Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell Provides extension methods for raising events safely. Safely raises an event using EventArgs.Empty EventHandler to raise Event sender Safely raises an event. Type of event args EventHandler<T> to raise Event sender Event args Safely raises an event using EventArgs.Empty EventHandler<EventArgs> to raise Event sender A wrapper for the native POINT structure. Initialize the NativePoint The x coordinate of the point. The y coordinate of the point. The X coordinate of the point The Y coordinate of the point Determines if two NativePoints are equal. First NativePoint Second NativePoint True if first NativePoint is equal to the second; false otherwise. Determines if two NativePoints are not equal. First NativePoint Second NativePoint True if first NativePoint is not equal to the second; false otherwise. Determines if this NativePoint is equal to another. Another NativePoint to compare True if this NativePoint is equal obj; false otherwise. Gets a hash code for the NativePoint. Hash code for the NativePoint A wrapper for a RECT struct Position of left edge Position of top edge Position of right edge Position of bottom edge Creates a new NativeRect initialized with supplied values. Position of left edge Position of top edge Position of right edge Position of bottom edge Determines if two NativeRects are equal. First NativeRect Second NativeRect True if first NativeRect is equal to second; false otherwise. Determines if two NativeRects are not equal First NativeRect Second NativeRect True if first is not equal to second; false otherwise. Determines if the NativeRect is equal to another Rect. Another NativeRect to compare True if this NativeRect is equal to the one provided; false otherwise. Creates a hash code for the NativeRect Returns hash code for this NativeRect An exception thrown when an error occurs while dealing with ShellObjects. Default constructor. Initializes a new exception using an HResult HResult error Initializes an excpetion with a custom message. Custom message Initializes an exception with custom message and inner exception. Custom message The original exception that preceded this exception Initializes an exception with custom message and error code. Custom message HResult error code Initializes an exception with custom message and error code. Initializes an exception with custom message and inner exception. HRESULT of an operation Initializes an exception from serialization info and a context. A folder in the Shell Namespace Constructs a new ShellFileSystemFolder object given a folder path The folder path ShellFileSystemFolder created from the given folder path. The path for this Folder A refence to an icon resource Overloaded constructor takes in the module name and resource id for the icon reference. String specifying the name of an executable file, DLL, or icon file Zero-based index of the icon Overloaded constructor takes in the module name and resource id separated by a comma. Reference path for the icon consiting of the module name and resource id. String specifying the name of an executable file, DLL, or icon file Zero-based index of the icon Reference to a specific icon within a EXE, DLL or icon file. Implements the == (equality) operator. First object to compare. Second object to compare. True if icon1 equals icon1; false otherwise. Implements the != (unequality) operator. First object to compare. Second object to compare. True if icon1 does not equals icon1; false otherwise. Determines if this object is equal to another. The object to compare Returns true if the objects are equal; false otherwise. Generates a nearly unique hashcode for this structure. A hash code. Exposes properties and methods for retrieving information about a search condition. The name of a property to be compared or NULL for an unspecified property. The property key for the property that is to be compared. A value (in format) to which the property is compared. Search condition operation to be performed on the property/value combination. See for more details. Represents the condition type for the given node. Retrieves an array of the sub-conditions. Release the native objects. Release the native objects. Provides methods for creating or resolving a condition tree that was obtained by parsing a query string. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and constant value. The name of a property to be compared, or null for an unspecified property. The locale name of the leaf node is LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT. The constant value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and constant value. Overload method takes a DateTime parameter for the comparison value. The name of a property to be compared, or null for an unspecified property. The locale name of the leaf node is LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT. The DateTime value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and Integer value. The name of a property to be compared, or null for an unspecified property. The locale name of the leaf node is LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT. The Integer value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and Boolean value. The name of a property to be compared, or null for an unspecified property. The locale name of the leaf node is LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT. The Boolean value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and Floating Point value. The name of a property to be compared, or null for an unspecified property. The locale name of the leaf node is LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT. The Floating Point value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and constant value. The property to be compared. The constant value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and constant value. Overload method takes a DateTime parameter for the comparison value. The property to be compared. The DateTime value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and Boolean value. Overload method takes a DateTime parameter for the comparison value. The property to be compared. The boolean value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and Floating Point value. Overload method takes a DateTime parameter for the comparison value. The property to be compared. The Floating Point value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a leaf condition node that represents a comparison of property value and Integer value. Overload method takes a DateTime parameter for the comparison value. The property to be compared. The Integer value against which the property value should be compared. Specific condition to be used when comparing the actual value and the expected value of the given property SearchCondition based on the given parameters The search will only work for files that are indexed, as well as the specific properties are indexed. To find the properties that are indexed, look for the specific property's property description and property for IsQueryable flag. Creates a condition node that is a logical conjunction ("AND") or disjunction ("OR") of a collection of subconditions. The SearchConditionType of the condition node. Must be either AndCondition or OrCondition. TRUE to logically simplify the result, if possible; then the result will not necessarily to be of the specified kind. FALSE if the result should have exactly the prescribed structure. An application that plans to execute a query based on the condition tree would typically benefit from setting this parameter to TRUE. Array of subconditions New SearchCondition based on the operation Creates a condition node that is a logical negation (NOT) of another condition (a subnode of this node). SearchCondition node to be negated. True to logically simplify the result if possible; False otherwise. In a query builder scenario, simplyfy should typically be set to false. New SearchCondition Parses an input string that contains Structured Query keywords (using Advanced Query Syntax or Natural Query Syntax) and produces a SearchCondition object. The query to be parsed Search condition resulting from the query For more information on structured query syntax, visit and Parses an input string that contains Structured Query keywords (using Advanced Query Syntax or Natural Query Syntax) and produces a SearchCondition object. The query to be parsed The culture used to select the localized language for keywords. Search condition resulting from the query For more information on structured query syntax, visit and Create and modify search folders. Create a simple search folder. Once the appropriate parameters are set, the search folder can be enumerated to get the search results. Specific condition on which to perform the search (property and expected value) List of folders/paths to perform the search on. These locations need to be indexed by the system. Create a simple search folder. Once the appropiate parameters are set, the search folder can be enumerated to get the search results. Specific condition on which to perform the search (property and expected value) List of folders/paths to perform the search on. These locations need to be indexed by the system. Gets the of the search. When this property is not set, the resulting search will have no filters applied. Gets the search scope, as specified using an array of locations to search. The search will include this location and all its subcontainers. The default is FOLDERID_Profile Creates a list of stack keys, as specified. If this method is not called, by default the folder will not be stacked. Array of canonical names for properties on which the folder is stacked. If one of the given canonical names is invalid. Creates a list of stack keys, as specified. If this method is not called, by default the folder will not be stacked. Array of property keys on which the folder is stacked. Sets the search folder display name. Sets the search folder icon size. The default settings are based on the FolderTypeID which is set by the SearchFolder::SetFolderTypeID method. Sets a search folder type ID, as specified. Sets folder logical view mode. The default settings are based on the FolderTypeID which is set by the SearchFolder::SetFolderTypeID method. The logical view mode to set. Creates a new column list whose columns are all visible, given an array of PropertyKey structures. The default is based on FolderTypeID. This property may not work correctly with the ExplorerBrowser control. Creates a list of sort column directions, as specified. This property may not work correctly with the ExplorerBrowser control. Sets a group column, as specified. If no group column is specified, no grouping occurs. This property may not work correctly with the ExplorerBrowser control. A file in the Shell Namespace Constructs a new ShellFile object given a file path The file or folder path ShellFile object created using given file path. The path for this file Represents the base class for all types of folders (filesystem and non filesystem) A helper class for Shell Objects Creates a ShellObject given a native IShellItem interface A newly constructed ShellObject object Creates a ShellObject given a parsing name A newly constructed ShellObject object Constructs a new Shell object from IDList pointer Constructs a new Shell object from IDList pointer Represents a thumbnail or an icon for a ShellObject. Native shellItem Internal member to keep track of the current size Internal constructor that takes in a parent ShellObject. Gets or sets the default size of the thumbnail or icon. The default is 32x32 pixels for icons and 256x256 pixels for thumbnails. If the size specified is larger than the maximum size of 1024x1024 for thumbnails and 256x256 for icons, an is thrown. Gets the thumbnail or icon image in format. Null is returned if the ShellObject does not have a thumbnail or icon image. Gets the thumbnail or icon image in format. Null is returned if the ShellObject does not have a thumbnail or icon image. Gets the thumbnail or icon image in format. Null is returned if the ShellObject does not have a thumbnail or icon image. Gets the thumbnail or icon in small size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in small size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in small size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in Medium size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in medium size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in Medium size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in large size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in large size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in Large size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in extra large size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in Extra Large size and format. Gets the thumbnail or icon in Extra Large size and format. Gets or sets a value that determines if the current retrieval option is cache or extract, cache only, or from memory only. The default is cache or extract. Gets or sets a value that determines if the current format option is thumbnail or icon, thumbnail only, or icon only. The default is thumbnail or icon. Gets or sets a value that determines if the user can manually stretch the returned image. The default value is false. For example, if the caller passes in 80x80 a 96x96 thumbnail could be returned. This could be used as a performance optimization if the caller will need to stretch the image themselves anyway. Note that the Shell implementation performs a GDI stretch blit. If the caller wants a higher quality image stretch, they should pass this flag and do it themselves. An ennumerable list of ShellObjects Creates a ShellObject collection from an IShellItemArray IShellItemArray pointer Indicates whether the collection shouldbe read-only or not Creates a ShellObjectCollection from an IDataObject passed during Drop operation. An object that implements the IDataObject COM interface. ShellObjectCollection created from the given IDataObject Constructs an empty ShellObjectCollection Finalizer Standard Dispose pattern Standard Dispose patterns Indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Item count Collection enumeration Builds the data for the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST Drag and Clipboard data format from the ShellObjects in the collection. A memory stream containing the drag/drop data. Returns the index of a particualr shell object in the collection The item to search for. The index of the item found, or -1 if not found. Inserts a new shell object into the collection. The index at which to insert. The item to insert. Removes the specified ShellObject from the collection The index to remove at. The collection indexer The index of the item to retrieve. The ShellObject at the specified index Adds a ShellObject to the collection, The ShellObject to add. Clears the collection of ShellObjects. Determines if the collection contains a particular ShellObject. The ShellObject. true, if the ShellObject is in the list, false otherwise. Copies the ShellObjects in the collection to a ShellObject array. The destination to copy to. The index into the array at which copying will commence. Retrieves the number of ShellObjects in the collection If true, the contents of the collection are immutable. Removes a particular ShellObject from the list. The ShellObject to remove. True if the item could be removed, false otherwise. Allows for enumeration through the list of ShellObjects in the collection. The IEnumerator interface to use for enumeration. Defines the read-only properties for default shell icon sizes. The small size property for a 16x16 pixel Shell Icon. The medium size property for a 32x32 pixel Shell Icon. The large size property for a 48x48 pixel Shell Icon. The extra-large size property for a 256x256 pixel Shell Icon. The maximum size for a Shell Icon, 256x256 pixels. Defines the read-only properties for default shell thumbnail sizes. Gets the small size property for a 32x32 pixel Shell Thumbnail. Gets the medium size property for a 96x96 pixel Shell Thumbnail. Gets the large size property for a 256x256 pixel Shell Thumbnail. Gets the extra-large size property for a 1024x1024 pixel Shell Thumbnail. Maximum size for the Shell Thumbnail, 1024x1024 pixels. Stores information about how to sort a column that is displayed in the folder view. Creates a sort column with the specified direction for the given property. Property key for the property that the user will sort. The direction in which the items are sorted. The ID of the column by which the user will sort. A PropertyKey structure. For example, for the "Name" column, the property key is PKEY_ItemNameDisplay or . The direction in which the items are sorted. Implements the == (equality) operator. First object to compare. Second object to compare. True if col1 equals col2; false otherwise. Implements the != (unequality) operator. First object to compare. Second object to compare. True if col1 does not equals col1; false otherwise. Determines if this object is equal to another. The object to compare Returns true if the objects are equal; false otherwise. Generates a nearly unique hashcode for this structure. A hash code. Event argument for The GlassAvailabilityChanged event The new GlassAvailable state Windows Glass Form Inherit from this form to be able to enable glass on Windows Form Get determines if AeroGlass is enabled on the desktop. Set enables/disables AreoGlass on the desktop. Fires when the availability of Glass effect changes. Makes the background of current window transparent Excludes a Control from the AeroGlass frame. The control to exclude. Many non-WPF rendered controls (i.e., the ExplorerBrowser control) will not render properly on top of an AeroGlass frame. Resets the AeroGlass exclusion area. Catches the DWM messages to this window and fires the appropriate event. Initializes the Form for AeroGlass The arguments for this event Overide OnPaint to paint the background as black. PaintEventArgs WPF Glass Window Inherit from this window class to enable glass on a WPF window Get determines if AeroGlass is enabled on the desktop. Set enables/disables AreoGlass on the desktop. Fires when the availability of Glass effect changes. Makes the background of current window transparent from both Wpf and Windows Perspective Excludes a UI element from the AeroGlass frame. The element to exclude. Many non-WPF rendered controls (i.e., the ExplorerBrowser control) will not render properly on top of an AeroGlass frame. Resets the AeroGlass exclusion area. OnSourceInitialized Override SourceInitialized to initialize windowHandle for this window. A valid windowHandle is available only after the sourceInitialized is completed EventArgs The STGM constants are flags that indicate conditions for creating and deleting the object and access modes for the object. You can combine these flags, but you can only choose one flag from each group of related flags. Typically one flag from each of the access and sharing groups must be specified for all functions and methods which use these constants. Indicates that, in direct mode, each change to a storage or stream element is written as it occurs. Indicates that, in transacted mode, changes are buffered and written only if an explicit commit operation is called. Provides a faster implementation of a compound file in a limited, but frequently used, case. Indicates that the object is read-only, meaning that modifications cannot be made. Enables you to save changes to the object, but does not permit access to its data. Enables access and modification of object data. Specifies that subsequent openings of the object are not denied read or write access. Prevents others from subsequently opening the object in Read mode. Prevents others from subsequently opening the object for Write or ReadWrite access. Prevents others from subsequently opening the object in any mode. Opens the storage object with exclusive access to the most recently committed version. Indicates that the underlying file is to be automatically destroyed when the root storage object is released. This feature is most useful for creating temporary files. Indicates that, in transacted mode, a temporary scratch file is usually used to save modifications until the Commit method is called. Specifying NoScratch permits the unused portion of the original file to be used as work space instead of creating a new file for that purpose. Indicates that an existing storage object or stream should be removed before the new object replaces it. Creates the new object while preserving existing data in a stream named "Contents". Causes the create operation to fail if an existing object with the specified name exists. This flag is used when opening a storage object with Transacted and without ShareExclusive or ShareDenyWrite. In this case, specifying NoSnapshot prevents the system-provided implementation from creating a snapshot copy of the file. Instead, changes to the file are written to the end of the file. Supports direct mode for single-writer, multireader file operations. Wraps the native Windows MSG structure. Gets the window handle Gets the window message Gets the WParam Gets the LParam Gets the time Gets the point Creates a new instance of the Message struct Window handle Message WParam LParam Time Point Determines if two messages are equal. First message Second message True if first and second message are equal; false otherwise. Determines if two messages are not equal. First message Second message True if first and second message are not equal; false otherwise. Determines if this message is equal to another. Another message True if this message is equal argument; false otherwise. Gets a hash code for the message. Hash code for this message. An exception thrown when an error occurs while dealing with the Property System API. Default constructor. Initializes an excpetion with a custom message. Initializes an exception with custom message and inner exception. Initializes an exception with custom message and error code. Initializes an exception from serialization info and a context. An in-memory property store cache Gets the state of a property stored in the cache Gets the valeu and state of a property in the cache Sets the state of a property in the cache. Sets the value and state in the cache. A property store Gets the number of properties contained in the property store. Get a property key located at a specific index. Gets the value of a property from the store Sets the value of a property in the store Commits the changes. Defines a partial class that implements helper methods for retrieving Shell properties using a canonical name, property key, or a strongly-typed property. Also provides access to all the strongly-typed system properties and default properties collections. Returns a property available in the default property collection using the given property key. The property key. An IShellProperty. Returns a property available in the default property collection using the given canonical name. The canonical name. An IShellProperty. Returns a strongly typed property available in the default property collection using the given property key. The type of property to retrieve. The property key. A strongly-typed ShellProperty for the given property key. Returns a strongly typed property available in the default property collection using the given canonical name. The type of property to retrieve. The canonical name. A strongly-typed ShellProperty for the given canonical name. Gets all the properties for the system through an accessor. Gets the collection of all the default properties for this item. Returns the shell property writer used when writing multiple properties. A ShellPropertyWriter. Use the Using pattern with the returned ShellPropertyWriter or manually call the Close method on the writer to commit the changes and dispose the writer Cleans up memory Cleans up memory .System Properties Name: System.AcquisitionID -- PKEY_AcquisitionID Description: Hash to determine acquisition session. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {65A98875-3C80-40AB-ABBC-EFDAF77DBEE2}, 100 Name: System.ApplicationName -- PKEY_ApplicationName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 18 (PIDSI_APPNAME) Name: System.Author -- PKEY_Author Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 4 (PIDSI_AUTHOR) Name: System.Capacity -- PKEY_Capacity Description: The amount of total space in bytes. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 3 (PID_VOLUME_CAPACITY) (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.Category -- PKEY_Category Description: Legacy code treats this as VT_LPSTR. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 2 (PIDDSI_CATEGORY) Name: System.Comment -- PKEY_Comment Description: Comments. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 6 (PIDSI_COMMENTS) Name: System.Company -- PKEY_Company Description: The company or publisher. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 15 (PIDDSI_COMPANY) Name: System.ComputerName -- PKEY_ComputerName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 5 (PID_COMPUTERNAME) Name: System.ContainedItems -- PKEY_ContainedItems Description: The list of type of items, this item contains. For example, this item contains urls, attachments etc. This is represented as a vector array of GUIDs where each GUID represents certain type. Type: Multivalue Guid -- VT_VECTOR | VT_CLSID (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_CLSID) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 29 Name: System.ContentStatus -- PKEY_ContentStatus Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 27 Name: System.ContentType -- PKEY_ContentType Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 26 Name: System.Copyright -- PKEY_Copyright Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 11 (PIDMSI_COPYRIGHT) Name: System.DateAccessed -- PKEY_DateAccessed Description: The time of the last access to the item. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'access'. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 16 (PID_STG_ACCESSTIME) Name: System.DateAcquired -- PKEY_DateAcquired Description: The time the file entered the system via acquisition. This is not the same as System.DateImported. Examples are when pictures are acquired from a camera, or when music is purchased online. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {2CBAA8F5-D81F-47CA-B17A-F8D822300131}, 100 Name: System.DateArchived -- PKEY_DateArchived Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {43F8D7B7-A444-4F87-9383-52271C9B915C}, 100 Name: System.DateCompleted -- PKEY_DateCompleted Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {72FAB781-ACDA-43E5-B155-B2434F85E678}, 100 Name: System.DateCreated -- PKEY_DateCreated Description: The date and time the item was created. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'create'. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 15 (PID_STG_CREATETIME) Name: System.DateImported -- PKEY_DateImported Description: The time the file is imported into a separate database. This is not the same as System.DateAcquired. (Eg, 2003:05:22 13:55:04) Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 18258 Name: System.DateModified -- PKEY_DateModified Description: The date and time of the last write to the item. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'write'. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 14 (PID_STG_WRITETIME) Name: System.DescriptionID -- PKEY_DescriptionID Description: The contents of a SHDESCRIPTIONID structure as a buffer of bytes. Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 2 (PID_DESCRIPTIONID) Name: System.DueDate -- PKEY_DueDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {3F8472B5-E0AF-4DB2-8071-C53FE76AE7CE}, 100 Name: System.EndDate -- PKEY_EndDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {C75FAA05-96FD-49E7-9CB4-9F601082D553}, 100 Name: System.FileAllocationSize -- PKEY_FileAllocationSize Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 18 (PID_STG_ALLOCSIZE) Name: System.FileAttributes -- PKEY_FileAttributes Description: This is the WIN32_FIND_DATA dwFileAttributes for the file-based item. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 13 (PID_STG_ATTRIBUTES) Name: System.FileCount -- PKEY_FileCount Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 12 Name: System.FileDescription -- PKEY_FileDescription Description: This is a user-friendly description of the file. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 3 (PIDVSI_FileDescription) Name: System.FileExtension -- PKEY_FileExtension Description: This is the file extension of the file based item, including the leading period. If System.FileName is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.FileName. If System.FileName does not have a file extension, this value should be VT_EMPTY. To obtain the type of any item (including an item that is not a file), use System.ItemType. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" ".txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" ".doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" ".xls" "\\server\share\folder" VT_EMPTY "c:\foo\MyFolder" VT_EMPTY [desktop] VT_EMPTY Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E4F10A3C-49E6-405D-8288-A23BD4EEAA6C}, 100 Name: System.FileFRN -- PKEY_FileFRN Description: This is the unique file ID, also known as the File Reference Number. For a given file, this is the same value as is found in the structure variable FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO.FileId, via GetFileInformationByHandleEx(). Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 21 (PID_STG_FRN) Name: System.FileName -- PKEY_FileName Description: This is the file name (including extension) of the file. It is possible that the item might not exist on a filesystem (ie, it may not be opened using CreateFile). Nonetheless, if the item is represented as a file from the logical sense (and its name follows standard Win32 file-naming syntax), then the data source should emit this property. If an item is not a file, then the value for this property is VT_EMPTY. See System.ItemNameDisplay. This has the same value as System.ParsingName for items that are provided by the Shell's file folder. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "hello.txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "numbers.xls" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "MyFolder" (email message) VT_EMPTY (song on portable device) "song.wma" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {41CF5AE0-F75A-4806-BD87-59C7D9248EB9}, 100 Name: System.FileOwner -- PKEY_FileOwner Description: This is the owner of the file, according to the file system. