// // Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved. // // see also: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/2532/Obtaining-and-managing-file-and-folder-icons-using. namespace SystemTrayMenu.Utilities { using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using SystemTrayMenu.DllImports; /// /// Provides static methods to read system icons for folders and files. /// public static class IconReader { private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary IconDictPersistent = new(); private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary IconDictCache = new(); public enum IconSize { Large = 0, // 32x32 pixels Small = 1, // 16x16 pixels } // see https://github.com/Hofknecht/SystemTrayMenu/issues/209. public static bool IsPreloading { get; set; } = true; public static void ClearCacheWhenLimitReached() { if (IconDictCache.Count > Properties.Settings.Default.ClearCacheIfMoreThanThisNumberOfItems) { foreach (Icon? icon in IconDictCache.Values) { icon?.Dispose(); } IconDictCache.Clear(); GC.Collect(); } } public static void RemoveIconFromCache(string path) { if (IconDictPersistent.Remove(path, out Icon? iconToRemove)) { iconToRemove?.Dispose(); } } public static bool GetFileIconWithCache( string path, string resolvedPath, bool linkOverlay, bool checkPersistentFirst, Action onIconLoaded) { bool cacheHit; Icon? icon; string key; string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); if (IsExtensionWithSameIcon(extension)) { key = extension + linkOverlay; } else { key = path; } if (!DictIconCache(checkPersistentFirst).TryGetValue(key, out icon) && !DictIconCache(!checkPersistentFirst).TryGetValue(key, out icon)) { cacheHit = false; new Thread(UpdateIconInBackground).Start(); void UpdateIconInBackground() { Icon? icon = DictIconCache(checkPersistentFirst).GetOrAdd(key, FactoryIconFile); BitmapSource? bitmap = icon?.ToBitmapSource(); bitmap?.Freeze(); onIconLoaded(bitmap); } Icon? FactoryIconFile(string keyExtension) { return GetIcon(path, resolvedPath, linkOverlay, false); } } else { cacheHit = true; BitmapSource? bitmap = icon?.ToBitmapSource(); bitmap?.Freeze(); onIconLoaded(bitmap); } return cacheHit; } public static bool GetFolderIconWithCache( string path, bool linkOverlay, bool checkPersistentFirst, Action onIconLoaded) { bool cacheHit; Icon? icon; string key = path; if (!DictIconCache(checkPersistentFirst).TryGetValue(key, out icon) && !DictIconCache(!checkPersistentFirst).TryGetValue(key, out icon)) { cacheHit = false; if (IsPreloading) { cacheHit = true; icon = DictIconCache(checkPersistentFirst).GetOrAdd(key, FactoryIconFolder); BitmapSource? bitmap = icon?.ToBitmapSource(); bitmap?.Freeze(); onIconLoaded(bitmap); } else { new Thread(UpdateIconInBackground).Start(); void UpdateIconInBackground() { Icon? icon = DictIconCache(checkPersistentFirst).GetOrAdd(key, FactoryIconFolder); BitmapSource? bitmap = icon?.ToBitmapSource(); bitmap?.Freeze(); onIconLoaded(bitmap); } } Icon? FactoryIconFolder(string keyExtension) { return GetIcon(path, path, linkOverlay, true); } } else { cacheHit = true; BitmapSource? bitmap = icon?.ToBitmapSource(); bitmap?.Freeze(); onIconLoaded(bitmap); } return cacheHit; } public static Icon? GetIcon(string path, string resolvedPath, bool linkOverlay, bool isFolder, IconSize? forceSize = null) { IconSize size; if (forceSize.HasValue) { size = forceSize.Value; } else if (Scaling.Factor >= 1.25f || Scaling.FactorByDpi >= 1.25f || Properties.Settings.Default.IconSizeInPercent / 100f >= 1.25f) { // IconSize.Large returns another folder icon than windows explorer size = IconSize.Large; } else { size = IconSize.Small; } Icon? icon; if (Path.GetExtension(path).Equals(".ico", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(path); } else if (File.Exists(resolvedPath) && Path.GetExtension(resolvedPath).Equals(".ico", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(resolvedPath); if (linkOverlay && icon != null) { icon = AddIconOverlay(icon, Properties.Resources.LinkArrow); } } else { NativeMethods.SHFILEINFO shFileInfo = default; uint flags = GetFlags(linkOverlay, size); uint attribute = isFolder ? NativeMethods.FileAttributeDirectory : NativeMethods.FileAttributeNormal; IntPtr imageList = NativeMethods.Shell32SHGetFileInfo(path, attribute, ref shFileInfo, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(shFileInfo), flags); icon = GetIcon(path, linkOverlay, shFileInfo, imageList); } return icon; } public static Icon AddIconOverlay(Icon originalIcon, Icon overlay) { using Bitmap target = new(originalIcon.Width, originalIcon.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(target); graphics.DrawIcon(originalIcon, 0, 0); graphics.DrawIcon(overlay, new(0, 0, originalIcon.Width + 2, originalIcon.Height + 2)); target.MakeTransparent(target.GetPixel(1, 1)); IntPtr hIcon = target.GetHicon(); Icon icon = (Icon)Icon.FromHandle(hIcon).Clone(); NativeMethods.User32DestroyIcon(hIcon); return icon; } private static ConcurrentDictionary DictIconCache(bool checkPersistentFirst) => checkPersistentFirst ? IconDictPersistent : IconDictCache; private static bool IsExtensionWithSameIcon(string fileExtension) { bool isExtensionWithSameIcon = true; List extensionsWithDiffIcons = new() { string.Empty, ".EXE", ".LNK", ".ICO", ".URL" }; if (extensionsWithDiffIcons.Contains(fileExtension.ToUpperInvariant())) { isExtensionWithSameIcon = false; } return isExtensionWithSameIcon; } private static uint GetFlags(bool linkOverlay, IconSize size) { uint flags = NativeMethods.ShgfiIcon | NativeMethods.ShgfiSYSICONINDEX; if (linkOverlay) { flags += NativeMethods.ShgfiLINKOVERLAY; } if (size == IconSize.Small) { flags += NativeMethods.ShgfiSMALLICON; } else { flags += NativeMethods.ShgfiLARGEICON; } return flags; } private static Icon? GetIcon( string path, bool linkOverlay, NativeMethods.SHFILEINFO shFileInfo, IntPtr imageList) { Icon? icon = null; if (imageList != IntPtr.Zero) { IntPtr hIcon; if (linkOverlay) { hIcon = shFileInfo.hIcon; } else { hIcon = NativeMethods.ImageList_GetIcon(imageList, shFileInfo.iIcon, NativeMethods.IldTransparent); } try { // Note: Destroying hIcon after FromHandle will invalidate the Icon, so we do NOT destroy it, despite the request from documentation: // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.drawing.icon.fromhandle?view=dotnet-plat-ext-7.0 // Reason is https://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.Drawing/commonui/System/Drawing/Icon.cs,555 (FromHandle) // It is not taking over the ownership, data will be deleted upon destroying the original icon, so a clone is required. // With Clone we actually get a new handle, so we can free up the original handle without killing our copy. // Using Clone will also restore the ownership of the new icon handle, so we do not have to call DestroyIcon on it by ourself. icon = (Icon)Icon.FromHandle(hIcon).Clone(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"path:'{path}'", ex); } if (!linkOverlay) { NativeMethods.User32DestroyIcon(hIcon); } NativeMethods.User32DestroyIcon(shFileInfo.hIcon); } return icon; } } }