Peter Kirmeier de483c874c Refactored resource file management..
Remove use of resx file
Resource files are marked as "Resource" instead
Resources are loaded via resource dictionaries (either from code behind or XAML directly through binding)
Reduce amount of required image conversions

Also fix overlay of 50 percent transparency (is now rendered half transparent correct instead of adding "white fog")
Remove obsolete image as rendering is done directly in code

Also fix rendering of link indicator at correct image position

Also remove setting Icons of all Windows (as default is application icon anyway)
2023-08-12 02:33:11 +02:00

158 lines
6.4 KiB

// <copyright file="ImagingHelper.cs" company="PlaceholderCompany">
// Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace SystemTrayMenu.Helpers
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
/// <summary>
/// Provides helper methods for imaging.
/// </summary>
internal static class ImagingHelper
/// <summary>
/// Converts a PNG image to a icon (ico).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The input stream.</param>
/// <param name="output">The output stream.</param>
/// <param name="size">The size (16x16 px by default).</param>
/// <param name="preserveAspectRatio">Preserve the aspect ratio.</param>
/// <returns>Wether or not the icon was succesfully generated.</returns>
internal static bool ConvertToIcon(Stream input, Stream output, int size = 16, bool preserveAspectRatio = false)
Bitmap inputBitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(input);
if (inputBitmap != null)
int width, height;
if (preserveAspectRatio)
width = size;
height = inputBitmap.Height / inputBitmap.Width * size;
width = height = size;
Bitmap newBitmap = new(inputBitmap, new Size(width, height));
if (newBitmap != null)
// save the resized png into a memory stream for future use
using MemoryStream memoryStream = new();
newBitmap.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
BinaryWriter iconWriter = new(output);
if (output != null && iconWriter != null)
// 0-1 reserved, 0
// 2-3 image type, 1 = icon, 2 = cursor
// 4-5 number of images
// image entry 1
// 0 image width
// 1 image height
// 2 number of colors
// 3 reserved
// 4-5 color planes
// 6-7 bits per pixel
// 8-11 size of image data
// 12-15 offset of image data
iconWriter.Write(6 + 16);
// write image data
// png data must contain the whole png data file
return true;
return false;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a PNG image to a icon (ico).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputPath">The input path.</param>
/// <param name="outputPath">The output path.</param>
/// <param name="size">The size (16x16 px by default).</param>
/// <param name="preserveAspectRatio">Preserve the aspect ratio.</param>
/// <returns>Wether or not the icon was succesfully generated.</returns>
internal static bool ConvertToIcon(string inputPath, string outputPath, int size = 16, bool preserveAspectRatio = false)
using FileStream inputStream = new(inputPath, FileMode.Open);
using FileStream outputStream = new(outputPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
return ConvertToIcon(inputStream, outputStream, size, preserveAspectRatio);
/// <summary>
/// Renders an image on top of an image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalBitmap">Base image (remains unchanged).</param>
/// <param name="overlayBitmap">Image on top (remains unchanged).</param>
/// <returns>Rendered image.</returns>
internal static RenderTargetBitmap CreateIconWithOverlay(BitmapSource originalBitmap, BitmapSource overlayBitmap)
DrawingVisual dVisual = new ();
using (DrawingContext dc = dVisual.RenderOpen())
dc.DrawImage(originalBitmap, new (0, 0, originalBitmap.PixelWidth, originalBitmap.PixelHeight));
dc.DrawImage(overlayBitmap, new (0, 0, originalBitmap.PixelWidth, originalBitmap.PixelHeight));
RenderTargetBitmap targetBitmap = new (originalBitmap.PixelWidth, originalBitmap.PixelHeight, originalBitmap.DpiX, originalBitmap.DpiY, PixelFormats.Default);
return targetBitmap;
/// <summary>
/// Sets a flat the alpha channel value for an image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalBitmap">Base image (remains unchanged).</param>
/// <param name="opacity">Opacity value.</param>
/// <returns>Rendered image.</returns>
internal static RenderTargetBitmap ApplyOpactiy(BitmapSource originalBitmap, double opacity)
DrawingVisual dVisual = new ();
using (DrawingContext dc = dVisual.RenderOpen())
dc.DrawImage(originalBitmap, new(0, 0, originalBitmap.PixelWidth, originalBitmap.PixelHeight));
RenderTargetBitmap targetBitmap = new(originalBitmap.PixelWidth, originalBitmap.PixelHeight, originalBitmap.DpiX, originalBitmap.DpiY, PixelFormats.Default);
return targetBitmap;