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Misc) {9B174B34-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 4 (PID_MISC_OWNER) Name: System.FileVersion -- PKEY_FileVersion Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 4 (PIDVSI_FileVersion) Name: System.FindData -- PKEY_FindData Description: WIN32_FIND_DATAW in buffer of bytes. Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 0 (PID_FINDDATA) Name: System.FlagColor -- PKEY_FlagColor Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {67DF94DE-0CA7-4D6F-B792-053A3E4F03CF}, 100 Name: System.FlagColorText -- PKEY_FlagColorText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.FlagColor. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {45EAE747-8E2A-40AE-8CBF-CA52ABA6152A}, 100 Name: System.FlagStatus -- PKEY_FlagStatus Description: Status of Flag. Values: (0=none 1=white 2=Red). cdoPR_FLAG_STATUS Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 12 Name: System.FlagStatusText -- PKEY_FlagStatusText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.FlagStatus. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DC54FD2E-189D-4871-AA01-08C2F57A4ABC}, 100 Name: System.FreeSpace -- PKEY_FreeSpace Description: The amount of free space in bytes. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 2 (PID_VOLUME_FREE) (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.FullText -- PKEY_FullText Description: This PKEY is used to specify search terms that should be applied as broadly as possible, across all valid properties for the data source(s) being searched. It should not be emitted from a data source. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}, 6 Name: System.Identity -- PKEY_Identity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A26F4AFC-7346-4299-BE47-EB1AE613139F}, 100 Name: System.ImageParsingName -- PKEY_ImageParsingName Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D7750EE0-C6A4-48EC-B53E-B87B52E6D073}, 100 Name: System.Importance -- PKEY_Importance Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 11 Name: System.ImportanceText -- PKEY_ImportanceText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Importance. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A3B29791-7713-4E1D-BB40-17DB85F01831}, 100 Name: System.InfoTipText -- PKEY_InfoTipText Description: The text (with formatted property values) to show in the infotip. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 17 Name: System.InternalName -- PKEY_InternalName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 5 (PIDVSI_InternalName) Name: System.IsAttachment -- PKEY_IsAttachment Description: Identifies if this item is an attachment. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {F23F425C-71A1-4FA8-922F-678EA4A60408}, 100 Name: System.IsDefaultNonOwnerSaveLocation -- PKEY_IsDefaultNonOwnerSaveLocation Description: Identifies the default save location for a library for non-owners of the library Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 5 Name: System.IsDefaultSaveLocation -- PKEY_IsDefaultSaveLocation Description: Identifies the default save location for a library for the owner of the library Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 3 Name: System.IsDeleted -- PKEY_IsDeleted Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5CDA5FC8-33EE-4FF3-9094-AE7BD8868C4D}, 100 Name: System.IsEncrypted -- PKEY_IsEncrypted Description: Is the item encrypted? Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {90E5E14E-648B-4826-B2AA-ACAF790E3513}, 10 Name: System.IsFlagged -- PKEY_IsFlagged Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5DA84765-E3FF-4278-86B0-A27967FBDD03}, 100 Name: System.IsFlaggedComplete -- PKEY_IsFlaggedComplete Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {A6F360D2-55F9-48DE-B909-620E090A647C}, 100 Name: System.IsIncomplete -- PKEY_IsIncomplete Description: Identifies if the message was not completely received for some error condition. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {346C8BD1-2E6A-4C45-89A4-61B78E8E700F}, 100 Name: System.IsLocationSupported -- PKEY_IsLocationSupported Description: A bool value to know if a location is supported (locally indexable, or remotely indexed). Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 8 Name: System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree -- PKEY_IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree Description: A bool value to know if a shell folder is pinned to the navigation pane Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 2 Name: System.IsRead -- PKEY_IsRead Description: Has the item been read? Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 10 Name: System.IsSearchOnlyItem -- PKEY_IsSearchOnlyItem Description: Identifies if a location or a library is search only Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 4 Name: System.IsSendToTarget -- PKEY_IsSendToTarget Description: Provided by certain shell folders. Return TRUE if the folder is a valid Send To target. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 33 Name: System.IsShared -- PKEY_IsShared Description: Is this item shared? This only checks for ACLs that are not inherited. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 100 Name: System.ItemAuthors -- PKEY_ItemAuthors Description: This is the generic list of authors associated with an item. For example, the artist name for a track is the item author. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D0A04F0A-462A-48A4-BB2F-3706E88DBD7D}, 100 Name: System.ItemClassType -- PKEY_ItemClassType Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {048658AD-2DB8-41A4-BBB6-AC1EF1207EB1}, 100 Name: System.ItemDate -- PKEY_ItemDate Description: This is the main date for an item. The date of interest. For example, for photos this maps to System.Photo.DateTaken. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {F7DB74B4-4287-4103-AFBA-F1B13DCD75CF}, 100 Name: System.ItemFolderNameDisplay -- PKEY_ItemFolderNameDisplay Description: This is the user-friendly display name of the parent folder of an item. If System.ItemFolderPathDisplay is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.ItemFolderPathDisplay. If the folder is a file folder, the value will be localized if a localized name is available. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "bar" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "mydir" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "share" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "foo" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Inbox" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 2 (PID_STG_DIRECTORY) Name: System.ItemFolderPathDisplay -- PKEY_ItemFolderPathDisplay Description: This is the user-friendly display path of the parent folder of an item. If System.ItemPathDisplay is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.ItemPathDisplay. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "c:\foo\bar" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\mydir" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "\\server\share" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "c:\foo" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 6 Name: System.ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow -- PKEY_ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow Description: This is the user-friendly display path of the parent folder of an item. The format of the string should be tailored such that the folder name comes first, to optimize for a narrow viewing column. If the folder is a file folder, the value includes localized names if they are present. If System.ItemFolderPathDisplay is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.ItemFolderPathDisplay. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "bar (c:\foo)" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "mydir (\\server\share)" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "share (\\server)" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "foo (c:\)" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Inbox (/Mailbox Account)" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DABD30ED-0043-4789-A7F8-D013A4736622}, 100 Name: System.ItemName -- PKEY_ItemName Description: This is the base-name of the System.ItemNameDisplay. If the item is a file this property includes the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. If the item is a message, then the value of this property does not include the forwarding or reply prefixes (see System.ItemNamePrefix). Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6B8DA074-3B5C-43BC-886F-0A2CDCE00B6F}, 100 Name: System.ItemNameDisplay -- PKEY_ItemNameDisplay Description: This is the display name in "most complete" form. This is the best effort unique representation of the name of an item that makes sense for end users to read. It is the concatentation of System.ItemNamePrefix and System.ItemName. If the item is a file this property includes the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. There are acceptable cases when System.FileName is not VT_EMPTY, yet the value of this property is completely different. Email messages are a key example. If the item is an email message, the item name is likely the subject. In that case, the value must be the concatenation of the System.ItemNamePrefix and System.ItemName. Since the value of System.ItemNamePrefix excludes any trailing whitespace, the concatenation must include a whitespace when generating System.ItemNameDisplay. Note that this property is not guaranteed to be unique, but the idea is to promote the most likely candidate that can be unique and also makes sense for end users. For example, for documents, you might think about using System.Title as the System.ItemNameDisplay, but in practice the title of the documents may not be useful or unique enough to be of value as the sole System.ItemNameDisplay. Instead, providing the value of System.FileName as the value of System.ItemNameDisplay is a better candidate. In Windows Mail, the emails are stored in the file system as .eml files and the System.FileName for those files are not human-friendly as they contain GUIDs. In this example, promoting System.Subject as System.ItemNameDisplay makes more sense. Compatibility notes: Shell folder implementations on Vista: use PKEY_ItemNameDisplay for the name column when you want Explorer to call ISF::GetDisplayNameOf(SHGDN_NORMAL) to get the value of the name. Use another PKEY (like PKEY_ItemName) when you want Explorer to call either the folder's property store or ISF2::GetDetailsEx in order to get the value of the name. Shell folder implementations on XP: the first column needs to be the name column, and Explorer will call ISF::GetDisplayNameOf to get the value of the name. The PKEY/SCID does not matter. Example values: File: "hello.txt" Message: "Re: Let's talk about Tom's argyle socks!" Device folder: "song.wma" Folder: "Documents" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 10 (PID_STG_NAME) Name: System.ItemNamePrefix -- PKEY_ItemNamePrefix Description: This is the prefix of an item, used for email messages. where the subject begins with "Re:" which is the prefix. If the item is a file, then the value of this property is VT_EMPTY. If the item is a message, then the value of this property is the forwarding or reply prefixes (including delimiting colon, but no whitespace), or VT_EMPTY if there is no prefix. Example values: System.ItemNamePrefix System.ItemName System.ItemNameDisplay --------------------- ------------------- ---------------------- VT_EMPTY "Great day" "Great day" "Re:" "Great day" "Re: Great day" "Fwd: " "Monthly budget" "Fwd: Monthly budget" VT_EMPTY "accounts.xls" "accounts.xls" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D7313FF1-A77A-401C-8C99-3DBDD68ADD36}, 100 Name: System.ItemParticipants -- PKEY_ItemParticipants Description: This is the generic list of people associated with an item and who contributed to the item. For example, this is the combination of people in the To list, Cc list and sender of an email message. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D4D0AA16-9948-41A4-AA85-D97FF9646993}, 100 Name: System.ItemPathDisplay -- PKEY_ItemPathDisplay Description: This is the user-friendly display path to the item. If the item is a file or folder this property includes the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. For other items,this is the user-friendly equivalent, assuming the item exists in hierarchical storage. Unlike System.ItemUrl, this property value does not include the URL scheme. To parse an item path, use System.ItemUrl or System.ParsingPath. To reference shell namespace items using shell APIs, use System.ParsingPath. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 7 Name: System.ItemPathDisplayNarrow -- PKEY_ItemPathDisplayNarrow Description: This is the user-friendly display path to the item. The format of the string should be tailored such that the name comes first, to optimize for a narrow viewing column. If the item is a file, the value excludes the file extension, and includes localized names if they are present. If the item is a message, the value includes the System.ItemNamePrefix. To parse an item path, use System.ItemUrl or System.ParsingPath. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "hello (c:\foo\bar)" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "goodnews (\\server\share\mydir)" "\\server\share\folder" "folder (\\server\share)" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "MyFolder (c:\foo)" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Re: Hello! (/Mailbox Account/Inbox)" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 8 Name: System.ItemType -- PKEY_ItemType Description: This is the canonical type of the item and is intended to be programmatically parsed. If there is no canonical type, the value is VT_EMPTY. If the item is a file (ie, System.FileName is not VT_EMPTY), the value is the same as System.FileExtension. Use System.ItemTypeText when you want to display the type to end users in a view. (If the item is a file, passing the System.ItemType value to PSFormatForDisplay will result in the same value as System.ItemTypeText.) Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" ".txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" ".doc" "\\server\share\folder" "Directory" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "Directory" [desktop] "Folder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "MAPI/IPM.Message" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 11 Name: System.ItemTypeText -- PKEY_ItemTypeText Description: This is the user friendly type name of the item. This is not intended to be programmatically parsed. If System.ItemType is VT_EMPTY, the value of this property is also VT_EMPTY. If the item is a file, the value of this property is the same as if you passed the file's System.ItemType value to PSFormatForDisplay. This property should not be confused with System.Kind, where System.Kind is a high-level user friendly kind name. For example, for a document, System.Kind = "Document" and System.Item.Type = ".doc" and System.Item.TypeText = "Microsoft Word Document" Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "Text File" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "Microsoft Word Document" "\\server\share\folder" "File Folder" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "File Folder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Outlook E-Mail Message" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 4 (PID_STG_STORAGETYPE) Name: System.ItemUrl -- PKEY_ItemUrl Description: This always represents a well formed URL that points to the item. To reference shell namespace items using shell APIs, use System.ParsingPath. Example values: Files: "file:///c:/foo/bar/hello.txt" "csc://{GUID}/..." Messages: "mapi://..." Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 9 (DISPID_QUERY_VIRTUALPATH) Name: System.Keywords -- PKEY_Keywords Description: The keywords for the item. Also referred to as tags. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 5 (PIDSI_KEYWORDS) Name: System.Kind -- PKEY_Kind Description: System.Kind is used to map extensions to various .Search folders. Extensions are mapped to Kinds at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\KindMap The list of kinds is not extensible. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}, 3 Name: System.KindText -- PKEY_KindText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Kind. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F04BEF95-C585-4197-A2B7-DF46FDC9EE6D}, 100 Name: System.Language -- PKEY_Language Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 28 Name: System.MileageInformation -- PKEY_MileageInformation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FDF84370-031A-4ADD-9E91-0D775F1C6605}, 100 Name: System.MIMEType -- PKEY_MIMEType Description: The MIME type. Eg, for EML files: 'message/rfc822'. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 5 Name: System.NamespaceCLSID -- PKEY_NamespaceCLSID Description: The CLSID of the name space extension for an item, the object that implements IShellFolder for this item Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 6 Name: System.Null -- PKEY_Null Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, 0 Name: System.OfflineAvailability -- PKEY_OfflineAvailability Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A94688B6-7D9F-4570-A648-E3DFC0AB2B3F}, 100 Name: System.OfflineStatus -- PKEY_OfflineStatus Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6D24888F-4718-4BDA-AFED-EA0FB4386CD8}, 100 Name: System.OriginalFileName -- PKEY_OriginalFileName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 6 Name: System.OwnerSID -- PKEY_OwnerSID Description: SID of the user that owns the library. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 6 Name: System.ParentalRating -- PKEY_ParentalRating Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 21 (PIDMSI_PARENTAL_RATING) Name: System.ParentalRatingReason -- PKEY_ParentalRatingReason Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {10984E0A-F9F2-4321-B7EF-BAF195AF4319}, 100 Name: System.ParentalRatingsOrganization -- PKEY_ParentalRatingsOrganization Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A7FE0840-1344-46F0-8D37-52ED712A4BF9}, 100 Name: System.ParsingBindContext -- PKEY_ParsingBindContext Description: used to get the IBindCtx for an item for parsing Type: Any -- VT_NULL Legacy code may treat this as VT_UNKNOWN. FormatID: {DFB9A04D-362F-4CA3-B30B-0254B17B5B84}, 100 Name: System.ParsingName -- PKEY_ParsingName Description: The shell namespace name of an item relative to a parent folder. This name may be passed to IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName() of the parent shell folder. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 24 Name: System.ParsingPath -- PKEY_ParsingPath Description: This is the shell namespace path to the item. This path may be passed to SHParseDisplayName to parse the path to the correct shell folder. If the item is a file, the value is identical to System.ItemPathDisplay. If the item cannot be accessed through the shell namespace, this value is VT_EMPTY. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 30 Name: System.PerceivedType -- PKEY_PerceivedType Description: The perceived type of a shell item, based upon its canonical type. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 9 Name: System.PercentFull -- PKEY_PercentFull Description: The amount filled as a percentage, multiplied by 100 (ie, the valid range is 0 through 100). Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 5 (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.Priority -- PKEY_Priority Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}, 5 Name: System.PriorityText -- PKEY_PriorityText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Priority. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D98BE98B-B86B-4095-BF52-9D23B2E0A752}, 100 Name: System.Project -- PKEY_Project Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {39A7F922-477C-48DE-8BC8-B28441E342E3}, 100 Name: System.ProviderItemID -- PKEY_ProviderItemID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F21D9941-81F0-471A-ADEE-4E74B49217ED}, 100 Name: System.Rating -- PKEY_Rating Description: Indicates the users preference rating of an item on a scale of 1-99 (1-12 = One Star, 13-37 = Two Stars, 38-62 = Three Stars, 63-87 = Four Stars, 88-99 = Five Stars). Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDMSI_RATING) Name: System.RatingText -- PKEY_RatingText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Rating. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {90197CA7-FD8F-4E8C-9DA3-B57E1E609295}, 100 Name: System.Sensitivity -- PKEY_Sensitivity Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {F8D3F6AC-4874-42CB-BE59-AB454B30716A}, 100 Name: System.SensitivityText -- PKEY_SensitivityText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Sensitivity. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D0C7F054-3F72-4725-8527-129A577CB269}, 100 Name: System.SFGAOFlags -- PKEY_SFGAOFlags Description: IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags, with SFGAO_PKEYSFGAOMASK attributes masked out. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 25 Name: System.SharedWith -- PKEY_SharedWith Description: Who is the item shared with? Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 200 Name: System.ShareUserRating -- PKEY_ShareUserRating Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 12 (PIDMSI_SHARE_USER_RATING) Name: System.SharingStatus -- PKEY_SharingStatus Description: What is the item's sharing status (not shared, shared, everyone (homegroup or everyone), or private)? Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 300 Name: System.SimpleRating -- PKEY_SimpleRating Description: Indicates the users preference rating of an item on a scale of 0-5 (0=unrated, 1=One Star, 2=Two Stars, 3=Three Stars, 4=Four Stars, 5=Five Stars) Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A09F084E-AD41-489F-8076-AA5BE3082BCA}, 100 Name: System.Size -- PKEY_Size Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 12 (PID_STG_SIZE) Name: System.SoftwareUsed -- PKEY_SoftwareUsed Description: PropertyTagSoftwareUsed Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 305 Name: System.SourceItem -- PKEY_SourceItem Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {668CDFA5-7A1B-4323-AE4B-E527393A1D81}, 100 Name: System.StartDate -- PKEY_StartDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {48FD6EC8-8A12-4CDF-A03E-4EC5A511EDDE}, 100 Name: System.Status -- PKEY_Status Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_IntSite) {000214A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, 9 Name: System.Subject -- PKEY_Subject Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 3 (PIDSI_SUBJECT) Name: System.Thumbnail -- PKEY_Thumbnail Description: A data that represents the thumbnail in VT_CF format. Type: Clipboard -- VT_CF FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 17 (PIDSI_THUMBNAIL) Name: System.ThumbnailCacheId -- PKEY_ThumbnailCacheId Description: Unique value that can be used as a key to cache thumbnails. The value changes when the name, volume, or data modified of an item changes. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {446D16B1-8DAD-4870-A748-402EA43D788C}, 100 Name: System.ThumbnailStream -- PKEY_ThumbnailStream Description: Data that represents the thumbnail in VT_STREAM format that GDI+/WindowsCodecs supports (jpg, png, etc). Type: Stream -- VT_STREAM FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 27 Name: System.Title -- PKEY_Title Description: Title of item. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 2 (PIDSI_TITLE) Name: System.TotalFileSize -- PKEY_TotalFileSize Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 14 Name: System.Trademarks -- PKEY_Trademarks Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 9 (PIDVSI_Trademarks) System.AppUserModel Properties System.Audio Properties System.Calendar Properties System.Communication Properties System.Computer Properties System.Contact Properties System.Device Properties System.DeviceInterface Properties System.Devices Properties System.Document Properties System.DRM Properties System.GPS Properties System.Identity Properties System.IdentityProvider Properties System.Image Properties System.Journal Properties System.LayoutPattern Properties System.Link Properties System.Media Properties System.Message Properties System.Music Properties System.Note Properties System.Photo Properties System.PropGroup Properties System.PropList Properties System.RecordedTV Properties System.Search Properties System.Shell Properties System.Software Properties System.Sync Properties System.Task Properties System.Video Properties System.Volume Properties System.AppUserModel Properties Name: System.AppUserModel.ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall -- PKEY_AppUserModel_ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 8 Name: System.AppUserModel.ID -- PKEY_AppUserModel_ID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 5 Name: System.AppUserModel.IsDestListSeparator -- PKEY_AppUserModel_IsDestListSeparator Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 6 Name: System.AppUserModel.PreventPinning -- PKEY_AppUserModel_PreventPinning Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 9 Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchCommand -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchCommand Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 2 Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchDisplayNameResource -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchDisplayNameResource Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 4 Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchIconResource -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchIconResource Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 3 System.Audio Properties Name: System.Audio.ChannelCount -- PKEY_Audio_ChannelCount Description: Indicates the channel count for the audio file. Values: 1 (mono), 2 (stereo). Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 7 (PIDASI_CHANNEL_COUNT) Name: System.Audio.Compression -- PKEY_Audio_Compression Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 10 (PIDASI_COMPRESSION) Name: System.Audio.EncodingBitrate -- PKEY_Audio_EncodingBitrate Description: Indicates the average data rate in Hz for the audio file in "bits per second". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 (PIDASI_AVG_DATA_RATE) Name: System.Audio.Format -- PKEY_Audio_Format Description: Indicates the format of the audio file. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_BSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 2 (PIDASI_FORMAT) Name: System.Audio.IsVariableBitRate -- PKEY_Audio_IsVariableBitRate Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {E6822FEE-8C17-4D62-823C-8E9CFCBD1D5C}, 100 Name: System.Audio.PeakValue -- PKEY_Audio_PeakValue Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2579E5D0-1116-4084-BD9A-9B4F7CB4DF5E}, 100 Name: System.Audio.SampleRate -- PKEY_Audio_SampleRate Description: Indicates the audio sample rate for the audio file in "samples per second". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 5 (PIDASI_SAMPLE_RATE) Name: System.Audio.SampleSize -- PKEY_Audio_SampleSize Description: Indicates the audio sample size for the audio file in "bits per sample". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDASI_SAMPLE_SIZE) Name: System.Audio.StreamName -- PKEY_Audio_StreamName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDASI_STREAM_NAME) Name: System.Audio.StreamNumber -- PKEY_Audio_StreamNumber Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 8 (PIDASI_STREAM_NUMBER) System.Calendar Properties Name: System.Calendar.Duration -- PKEY_Calendar_Duration Description: The duration as specified in a string. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {293CA35A-09AA-4DD2-B180-1FE245728A52}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.IsOnline -- PKEY_Calendar_IsOnline Description: Identifies if the event is an online event. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {BFEE9149-E3E2-49A7-A862-C05988145CEC}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.IsRecurring -- PKEY_Calendar_IsRecurring Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {315B9C8D-80A9-4EF9-AE16-8E746DA51D70}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.Location -- PKEY_Calendar_Location Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F6272D18-CECC-40B1-B26A-3911717AA7BD}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OptionalAttendeeAddresses -- PKEY_Calendar_OptionalAttendeeAddresses Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D55BAE5A-3892-417A-A649-C6AC5AAAEAB3}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OptionalAttendeeNames -- PKEY_Calendar_OptionalAttendeeNames Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {09429607-582D-437F-84C3-DE93A2B24C3C}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OrganizerAddress -- PKEY_Calendar_OrganizerAddress Description: Address of the organizer organizing the event. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {744C8242-4DF5-456C-AB9E-014EFB9021E3}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OrganizerName -- PKEY_Calendar_OrganizerName Description: Name of the organizer organizing the event. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AAA660F9-9865-458E-B484-01BC7FE3973E}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ReminderTime -- PKEY_Calendar_ReminderTime Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {72FC5BA4-24F9-4011-9F3F-ADD27AFAD818}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.RequiredAttendeeAddresses -- PKEY_Calendar_RequiredAttendeeAddresses Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0BA7D6C3-568D-4159-AB91-781A91FB71E5}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.RequiredAttendeeNames -- PKEY_Calendar_RequiredAttendeeNames Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {B33AF30B-F552-4584-936C-CB93E5CDA29F}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.Resources -- PKEY_Calendar_Resources Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {00F58A38-C54B-4C40-8696-97235980EAE1}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ResponseStatus -- PKEY_Calendar_ResponseStatus Description: This property stores the status of the user responses to meetings in her calendar. