namespace SystemTrayMenu.UserInterface { using System.Windows.Forms; using SystemTrayMenu.Utilities; public partial class HintYouCanOpenSettingsInSystemtrayIconRightClickForm : Form { public HintYouCanOpenSettingsInSystemtrayIconRightClickForm() { InitializeComponent(); Text = Translator.GetText("Hint"); string hintText = "The settings menu can also be opened by right-clicking the icon in the system tray at the bottom right, in case you can no longer open it via the menu."; labelHintYouCanOpenSettingsInSystemtrayIconRightClickForm.Text = Translator.GetText(hintText); checkBoxDontShowThisHintAgain.Text = Translator.GetText("Don't show this hint again."); buttonOK.Text = Translator.GetText("OK"); } internal bool GetShowHintAgain() { return !checkBoxDontShowThisHintAgain.Checked; } private void ButtonOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Close(); } } }