// // Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved. // namespace SystemTrayMenu.Utilities { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Windows; using Clearcove.Logging; using IWshRuntimeLibrary; using File = System.IO.File; internal static class Log { private const string LogfileLastExtension = "_last"; private static readonly Logger LogValue = new(string.Empty); private static readonly List Warnings = new(); private static readonly List Infos = new(); internal static void Initialize() { bool warnFailedToSaveLogFile = false; Exception exceptionWarnFailedToSaveLogFile = new(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogFileInApplicationDirectory) { try { string fileNameToCheckWriteAccess = "CheckWriteAccess"; File.WriteAllText(fileNameToCheckWriteAccess, fileNameToCheckWriteAccess); File.Delete(fileNameToCheckWriteAccess); } catch (Exception ex) { Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogFileInApplicationDirectory = false; warnFailedToSaveLogFile = true; exceptionWarnFailedToSaveLogFile = ex; } } bool warnCanNotClearLogfile = false; Exception exceptionWarnCanNotClearLogfile = new(); string fileNamePath = GetLogFilePath(); FileInfo fileInfo = new(fileNamePath); string fileNamePathLast = string.Empty; if (fileInfo.Exists && fileInfo.Length > 2000000) { fileNamePathLast = GetLogFilePath(LogfileLastExtension); try { File.Delete(fileNamePathLast); File.Move(fileNamePath, fileNamePathLast); } catch (Exception ex) { warnCanNotClearLogfile = true; exceptionWarnCanNotClearLogfile = ex; } } Logger.Start(fileInfo); if (warnFailedToSaveLogFile) { Warn($"Failed to save log file in application folder {GetLogFilePath()}", exceptionWarnFailedToSaveLogFile); } if (warnCanNotClearLogfile) { Warn($"Can not clear logfile:'{fileNamePathLast}'", exceptionWarnCanNotClearLogfile); } } internal static void Info(string message) { if (!Infos.Contains(message)) { Infos.Add(message); LogValue.Info(message); } } internal static void Warn(string message, Exception ex) { string warning = $"{message} {ex.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)}"; if (!Warnings.Contains(warning)) { Warnings.Add(warning); LogValue.Warn(warning); } } internal static void Error(string message, Exception ex) { LogValue.Error($"{message}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"{ex}"); } internal static string GetLogFilePath(string backup = "") { string logFilePath = string.Empty; if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogFileInApplicationDirectory) { logFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), $"SystemTrayMenu"); } return Path.Combine(logFilePath, $"log-{Environment.MachineName}{backup}.txt"); } internal static void OpenLogFile() { string lastLogfile = GetLogFilePath(LogfileLastExtension); if (File.Exists(lastLogfile)) { ProcessStart(lastLogfile); } ProcessStart(GetLogFilePath()); } internal static void WriteApplicationRuns() { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Version? version = assembly.GetName().Version; LogValue.Info($"Application Start " + assembly.ManifestModule.Name + " | " + (version != null ? version.ToString() : string.Empty) + " | " + $"ScalingFactor={Scaling.Factor}"); } internal static void Close() { try { Logger.ShutDown(); } catch (Exception ex) { Properties.Settings.Default.SaveLogFileInApplicationDirectory = false; Warn($"Failed to save log file in application folder {GetLogFilePath()}", ex); } } internal static void ProcessStart( string fileName, string arguments = "", bool doubleQuoteArg = false, string? workingDirectory = null, bool createNoWindow = false, string resolvedPath = "") { if (doubleQuoteArg && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments)) { arguments = "\"" + arguments + "\""; } try { string verb = string.Empty; if (!PrivilegeChecker.IsCurrentUserInAdminGroup) { bool isLink = Path.GetExtension(fileName) .Equals(".lnk", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (isLink) { WshShell shell = new(); IWshShortcut shortcut = (IWshShortcut)shell.CreateShortcut(fileName); bool startAsAdmin = shortcut.WindowStyle == 3; if (startAsAdmin) { verb = "runas"; } } } using Process p = new() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(fileName) { FileName = fileName, Arguments = arguments, WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory ?? string.Empty, CreateNoWindow = createNoWindow, UseShellExecute = true, Verb = verb, }, }; p.Start(); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { Warn($"fileName:'{fileName}' arguments:'{arguments}'", ex); if ((ex.NativeErrorCode == 2 || ex.NativeErrorCode == 1223) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolvedPath) || !File.Exists(resolvedPath))) { new Thread(ShowProblemWithShortcut).Start(); static void ShowProblemWithShortcut() { _ = MessageBox.Show( Translator.GetText("The item that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly."), Translator.GetText("Problem with shortcut link"), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Warn($"fileName:'{fileName}' arguments:'{arguments}'", ex); } } } }