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {188C1F91-3C40-4132-9EC5-D8B03B72A8A2}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ShowTimeAs -- PKEY_Calendar_ShowTimeAs Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {5BF396D4-5EB2-466F-BDE9-2FB3F2361D6E}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ShowTimeAsText -- PKEY_Calendar_ShowTimeAsText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Calendar.ShowTimeAs. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {53DA57CF-62C0-45C4-81DE-7610BCEFD7F5}, 100 System.Communication Properties Name: System.Communication.AccountName -- PKEY_Communication_AccountName Description: Account Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 9 Name: System.Communication.DateItemExpires -- PKEY_Communication_DateItemExpires Description: Date the item expires due to the retention policy. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {428040AC-A177-4C8A-9760-F6F761227F9A}, 100 Name: System.Communication.FollowupIconIndex -- PKEY_Communication_FollowupIconIndex Description: This is the icon index used on messages marked for followup. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {83A6347E-6FE4-4F40-BA9C-C4865240D1F4}, 100 Name: System.Communication.HeaderItem -- PKEY_Communication_HeaderItem Description: This property will be true if the item is a header item which means the item hasn't been fully downloaded. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {C9C34F84-2241-4401-B607-BD20ED75AE7F}, 100 Name: System.Communication.PolicyTag -- PKEY_Communication_PolicyTag Description: This a string used to identify the retention policy applied to the item. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {EC0B4191-AB0B-4C66-90B6-C6637CDEBBAB}, 100 Name: System.Communication.SecurityFlags -- PKEY_Communication_SecurityFlags Description: Security flags associated with the item to know if the item is encrypted, signed or DRM enabled. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {8619A4B6-9F4D-4429-8C0F-B996CA59E335}, 100 Name: System.Communication.Suffix -- PKEY_Communication_Suffix Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {807B653A-9E91-43EF-8F97-11CE04EE20C5}, 100 Name: System.Communication.TaskStatus -- PKEY_Communication_TaskStatus Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {BE1A72C6-9A1D-46B7-AFE7-AFAF8CEF4999}, 100 Name: System.Communication.TaskStatusText -- PKEY_Communication_TaskStatusText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Communication.TaskStatus. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A6744477-C237-475B-A075-54F34498292A}, 100 System.Computer Properties Name: System.Computer.DecoratedFreeSpace -- PKEY_Computer_DecoratedFreeSpace Description: Free space and total space: "%s free of %s" Type: Multivalue UInt64 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI8) FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 7 (Filesystem Volume Properties) System.Contact Properties Name: System.Contact.Anniversary -- PKEY_Contact_Anniversary Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {9AD5BADB-CEA7-4470-A03D-B84E51B9949E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.AssistantName -- PKEY_Contact_AssistantName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CD102C9C-5540-4A88-A6F6-64E4981C8CD1}, 100 Name: System.Contact.AssistantTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_AssistantTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9A93244D-A7AD-4FF8-9B99-45EE4CC09AF6}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Birthday -- PKEY_Contact_Birthday Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 47 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddress -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {730FB6DD-CF7C-426B-A03F-BD166CC9EE24}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {402B5934-EC5A-48C3-93E6-85E86A2D934E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {B0B87314-FCF6-4FEB-8DFF-A50DA6AF561C}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E1D4A09E-D758-4CD1-B6EC-34A8B5A73F80}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BC4E71CE-17F9-48D5-BEE9-021DF0EA5409}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {446F787F-10C4-41CB-A6C4-4D0343551597}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DDD1460F-C0BF-4553-8CE4-10433C908FB0}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessFaxNumber -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessFaxNumber Description: Business fax number of the contact. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {91EFF6F3-2E27-42CA-933E-7C999FBE310B}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessHomePage -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessHomePage Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {56310920-2491-4919-99CE-EADB06FAFDB2}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6A15E5A0-0A1E-4CD7-BB8C-D2F1B0C929BC}, 100 Name: System.Contact.CallbackTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CallbackTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BF53D1C3-49E0-4F7F-8567-5A821D8AC542}, 100 Name: System.Contact.CarTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CarTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8FDC6DEA-B929-412B-BA90-397A257465FE}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Children -- PKEY_Contact_Children Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D4729704-8EF1-43EF-9024-2BD381187FD5}, 100 Name: System.Contact.CompanyMainTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CompanyMainTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8589E481-6040-473D-B171-7FA89C2708ED}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Department -- PKEY_Contact_Department Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FC9F7306-FF8F-4D49-9FB6-3FFE5C0951EC}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F8FA7FA3-D12B-4785-8A4E-691A94F7A3E7}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress2 -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress2 Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {38965063-EDC8-4268-8491-B7723172CF29}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress3 -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress3 Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {644D37B4-E1B3-4BAD-B099-7E7C04966ACA}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddresses -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddresses Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {84D8F337-981D-44B3-9615-C7596DBA17E3}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailName -- PKEY_Contact_EmailName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CC6F4F24-6083-4BD4-8754-674D0DE87AB8}, 100 Name: System.Contact.FileAsName -- PKEY_Contact_FileAsName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F1A24AA7-9CA7-40F6-89EC-97DEF9FFE8DB}, 100 Name: System.Contact.FirstName -- PKEY_Contact_FirstName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {14977844-6B49-4AAD-A714-A4513BF60460}, 100 Name: System.Contact.FullName -- PKEY_Contact_FullName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {635E9051-50A5-4BA2-B9DB-4ED056C77296}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Gender -- PKEY_Contact_Gender Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}, 100 Name: System.Contact.GenderValue -- PKEY_Contact_GenderValue Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}, 101 Name: System.Contact.Hobbies -- PKEY_Contact_Hobbies Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5DC2253F-5E11-4ADF-9CFE-910DD01E3E70}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddress -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {98F98354-617A-46B8-8560-5B1B64BF1F89}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 65 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {08A65AA1-F4C9-43DD-9DDF-A33D8E7EAD85}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8AFCC170-8A46-4B53-9EEE-90BAE7151E62}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7B9F6399-0A3F-4B12-89BD-4ADC51C918AF}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C89A23D0-7D6D-4EB8-87D4-776A82D493E5}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0ADEF160-DB3F-4308-9A21-06237B16FA2A}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeFaxNumber -- PKEY_Contact_HomeFaxNumber Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {660E04D6-81AB-4977-A09F-82313113AB26}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_HomeTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 20 Name: System.Contact.IMAddress -- PKEY_Contact_IMAddress Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D68DBD8A-3374-4B81-9972-3EC30682DB3D}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Initials -- PKEY_Contact_Initials Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F3D8F40D-50CB-44A2-9718-40CB9119495D}, 100 Name: System.Contact.JobTitle -- PKEY_Contact_JobTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 6 Name: System.Contact.Label -- PKEY_Contact_Label Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {97B0AD89-DF49-49CC-834E-660974FD755B}, 100 Name: System.Contact.LastName -- PKEY_Contact_LastName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8F367200-C270-457C-B1D4-E07C5BCD90C7}, 100 Name: System.Contact.MailingAddress -- PKEY_Contact_MailingAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C0AC206A-827E-4650-95AE-77E2BB74FCC9}, 100 Name: System.Contact.MiddleName -- PKEY_Contact_MiddleName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 71 Name: System.Contact.MobileTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_MobileTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 35 Name: System.Contact.NickName -- PKEY_Contact_NickName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 74 Name: System.Contact.OfficeLocation -- PKEY_Contact_OfficeLocation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 7 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddress -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {508161FA-313B-43D5-83A1-C1ACCF68622C}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6E682923-7F7B-4F0C-A337-CFCA296687BF}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8F167568-0AAE-4322-8ED9-6055B7B0E398}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {95C656C1-2ABF-4148-9ED3-9EC602E3B7CD}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8B26EA41-058F-43F6-AECC-4035681CE977}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {71B377D6-E570-425F-A170-809FAE73E54E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FF962609-B7D6-4999-862D-95180D529AEA}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PagerTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_PagerTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D6304E01-F8F5-4F45-8B15-D024A6296789}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PersonalTitle -- PKEY_Contact_PersonalTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 69 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C8EA94F0-A9E3-4969-A94B-9C62A95324E0}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E53D799D-0F3F-466E-B2FF-74634A3CB7A4}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {18BBD425-ECFD-46EF-B612-7B4A6034EDA0}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DE5EF3C7-46E1-484E-9999-62C5308394C1}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F1176DFE-7138-4640-8B4C-AE375DC70A6D}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {63C25B20-96BE-488F-8788-C09C407AD812}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryEmailAddress -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryEmailAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 48 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 25 Name: System.Contact.Profession -- PKEY_Contact_Profession Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7268AF55-1CE4-4F6E-A41F-B6E4EF10E4A9}, 100 Name: System.Contact.SpouseName -- PKEY_Contact_SpouseName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9D2408B6-3167-422B-82B0-F583B7A7CFE3}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Suffix -- PKEY_Contact_Suffix Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 73 Name: System.Contact.TelexNumber -- PKEY_Contact_TelexNumber Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C554493C-C1F7-40C1-A76C-EF8C0614003E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.TTYTDDTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_TTYTDDTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AAF16BAC-2B55-45E6-9F6D-415EB94910DF}, 100 Name: System.Contact.WebPage -- PKEY_Contact_WebPage Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 18 Contact.JA Properties Contact.JA Properties Name: System.Contact.JA.CompanyNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_CompanyNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 2 Name: System.Contact.JA.FirstNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_FirstNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 3 Name: System.Contact.JA.LastNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_LastNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 4 System.Device Properties Name: System.Device.PrinterURL -- PKEY_Device_PrinterURL Description: Printer information Printer URL. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0B48F35A-BE6E-4F17-B108-3C4073D1669A}, 15 System.DeviceInterface Properties Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterDriverDirectory -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterDriverDirectory Description: Printer information Printer Driver Directory. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {847C66DE-B8D6-4AF9-ABC3-6F4F926BC039}, 14 Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterDriverName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterDriverName Description: Printer information Driver Name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AFC47170-14F5-498C-8F30-B0D19BE449C6}, 11 Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterName Description: Printer information Printer Name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0A7B84EF-0C27-463F-84EF-06C5070001BE}, 10 Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterPortName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterPortName Description: Printer information Port Name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {EEC7B761-6F94-41B1-949F-C729720DD13C}, 12 System.Devices Properties Name: System.Devices.BatteryLife -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryLife Description: Remaining battery life of the device as an integer between 0 and 100 percent. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 10 Name: System.Devices.BatteryPlusCharging -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryPlusCharging Description: Remaining battery life of the device as an integer between 0 and 100 percent and the device's charging state. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 22 Name: System.Devices.BatteryPlusChargingText -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryPlusChargingText Description: Remaining battery life of the device and the device's charging state as a string. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 23 Name: System.Devices.Category -- PKEY_Devices_Category_Desc_Singular Description: Singular form of device category. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 91 Name: System.Devices.CategoryGroup -- PKEY_Devices_CategoryGroup_Desc Description: Plural form of device category. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 94 Name: System.Devices.CategoryPlural -- PKEY_Devices_Category_Desc_Plural Description: Plural form of device category. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 92 Name: System.Devices.ChargingState -- PKEY_Devices_ChargingState Description: Boolean value representing if the device is currently charging. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 11 Name: System.Devices.Connected -- PKEY_Devices_IsConnected Description: Device connection state. If VARIANT_TRUE, indicates the device is currently connected to the computer. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 55 Name: System.Devices.ContainerId -- PKEY_Devices_ContainerId Description: Device container ID. Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: {8C7ED206-3F8A-4827-B3AB-AE9E1FAEFC6C}, 2 Name: System.Devices.DefaultTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_DefaultTooltip Description: Tooltip for default state Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 153 Name: System.Devices.DeviceDescription1 -- PKEY_Devices_DeviceDescription1 Description: First line of descriptive text about the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 81 Name: System.Devices.DeviceDescription2 -- PKEY_Devices_DeviceDescription2 Description: Second line of descriptive text about the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 82 Name: System.Devices.DiscoveryMethod -- PKEY_Devices_DiscoveryMethod Description: Device discovery method. This indicates on what transport or physical connection the device is discovered. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 52 Name: System.Devices.FriendlyName -- PKEY_Devices_FriendlyName Description: Device friendly name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 12288 Name: System.Devices.FunctionPaths -- PKEY_Devices_FunctionPaths Description: Available functions for this device. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 3 Name: System.Devices.InterfacePaths -- PKEY_Devices_InterfacePaths Description: Available interfaces for this device. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 2 Name: System.Devices.IsDefault -- PKEY_Devices_IsDefaultDevice Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 86 Name: System.Devices.IsNetworkConnected -- PKEY_Devices_IsNetworkDevice Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 85 Name: System.Devices.IsShared -- PKEY_Devices_IsSharedDevice Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 84 Name: System.Devices.IsSoftwareInstalling -- PKEY_Devices_IsSoftwareInstalling Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device installer is currently installing software. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29}, 9 Name: System.Devices.LaunchDeviceStageFromExplorer -- PKEY_Devices_LaunchDeviceStageFromExplorer Description: Indicates whether to launch Device Stage or not Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 77 Name: System.Devices.LocalMachine -- PKEY_Devices_IsLocalMachine Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device in question is actually the computer. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 70 Name: System.Devices.Manufacturer -- PKEY_Devices_Manufacturer Description: Device manufacturer. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8192 Name: System.Devices.MissedCalls -- PKEY_Devices_MissedCalls Description: Number of missed calls on the device. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 5 Name: System.Devices.ModelName -- PKEY_Devices_ModelName Description: Model name of the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8194 Name: System.Devices.ModelNumber -- PKEY_Devices_ModelNumber Description: Model number of the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8195 Name: System.Devices.NetworkedTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkedTooltip Description: Tooltip for connection state Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 152 Name: System.Devices.NetworkName -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkName Description: Name of the device's network. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 7 Name: System.Devices.NetworkType -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkType Description: String representing the type of the device's network. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 8 Name: System.Devices.NewPictures -- PKEY_Devices_NewPictures Description: Number of new pictures on the device. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 4 Name: System.Devices.Notification -- PKEY_Devices_Notification Description: Device Notification Property. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}, 3 Name: System.Devices.NotificationStore -- PKEY_Devices_NotificationStore Description: Device Notification Store. Type: Object -- VT_UNKNOWN FormatID: {06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}, 2 Name: System.Devices.NotWorkingProperly -- PKEY_Devices_IsNotWorkingProperly Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 83 Name: System.Devices.Paired -- PKEY_Devices_IsPaired Description: Device paired state. If VARIANT_TRUE, indicates the device is not paired with the computer. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 56 Name: System.Devices.PrimaryCategory -- PKEY_Devices_PrimaryCategory Description: Primary category group for this device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 10 Name: System.Devices.Roaming -- PKEY_Devices_Roaming Description: Status indicator used to indicate if the device is roaming. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 9 Name: System.Devices.SafeRemovalRequired -- PKEY_Devices_SafeRemovalRequired Description: Indicates if a device requires safe removal or not Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {AFD97640-86A3-4210-B67C-289C41AABE55}, 2 Name: System.Devices.SharedTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_SharedTooltip Description: Tooltip for sharing state Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 151 Name: System.Devices.SignalStrength -- PKEY_Devices_SignalStrength Description: Device signal strength. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Status1 -- PKEY_Devices_Status1 Description: 1st line of device status. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 257 Name: System.Devices.Status2 -- PKEY_Devices_Status2 Description: 2nd line of device status. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 258 Name: System.Devices.StorageCapacity -- PKEY_Devices_StorageCapacity Description: Total storage capacity of the device. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 12 Name: System.Devices.StorageFreeSpace -- PKEY_Devices_StorageFreeSpace Description: Total free space of the storage of the device. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 13 Name: System.Devices.StorageFreeSpacePercent -- PKEY_Devices_StorageFreeSpacePercent Description: Total free space of the storage of the device as a percentage. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 14 Name: System.Devices.TextMessages -- PKEY_Devices_TextMessages Description: Number of unread text messages on the device. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 3 Name: System.Devices.Voicemail -- PKEY_Devices_Voicemail Description: Status indicator used to indicate if the device has voicemail. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 6 Devices.Notifications Properties Devices.Notifications Properties Name: System.Devices.Notifications.LowBattery -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_LowBattery Description: Device Low Battery Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {C4C07F2B-8524-4E66-AE3A-A6235F103BEB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.MissedCall -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_MissedCall Description: Device Missed Call Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {6614EF48-4EFE-4424-9EDA-C79F404EDF3E}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewMessage -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewMessage Description: Device New Message Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {2BE9260A-2012-4742-A555-F41B638B7DCB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewVoicemail -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewVoicemail Description: Device Voicemail Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {59569556-0A08-4212-95B9-FAE2AD6413DB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFull -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFull Description: Device Storage Full Notification. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFullLinkText -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFullLinkText Description: Link Text for the Device Storage Full Notification. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 3 System.Document Properties Name: System.Document.ByteCount -- PKEY_Document_ByteCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 4 (PIDDSI_BYTECOUNT) Name: System.Document.CharacterCount -- PKEY_Document_CharacterCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 16 (PIDSI_CHARCOUNT) Name: System.Document.ClientID -- PKEY_Document_ClientID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {276D7BB0-5B34-4FB0-AA4B-158ED12A1809}, 100 Name: System.Document.Contributor -- PKEY_Document_Contributor Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F334115E-DA1B-4509-9B3D-119504DC7ABB}, 100 Name: System.Document.DateCreated -- PKEY_Document_DateCreated Description: This property is stored in the document, not obtained from the file system. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 12 (PIDSI_CREATE_DTM) Name: System.Document.DatePrinted -- PKEY_Document_DatePrinted Description: Legacy name: "DocLastPrinted". Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 11 (PIDSI_LASTPRINTED) Name: System.Document.DateSaved -- PKEY_Document_DateSaved Description: Legacy name: "DocLastSavedTm". Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 13 (PIDSI_LASTSAVE_DTM) Name: System.Document.Division -- PKEY_Document_Division Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1E005EE6-BF27-428B-B01C-79676ACD2870}, 100 Name: System.Document.DocumentID -- PKEY_Document_DocumentID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E08805C8-E395-40DF-80D2-54F0D6C43154}, 100 Name: System.Document.HiddenSlideCount -- PKEY_Document_HiddenSlideCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 9 (PIDDSI_HIDDENCOUNT) Name: System.Document.LastAuthor -- PKEY_Document_LastAuthor Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 8 (PIDSI_LASTAUTHOR) Name: System.Document.LineCount -- PKEY_Document_LineCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 5 (PIDDSI_LINECOUNT) Name: System.Document.Manager -- PKEY_Document_Manager Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 14 (PIDDSI_MANAGER) Name: System.Document.MultimediaClipCount -- PKEY_Document_MultimediaClipCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 10 (PIDDSI_MMCLIPCOUNT) Name: System.Document.NoteCount -- PKEY_Document_NoteCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 8 (PIDDSI_NOTECOUNT) Name: System.Document.PageCount -- PKEY_Document_PageCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 14 (PIDSI_PAGECOUNT) Name: System.Document.ParagraphCount -- PKEY_Document_ParagraphCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 6 (PIDDSI_PARCOUNT) Name: System.Document.PresentationFormat -- PKEY_Document_PresentationFormat Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 3 (PIDDSI_PRESFORMAT) Name: System.Document.RevisionNumber -- PKEY_Document_RevisionNumber Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 9 (PIDSI_REVNUMBER) Name: System.Document.Security -- PKEY_Document_Security Description: Access control information, from SummaryInfo propset Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 19 Name: System.Document.SlideCount -- PKEY_Document_SlideCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 7 (PIDDSI_SLIDECOUNT) Name: System.Document.Template -- PKEY_Document_Template Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 7 (PIDSI_TEMPLATE) Name: System.Document.TotalEditingTime -- PKEY_Document_TotalEditingTime Description: 100ns units, not milliseconds. VT_FILETIME for IPropertySetStorage handlers (legacy) Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 10 (PIDSI_EDITTIME) Name: System.Document.Version -- PKEY_Document_Version Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 29 Name: System.Document.WordCount -- PKEY_Document_WordCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 15 (PIDSI_WORDCOUNT) System.DRM Properties Name: System.DRM.DatePlayExpires -- PKEY_DRM_DatePlayExpires Description: Indicates when play expires for digital rights management. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 6 (PIDDRSI_PLAYEXPIRES) Name: System.DRM.DatePlayStarts -- PKEY_DRM_DatePlayStarts Description: Indicates when play starts for digital rights management. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 5 (PIDDRSI_PLAYSTARTS) Name: System.DRM.Description -- PKEY_DRM_Description Description: Displays the description for digital rights management. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 3 (PIDDRSI_DESCRIPTION) Name: System.DRM.IsProtected -- PKEY_DRM_IsProtected Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 2 (PIDDRSI_PROTECTED) Name: System.DRM.PlayCount -- PKEY_DRM_PlayCount Description: Indicates the play count for digital rights management. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 4 (PIDDRSI_PLAYCOUNT) System.GPS Properties Name: System.GPS.Altitude -- PKEY_GPS_Altitude Description: Indicates the altitude based on the reference in PKEY_GPS_AltitudeRef. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_AltitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_AltitudeDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {827EDB4F-5B73-44A7-891D-FDFFABEA35CA}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AltitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Altitude Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {78342DCB-E358-4145-AE9A-6BFE4E0F9F51}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AltitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Altitude Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2DAD1EB7-816D-40D3-9EC3-C9773BE2AADE}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AltitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeRef Description: Indicates the reference for the altitude property. (eg: above sea level, below sea level, absolute value) Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {46AC629D-75EA-4515-867F-6DC4321C5844}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AreaInformation -- PKEY_GPS_AreaInformation Description: Represents the name of the GPS area Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {972E333E-AC7E-49F1-8ADF-A70D07A9BCAB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Date -- PKEY_GPS_Date Description: Date and time of the GPS record Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {3602C812-0F3B-45F0-85AD-603468D69423}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearing -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearing Description: Indicates the bearing to the destination point. