitmap;
private static BitmapSource? TryGetIconAsBitmapSourceSTA(string path, string resolvedPath, bool linkOverlay, bool isFolder)
BitmapSource? result = null;
if (!isFolder &&
Path.GetExtension(path).Equals(".ico", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (TryGetIconExtractAssociatedIcon(path, out Icon icon))
result = TryCreateBitmapSourceFromIcon(path, icon);
else if (!isFolder && File.Exists(resolvedPath) &&
Path.GetExtension(resolvedPath).Equals(".ico", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (TryGetIconExtractAssociatedIcon(resolvedPath, out Icon icon))
result = TryCreateBitmapSourceFromIcon(resolvedPath, icon);
if (result != null && linkOverlay)
result = ImagingHelper.CreateIconWithOverlay(result, OverlayImage);
// This code block must run in an STA thread otherwise the results may be incorrectly loaded icons!
NativeMethods.SHFILEINFO shFileInfo = default;
bool largeIcon = // Note: large returns another folder icon than windows explorer
Scaling.Factor >= 1.25f ||
Scaling.FactorByDpi >= 1.25f ||
Properties.Settings.Default.IconSizeInPercent / 100f >= 1.25f;
uint flags = GetFlags(linkOverlay, largeIcon);
uint attribute = isFolder ? NativeMethods.FileAttributeDirectory : NativeMethods.FileAttributeNormal;
IntPtr imageList = NativeMethods.Shell32SHGetFileInfo(path, attribute, ref shFileInfo, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(shFileInfo), flags);
Icon? icon = TryGetIcon(path, linkOverlay, shFileInfo, imageList);
if (icon != null)
result = TryCreateBitmapSourceFromIcon(path, icon);
return result;
private static bool TryGetIconExtractAssociatedIcon(string path, out Icon icon)
Icon? iconOrNull = null;
iconOrNull = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(path);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Warn($"Failed to {nameof(TryGetIconExtractAssociatedIcon)}: {path}", ex);
if (iconOrNull != null)
icon = iconOrNull;
return true;
icon = new Icon(string.Empty);
return false;
private static BitmapSource GetIconAsBitmapSourceSTA(string path, string resolvedPath, bool linkOverlay, bool isFolder)
BitmapSource? bitmapSource = TryGetIconAsBitmapSourceSTA(path, resolvedPath, linkOverlay, isFolder);
bitmapSource ??= NotFoundImage;
bitmapSource.Freeze(); // Make it accessible for any thread
return bitmapSource;
private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, BitmapSource> DictIconCache(bool checkPersistentFirst)
=> checkPersistentFirst ? IconDictPersistent : IconDictCache;
private static bool IsExtensionWithSameIcon(string fileExtension)
bool isExtensionWithSameIcon = true;
List<string> extensionsWithDiffIcons = new() { string.Empty, ".EXE", ".LNK", ".ICO", ".URL" };
if (extensionsWithDiffIcons.Contains(fileExtension.ToUpperInvariant()))
isExtensionWithSameIcon = false;
return isExtensionWithSameIcon;
private static uint GetFlags(bool linkOverlay, bool largeIcon)
uint flags = NativeMethods.ShgfiIcon | NativeMethods.ShgfiSYSICONINDEX;
if (linkOverlay)
flags += NativeMethods.ShgfiLINKOVERLAY;
if (!largeIcon)
flags += NativeMethods.ShgfiSMALLICON;
flags += NativeMethods.ShgfiLARGEICON;
return flags;
private static Icon? TryGetIcon(
string path, bool linkOverlay, NativeMethods.SHFILEINFO shFileInfo, IntPtr imageList)
Icon? icon = null;
if (imageList != IntPtr.Zero)
IntPtr hIcon;
if (linkOverlay)
hIcon = shFileInfo.hIcon;
hIcon = NativeMethods.ImageList_GetIcon(imageList, shFileInfo.iIcon, NativeMethods.IldTransparent);
// Note: Destroying hIcon after FromHandle will invalidate the Icon, so we do NOT destroy it, despite the request from documentation:
// Reason is,555 (FromHandle)
// It is not taking over the ownership, data will be deleted upon destroying the original icon, so a clone is required.
// With Clone we actually get a new handle, so we can free up the original handle without killing our copy.
// Using Clone will also restore the ownership of the new icon handle, so we do not have to call DestroyIcon on it by ourself.
icon = (Icon)Icon.FromHandle(hIcon).Clone();
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Warn($"path:'{path}'", ex);
if (!linkOverlay)
_ = NativeMethods.User32DestroyIcon(hIcon);
_ = NativeMethods.User32DestroyIcon(shFileInfo.hIcon);
return icon;