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DestBearingNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestBearingDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {C66D4B3C-E888-47CC-B99F-9DCA3EE34DEA}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearingDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestBearing Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7ABCF4F8-7C3F-4988-AC91-8D2C2E97ECA5}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearingNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestBearing Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {BA3B1DA9-86EE-4B5D-A2A4-A271A429F0CF}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearingRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingRef Description: Indicates the reference used for the giving the bearing to the destination point. (eg: true direction, magnetic direction) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9AB84393-2A0F-4B75-BB22-7279786977CB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistance -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistance Description: Indicates the distance to the destination point. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {A93EAE04-6804-4F24-AC81-09B266452118}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {9BC2C99B-AC71-4127-9D1C-2596D0D7DCB7}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2BDA47DA-08C6-4FE1-80BC-A72FC517C5D0}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceRef Description: Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination. (eg: kilometers, miles, knots) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {ED4DF2D3-8695-450B-856F-F5C1C53ACB66}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitude -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude Description: Indicates the latitude of the destination point. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {9D1D7CC5-5C39-451C-86B3-928E2D18CC47}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {3A372292-7FCA-49A7-99D5-E47BB2D4E7AB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {ECF4B6F6-D5A6-433C-BB92-4076650FC890}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeRef Description: Indicates whether the latitude destination point is north or south latitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CEA820B9-CE61-4885-A128-005D9087C192}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitude -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude Description: Indicates the latitude of the destination point. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {47A96261-CB4C-4807-8AD3-40B9D9DBC6BC}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {425D69E5-48AD-4900-8D80-6EB6B8D0AC86}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {A3250282-FB6D-48D5-9A89-DBCACE75CCCF}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeRef Description: Indicates whether the longitude destination point is east or west longitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {182C1EA6-7C1C-4083-AB4B-AC6C9F4ED128}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Differential -- PKEY_GPS_Differential Description: Indicates whether differential correction was applied to the GPS receiver Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {AAF4EE25-BD3B-4DD7-BFC4-47F77BB00F6D}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DOP -- PKEY_GPS_DOP Description: Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DOPNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DOPDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {0CF8FB02-1837-42F1-A697-A7017AA289B9}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DOPDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DOPDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DOP Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A0BE94C5-50BA-487B-BD35-0654BE8881ED}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DOPNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DOPNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DOP Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {47166B16-364F-4AA0-9F31-E2AB3DF449C3}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirection -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection Description: Indicates direction of the image when it was captured. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionNumerator and PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {16473C91-D017-4ED9-BA4D-B6BAA55DBCF8}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {10B24595-41A2-4E20-93C2-5761C1395F32}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {DC5877C7-225F-45F7-BAC7-E81334B6130A}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionRef -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionRef Description: Indicates reference for giving the direction of the image when it was captured. (eg: true direction, magnetic direction) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A4AAA5B7-1AD0-445F-811A-0F8F6E67F6B5}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Latitude -- PKEY_GPS_Latitude Description: Indicates the latitude. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_LatitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_LatitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {8727CFFF-4868-4EC6-AD5B-81B98521D1AB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LatitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Latitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {16E634EE-2BFF-497B-BD8A-4341AD39EEB9}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LatitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Latitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {7DDAAAD1-CCC8-41AE-B750-B2CB8031AEA2}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LatitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeRef Description: Indicates whether latitude is north or south latitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {029C0252-5B86-46C7-ACA0-2769FFC8E3D4}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Longitude -- PKEY_GPS_Longitude Description: Indicates the longitude. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_LongitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_LongitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {C4C4DBB2-B593-466B-BBDA-D03D27D5E43A}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LongitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Longitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {BE6E176C-4534-4D2C-ACE5-31DEDAC1606B}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LongitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Longitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {02B0F689-A914-4E45-821D-1DDA452ED2C4}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LongitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeRef Description: Indicates whether longitude is east or west longitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {33DCF22B-28D5-464C-8035-1EE9EFD25278}, 100 Name: System.GPS.MapDatum -- PKEY_GPS_MapDatum Description: Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {2CA2DAE6-EDDC-407D-BEF1-773942ABFA95}, 100 Name: System.GPS.MeasureMode -- PKEY_GPS_MeasureMode Description: Indicates the GPS measurement mode. (eg: 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A015ED5D-AAEA-4D58-8A86-3C586920EA0B}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ProcessingMethod -- PKEY_GPS_ProcessingMethod Description: Indicates the name of the method used for location finding Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {59D49E61-840F-4AA9-A939-E2099B7F6399}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Satellites -- PKEY_GPS_Satellites Description: Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {467EE575-1F25-4557-AD4E-B8B58B0D9C15}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Speed -- PKEY_GPS_Speed Description: Indicates the speed of the GPS receiver movement. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_SpeedNumerator and PKEY_GPS_SpeedDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {DA5D0862-6E76-4E1B-BABD-70021BD25494}, 100 Name: System.GPS.SpeedDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Speed Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7D122D5A-AE5E-4335-8841-D71E7CE72F53}, 100 Name: System.GPS.SpeedNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Speed Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {ACC9CE3D-C213-4942-8B48-6D0820F21C6D}, 100 Name: System.GPS.SpeedRef -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedRef Description: Indicates the unit used to express the speed of the GPS receiver movement. (eg: kilometers per hour, miles per hour, knots). Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {ECF7F4C9-544F-4D6D-9D98-8AD79ADAF453}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Status -- PKEY_GPS_Status Description: Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image was recorded. (eg: measurement in progress, measurement interoperability). Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {125491F4-818F-46B2-91B5-D537753617B2}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Track -- PKEY_GPS_Track Description: Indicates the direction of the GPS receiver movement. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_TrackNumerator and PKEY_GPS_TrackDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {76C09943-7C33-49E3-9E7E-CDBA872CFADA}, 100 Name: System.GPS.TrackDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_TrackDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Track Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {C8D1920C-01F6-40C0-AC86-2F3A4AD00770}, 100 Name: System.GPS.TrackNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_TrackNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Track Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {702926F4-44A6-43E1-AE71-45627116893B}, 100 Name: System.GPS.TrackRef -- PKEY_GPS_TrackRef Description: Indicates reference for the direction of the GPS receiver movement. (eg: true direction, magnetic direction) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {35DBE6FE-44C3-4400-AAAE-D2C799C407E8}, 100 Name: System.GPS.VersionID -- PKEY_GPS_VersionID Description: Indicates the version of the GPS information Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: {22704DA4-C6B2-4A99-8E56-F16DF8C92599}, 100 System.Identity Properties Name: System.Identity.Blob -- PKEY_Identity_Blob Description: Blob used to import/export identities Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB FormatID: {8C3B93A4-BAED-1A83-9A32-102EE313F6EB}, 100 Name: System.Identity.DisplayName -- PKEY_Identity_DisplayName Description: Display Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7D683FC9-D155-45A8-BB1F-89D19BCB792F}, 100 Name: System.Identity.IsMeIdentity -- PKEY_Identity_IsMeIdentity Description: Is it Me Identity Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {A4108708-09DF-4377-9DFC-6D99986D5A67}, 100 Name: System.Identity.PrimaryEmailAddress -- PKEY_Identity_PrimaryEmailAddress Description: Primary Email Address Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FCC16823-BAED-4F24-9B32-A0982117F7FA}, 100 Name: System.Identity.ProviderID -- PKEY_Identity_ProviderID Description: Provider ID Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: {74A7DE49-FA11-4D3D-A006-DB7E08675916}, 100 Name: System.Identity.UniqueID -- PKEY_Identity_UniqueID Description: Unique ID Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E55FC3B0-2B60-4220-918E-B21E8BF16016}, 100 Name: System.Identity.UserName -- PKEY_Identity_UserName Description: Identity User Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C4322503-78CA-49C6-9ACC-A68E2AFD7B6B}, 100 System.IdentityProvider Properties Name: System.IdentityProvider.Name -- PKEY_IdentityProvider_Name Description: Identity Provider Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {B96EFF7B-35CA-4A35-8607-29E3A54C46EA}, 100 Name: System.IdentityProvider.Picture -- PKEY_IdentityProvider_Picture Description: Picture for the Identity Provider Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {2425166F-5642-4864-992F-98FD98F294C3}, 100 System.Image Properties Name: System.Image.BitDepth -- PKEY_Image_BitDepth Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 7 (PIDISI_BITDEPTH) Name: System.Image.ColorSpace -- PKEY_Image_ColorSpace Description: PropertyTagExifColorSpace Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 40961 Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixel -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel Description: Calculated from PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator and PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {364B6FA9-37AB-482A-BE2B-AE02F60D4318}, 100 Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {1F8844E1-24AD-4508-9DFD-5326A415CE02}, 100 Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {D21A7148-D32C-4624-8900-277210F79C0F}, 100 Name: System.Image.Compression -- PKEY_Image_Compression Description: Indicates the image compression level. PropertyTagCompression. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 259 Name: System.Image.CompressionText -- PKEY_Image_CompressionText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Image.Compression. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {3F08E66F-2F44-4BB9-A682-AC35D2562322}, 100 Name: System.Image.Dimensions -- PKEY_Image_Dimensions Description: Indicates the dimensions of the image. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 13 (PIDISI_DIMENSIONS) Name: System.Image.HorizontalResolution -- PKEY_Image_HorizontalResolution Description: Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 5 (PIDISI_RESOLUTIONX) Name: System.Image.HorizontalSize -- PKEY_Image_HorizontalSize Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 (PIDISI_CX) Name: System.Image.ImageID -- PKEY_Image_ImageID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {10DABE05-32AA-4C29-BF1A-63E2D220587F}, 100 Name: System.Image.ResolutionUnit -- PKEY_Image_ResolutionUnit Description: Type: Int16 -- VT_I2 FormatID: {19B51FA6-1F92-4A5C-AB48-7DF0ABD67444}, 100 Name: System.Image.VerticalResolution -- PKEY_Image_VerticalResolution Description: Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDISI_RESOLUTIONY) Name: System.Image.VerticalSize -- PKEY_Image_VerticalSize Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 (PIDISI_CY) System.Journal Properties Name: System.Journal.Contacts -- PKEY_Journal_Contacts Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DEA7C82C-1D89-4A66-9427-A4E3DEBABCB1}, 100 Name: System.Journal.EntryType -- PKEY_Journal_EntryType Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {95BEB1FC-326D-4644-B396-CD3ED90E6DDF}, 100 System.LayoutPattern Properties Name: System.LayoutPattern.ContentViewModeForBrowse -- PKEY_LayoutPattern_ContentViewModeForBrowse Description: Specifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of browsing. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeLayoutPatternForBrowse". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 500 Name: System.LayoutPattern.ContentViewModeForSearch -- PKEY_LayoutPattern_ContentViewModeForSearch Description: Specifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of searching. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeLayoutPatternForSearch". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 501 System.Link Properties Name: System.Link.Arguments -- PKEY_Link_Arguments Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {436F2667-14E2-4FEB-B30A-146C53B5B674}, 100 Name: System.Link.Comment -- PKEY_Link_Comment Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 5 Name: System.Link.DateVisited -- PKEY_Link_DateVisited Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 23 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) Name: System.Link.Description -- PKEY_Link_Description Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 21 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) Name: System.Link.Status -- PKEY_Link_Status Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 3 (PID_LINK_TARGET_TYPE) Name: System.Link.TargetExtension -- PKEY_Link_TargetExtension Description: The file extension of the link target. See System.File.Extension Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7A7D76F4-B630-4BD7-95FF-37CC51A975C9}, 2 Name: System.Link.TargetParsingPath -- PKEY_Link_TargetParsingPath Description: This is the shell namespace path to the target of the link item. This path may be passed to SHParseDisplayName to parse the path to the correct shell folder. If the target item is a file, the value is identical to System.ItemPathDisplay. If the target item cannot be accessed through the shell namespace, this value is VT_EMPTY. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 2 (PID_LINK_TARGET) Name: System.Link.TargetSFGAOFlags -- PKEY_Link_TargetSFGAOFlags Description: IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags for the target of a link, with SFGAO_PKEYSFGAOMASK attributes masked out. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 8 Name: System.Link.TargetSFGAOFlagsStrings -- PKEY_Link_TargetSFGAOFlagsStrings Description: Expresses the SFGAO flags of a link as string values and is used as a query optimization. See PKEY_Shell_SFGAOFlagsStrings for possible values of this. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}, 3 Name: System.Link.TargetUrl -- PKEY_Link_TargetUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 2 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) System.Media Properties Name: System.Media.AuthorUrl -- PKEY_Media_AuthorUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 32 (PIDMSI_AUTHOR_URL) Name: System.Media.AverageLevel -- PKEY_Media_AverageLevel Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {09EDD5B6-B301-43C5-9990-D00302EFFD46}, 100 Name: System.Media.ClassPrimaryID -- PKEY_Media_ClassPrimaryID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 13 (PIDMSI_CLASS_PRIMARY_ID) Name: System.Media.ClassSecondaryID -- PKEY_Media_ClassSecondaryID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 14 (PIDMSI_CLASS_SECONDARY_ID) Name: System.Media.CollectionGroupID -- PKEY_Media_CollectionGroupID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 24 (PIDMSI_COLLECTION_GROUP_ID) Name: System.Media.CollectionID -- PKEY_Media_CollectionID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 25 (PIDMSI_COLLECTION_ID) Name: System.Media.ContentDistributor -- PKEY_Media_ContentDistributor Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 18 (PIDMSI_CONTENTDISTRIBUTOR) Name: System.Media.ContentID -- PKEY_Media_ContentID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 26 (PIDMSI_CONTENT_ID) Name: System.Media.CreatorApplication -- PKEY_Media_CreatorApplication Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 27 (PIDMSI_TOOL_NAME) Name: System.Media.CreatorApplicationVersion -- PKEY_Media_CreatorApplicationVersion Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 28 (PIDMSI_TOOL_VERSION) Name: System.Media.DateEncoded -- PKEY_Media_DateEncoded Description: DateTime is in UTC (in the doc, not file system). Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {2E4B640D-5019-46D8-8881-55414CC5CAA0}, 100 Name: System.Media.DateReleased -- PKEY_Media_DateReleased Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DE41CC29-6971-4290-B472-F59F2E2F31E2}, 100 Name: System.Media.Duration -- PKEY_Media_Duration Description: 100ns units, not milliseconds Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 (PIDASI_TIMELENGTH) Name: System.Media.DVDID -- PKEY_Media_DVDID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 15 (PIDMSI_DVDID) Name: System.Media.EncodedBy -- PKEY_Media_EncodedBy Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 36 (PIDMSI_ENCODED_BY) Name: System.Media.EncodingSettings -- PKEY_Media_EncodingSettings Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 37 (PIDMSI_ENCODING_SETTINGS) Name: System.Media.FrameCount -- PKEY_Media_FrameCount Description: Indicates the frame count for the image. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 12 (PIDISI_FRAMECOUNT) Name: System.Media.MCDI -- PKEY_Media_MCDI Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 16 (PIDMSI_MCDI) Name: System.Media.MetadataContentProvider -- PKEY_Media_MetadataContentProvider Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 17 (PIDMSI_PROVIDER) Name: System.Media.Producer -- PKEY_Media_Producer Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 22 (PIDMSI_PRODUCER) Name: System.Media.PromotionUrl -- PKEY_Media_PromotionUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 33 (PIDMSI_PROMOTION_URL) Name: System.Media.ProtectionType -- PKEY_Media_ProtectionType Description: If media is protected, how is it protected? Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 38 Name: System.Media.ProviderRating -- PKEY_Media_ProviderRating Description: Rating (0 - 99) supplied by metadata provider Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 39 Name: System.Media.ProviderStyle -- PKEY_Media_ProviderStyle Description: Style of music or video, supplied by metadata provider Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 40 Name: System.Media.Publisher -- PKEY_Media_Publisher Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 30 (PIDMSI_PUBLISHER) Name: System.Media.SubscriptionContentId -- PKEY_Media_SubscriptionContentId Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9AEBAE7A-9644-487D-A92C-657585ED751A}, 100 Name: System.Media.SubTitle -- PKEY_Media_SubTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 38 (PIDSI_MUSIC_SUB_TITLE) Name: System.Media.UniqueFileIdentifier -- PKEY_Media_UniqueFileIdentifier Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 35 (PIDMSI_UNIQUE_FILE_IDENTIFIER) Name: System.Media.UserNoAutoInfo -- PKEY_Media_UserNoAutoInfo Description: If true, do NOT alter this file's metadata. Set by user. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 41 Name: System.Media.UserWebUrl -- PKEY_Media_UserWebUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 34 (PIDMSI_USER_WEB_URL) Name: System.Media.Writer -- PKEY_Media_Writer Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 23 (PIDMSI_WRITER) Name: System.Media.Year -- PKEY_Media_Year Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 5 (PIDSI_MUSIC_YEAR) System.Message Properties Name: System.Message.AttachmentContents -- PKEY_Message_AttachmentContents Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {3143BF7C-80A8-4854-8880-E2E40189BDD0}, 100 Name: System.Message.AttachmentNames -- PKEY_Message_AttachmentNames Description: The names of the attachments in a message Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 21 Name: System.Message.BccAddress -- PKEY_Message_BccAddress Description: Addresses in Bcc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 2 Name: System.Message.BccName -- PKEY_Message_BccName Description: person names in Bcc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 3 Name: System.Message.CcAddress -- PKEY_Message_CcAddress Description: Addresses in Cc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 4 Name: System.Message.CcName -- PKEY_Message_CcName Description: person names in Cc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 5 Name: System.Message.ConversationID -- PKEY_Message_ConversationID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}, 100 Name: System.Message.ConversationIndex -- PKEY_Message_ConversationIndex Description: Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: {DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}, 101 Name: System.Message.DateReceived -- PKEY_Message_DateReceived Description: Date and Time communication was received Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 20 Name: System.Message.DateSent -- PKEY_Message_DateSent Description: Date and Time communication was sent Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 19 Name: System.Message.Flags -- PKEY_Message_Flags Description: These are flags associated with email messages to know if a read receipt is pending, etc. The values stored here by Outlook are defined for PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS on MSDN. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {A82D9EE7-CA67-4312-965E-226BCEA85023}, 100 Name: System.Message.FromAddress -- PKEY_Message_FromAddress Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 13 Name: System.Message.FromName -- PKEY_Message_FromName Description: Address in from field as person name Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 14 Name: System.Message.HasAttachments -- PKEY_Message_HasAttachments Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}, 8 Name: System.Message.IsFwdOrReply -- PKEY_Message_IsFwdOrReply Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {9A9BC088-4F6D-469E-9919-E705412040F9}, 100 Name: System.Message.MessageClass -- PKEY_Message_MessageClass Description: What type of outlook msg this is (meeting, task, mail, etc.) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CD9ED458-08CE-418F-A70E-F912C7BB9C5C}, 103 Name: System.Message.ProofInProgress -- PKEY_Message_ProofInProgress Description: This property will be true if the message junk email proofing is still in progress. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9098F33C-9A7D-48A8-8DE5-2E1227A64E91}, 100 Name: System.Message.SenderAddress -- PKEY_Message_SenderAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0BE1C8E7-1981-4676-AE14-FDD78F05A6E7}, 100 Name: System.Message.SenderName -- PKEY_Message_SenderName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0DA41CFA-D224-4A18-AE2F-596158DB4B3A}, 100 Name: System.Message.Store -- PKEY_Message_Store Description: The store (aka protocol handler) FILE, MAIL, OUTLOOKEXPRESS Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 15 Name: System.Message.ToAddress -- PKEY_Message_ToAddress Description: Addresses in To: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 16 Name: System.Message.ToDoFlags -- PKEY_Message_ToDoFlags Description: Flags associated with a message flagged to know if it's still active, if it was custom flagged, etc. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {1F856A9F-6900-4ABA-9505-2D5F1B4D66CB}, 100 Name: System.Message.ToDoTitle -- PKEY_Message_ToDoTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BCCC8A3C-8CEF-42E5-9B1C-C69079398BC7}, 100 Name: System.Message.ToName -- PKEY_Message_ToName Description: Person names in To: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 17 System.Music Properties Name: System.Music.AlbumArtist -- PKEY_Music_AlbumArtist Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 13 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ALBUM_ARTIST) Name: System.Music.AlbumID -- PKEY_Music_AlbumID Description: Concatenation of System.Music.AlbumArtist and System.Music.AlbumTitle, suitable for indexing and display. Used to differentiate albums with the same title from different artists. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 100 Name: System.Music.AlbumTitle -- PKEY_Music_AlbumTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 4 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ALBUM) Name: System.Music.Artist -- PKEY_Music_Artist Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 2 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ARTIST) Name: System.Music.BeatsPerMinute -- PKEY_Music_BeatsPerMinute Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 35 (PIDSI_MUSIC_BEATS_PER_MINUTE) Name: System.Music.Composer -- PKEY_Music_Composer Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 19 (PIDMSI_COMPOSER) Name: System.Music.Conductor -- PKEY_Music_Conductor Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 36 (PIDSI_MUSIC_CONDUCTOR) Name: System.Music.ContentGroupDescription -- PKEY_Music_ContentGroupDescription Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 33 (PIDSI_MUSIC_CONTENT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION) Name: System.Music.DisplayArtist -- PKEY_Music_DisplayArtist Description: This property returns the best representation of Album Artist for a given music file based upon AlbumArtist, ContributingArtist and compilation info. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FD122953-FA93-4EF7-92C3-04C946B2F7C8}, 100 Name: System.Music.Genre -- PKEY_Music_Genre Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 11 (PIDSI_MUSIC_GENRE) Name: System.Music.InitialKey -- PKEY_Music_InitialKey Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 34 (PIDSI_MUSIC_INITIAL_KEY) Name: System.Music.IsCompilation -- PKEY_Music_IsCompilation Description: Indicates whether the file is part of a compilation. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {C449D5CB-9EA4-4809-82E8-AF9D59DED6D1}, 100 Name: System.Music.Lyrics -- PKEY_Music_Lyrics Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 12 (PIDSI_MUSIC_LYRICS) Name: System.Music.Mood -- PKEY_Music_Mood Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 39 (PIDSI_MUSIC_MOOD) Name: System.Music.PartOfSet -- PKEY_Music_PartOfSet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 37 (PIDSI_MUSIC_PART_OF_SET) Name: System.Music.Period -- PKEY_Music_Period Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 31 (PIDMSI_PERIOD) Name: System.Music.SynchronizedLyrics -- PKEY_Music_SynchronizedLyrics Description: Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB FormatID: {6B223B6A-162E-4AA9-B39F-05D678FC6D77}, 100 Name: System.Music.TrackNumber -- PKEY_Music_TrackNumber Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 7 (PIDSI_MUSIC_TRACK) System.Note Properties Name: System.Note.Color -- PKEY_Note_Color Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {4776CAFA-BCE4-4CB1-A23E-265E76D8EB11}, 100 Name: System.Note.ColorText -- PKEY_Note_ColorText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Note.Color. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {46B4E8DE-CDB2-440D-885C-1658EB65B914}, 100 System.Photo Properties Name: System.Photo.Aperture -- PKEY_Photo_Aperture Description: PropertyTagExifAperture. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ApertureNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ApertureDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37378 Name: System.Photo.ApertureDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ApertureDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_Aperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {E1A9A38B-6685-46BD-875E-570DC7AD7320}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ApertureNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ApertureNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_Aperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {0337ECEC-39FB-4581-A0BD-4C4CC51E9914}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Brightness -- PKEY_Photo_Brightness Description: This is the brightness of the photo. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_BrightnessNumerator and PKEY_Photo_BrightnessDenominator. The units are "APEX", normally in the range of -99.99 to 99.99. If the numerator of the recorded value is FFFFFFFF.H, "Unknown" should be indicated. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {1A701BF6-478C-4361-83AB-3701BB053C58}, 100 (PropertyTagExifBrightness) Name: System.Photo.BrightnessDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_BrightnessDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_Brightness Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6EBE6946-2321-440A-90F0-C043EFD32476}, 100 Name: System.Photo.BrightnessNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_BrightnessNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_Brightness Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {9E7D118F-B314-45A0-8CFB-D654B917C9E9}, 100 Name: System.Photo.CameraManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_CameraManufacturer Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 271 (PropertyTagEquipMake) Name: System.Photo.CameraModel -- PKEY_Photo_CameraModel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 272 (PropertyTagEquipModel) Name: System.Photo.CameraSerialNumber -- PKEY_Photo_CameraSerialNumber Description: Serial number of camera that produced this photo Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 273 Name: System.Photo.Contrast -- PKEY_Photo_Contrast Description: This indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2A785BA9-8D23-4DED-82E6-60A350C86A10}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ContrastText -- PKEY_Photo_ContrastText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Contrast. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {59DDE9F2-5253-40EA-9A8B-479E96C6249A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.DateTaken -- PKEY_Photo_DateTaken Description: PropertyTagExifDTOrig Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 36867 Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoom -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom Description: PropertyTagExifDigitalZoom. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomNumerator and PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {F85BF840-A925-4BC2-B0C4-8E36B598679E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoomDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {745BAF0E-E5C1-4CFB-8A1B-D031A0A52393}, 100 Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoomNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {16CBB924-6500-473B-A5BE-F1599BCBE413}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Event -- PKEY_Photo_Event Description: The event at which the photo was taken Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 18248 Name: System.Photo.EXIFVersion -- PKEY_Photo_EXIFVersion Description: The EXIF version. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D35F743A-EB2E-47F2-A286-844132CB1427}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureBias -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias Description: PropertyTagExifExposureBias. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37380 Name: System.Photo.ExposureBiasDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {AB205E50-04B7-461C-A18C-2F233836E627}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureBiasNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {738BF284-1D87-420B-92CF-5834BF6EF9ED}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndex -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex Description: PropertyTagExifExposureIndex. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {967B5AF8-995A-46ED-9E11-35B3C5B9782D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndexDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {93112F89-C28B-492F-8A9D-4BE2062CEE8A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndexNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {CDEDCF30-8919-44DF-8F4C-4EB2FFDB8D89}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureProgram -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureProgram Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 34850 (PropertyTagExifExposureProg) Name: System.Photo.ExposureProgramText -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureProgramText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.ExposureProgram. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FEC690B7-5F30-4646-AE47-4CAAFBA884A3}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureTime -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime Description: PropertyTagExifExposureTime. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 33434 Name: System.Photo.ExposureTimeDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {55E98597-AD16-42E0-B624-21599A199838}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureTimeNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {257E44E2-9031-4323-AC38-85C552871B2E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Flash -- PKEY_Photo_Flash Description: PropertyTagExifFlash Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37385 Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergy -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy Description: PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 41483 Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergyDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {D7B61C70-6323-49CD-A5FC-C84277162C97}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergyNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {FCAD3D3D-0858-400F-AAA3-2F66CCE2A6BC}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_FlashManufacturer Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AABAF6C9-E0C5-4719-8585-57B103E584FE}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashModel -- PKEY_Photo_FlashModel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FE83BB35-4D1A-42E2-916B-06F3E1AF719E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashText -- PKEY_Photo_FlashText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Flash. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6B8B68F6-200B-47EA-8D25-D8050F57339F}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FNumber -- PKEY_Photo_FNumber Description: PropertyTagExifFNumber. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FNumberNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FNumberDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 33437 Name: System.Photo.FNumberDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FNumberDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FNumber Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {E92A2496-223B-4463-A4E3-30EABBA79D80}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FNumberNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FNumberNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FNumber Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {1B97738A-FDFC-462F-9D93-1957E08BE90C}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalLength -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLength Description: PropertyTagExifFocalLength. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37386 Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalLength Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {305BC615-DCA1-44A5-9FD4-10C0BA79412E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthInFilm -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthInFilm Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {A0E74609-B84D-4F49-B860-462BD9971F98}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalLength Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {776B6B3B-1E3D-4B0C-9A0E-8FBAF2A8492A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolution -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution Description: PropertyTagExifFocalXRes. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {CFC08D97-C6F7-4484-89DD-EBEF4356FE76}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {0933F3F5-4786-4F46-A8E8-D64DD37FA521}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {DCCB10AF-B4E2-4B88-95F9-031B4D5AB490}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolution -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution Description: PropertyTagExifFocalYRes. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {4FFFE4D0-914F-4AC4-8D6F-C9C61DE169B1}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {1D6179A6-A876-4031-B013-3347B2B64DC8}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A2E541C5-4440-4BA8-867E-75CFC06828CD}, 100 Name: System.Photo.GainControl -- PKEY_Photo_GainControl Description: This indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_GainControlNumerator and PKEY_Photo_GainControlDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {FA304789-00C7-4D80-904A-1E4DCC7265AA}, 100 (PropertyTagExifGainControl) Name: System.Photo.GainControlDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_GainControl Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {42864DFD-9DA4-4F77-BDED-4AAD7B256735}, 100 Name: System.Photo.GainControlNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_GainControl Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {8E8ECF7C-B7B8-4EB8-A63F-0EE715C96F9E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.GainControlText -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.GainControl. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C06238B2-0BF9-4279-A723-25856715CB9D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ISOSpeed -- PKEY_Photo_ISOSpeed Description: PropertyTagExifISOSpeed Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 34855 Name: System.Photo.LensManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_LensManufacturer Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E6DDCAF7-29C5-4F0A-9A68-D19412EC7090}, 100 Name: System.Photo.LensModel -- PKEY_Photo_LensModel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E1277516-2B5F-4869-89B1-2E585BD38B7A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.LightSource -- PKEY_Photo_LightSource Description: PropertyTagExifLightSource Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37384 Name: System.Photo.MakerNote -- PKEY_Photo_MakerNote Description: Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: {FA303353-B659-4052-85E9-BCAC79549B84}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MakerNoteOffset -- PKEY_Photo_MakerNoteOffset Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {813F4124-34E6-4D17-AB3E-6B1F3C2247A1}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MaxAperture -- PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture Description: Calculated from PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureNumerator and PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {08F6D7C2-E3F2-44FC-AF1E-5AA5C81A2D3E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MaxApertureDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {C77724D4-601F-46C5-9B89-C53F93BCEB77}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MaxApertureNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {C107E191-A459-44C5-9AE6-B952AD4B906D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MeteringMode -- PKEY_Photo_MeteringMode Description: PropertyTagExifMeteringMode Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37383 Name: System.Photo.MeteringModeText -- PKEY_Photo_MeteringModeText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.MeteringMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F628FD8C-7BA8-465A-A65B-C5AA79263A9E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Orientation -- PKEY_Photo_Orientation Description: This is the image orientation viewed in terms of rows and columns. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 274 (PropertyTagOrientation) Name: System.Photo.OrientationText -- PKEY_Photo_OrientationText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Orientation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A9EA193C-C511-498A-A06B-58E2776DCC28}, 100 Name: System.Photo.PeopleNames -- PKEY_Photo_PeopleNames Description: The people tags on an image. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: {E8309B6E-084C-49B4-B1FC-90A80331B638}, 100 Name: System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretation -- PKEY_Photo_PhotometricInterpretation Description: This is the pixel composition. In JPEG compressed data, a JPEG marker is used instead of this property. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {341796F1-1DF9-4B1C-A564-91BDEFA43877}, 100 Name: System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretationText -- PKEY_Photo_PhotometricInterpretationText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {821437D6-9EAB-4765-A589-3B1CBBD22A61}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ProgramMode -- PKEY_Photo_ProgramMode Description: This is the class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6D217F6D-3F6A-4825-B470-5F03CA2FBE9B}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ProgramModeText -- PKEY_Photo_ProgramModeText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.ProgramMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7FE3AA27-2648-42F3-89B0-454E5CB150C3}, 100 Name: System.Photo.RelatedSoundFile -- PKEY_Photo_RelatedSoundFile Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {318A6B45-087F-4DC2-B8CC-05359551FC9E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Saturation -- PKEY_Photo_Saturation Description: This indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {49237325-A95A-4F67-B211-816B2D45D2E0}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SaturationText -- PKEY_Photo_SaturationText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Saturation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {61478C08-B600-4A84-BBE4-E99C45F0A072}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Sharpness -- PKEY_Photo_Sharpness Description: This indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {FC6976DB-8349-4970-AE97-B3C5316A08F0}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SharpnessText -- PKEY_Photo_SharpnessText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Sharpness. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {51EC3F47-DD50-421D-8769-334F50424B1E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeed -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed Description: PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37377 Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeedDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {E13D8975-81C7-4948-AE3F-37CAE11E8FF7}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeedNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {16EA4042-D6F4-4BCA-8349-7C78D30FB333}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistance -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance Description: PropertyTagExifSubjectDist. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceNumerator and PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37382 Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistanceDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {0C840A88-B043-466D-9766-D4B26DA3FA77}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistanceNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {8AF4961C-F526-43E5-AA81-DB768219178D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.TagViewAggregate -- PKEY_Photo_TagViewAggregate Description: A read-only aggregation of tag-like properties for use in building views. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: {B812F15D-C2D8-4BBF-BACD-79744346113F}, 100 Name: System.Photo.TranscodedForSync -- PKEY_Photo_TranscodedForSync Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9A8EBB75-6458-4E82-BACB-35C0095B03BB}, 100 Name: System.Photo.WhiteBalance -- PKEY_Photo_WhiteBalance Description: This indicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {EE3D3D8A-5381-4CFA-B13B-AAF66B5F4EC9}, 100 Name: System.Photo.WhiteBalanceText -- PKEY_Photo_WhiteBalanceText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.WhiteBalance. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6336B95E-C7A7-426D-86FD-7AE3D39C84B4}, 100 System.PropGroup Properties Name: System.PropGroup.Advanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_Advanced Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {900A403B-097B-4B95-8AE2-071FDAEEB118}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Audio -- PKEY_PropGroup_Audio Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {2804D469-788F-48AA-8570-71B9C187E138}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Calendar -- PKEY_PropGroup_Calendar Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {9973D2B5-BFD8-438A-BA94-5349B293181A}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Camera -- PKEY_PropGroup_Camera Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {DE00DE32-547E-4981-AD4B-542F2E9007D8}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Contact -- PKEY_PropGroup_Contact Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {DF975FD3-250A-4004-858F-34E29A3E37AA}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Content -- PKEY_PropGroup_Content Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {D0DAB0BA-368A-4050-A882-6C010FD19A4F}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Description -- PKEY_PropGroup_Description Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {8969B275-9475-4E00-A887-FF93B8B41E44}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.FileSystem -- PKEY_PropGroup_FileSystem Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {E3A7D2C1-80FC-4B40-8F34-30EA111BDC2E}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.General -- PKEY_PropGroup_General Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {CC301630-B192-4C22-B372-9F4C6D338E07}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.GPS -- PKEY_PropGroup_GPS Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {F3713ADA-90E3-4E11-AAE5-FDC17685B9BE}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Image -- PKEY_PropGroup_Image Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {E3690A87-0FA8-4A2A-9A9F-FCE8827055AC}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Media -- PKEY_PropGroup_Media Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {61872CF7-6B5E-4B4B-AC2D-59DA84459248}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.MediaAdvanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_MediaAdvanced Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {8859A284-DE7E-4642-99BA-D431D044B1EC}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Message -- PKEY_PropGroup_Message Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {7FD7259D-16B4-4135-9F97-7C96ECD2FA9E}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Music -- PKEY_PropGroup_Music Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {68DD6094-7216-40F1-A029-43FE7127043F}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Origin -- PKEY_PropGroup_Origin Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {2598D2FB-5569-4367-95DF-5CD3A177E1A5}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.PhotoAdvanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_PhotoAdvanced Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {0CB2BF5A-9EE7-4A86-8222-F01E07FDADAF}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.RecordedTV -- PKEY_PropGroup_RecordedTV Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {E7B33238-6584-4170-A5C0-AC25EFD9DA56}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Video -- PKEY_PropGroup_Video Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {BEBE0920-7671-4C54-A3EB-49FDDFC191EE}, 100 System.PropList Properties Name: System.PropList.ConflictPrompt -- PKEY_PropList_ConflictPrompt Description: The list of properties to show in the file operation conflict resolution dialog. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "ConflictPrompt". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 11 Name: System.PropList.ContentViewModeForBrowse -- PKEY_PropList_ContentViewModeForBrowse Description: The list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of browsing. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeForBrowse". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 13 Name: System.PropList.ContentViewModeForSearch -- PKEY_PropList_ContentViewModeForSearch Description: The list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of searching. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeForSearch". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 14 Name: System.PropList.ExtendedTileInfo -- PKEY_PropList_ExtendedTileInfo Description: The list of properties to show in the listview on extended tiles. Register under the regvalue of "ExtendedTileInfo". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 9 Name: System.PropList.FileOperationPrompt -- PKEY_PropList_FileOperationPrompt Description: The list of properties to show in the file operation confirmation dialog. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. If this list is not specified, then the InfoTip property list is used instead. Register under the regvalue of "FileOperationPrompt". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 10 Name: System.PropList.FullDetails -- PKEY_PropList_FullDetails Description: The list of all the properties to show in the details page. Property groups can be included in this list in order to more easily organize the UI. Register under the regvalue of "FullDetails". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 2 Name: System.PropList.InfoTip -- PKEY_PropList_InfoTip Description: The list of properties to show in the infotip. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "InfoTip". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 4 (PID_PROPLIST_INFOTIP) Name: System.PropList.NonPersonal -- PKEY_PropList_NonPersonal Description: The list of properties that are considered 'non-personal'. When told to remove all non-personal properties from a given file, the system will leave these particular properties untouched. Register under the regvalue of "NonPersonal". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49D1091F-082E-493F-B23F-D2308AA9668C}, 100 Name: System.PropList.PreviewDetails -- PKEY_PropList_PreviewDetails Description: The list of properties to display in the preview pane. Register under the regvalue of "PreviewDetails". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 8 Name: System.PropList.PreviewTitle -- PKEY_PropList_PreviewTitle Description: The one or two properties to display in the preview pane title section. The optional second property is displayed as a subtitle. Register under the regvalue of "PreviewTitle". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 6 Name: System.PropList.QuickTip -- PKEY_PropList_QuickTip Description: The list of properties to show in the infotip when the item is on a slow network. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "QuickTip". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 5 (PID_PROPLIST_QUICKTIP) Name: System.PropList.TileInfo -- PKEY_PropList_TileInfo Description: The list of properties to show in the listview on tiles. Register under the regvalue of "TileInfo". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 3 (PID_PROPLIST_TILEINFO) Name: System.PropList.XPDetailsPanel -- PKEY_PropList_XPDetailsPanel Description: The list of properties to display in the XP webview details panel. Obsolete. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_WebView) {F2275480-F782-4291-BD94-F13693513AEC}, 0 (PID_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES) System.RecordedTV Properties Name: System.RecordedTV.ChannelNumber -- PKEY_RecordedTV_ChannelNumber Description: Example: 42 Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 7 Name: System.RecordedTV.Credits -- PKEY_RecordedTV_Credits Description: Example: "Don Messick/Frank Welker/Casey Kasem/Heather North/Nicole Jaffe;;;" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 4 Name: System.RecordedTV.DateContentExpires -- PKEY_RecordedTV_DateContentExpires Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 15 Name: System.RecordedTV.EpisodeName -- PKEY_RecordedTV_EpisodeName Description: Example: "Nowhere to Hyde" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 2 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsATSCContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsATSCContent Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 16 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsClosedCaptioningAvailable -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsClosedCaptioningAvailable Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 12 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsDTVContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsDTVContent Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 17 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsHDContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsHDContent Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 18 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsRepeatBroadcast -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsRepeatBroadcast Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 13 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsSAP -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsSAP Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 14 Name: System.RecordedTV.NetworkAffiliation -- PKEY_RecordedTV_NetworkAffiliation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {2C53C813-FB63-4E22-A1AB-0B331CA1E273}, 100 Name: System.RecordedTV.OriginalBroadcastDate -- PKEY_RecordedTV_OriginalBroadcastDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {4684FE97-8765-4842-9C13-F006447B178C}, 100 Name: System.RecordedTV.ProgramDescription -- PKEY_RecordedTV_ProgramDescription Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 3 Name: System.RecordedTV.RecordingTime -- PKEY_RecordedTV_RecordingTime Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {A5477F61-7A82-4ECA-9DDE-98B69B2479B3}, 100 Name: System.RecordedTV.StationCallSign -- PKEY_RecordedTV_StationCallSign Description: Example: "TOONP" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 5 Name: System.RecordedTV.StationName -- PKEY_RecordedTV_StationName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1B5439E7-EBA1-4AF8-BDD7-7AF1D4549493}, 100 System.Search Properties Name: System.Search.AutoSummary -- PKEY_Search_AutoSummary Description: General Summary of the document. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 2 Name: System.Search.ContainerHash -- PKEY_Search_ContainerHash Description: Hash code used to identify attachments to be deleted based on a common container url Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BCEEE283-35DF-4D53-826A-F36A3EEFC6BE}, 100 Name: System.Search.Contents -- PKEY_Search_Contents Description: The contents of the item. This property is for query restrictions only; it cannot be retrieved in a query result. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'contents'. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 19 (PID_STG_CONTENTS) Name: System.Search.EntryID -- PKEY_Search_EntryID Description: The entry ID for an item within a given catalog in the Windows Search Index. This value may be recycled, and therefore is not considered unique over time. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 5 (PROPID_QUERY_WORKID) Name: System.Search.ExtendedProperties -- PKEY_Search_ExtendedProperties Description: Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB FormatID: {7B03B546-FA4F-4A52-A2FE-03D5311E5865}, 100 Name: System.Search.GatherTime -- PKEY_Search_GatherTime Description: The Datetime that the Windows Search Gatherer process last pushed properties of this document to the Windows Search Gatherer Plugins. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 8 Name: System.Search.HitCount -- PKEY_Search_HitCount Description: When using CONTAINS over the Windows Search Index, this is the number of matches of the term. If there are multiple CONTAINS, an AND computes the min number of hits and an OR the max number of hits. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 4 (PROPID_QUERY_HITCOUNT) Name: System.Search.IsClosedDirectory -- PKEY_Search_IsClosedDirectory Description: If this property is emitted with a value of TRUE, then it indicates that this URL's last modified time applies to all of it's children, and if this URL is deleted then all of it's children are deleted as well. For example, this would be emitted as TRUE when emitting the URL of an email so that all attachments are tied to the last modified time of that email. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 23 Name: System.Search.IsFullyContained -- PKEY_Search_IsFullyContained Description: Any child URL of a URL which has System.Search.IsClosedDirectory=TRUE must emit System.Search.IsFullyContained=TRUE. This ensures that the URL is not deleted at the end of a crawl because it hasn't been visited (which is the normal mechanism for detecting deletes). For example an email attachment would emit this property Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 24 Name: System.Search.QueryFocusedSummary -- PKEY_Search_QueryFocusedSummary Description: Query Focused Summary of the document. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 3 Name: System.Search.QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback -- PKEY_Search_QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback Description: Query Focused Summary of the document, if none is available it returns the AutoSummary. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 4 Name: System.Search.Rank -- PKEY_Search_Rank Description: Relevance rank of row. Ranges from 0-1000. Larger numbers = better matches. Query-time only. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 3 (PROPID_QUERY_RANK) Name: System.Search.Store -- PKEY_Search_Store Description: The identifier for the protocol handler that produced this item. (E.g. MAPI, CSC, FILE etc.) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A06992B3-8CAF-4ED7-A547-B259E32AC9FC}, 100 Name: System.Search.UrlToIndex -- PKEY_Search_UrlToIndex Description: This property should be emitted by a container IFilter for each child URL within the container. The children will eventually be crawled by the indexer if they are within scope. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 2 Name: System.Search.UrlToIndexWithModificationTime -- PKEY_Search_UrlToIndexWithModificationTime Description: This property is the same as System.Search.UrlToIndex except that it includes the time the URL was last modified. This is an optimization for the indexer as it doesn't have to call back into the protocol handler to ask for this information to determine if the content needs to be indexed again. The property is a vector with two elements, a VT_LPWSTR with the URL and a VT_FILETIME for the last modified time. Type: Multivalue Any -- VT_VECTOR | VT_NULL (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_NULL) FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 12 System.Shell Properties Name: System.Shell.OmitFromView -- PKEY_Shell_OmitFromView Description: Set this to a string value of 'True' to omit this item from shell views Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DE35258C-C695-4CBC-B982-38B0AD24CED0}, 2 Name: System.Shell.SFGAOFlagsStrings -- PKEY_Shell_SFGAOFlagsStrings Description: Expresses the SFGAO flags as string values and is used as a query optimization. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}, 2 System.Software Properties Name: System.Software.DateLastUsed -- PKEY_Software_DateLastUsed Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {841E4F90-FF59-4D16-8947-E81BBFFAB36D}, 16 Name: System.Software.ProductName -- PKEY_Software_ProductName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 7 System.Sync Properties Name: System.Sync.Comments -- PKEY_Sync_Comments Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 13 Name: System.Sync.ConflictDescription -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictDescription Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 4 Name: System.Sync.ConflictFirstLocation -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictFirstLocation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 6 Name: System.Sync.ConflictSecondLocation -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictSecondLocation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 7 Name: System.Sync.HandlerCollectionID -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerCollectionID Description: Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 2 Name: System.Sync.HandlerID -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 3 Name: System.Sync.HandlerName -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 2 Name: System.Sync.HandlerType -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerType Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 8 Name: System.Sync.HandlerTypeLabel -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerTypeLabel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 9 Name: System.Sync.ItemID -- PKEY_Sync_ItemID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 6 Name: System.Sync.ItemName -- PKEY_Sync_ItemName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 3 Name: System.Sync.ProgressPercentage -- PKEY_Sync_ProgressPercentage Description: An integer value between 0 and 100 representing the percentage completed. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 23 Name: System.Sync.State -- PKEY_Sync_State Description: Sync state. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 24 Name: System.Sync.Status -- PKEY_Sync_Status Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 10 System.Task Properties Name: System.Task.BillingInformation -- PKEY_Task_BillingInformation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D37D52C6-261C-4303-82B3-08B926AC6F12}, 100 Name: System.Task.CompletionStatus -- PKEY_Task_CompletionStatus Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {084D8A0A-E6D5-40DE-BF1F-C8820E7C877C}, 100 Name: System.Task.Owner -- PKEY_Task_Owner Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {08C7CC5F-60F2-4494-AD75-55E3E0B5ADD0}, 100 System.Video Properties Name: System.Video.Compression -- PKEY_Video_Compression Description: Indicates the level of compression for the video stream. "Compression". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 10 (PIDVSI_COMPRESSION) Name: System.Video.Director -- PKEY_Video_Director Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 20 (PIDMSI_DIRECTOR) Name: System.Video.EncodingBitrate -- PKEY_Video_EncodingBitrate Description: Indicates the data rate in "bits per second" for the video stream. "DataRate". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 8 (PIDVSI_DATA_RATE) Name: System.Video.FourCC -- PKEY_Video_FourCC Description: Indicates the 4CC for the video stream. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 44 Name: System.Video.FrameHeight -- PKEY_Video_FrameHeight Description: Indicates the frame height for the video stream. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 Name: System.Video.FrameRate -- PKEY_Video_FrameRate Description: Indicates the frame rate in "frames per millisecond" for the video stream. "FrameRate". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDVSI_FRAME_RATE) Name: System.Video.FrameWidth -- PKEY_Video_FrameWidth Description: Indicates the frame width for the video stream. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 Name: System.Video.HorizontalAspectRatio -- PKEY_Video_HorizontalAspectRatio Description: Indicates the horizontal portion of the aspect ratio. The X portion of XX:YY, like 16:9. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 42 Name: System.Video.SampleSize -- PKEY_Video_SampleSize Description: Indicates the sample size in bits for the video stream. "SampleSize". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDVSI_SAMPLE_SIZE) Name: System.Video.StreamName -- PKEY_Video_StreamName Description: Indicates the name for the video stream. "StreamName". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 2 (PIDVSI_STREAM_NAME) Name: System.Video.StreamNumber -- PKEY_Video_StreamNumber Description: "Stream Number". Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 11 (PIDVSI_STREAM_NUMBER) Name: System.Video.TotalBitrate -- PKEY_Video_TotalBitrate Description: Indicates the total data rate in "bits per second" for all video and audio streams. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 43 (PIDVSI_TOTAL_BITRATE) Name: System.Video.TranscodedForSync -- PKEY_Video_TranscodedForSync Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 46 Name: System.Video.VerticalAspectRatio -- PKEY_Video_VerticalAspectRatio Description: Indicates the vertical portion of the aspect ratio. The Y portion of XX:YY, like 16:9. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 45 System.Volume Properties Name: System.Volume.FileSystem -- PKEY_Volume_FileSystem Description: Indicates the filesystem of the volume. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 4 (PID_VOLUME_FILESYSTEM) (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.Volume.IsMappedDrive -- PKEY_Volume_IsMappedDrive Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {149C0B69-2C2D-48FC-808F-D318D78C4636}, 2 Name: System.Volume.IsRoot -- PKEY_Volume_IsRoot Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 10 (Filesystem Volume Properties) Property store cache state Contained in file, not updated. Not contained in file. Contained in file, has been updated since file was consumed. Delineates the format of a property string. Typically use one, or a bitwise combination of these flags, to specify the format. Some flags are mutually exclusive, so combinations like ShortTime | LongTime | HideTime are not allowed. The format settings specified in the property's .propdesc file. The value preceded with the property's display name. This flag is ignored when the hideLabelPrefix attribute of the labelInfo element in the property's .propinfo file is set to true. The string treated as a file name. The sizes displayed in kilobytes (KB), regardless of size. This flag applies to properties of Integer types and aligns the values in the column. Reserved. The time displayed as 'hh:mm am/pm'. The time displayed as 'hh:mm:ss am/pm'. The time portion of date/time hidden. The date displayed as 'MM/DD/YY'. For example, '3/21/04'. The date displayed as 'DayOfWeek Month day, year'. For example, 'Monday, March 21, 2004'. The date portion of date/time hidden. The friendly date descriptions, such as "Yesterday". The text displayed in a text box as a cue for the user, such as 'Enter your name'. The invitation text is returned if formatting failed or the value was empty. Invitation text is text displayed in a text box as a cue for the user, Formatting can fail if the data entered is not of an expected type, such as putting alpha characters in a phone number field. This flag requires UseEditInvitation to also be specified. When the formatting flags are ReadOnly | UseEditInvitation and the algorithm would have shown invitation text, a string is returned that indicates the value is "Unknown" instead of the invitation text. The detection of the reading order is not automatic. Useful when converting to ANSI to omit the Unicode reading order characters. Smart display of DateTime values Specifies the display types for a property. The String Display. This is the default if the property doesn't specify a display type. The Number Display. The Boolean Display. The DateTime Display. The Enumerated Display. Property Aggregation Type The string "Multiple Values" is displayed. The first value in the selection is displayed. The sum of the selected values is displayed. This flag is never returned for data types VT_LPWSTR, VT_BOOL, and VT_FILETIME. The numerical average of the selected values is displayed. This flag is never returned for data types VT_LPWSTR, VT_BOOL, and VT_FILETIME. The date range of the selected values is displayed. This flag is only returned for values of the VT_FILETIME data type. A concatenated string of all the values is displayed. The order of individual values in the string is undefined. The concatenated string omits duplicate values; if a value occurs more than once, it only appears a single time in the concatenated string. The highest of the selected values is displayed. The lowest of the selected values is displayed. Property Enumeration Types Use DisplayText and either RangeMinValue or RangeSetValue. Use DisplayText and either RangeMinValue or RangeSetValue Use DisplayText Use Value or RangeMinValue Describes how a property should be treated for display purposes. Default value The value is displayed as a string. The value is displayed as an integer. The value is displayed as a date/time. A mask for display type values StringType, IntegerType, and DateType. The column should be on by default in Details view. Will be slow to compute. Perform on a background thread. Provided by a handler, not the folder. Not displayed in the context menu, but is listed in the More... dialog. Not displayed in the user interface (UI). VarCmp produces same result as IShellFolder::CompareIDs. PSFormatForDisplay produces same result as IShellFolder::CompareIDs. Do not sort folders separately. Only displayed in the UI. Marks columns with values that should be read in a batch. Grouping is disabled for this column. Can't resize the column. The width is the same in all dots per inch (dpi)s. Fixed width and height ratio. Filters out new display flags. Specifies the condition type to use when displaying the property in the query builder user interface (UI). The default condition type. The string type. The size type. The date/time type. The Boolean type. The number type. Provides a set of flags to be used with IConditionFactory, ICondition, and IConditionGenerator to indicate the operation. The implicit comparison between the value of the property and the value of the constant. The value of the property and the value of the constant must be equal. The value of the property and the value of the constant must not be equal. The value of the property must be less than the value of the constant. The value of the property must be greater than the value of the constant. The value of the property must be less than or equal to the value of the constant. The value of the property must be greater than or equal to the value of the constant. The value of the property must begin with the value of the constant. The value of the property must end with the value of the constant. The value of the property must contain the value of the constant. The value of the property must not contain the value of the constant. The value of the property must match the value of the constant, where '?' matches any single character and '*' matches any sequence of characters. The value of the property must contain a word that is the value of the constant. The value of the property must contain a word that begins with the value of the constant. The application is free to interpret this in any suitable way. Specifies the property description grouping ranges. The individual values. The static alphanumeric ranges. The static size ranges. The dynamically-created ranges. The month and year groups. The percent groups. The enumerated groups. Describes the particular wordings of sort offerings. Note that the strings shown are English versions only; localized strings are used for other locales. The default ascending or descending property sort, "Sort going up", "Sort going down". The alphabetical sort, "A on top", "Z on top". The numerical sort, "Lowest on top", "Highest on top". The size sort, "Smallest on top", "Largest on top". The chronological sort, "Oldest on top", "Newest on top". Describes the attributes of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. The property uses the default values for all attributes. The property can have multiple values. These values are stored as a VT_VECTOR in the PROPVARIANT structure. This value is set by the multipleValues attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. This property cannot be written to. This value is set by the isInnate attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. The property is a group heading. This value is set by the isGroup attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. The user can group by this property. This value is set by the canGroupBy attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. The user can stack by this property. This value is set by the canStackBy attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. This property contains a hierarchy. This value is set by the isTreeProperty attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Include this property in any full text query that is performed. This value is set by the includeInFullTextQuery attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. This property is meant to be viewed by the user. This influences whether the property shows up in the "Choose Columns" dialog, for example. This value is set by the isViewable attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. This property is included in the list of properties that can be queried. A queryable property must also be viewable. This influences whether the property shows up in the query builder UI. This value is set by the isQueryable attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Used with an innate property (that is, a value calculated from other property values) to indicate that it can be deleted. Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later. This value is used by the Remove Properties user interface (UI) to determine whether to display a check box next to an property that allows that property to be selected for removal. Note that a property that is not innate can always be purged regardless of the presence or absence of this flag. This property is owned by the system. A mask used to retrieve all flags. Associates property names with property description list strings. The property is shown by default. The property is centered. The property is right aligned. The property is shown as the beginning of the next collection of properties in the view. The remainder of the view area is filled with the content of this property. The property is reverse sorted if it is a property in a list of sorted properties. The property is only shown if it is present. The property is shown by default in a view (where applicable). The property is shown by default in primary column selection user interface (UI). The property is shown by default in secondary column selection UI. The label is hidden if the view is normally inclined to show the label. The property is not displayed as a column in the UI. The property is wrapped to the next row. A mask used to retrieve all flags. Defines the enumeration values for a property type. Gets display text from an enumeration information structure. Gets an enumeration type from an enumeration information structure. Gets a minimum value from an enumeration information structure. Gets a set value from an enumeration information structure. Gets a value from an enumeration information structure. Factory class for creating typed ShellProperties. Generates/caches expressions to create generic ShellProperties. Creates a generic ShellProperty. PropertyKey Shell object from which to get property ShellProperty matching type of value in property. Creates a generic ShellProperty. PropertyKey IPropertyStore from which to get property ShellProperty matching type of value in property. Converts VarEnum to its associated .net Type. VarEnum value Associated .net equivelent. Creates a property writer capable of setting multiple properties for a given ShellObject. Reference to parent ShellObject (associated with this writer) Writes the given property key and value. The property key. The value associated with the key. Writes the given property key and value. To allow truncation of the given value, set allowTruncatedValue to true. The property key. The value associated with the key. True to allow truncation (default); otherwise False. If the writable property store is already closed. If AllowTruncatedValue is set to false and while setting the value on the property it had to be truncated in a string or rounded in a numeric value. Writes the specified property given the canonical name and a value. The canonical name. The property value. Writes the specified property given the canonical name and a value. To allow truncation of the given value, set allowTruncatedValue to true. The canonical name. The property value. True to allow truncation (default); otherwise False. If the given canonical name is not valid. Writes the specified property using an IShellProperty and a value. The property name. The property value. Writes the specified property given an IShellProperty and a value. To allow truncation of the given value, set allowTruncatedValue to true. The property name. The property value. True to allow truncation (default); otherwise False. Writes the specified property using a strongly-typed ShellProperty and a value. The type of the property name. The property name. The property value. Writes the specified property given a strongly-typed ShellProperty and a value. To allow truncation of the given value, set allowTruncatedValue to true. The type of the property name. The property name. The property value. True to allow truncation (default); otherwise False. Release the native objects. Release the native and managed objects. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Call this method to commit the writes (calls to WriteProperty method) and dispose off the writer. Base class for all the strongly-typed properties Provides easy access to all the system properties (property keys and their descriptions) Returns the property description for a given property key. Property key of the property whose description is required. Property Description for a given property key Gets the property description for a given property's canonical name. Canonical name of the property whose description is required. Property Description for a given property key System Properties Name: System.AcquisitionID -- PKEY_AcquisitionID Description: Hash to determine acquisition session. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {65A98875-3C80-40AB-ABBC-EFDAF77DBEE2}, 100 Name: System.ApplicationName -- PKEY_ApplicationName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 18 (PIDSI_APPNAME) Name: System.Author -- PKEY_Author Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 4 (PIDSI_AUTHOR) Name: System.Capacity -- PKEY_Capacity Description: The amount of total space in bytes. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 3 (PID_VOLUME_CAPACITY) (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.Category -- PKEY_Category Description: Legacy code treats this as VT_LPSTR. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 2 (PIDDSI_CATEGORY) Name: System.Comment -- PKEY_Comment Description: Comments. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 6 (PIDSI_COMMENTS) Name: System.Company -- PKEY_Company Description: The company or publisher. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 15 (PIDDSI_COMPANY) Name: System.ComputerName -- PKEY_ComputerName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 5 (PID_COMPUTERNAME) Name: System.ContainedItems -- PKEY_ContainedItems Description: The list of type of items, this item contains. For example, this item contains urls, attachments etc. This is represented as a vector array of GUIDs where each GUID represents certain type. Type: Multivalue Guid -- VT_VECTOR | VT_CLSID (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_CLSID) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 29 Name: System.ContentStatus -- PKEY_ContentStatus Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 27 Name: System.ContentType -- PKEY_ContentType Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 26 Name: System.Copyright -- PKEY_Copyright Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 11 (PIDMSI_COPYRIGHT) Name: System.DateAccessed -- PKEY_DateAccessed Description: The time of the last access to the item. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'access'. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 16 (PID_STG_ACCESSTIME) Name: System.DateAcquired -- PKEY_DateAcquired Description: The time the file entered the system via acquisition. This is not the same as System.DateImported. Examples are when pictures are acquired from a camera, or when music is purchased online. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {2CBAA8F5-D81F-47CA-B17A-F8D822300131}, 100 Name: System.DateArchived -- PKEY_DateArchived Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {43F8D7B7-A444-4F87-9383-52271C9B915C}, 100 Name: System.DateCompleted -- PKEY_DateCompleted Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {72FAB781-ACDA-43E5-B155-B2434F85E678}, 100 Name: System.DateCreated -- PKEY_DateCreated Description: The date and time the item was created. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'create'. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 15 (PID_STG_CREATETIME) Name: System.DateImported -- PKEY_DateImported Description: The time the file is imported into a separate database. This is not the same as System.DateAcquired. (Eg, 2003:05:22 13:55:04) Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 18258 Name: System.DateModified -- PKEY_DateModified Description: The date and time of the last write to the item. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'write'. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 14 (PID_STG_WRITETIME) Name: System.DescriptionID -- PKEY_DescriptionID Description: The contents of a SHDESCRIPTIONID structure as a buffer of bytes. Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 2 (PID_DESCRIPTIONID) Name: System.DueDate -- PKEY_DueDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {3F8472B5-E0AF-4DB2-8071-C53FE76AE7CE}, 100 Name: System.EndDate -- PKEY_EndDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {C75FAA05-96FD-49E7-9CB4-9F601082D553}, 100 Name: System.FileAllocationSize -- PKEY_FileAllocationSize Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 18 (PID_STG_ALLOCSIZE) Name: System.FileAttributes -- PKEY_FileAttributes Description: This is the WIN32_FIND_DATA dwFileAttributes for the file-based item. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 13 (PID_STG_ATTRIBUTES) Name: System.FileCount -- PKEY_FileCount Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 12 Name: System.FileDescription -- PKEY_FileDescription Description: This is a user-friendly description of the file. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 3 (PIDVSI_FileDescription) Name: System.FileExtension -- PKEY_FileExtension Description: This is the file extension of the file based item, including the leading period. If System.FileName is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.FileName. If System.FileName does not have a file extension, this value should be VT_EMPTY. To obtain the type of any item (including an item that is not a file), use System.ItemType. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" ".txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" ".doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" ".xls" "\\server\share\folder" VT_EMPTY "c:\foo\MyFolder" VT_EMPTY [desktop] VT_EMPTY Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E4F10A3C-49E6-405D-8288-A23BD4EEAA6C}, 100 Name: System.FileFRN -- PKEY_FileFRN Description: This is the unique file ID, also known as the File Reference Number. For a given file, this is the same value as is found in the structure variable FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO.FileId, via GetFileInformationByHandleEx(). Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 21 (PID_STG_FRN) Name: System.FileName -- PKEY_FileName Description: This is the file name (including extension) of the file. It is possible that the item might not exist on a filesystem (ie, it may not be opened using CreateFile). Nonetheless, if the item is represented as a file from the logical sense (and its name follows standard Win32 file-naming syntax), then the data source should emit this property. If an item is not a file, then the value for this property is VT_EMPTY. See System.ItemNameDisplay. This has the same value as System.ParsingName for items that are provided by the Shell's file folder. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "hello.txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "numbers.xls" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "MyFolder" (email message) VT_EMPTY (song on portable device) "song.wma" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {41CF5AE0-F75A-4806-BD87-59C7D9248EB9}, 100 Name: System.FileOwner -- PKEY_FileOwner Description: This is the owner of the file, according to the file system. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Misc) {9B174B34-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 4 (PID_MISC_OWNER) Name: System.FileVersion -- PKEY_FileVersion Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 4 (PIDVSI_FileVersion) Name: System.FindData -- PKEY_FindData Description: WIN32_FIND_DATAW in buffer of bytes. Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 0 (PID_FINDDATA) Name: System.FlagColor -- PKEY_FlagColor Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {67DF94DE-0CA7-4D6F-B792-053A3E4F03CF}, 100 Name: System.FlagColorText -- PKEY_FlagColorText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.FlagColor. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {45EAE747-8E2A-40AE-8CBF-CA52ABA6152A}, 100 Name: System.FlagStatus -- PKEY_FlagStatus Description: Status of Flag. Values: (0=none 1=white 2=Red). cdoPR_FLAG_STATUS Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 12 Name: System.FlagStatusText -- PKEY_FlagStatusText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.FlagStatus. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DC54FD2E-189D-4871-AA01-08C2F57A4ABC}, 100 Name: System.FreeSpace -- PKEY_FreeSpace Description: The amount of free space in bytes. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 2 (PID_VOLUME_FREE) (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.FullText -- PKEY_FullText Description: This PKEY is used to specify search terms that should be applied as broadly as possible, across all valid properties for the data source(s) being searched. It should not be emitted from a data source. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}, 6 Name: System.Identity -- PKEY_Identity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A26F4AFC-7346-4299-BE47-EB1AE613139F}, 100 Name: System.ImageParsingName -- PKEY_ImageParsingName Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D7750EE0-C6A4-48EC-B53E-B87B52E6D073}, 100 Name: System.Importance -- PKEY_Importance Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 11 Name: System.ImportanceText -- PKEY_ImportanceText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Importance. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A3B29791-7713-4E1D-BB40-17DB85F01831}, 100 Name: System.InfoTipText -- PKEY_InfoTipText Description: The text (with formatted property values) to show in the infotip. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 17 Name: System.InternalName -- PKEY_InternalName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 5 (PIDVSI_InternalName) Name: System.IsAttachment -- PKEY_IsAttachment Description: Identifies if this item is an attachment. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {F23F425C-71A1-4FA8-922F-678EA4A60408}, 100 Name: System.IsDefaultNonOwnerSaveLocation -- PKEY_IsDefaultNonOwnerSaveLocation Description: Identifies the default save location for a library for non-owners of the library Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 5 Name: System.IsDefaultSaveLocation -- PKEY_IsDefaultSaveLocation Description: Identifies the default save location for a library for the owner of the library Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 3 Name: System.IsDeleted -- PKEY_IsDeleted Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5CDA5FC8-33EE-4FF3-9094-AE7BD8868C4D}, 100 Name: System.IsEncrypted -- PKEY_IsEncrypted Description: Is the item encrypted? Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {90E5E14E-648B-4826-B2AA-ACAF790E3513}, 10 Name: System.IsFlagged -- PKEY_IsFlagged Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5DA84765-E3FF-4278-86B0-A27967FBDD03}, 100 Name: System.IsFlaggedComplete -- PKEY_IsFlaggedComplete Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {A6F360D2-55F9-48DE-B909-620E090A647C}, 100 Name: System.IsIncomplete -- PKEY_IsIncomplete Description: Identifies if the message was not completely received for some error condition. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {346C8BD1-2E6A-4C45-89A4-61B78E8E700F}, 100 Name: System.IsLocationSupported -- PKEY_IsLocationSupported Description: A bool value to know if a location is supported (locally indexable, or remotely indexed). Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 8 Name: System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree -- PKEY_IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree Description: A bool value to know if a shell folder is pinned to the navigation pane Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 2 Name: System.IsRead -- PKEY_IsRead Description: Has the item been read? Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 10 Name: System.IsSearchOnlyItem -- PKEY_IsSearchOnlyItem Description: Identifies if a location or a library is search only Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 4 Name: System.IsSendToTarget -- PKEY_IsSendToTarget Description: Provided by certain shell folders. Return TRUE if the folder is a valid Send To target. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 33 Name: System.IsShared -- PKEY_IsShared Description: Is this item shared? This only checks for ACLs that are not inherited. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 100 Name: System.ItemAuthors -- PKEY_ItemAuthors Description: This is the generic list of authors associated with an item. For example, the artist name for a track is the item author. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D0A04F0A-462A-48A4-BB2F-3706E88DBD7D}, 100 Name: System.ItemClassType -- PKEY_ItemClassType Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {048658AD-2DB8-41A4-BBB6-AC1EF1207EB1}, 100 Name: System.ItemDate -- PKEY_ItemDate Description: This is the main date for an item. The date of interest. For example, for photos this maps to System.Photo.DateTaken. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {F7DB74B4-4287-4103-AFBA-F1B13DCD75CF}, 100 Name: System.ItemFolderNameDisplay -- PKEY_ItemFolderNameDisplay Description: This is the user-friendly display name of the parent folder of an item. If System.ItemFolderPathDisplay is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.ItemFolderPathDisplay. If the folder is a file folder, the value will be localized if a localized name is available. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "bar" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "mydir" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "share" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "foo" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Inbox" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 2 (PID_STG_DIRECTORY) Name: System.ItemFolderPathDisplay -- PKEY_ItemFolderPathDisplay Description: This is the user-friendly display path of the parent folder of an item. If System.ItemPathDisplay is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.ItemPathDisplay. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "c:\foo\bar" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\mydir" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "\\server\share" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "c:\foo" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 6 Name: System.ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow -- PKEY_ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow Description: This is the user-friendly display path of the parent folder of an item. The format of the string should be tailored such that the folder name comes first, to optimize for a narrow viewing column. If the folder is a file folder, the value includes localized names if they are present. If System.ItemFolderPathDisplay is VT_EMPTY, then this property should be too. Otherwise, it should be derived appropriately by the data source from System.ItemFolderPathDisplay. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "bar (c:\foo)" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "mydir (\\server\share)" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "share (\\server)" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "foo (c:\)" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Inbox (/Mailbox Account)" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DABD30ED-0043-4789-A7F8-D013A4736622}, 100 Name: System.ItemName -- PKEY_ItemName Description: This is the base-name of the System.ItemNameDisplay. If the item is a file this property includes the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. If the item is a message, then the value of this property does not include the forwarding or reply prefixes (see System.ItemNamePrefix). Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6B8DA074-3B5C-43BC-886F-0A2CDCE00B6F}, 100 Name: System.ItemNameDisplay -- PKEY_ItemNameDisplay Description: This is the display name in "most complete" form. This is the best effort unique representation of the name of an item that makes sense for end users to read. It is the concatentation of System.ItemNamePrefix and System.ItemName. If the item is a file this property includes the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. There are acceptable cases when System.FileName is not VT_EMPTY, yet the value of this property is completely different. Email messages are a key example. If the item is an email message, the item name is likely the subject. In that case, the value must be the concatenation of the System.ItemNamePrefix and System.ItemName. Since the value of System.ItemNamePrefix excludes any trailing whitespace, the concatenation must include a whitespace when generating System.ItemNameDisplay. Note that this property is not guaranteed to be unique, but the idea is to promote the most likely candidate that can be unique and also makes sense for end users. For example, for documents, you might think about using System.Title as the System.ItemNameDisplay, but in practice the title of the documents may not be useful or unique enough to be of value as the sole System.ItemNameDisplay. Instead, providing the value of System.FileName as the value of System.ItemNameDisplay is a better candidate. In Windows Mail, the emails are stored in the file system as .eml files and the System.FileName for those files are not human-friendly as they contain GUIDs. In this example, promoting System.Subject as System.ItemNameDisplay makes more sense. Compatibility notes: Shell folder implementations on Vista: use PKEY_ItemNameDisplay for the name column when you want Explorer to call ISF::GetDisplayNameOf(SHGDN_NORMAL) to get the value of the name. Use another PKEY (like PKEY_ItemName) when you want Explorer to call either the folder's property store or ISF2::GetDetailsEx in order to get the value of the name. Shell folder implementations on XP: the first column needs to be the name column, and Explorer will call ISF::GetDisplayNameOf to get the value of the name. The PKEY/SCID does not matter. Example values: File: "hello.txt" Message: "Re: Let's talk about Tom's argyle socks!" Device folder: "song.wma" Folder: "Documents" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 10 (PID_STG_NAME) Name: System.ItemNamePrefix -- PKEY_ItemNamePrefix Description: This is the prefix of an item, used for email messages. where the subject begins with "Re:" which is the prefix. If the item is a file, then the value of this property is VT_EMPTY. If the item is a message, then the value of this property is the forwarding or reply prefixes (including delimiting colon, but no whitespace), or VT_EMPTY if there is no prefix. Example values: System.ItemNamePrefix System.ItemName System.ItemNameDisplay --------------------- ------------------- ---------------------- VT_EMPTY "Great day" "Great day" "Re:" "Great day" "Re: Great day" "Fwd: " "Monthly budget" "Fwd: Monthly budget" VT_EMPTY "accounts.xls" "accounts.xls" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D7313FF1-A77A-401C-8C99-3DBDD68ADD36}, 100 Name: System.ItemParticipants -- PKEY_ItemParticipants Description: This is the generic list of people associated with an item and who contributed to the item. For example, this is the combination of people in the To list, Cc list and sender of an email message. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D4D0AA16-9948-41A4-AA85-D97FF9646993}, 100 Name: System.ItemPathDisplay -- PKEY_ItemPathDisplay Description: This is the user-friendly display path to the item. If the item is a file or folder this property includes the extension in all cases, and will be localized if a localized name is available. For other items,this is the user-friendly equivalent, assuming the item exists in hierarchical storage. Unlike System.ItemUrl, this property value does not include the URL scheme. To parse an item path, use System.ItemUrl or System.ParsingPath. To reference shell namespace items using shell APIs, use System.ParsingPath. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "\\server\share\numbers.xls" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 7 Name: System.ItemPathDisplayNarrow -- PKEY_ItemPathDisplayNarrow Description: This is the user-friendly display path to the item. The format of the string should be tailored such that the name comes first, to optimize for a narrow viewing column. If the item is a file, the value excludes the file extension, and includes localized names if they are present. If the item is a message, the value includes the System.ItemNamePrefix. To parse an item path, use System.ItemUrl or System.ParsingPath. Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "hello (c:\foo\bar)" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "goodnews (\\server\share\mydir)" "\\server\share\folder" "folder (\\server\share)" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "MyFolder (c:\foo)" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Re: Hello! (/Mailbox Account/Inbox)" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 8 Name: System.ItemType -- PKEY_ItemType Description: This is the canonical type of the item and is intended to be programmatically parsed. If there is no canonical type, the value is VT_EMPTY. If the item is a file (ie, System.FileName is not VT_EMPTY), the value is the same as System.FileExtension. Use System.ItemTypeText when you want to display the type to end users in a view. (If the item is a file, passing the System.ItemType value to PSFormatForDisplay will result in the same value as System.ItemTypeText.) Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" ".txt" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" ".doc" "\\server\share\folder" "Directory" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "Directory" [desktop] "Folder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "MAPI/IPM.Message" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 11 Name: System.ItemTypeText -- PKEY_ItemTypeText Description: This is the user friendly type name of the item. This is not intended to be programmatically parsed. If System.ItemType is VT_EMPTY, the value of this property is also VT_EMPTY. If the item is a file, the value of this property is the same as if you passed the file's System.ItemType value to PSFormatForDisplay. This property should not be confused with System.Kind, where System.Kind is a high-level user friendly kind name. For example, for a document, System.Kind = "Document" and System.Item.Type = ".doc" and System.Item.TypeText = "Microsoft Word Document" Example values: If the path is... The property value is... ----------------- ------------------------ "c:\foo\bar\hello.txt" "Text File" "\\server\share\mydir\goodnews.doc" "Microsoft Word Document" "\\server\share\folder" "File Folder" "c:\foo\MyFolder" "File Folder" "/Mailbox Account/Inbox/'Re: Hello!'" "Outlook E-Mail Message" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 4 (PID_STG_STORAGETYPE) Name: System.ItemUrl -- PKEY_ItemUrl Description: This always represents a well formed URL that points to the item. To reference shell namespace items using shell APIs, use System.ParsingPath. Example values: Files: "file:///c:/foo/bar/hello.txt" "csc://{GUID}/..." Messages: "mapi://..." Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 9 (DISPID_QUERY_VIRTUALPATH) Name: System.Keywords -- PKEY_Keywords Description: The keywords for the item. Also referred to as tags. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 5 (PIDSI_KEYWORDS) Name: System.Kind -- PKEY_Kind Description: System.Kind is used to map extensions to various .Search folders. Extensions are mapped to Kinds at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\KindMap The list of kinds is not extensible. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1E3EE840-BC2B-476C-8237-2ACD1A839B22}, 3 Name: System.KindText -- PKEY_KindText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Kind. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F04BEF95-C585-4197-A2B7-DF46FDC9EE6D}, 100 Name: System.Language -- PKEY_Language Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 28 Name: System.MileageInformation -- PKEY_MileageInformation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FDF84370-031A-4ADD-9E91-0D775F1C6605}, 100 Name: System.MIMEType -- PKEY_MIMEType Description: The MIME type. Eg, for EML files: 'message/rfc822'. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 5 Name: System.NamespaceCLSID -- PKEY_NamespaceCLSID Description: The CLSID of the name space extension for an item, the object that implements IShellFolder for this item Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 6 Name: System.Null -- PKEY_Null Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, 0 Name: System.OfflineAvailability -- PKEY_OfflineAvailability Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A94688B6-7D9F-4570-A648-E3DFC0AB2B3F}, 100 Name: System.OfflineStatus -- PKEY_OfflineStatus Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6D24888F-4718-4BDA-AFED-EA0FB4386CD8}, 100 Name: System.OriginalFileName -- PKEY_OriginalFileName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 6 Name: System.OwnerSID -- PKEY_OwnerSID Description: SID of the user that owns the library. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5D76B67F-9B3D-44BB-B6AE-25DA4F638A67}, 6 Name: System.ParentalRating -- PKEY_ParentalRating Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 21 (PIDMSI_PARENTAL_RATING) Name: System.ParentalRatingReason -- PKEY_ParentalRatingReason Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {10984E0A-F9F2-4321-B7EF-BAF195AF4319}, 100 Name: System.ParentalRatingsOrganization -- PKEY_ParentalRatingsOrganization Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A7FE0840-1344-46F0-8D37-52ED712A4BF9}, 100 Name: System.ParsingBindContext -- PKEY_ParsingBindContext Description: used to get the IBindCtx for an item for parsing Type: Any -- VT_NULL Legacy code may treat this as VT_UNKNOWN. FormatID: {DFB9A04D-362F-4CA3-B30B-0254B17B5B84}, 100 Name: System.ParsingName -- PKEY_ParsingName Description: The shell namespace name of an item relative to a parent folder. This name may be passed to IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName() of the parent shell folder. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 24 Name: System.ParsingPath -- PKEY_ParsingPath Description: This is the shell namespace path to the item. This path may be passed to SHParseDisplayName to parse the path to the correct shell folder. If the item is a file, the value is identical to System.ItemPathDisplay. If the item cannot be accessed through the shell namespace, this value is VT_EMPTY. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 30 Name: System.PerceivedType -- PKEY_PerceivedType Description: The perceived type of a shell item, based upon its canonical type. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 9 Name: System.PercentFull -- PKEY_PercentFull Description: The amount filled as a percentage, multiplied by 100 (ie, the valid range is 0 through 100). Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 5 (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.Priority -- PKEY_Priority Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}, 5 Name: System.PriorityText -- PKEY_PriorityText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Priority. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D98BE98B-B86B-4095-BF52-9D23B2E0A752}, 100 Name: System.Project -- PKEY_Project Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {39A7F922-477C-48DE-8BC8-B28441E342E3}, 100 Name: System.ProviderItemID -- PKEY_ProviderItemID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F21D9941-81F0-471A-ADEE-4E74B49217ED}, 100 Name: System.Rating -- PKEY_Rating Description: Indicates the users preference rating of an item on a scale of 1-99 (1-12 = One Star, 13-37 = Two Stars, 38-62 = Three Stars, 63-87 = Four Stars, 88-99 = Five Stars). Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDMSI_RATING) Name: System.RatingText -- PKEY_RatingText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Rating. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {90197CA7-FD8F-4E8C-9DA3-B57E1E609295}, 100 Name: System.Sensitivity -- PKEY_Sensitivity Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {F8D3F6AC-4874-42CB-BE59-AB454B30716A}, 100 Name: System.SensitivityText -- PKEY_SensitivityText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Sensitivity. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D0C7F054-3F72-4725-8527-129A577CB269}, 100 Name: System.SFGAOFlags -- PKEY_SFGAOFlags Description: IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags, with SFGAO_PKEYSFGAOMASK attributes masked out. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 25 Name: System.SharedWith -- PKEY_SharedWith Description: Who is the item shared with? Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 200 Name: System.ShareUserRating -- PKEY_ShareUserRating Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 12 (PIDMSI_SHARE_USER_RATING) Name: System.SharingStatus -- PKEY_SharingStatus Description: What is the item's sharing status (not shared, shared, everyone (homegroup or everyone), or private)? Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {EF884C5B-2BFE-41BB-AAE5-76EEDF4F9902}, 300 Name: System.SimpleRating -- PKEY_SimpleRating Description: Indicates the users preference rating of an item on a scale of 0-5 (0=unrated, 1=One Star, 2=Two Stars, 3=Three Stars, 4=Four Stars, 5=Five Stars) Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A09F084E-AD41-489F-8076-AA5BE3082BCA}, 100 Name: System.Size -- PKEY_Size Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 12 (PID_STG_SIZE) Name: System.SoftwareUsed -- PKEY_SoftwareUsed Description: PropertyTagSoftwareUsed Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 305 Name: System.SourceItem -- PKEY_SourceItem Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {668CDFA5-7A1B-4323-AE4B-E527393A1D81}, 100 Name: System.StartDate -- PKEY_StartDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {48FD6EC8-8A12-4CDF-A03E-4EC5A511EDDE}, 100 Name: System.Status -- PKEY_Status Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_IntSite) {000214A1-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, 9 Name: System.Subject -- PKEY_Subject Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 3 (PIDSI_SUBJECT) Name: System.Thumbnail -- PKEY_Thumbnail Description: A data that represents the thumbnail in VT_CF format. Type: Clipboard -- VT_CF FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 17 (PIDSI_THUMBNAIL) Name: System.ThumbnailCacheId -- PKEY_ThumbnailCacheId Description: Unique value that can be used as a key to cache thumbnails. The value changes when the name, volume, or data modified of an item changes. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {446D16B1-8DAD-4870-A748-402EA43D788C}, 100 Name: System.ThumbnailStream -- PKEY_ThumbnailStream Description: Data that represents the thumbnail in VT_STREAM format that GDI+/WindowsCodecs supports (jpg, png, etc). Type: Stream -- VT_STREAM FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 27 Name: System.Title -- PKEY_Title Description: Title of item. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 2 (PIDSI_TITLE) Name: System.TotalFileSize -- PKEY_TotalFileSize Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_ShellDetails) {28636AA6-953D-11D2-B5D6-00C04FD918D0}, 14 Name: System.Trademarks -- PKEY_Trademarks Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 9 (PIDVSI_Trademarks) AppUserModel Properties Name: System.AppUserModel.ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall -- PKEY_AppUserModel_ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 8 Name: System.AppUserModel.ID -- PKEY_AppUserModel_ID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 5 Name: System.AppUserModel.IsDestListSeparator -- PKEY_AppUserModel_IsDestListSeparator Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 6 Name: System.AppUserModel.PreventPinning -- PKEY_AppUserModel_PreventPinning Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 9 Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchCommand -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchCommand Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 2 Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchDisplayNameResource -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchDisplayNameResource Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 4 Name: System.AppUserModel.RelaunchIconResource -- PKEY_AppUserModel_RelaunchIconResource Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 3 Audio Properties Name: System.Audio.ChannelCount -- PKEY_Audio_ChannelCount Description: Indicates the channel count for the audio file. Values: 1 (mono), 2 (stereo). Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 7 (PIDASI_CHANNEL_COUNT) Name: System.Audio.Compression -- PKEY_Audio_Compression Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 10 (PIDASI_COMPRESSION) Name: System.Audio.EncodingBitrate -- PKEY_Audio_EncodingBitrate Description: Indicates the average data rate in Hz for the audio file in "bits per second". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 (PIDASI_AVG_DATA_RATE) Name: System.Audio.Format -- PKEY_Audio_Format Description: Indicates the format of the audio file. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_BSTR. FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 2 (PIDASI_FORMAT) Name: System.Audio.IsVariableBitRate -- PKEY_Audio_IsVariableBitRate Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {E6822FEE-8C17-4D62-823C-8E9CFCBD1D5C}, 100 Name: System.Audio.PeakValue -- PKEY_Audio_PeakValue Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2579E5D0-1116-4084-BD9A-9B4F7CB4DF5E}, 100 Name: System.Audio.SampleRate -- PKEY_Audio_SampleRate Description: Indicates the audio sample rate for the audio file in "samples per second". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 5 (PIDASI_SAMPLE_RATE) Name: System.Audio.SampleSize -- PKEY_Audio_SampleSize Description: Indicates the audio sample size for the audio file in "bits per sample". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDASI_SAMPLE_SIZE) Name: System.Audio.StreamName -- PKEY_Audio_StreamName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDASI_STREAM_NAME) Name: System.Audio.StreamNumber -- PKEY_Audio_StreamNumber Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 8 (PIDASI_STREAM_NUMBER) Calendar Properties Name: System.Calendar.Duration -- PKEY_Calendar_Duration Description: The duration as specified in a string. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {293CA35A-09AA-4DD2-B180-1FE245728A52}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.IsOnline -- PKEY_Calendar_IsOnline Description: Identifies if the event is an online event. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {BFEE9149-E3E2-49A7-A862-C05988145CEC}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.IsRecurring -- PKEY_Calendar_IsRecurring Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {315B9C8D-80A9-4EF9-AE16-8E746DA51D70}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.Location -- PKEY_Calendar_Location Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F6272D18-CECC-40B1-B26A-3911717AA7BD}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OptionalAttendeeAddresses -- PKEY_Calendar_OptionalAttendeeAddresses Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D55BAE5A-3892-417A-A649-C6AC5AAAEAB3}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OptionalAttendeeNames -- PKEY_Calendar_OptionalAttendeeNames Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {09429607-582D-437F-84C3-DE93A2B24C3C}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OrganizerAddress -- PKEY_Calendar_OrganizerAddress Description: Address of the organizer organizing the event. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {744C8242-4DF5-456C-AB9E-014EFB9021E3}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.OrganizerName -- PKEY_Calendar_OrganizerName Description: Name of the organizer organizing the event. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AAA660F9-9865-458E-B484-01BC7FE3973E}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ReminderTime -- PKEY_Calendar_ReminderTime Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {72FC5BA4-24F9-4011-9F3F-ADD27AFAD818}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.RequiredAttendeeAddresses -- PKEY_Calendar_RequiredAttendeeAddresses Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0BA7D6C3-568D-4159-AB91-781A91FB71E5}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.RequiredAttendeeNames -- PKEY_Calendar_RequiredAttendeeNames Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {B33AF30B-F552-4584-936C-CB93E5CDA29F}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.Resources -- PKEY_Calendar_Resources Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {00F58A38-C54B-4C40-8696-97235980EAE1}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ResponseStatus -- PKEY_Calendar_ResponseStatus Description: This property stores the status of the user responses to meetings in her calendar. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {188C1F91-3C40-4132-9EC5-D8B03B72A8A2}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ShowTimeAs -- PKEY_Calendar_ShowTimeAs Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {5BF396D4-5EB2-466F-BDE9-2FB3F2361D6E}, 100 Name: System.Calendar.ShowTimeAsText -- PKEY_Calendar_ShowTimeAsText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Calendar.ShowTimeAs. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {53DA57CF-62C0-45C4-81DE-7610BCEFD7F5}, 100 Communication Properties Name: System.Communication.AccountName -- PKEY_Communication_AccountName Description: Account Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 9 Name: System.Communication.DateItemExpires -- PKEY_Communication_DateItemExpires Description: Date the item expires due to the retention policy. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {428040AC-A177-4C8A-9760-F6F761227F9A}, 100 Name: System.Communication.FollowupIconIndex -- PKEY_Communication_FollowupIconIndex Description: This is the icon index used on messages marked for followup. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {83A6347E-6FE4-4F40-BA9C-C4865240D1F4}, 100 Name: System.Communication.HeaderItem -- PKEY_Communication_HeaderItem Description: This property will be true if the item is a header item which means the item hasn't been fully downloaded. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {C9C34F84-2241-4401-B607-BD20ED75AE7F}, 100 Name: System.Communication.PolicyTag -- PKEY_Communication_PolicyTag Description: This a string used to identify the retention policy applied to the item. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {EC0B4191-AB0B-4C66-90B6-C6637CDEBBAB}, 100 Name: System.Communication.SecurityFlags -- PKEY_Communication_SecurityFlags Description: Security flags associated with the item to know if the item is encrypted, signed or DRM enabled. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {8619A4B6-9F4D-4429-8C0F-B996CA59E335}, 100 Name: System.Communication.Suffix -- PKEY_Communication_Suffix Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {807B653A-9E91-43EF-8F97-11CE04EE20C5}, 100 Name: System.Communication.TaskStatus -- PKEY_Communication_TaskStatus Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {BE1A72C6-9A1D-46B7-AFE7-AFAF8CEF4999}, 100 Name: System.Communication.TaskStatusText -- PKEY_Communication_TaskStatusText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Communication.TaskStatus. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A6744477-C237-475B-A075-54F34498292A}, 100 Computer Properties Name: System.Computer.DecoratedFreeSpace -- PKEY_Computer_DecoratedFreeSpace Description: Free space and total space: "%s free of %s" Type: Multivalue UInt64 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI8) FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 7 (Filesystem Volume Properties) Contact Properties Name: System.Contact.Anniversary -- PKEY_Contact_Anniversary Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {9AD5BADB-CEA7-4470-A03D-B84E51B9949E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.AssistantName -- PKEY_Contact_AssistantName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CD102C9C-5540-4A88-A6F6-64E4981C8CD1}, 100 Name: System.Contact.AssistantTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_AssistantTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9A93244D-A7AD-4FF8-9B99-45EE4CC09AF6}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Birthday -- PKEY_Contact_Birthday Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 47 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddress -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {730FB6DD-CF7C-426B-A03F-BD166CC9EE24}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {402B5934-EC5A-48C3-93E6-85E86A2D934E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {B0B87314-FCF6-4FEB-8DFF-A50DA6AF561C}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E1D4A09E-D758-4CD1-B6EC-34A8B5A73F80}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BC4E71CE-17F9-48D5-BEE9-021DF0EA5409}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {446F787F-10C4-41CB-A6C4-4D0343551597}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DDD1460F-C0BF-4553-8CE4-10433C908FB0}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessFaxNumber -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessFaxNumber Description: Business fax number of the contact. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {91EFF6F3-2E27-42CA-933E-7C999FBE310B}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessHomePage -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessHomePage Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {56310920-2491-4919-99CE-EADB06FAFDB2}, 100 Name: System.Contact.BusinessTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_BusinessTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6A15E5A0-0A1E-4CD7-BB8C-D2F1B0C929BC}, 100 Name: System.Contact.CallbackTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CallbackTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BF53D1C3-49E0-4F7F-8567-5A821D8AC542}, 100 Name: System.Contact.CarTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CarTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8FDC6DEA-B929-412B-BA90-397A257465FE}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Children -- PKEY_Contact_Children Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D4729704-8EF1-43EF-9024-2BD381187FD5}, 100 Name: System.Contact.CompanyMainTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_CompanyMainTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8589E481-6040-473D-B171-7FA89C2708ED}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Department -- PKEY_Contact_Department Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FC9F7306-FF8F-4D49-9FB6-3FFE5C0951EC}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F8FA7FA3-D12B-4785-8A4E-691A94F7A3E7}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress2 -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress2 Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {38965063-EDC8-4268-8491-B7723172CF29}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddress3 -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddress3 Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {644D37B4-E1B3-4BAD-B099-7E7C04966ACA}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailAddresses -- PKEY_Contact_EmailAddresses Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {84D8F337-981D-44B3-9615-C7596DBA17E3}, 100 Name: System.Contact.EmailName -- PKEY_Contact_EmailName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CC6F4F24-6083-4BD4-8754-674D0DE87AB8}, 100 Name: System.Contact.FileAsName -- PKEY_Contact_FileAsName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F1A24AA7-9CA7-40F6-89EC-97DEF9FFE8DB}, 100 Name: System.Contact.FirstName -- PKEY_Contact_FirstName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {14977844-6B49-4AAD-A714-A4513BF60460}, 100 Name: System.Contact.FullName -- PKEY_Contact_FullName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {635E9051-50A5-4BA2-B9DB-4ED056C77296}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Gender -- PKEY_Contact_Gender Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}, 100 Name: System.Contact.GenderValue -- PKEY_Contact_GenderValue Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {3C8CEE58-D4F0-4CF9-B756-4E5D24447BCD}, 101 Name: System.Contact.Hobbies -- PKEY_Contact_Hobbies Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5DC2253F-5E11-4ADF-9CFE-910DD01E3E70}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddress -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {98F98354-617A-46B8-8560-5B1B64BF1F89}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 65 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {08A65AA1-F4C9-43DD-9DDF-A33D8E7EAD85}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8AFCC170-8A46-4B53-9EEE-90BAE7151E62}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7B9F6399-0A3F-4B12-89BD-4ADC51C918AF}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C89A23D0-7D6D-4EB8-87D4-776A82D493E5}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_HomeAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0ADEF160-DB3F-4308-9A21-06237B16FA2A}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeFaxNumber -- PKEY_Contact_HomeFaxNumber Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {660E04D6-81AB-4977-A09F-82313113AB26}, 100 Name: System.Contact.HomeTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_HomeTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 20 Name: System.Contact.IMAddress -- PKEY_Contact_IMAddress Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D68DBD8A-3374-4B81-9972-3EC30682DB3D}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Initials -- PKEY_Contact_Initials Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F3D8F40D-50CB-44A2-9718-40CB9119495D}, 100 Name: System.Contact.JobTitle -- PKEY_Contact_JobTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 6 Name: System.Contact.Label -- PKEY_Contact_Label Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {97B0AD89-DF49-49CC-834E-660974FD755B}, 100 Name: System.Contact.LastName -- PKEY_Contact_LastName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8F367200-C270-457C-B1D4-E07C5BCD90C7}, 100 Name: System.Contact.MailingAddress -- PKEY_Contact_MailingAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C0AC206A-827E-4650-95AE-77E2BB74FCC9}, 100 Name: System.Contact.MiddleName -- PKEY_Contact_MiddleName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 71 Name: System.Contact.MobileTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_MobileTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 35 Name: System.Contact.NickName -- PKEY_Contact_NickName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 74 Name: System.Contact.OfficeLocation -- PKEY_Contact_OfficeLocation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 7 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddress -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {508161FA-313B-43D5-83A1-C1ACCF68622C}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6E682923-7F7B-4F0C-A337-CFCA296687BF}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8F167568-0AAE-4322-8ED9-6055B7B0E398}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {95C656C1-2ABF-4148-9ED3-9EC602E3B7CD}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {8B26EA41-058F-43F6-AECC-4035681CE977}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {71B377D6-E570-425F-A170-809FAE73E54E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.OtherAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_OtherAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FF962609-B7D6-4999-862D-95180D529AEA}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PagerTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_PagerTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D6304E01-F8F5-4F45-8B15-D024A6296789}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PersonalTitle -- PKEY_Contact_PersonalTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 69 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressCity -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressCity Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C8EA94F0-A9E3-4969-A94B-9C62A95324E0}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressCountry -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressCountry Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E53D799D-0F3F-466E-B2FF-74634A3CB7A4}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressPostalCode -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressPostalCode Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {18BBD425-ECFD-46EF-B612-7B4A6034EDA0}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressPostOfficeBox -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressPostOfficeBox Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DE5EF3C7-46E1-484E-9999-62C5308394C1}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressState -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressState Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F1176DFE-7138-4640-8B4C-AE375DC70A6D}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryAddressStreet -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryAddressStreet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {63C25B20-96BE-488F-8788-C09C407AD812}, 100 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryEmailAddress -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryEmailAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 48 Name: System.Contact.PrimaryTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_PrimaryTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 25 Name: System.Contact.Profession -- PKEY_Contact_Profession Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7268AF55-1CE4-4F6E-A41F-B6E4EF10E4A9}, 100 Name: System.Contact.SpouseName -- PKEY_Contact_SpouseName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9D2408B6-3167-422B-82B0-F583B7A7CFE3}, 100 Name: System.Contact.Suffix -- PKEY_Contact_Suffix Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {176DC63C-2688-4E89-8143-A347800F25E9}, 73 Name: System.Contact.TelexNumber -- PKEY_Contact_TelexNumber Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C554493C-C1F7-40C1-A76C-EF8C0614003E}, 100 Name: System.Contact.TTYTDDTelephone -- PKEY_Contact_TTYTDDTelephone Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AAF16BAC-2B55-45E6-9F6D-415EB94910DF}, 100 Name: System.Contact.WebPage -- PKEY_Contact_WebPage Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 18 JA Properties Name: System.Contact.JA.CompanyNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_CompanyNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 2 Name: System.Contact.JA.FirstNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_FirstNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 3 Name: System.Contact.JA.LastNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_LastNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 4 JA Properties Name: System.Contact.JA.CompanyNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_CompanyNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 2 Name: System.Contact.JA.FirstNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_FirstNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 3 Name: System.Contact.JA.LastNamePhonetic -- PKEY_Contact_JA_LastNamePhonetic Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {897B3694-FE9E-43E6-8066-260F590C0100}, 4 Device Properties Name: System.Device.PrinterURL -- PKEY_Device_PrinterURL Description: Printer information Printer URL. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0B48F35A-BE6E-4F17-B108-3C4073D1669A}, 15 DeviceInterface Properties Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterDriverDirectory -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterDriverDirectory Description: Printer information Printer Driver Directory. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {847C66DE-B8D6-4AF9-ABC3-6F4F926BC039}, 14 Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterDriverName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterDriverName Description: Printer information Driver Name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AFC47170-14F5-498C-8F30-B0D19BE449C6}, 11 Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterName Description: Printer information Printer Name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0A7B84EF-0C27-463F-84EF-06C5070001BE}, 10 Name: System.DeviceInterface.PrinterPortName -- PKEY_DeviceInterface_PrinterPortName Description: Printer information Port Name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {EEC7B761-6F94-41B1-949F-C729720DD13C}, 12 Devices Properties Name: System.Devices.BatteryLife -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryLife Description: Remaining battery life of the device as an integer between 0 and 100 percent. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 10 Name: System.Devices.BatteryPlusCharging -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryPlusCharging Description: Remaining battery life of the device as an integer between 0 and 100 percent and the device's charging state. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 22 Name: System.Devices.BatteryPlusChargingText -- PKEY_Devices_BatteryPlusChargingText Description: Remaining battery life of the device and the device's charging state as a string. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 23 Name: System.Devices.Category -- PKEY_Devices_Category_Desc_Singular Description: Singular form of device category. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 91 Name: System.Devices.CategoryGroup -- PKEY_Devices_CategoryGroup_Desc Description: Plural form of device category. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 94 Name: System.Devices.CategoryPlural -- PKEY_Devices_Category_Desc_Plural Description: Plural form of device category. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 92 Name: System.Devices.ChargingState -- PKEY_Devices_ChargingState Description: Boolean value representing if the device is currently charging. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 11 Name: System.Devices.Connected -- PKEY_Devices_IsConnected Description: Device connection state. If VARIANT_TRUE, indicates the device is currently connected to the computer. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 55 Name: System.Devices.ContainerId -- PKEY_Devices_ContainerId Description: Device container ID. Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: {8C7ED206-3F8A-4827-B3AB-AE9E1FAEFC6C}, 2 Name: System.Devices.DefaultTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_DefaultTooltip Description: Tooltip for default state Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 153 Name: System.Devices.DeviceDescription1 -- PKEY_Devices_DeviceDescription1 Description: First line of descriptive text about the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 81 Name: System.Devices.DeviceDescription2 -- PKEY_Devices_DeviceDescription2 Description: Second line of descriptive text about the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 82 Name: System.Devices.DiscoveryMethod -- PKEY_Devices_DiscoveryMethod Description: Device discovery method. This indicates on what transport or physical connection the device is discovered. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 52 Name: System.Devices.FriendlyName -- PKEY_Devices_FriendlyName Description: Device friendly name. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 12288 Name: System.Devices.FunctionPaths -- PKEY_Devices_FunctionPaths Description: Available functions for this device. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 3 Name: System.Devices.InterfacePaths -- PKEY_Devices_InterfacePaths Description: Available interfaces for this device. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 2 Name: System.Devices.IsDefault -- PKEY_Devices_IsDefaultDevice Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 86 Name: System.Devices.IsNetworkConnected -- PKEY_Devices_IsNetworkDevice Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 85 Name: System.Devices.IsShared -- PKEY_Devices_IsSharedDevice Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 84 Name: System.Devices.IsSoftwareInstalling -- PKEY_Devices_IsSoftwareInstalling Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device installer is currently installing software. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29}, 9 Name: System.Devices.LaunchDeviceStageFromExplorer -- PKEY_Devices_LaunchDeviceStageFromExplorer Description: Indicates whether to launch Device Stage or not Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 77 Name: System.Devices.LocalMachine -- PKEY_Devices_IsLocalMachine Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device in question is actually the computer. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 70 Name: System.Devices.Manufacturer -- PKEY_Devices_Manufacturer Description: Device manufacturer. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8192 Name: System.Devices.MissedCalls -- PKEY_Devices_MissedCalls Description: Number of missed calls on the device. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 5 Name: System.Devices.ModelName -- PKEY_Devices_ModelName Description: Model name of the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8194 Name: System.Devices.ModelNumber -- PKEY_Devices_ModelNumber Description: Model number of the device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {656A3BB3-ECC0-43FD-8477-4AE0404A96CD}, 8195 Name: System.Devices.NetworkedTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkedTooltip Description: Tooltip for connection state Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 152 Name: System.Devices.NetworkName -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkName Description: Name of the device's network. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 7 Name: System.Devices.NetworkType -- PKEY_Devices_NetworkType Description: String representing the type of the device's network. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 8 Name: System.Devices.NewPictures -- PKEY_Devices_NewPictures Description: Number of new pictures on the device. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 4 Name: System.Devices.Notification -- PKEY_Devices_Notification Description: Device Notification Property. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}, 3 Name: System.Devices.NotificationStore -- PKEY_Devices_NotificationStore Description: Device Notification Store. Type: Object -- VT_UNKNOWN FormatID: {06704B0C-E830-4C81-9178-91E4E95A80A0}, 2 Name: System.Devices.NotWorkingProperly -- PKEY_Devices_IsNotWorkingProperly Description: If VARIANT_TRUE, the device is not working properly. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 83 Name: System.Devices.Paired -- PKEY_Devices_IsPaired Description: Device paired state. If VARIANT_TRUE, indicates the device is not paired with the computer. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {78C34FC8-104A-4ACA-9EA4-524D52996E57}, 56 Name: System.Devices.PrimaryCategory -- PKEY_Devices_PrimaryCategory Description: Primary category group for this device. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 10 Name: System.Devices.Roaming -- PKEY_Devices_Roaming Description: Status indicator used to indicate if the device is roaming. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 9 Name: System.Devices.SafeRemovalRequired -- PKEY_Devices_SafeRemovalRequired Description: Indicates if a device requires safe removal or not Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {AFD97640-86A3-4210-B67C-289C41AABE55}, 2 Name: System.Devices.SharedTooltip -- PKEY_Devices_SharedTooltip Description: Tooltip for sharing state Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {880F70A2-6082-47AC-8AAB-A739D1A300C3}, 151 Name: System.Devices.SignalStrength -- PKEY_Devices_SignalStrength Description: Device signal strength. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Status1 -- PKEY_Devices_Status1 Description: 1st line of device status. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 257 Name: System.Devices.Status2 -- PKEY_Devices_Status2 Description: 2nd line of device status. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D08DD4C0-3A9E-462E-8290-7B636B2576B9}, 258 Name: System.Devices.StorageCapacity -- PKEY_Devices_StorageCapacity Description: Total storage capacity of the device. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 12 Name: System.Devices.StorageFreeSpace -- PKEY_Devices_StorageFreeSpace Description: Total free space of the storage of the device. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 13 Name: System.Devices.StorageFreeSpacePercent -- PKEY_Devices_StorageFreeSpacePercent Description: Total free space of the storage of the device as a percentage. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 14 Name: System.Devices.TextMessages -- PKEY_Devices_TextMessages Description: Number of unread text messages on the device. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 3 Name: System.Devices.Voicemail -- PKEY_Devices_Voicemail Description: Status indicator used to indicate if the device has voicemail. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {49CD1F76-5626-4B17-A4E8-18B4AA1A2213}, 6 Notifications Properties Name: System.Devices.Notifications.LowBattery -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_LowBattery Description: Device Low Battery Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {C4C07F2B-8524-4E66-AE3A-A6235F103BEB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.MissedCall -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_MissedCall Description: Device Missed Call Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {6614EF48-4EFE-4424-9EDA-C79F404EDF3E}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewMessage -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewMessage Description: Device New Message Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {2BE9260A-2012-4742-A555-F41B638B7DCB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewVoicemail -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewVoicemail Description: Device Voicemail Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {59569556-0A08-4212-95B9-FAE2AD6413DB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFull -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFull Description: Device Storage Full Notification. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFullLinkText -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFullLinkText Description: Link Text for the Device Storage Full Notification. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 3 Notifications Properties Name: System.Devices.Notifications.LowBattery -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_LowBattery Description: Device Low Battery Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {C4C07F2B-8524-4E66-AE3A-A6235F103BEB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.MissedCall -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_MissedCall Description: Device Missed Call Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {6614EF48-4EFE-4424-9EDA-C79F404EDF3E}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewMessage -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewMessage Description: Device New Message Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {2BE9260A-2012-4742-A555-F41B638B7DCB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.NewVoicemail -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_NewVoicemail Description: Device Voicemail Notification. Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {59569556-0A08-4212-95B9-FAE2AD6413DB}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFull -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFull Description: Device Storage Full Notification. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 2 Name: System.Devices.Notifications.StorageFullLinkText -- PKEY_Devices_Notification_StorageFullLinkText Description: Link Text for the Device Storage Full Notification. Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {A0E00EE1-F0C7-4D41-B8E7-26A7BD8D38B0}, 3 Document Properties Name: System.Document.ByteCount -- PKEY_Document_ByteCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 4 (PIDDSI_BYTECOUNT) Name: System.Document.CharacterCount -- PKEY_Document_CharacterCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 16 (PIDSI_CHARCOUNT) Name: System.Document.ClientID -- PKEY_Document_ClientID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {276D7BB0-5B34-4FB0-AA4B-158ED12A1809}, 100 Name: System.Document.Contributor -- PKEY_Document_Contributor Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F334115E-DA1B-4509-9B3D-119504DC7ABB}, 100 Name: System.Document.DateCreated -- PKEY_Document_DateCreated Description: This property is stored in the document, not obtained from the file system. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 12 (PIDSI_CREATE_DTM) Name: System.Document.DatePrinted -- PKEY_Document_DatePrinted Description: Legacy name: "DocLastPrinted". Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 11 (PIDSI_LASTPRINTED) Name: System.Document.DateSaved -- PKEY_Document_DateSaved Description: Legacy name: "DocLastSavedTm". Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 13 (PIDSI_LASTSAVE_DTM) Name: System.Document.Division -- PKEY_Document_Division Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1E005EE6-BF27-428B-B01C-79676ACD2870}, 100 Name: System.Document.DocumentID -- PKEY_Document_DocumentID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E08805C8-E395-40DF-80D2-54F0D6C43154}, 100 Name: System.Document.HiddenSlideCount -- PKEY_Document_HiddenSlideCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 9 (PIDDSI_HIDDENCOUNT) Name: System.Document.LastAuthor -- PKEY_Document_LastAuthor Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 8 (PIDSI_LASTAUTHOR) Name: System.Document.LineCount -- PKEY_Document_LineCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 5 (PIDDSI_LINECOUNT) Name: System.Document.Manager -- PKEY_Document_Manager Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 14 (PIDDSI_MANAGER) Name: System.Document.MultimediaClipCount -- PKEY_Document_MultimediaClipCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 10 (PIDDSI_MMCLIPCOUNT) Name: System.Document.NoteCount -- PKEY_Document_NoteCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 8 (PIDDSI_NOTECOUNT) Name: System.Document.PageCount -- PKEY_Document_PageCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 14 (PIDSI_PAGECOUNT) Name: System.Document.ParagraphCount -- PKEY_Document_ParagraphCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 6 (PIDDSI_PARCOUNT) Name: System.Document.PresentationFormat -- PKEY_Document_PresentationFormat Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 3 (PIDDSI_PRESFORMAT) Name: System.Document.RevisionNumber -- PKEY_Document_RevisionNumber Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 9 (PIDSI_REVNUMBER) Name: System.Document.Security -- PKEY_Document_Security Description: Access control information, from SummaryInfo propset Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 19 Name: System.Document.SlideCount -- PKEY_Document_SlideCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 7 (PIDDSI_SLIDECOUNT) Name: System.Document.Template -- PKEY_Document_Template Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 7 (PIDSI_TEMPLATE) Name: System.Document.TotalEditingTime -- PKEY_Document_TotalEditingTime Description: 100ns units, not milliseconds. VT_FILETIME for IPropertySetStorage handlers (legacy) Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 10 (PIDSI_EDITTIME) Name: System.Document.Version -- PKEY_Document_Version Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DocumentSummaryInformation) {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}, 29 Name: System.Document.WordCount -- PKEY_Document_WordCount Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_SummaryInformation) {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}, 15 (PIDSI_WORDCOUNT) DRM Properties Name: System.DRM.DatePlayExpires -- PKEY_DRM_DatePlayExpires Description: Indicates when play expires for digital rights management. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 6 (PIDDRSI_PLAYEXPIRES) Name: System.DRM.DatePlayStarts -- PKEY_DRM_DatePlayStarts Description: Indicates when play starts for digital rights management. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 5 (PIDDRSI_PLAYSTARTS) Name: System.DRM.Description -- PKEY_DRM_Description Description: Displays the description for digital rights management. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 3 (PIDDRSI_DESCRIPTION) Name: System.DRM.IsProtected -- PKEY_DRM_IsProtected Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 2 (PIDDRSI_PROTECTED) Name: System.DRM.PlayCount -- PKEY_DRM_PlayCount Description: Indicates the play count for digital rights management. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_DRM) {AEAC19E4-89AE-4508-B9B7-BB867ABEE2ED}, 4 (PIDDRSI_PLAYCOUNT) GPS Properties Name: System.GPS.Altitude -- PKEY_GPS_Altitude Description: Indicates the altitude based on the reference in PKEY_GPS_AltitudeRef. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_AltitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_AltitudeDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {827EDB4F-5B73-44A7-891D-FDFFABEA35CA}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AltitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Altitude Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {78342DCB-E358-4145-AE9A-6BFE4E0F9F51}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AltitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Altitude Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2DAD1EB7-816D-40D3-9EC3-C9773BE2AADE}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AltitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_AltitudeRef Description: Indicates the reference for the altitude property. (eg: above sea level, below sea level, absolute value) Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: {46AC629D-75EA-4515-867F-6DC4321C5844}, 100 Name: System.GPS.AreaInformation -- PKEY_GPS_AreaInformation Description: Represents the name of the GPS area Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {972E333E-AC7E-49F1-8ADF-A70D07A9BCAB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Date -- PKEY_GPS_Date Description: Date and time of the GPS record Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {3602C812-0F3B-45F0-85AD-603468D69423}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearing -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearing Description: Indicates the bearing to the destination point. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DestBearingNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestBearingDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {C66D4B3C-E888-47CC-B99F-9DCA3EE34DEA}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearingDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestBearing Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7ABCF4F8-7C3F-4988-AC91-8D2C2E97ECA5}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearingNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestBearing Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {BA3B1DA9-86EE-4B5D-A2A4-A271A429F0CF}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestBearingRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestBearingRef Description: Indicates the reference used for the giving the bearing to the destination point. (eg: true direction, magnetic direction) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9AB84393-2A0F-4B75-BB22-7279786977CB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistance -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistance Description: Indicates the distance to the destination point. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {A93EAE04-6804-4F24-AC81-09B266452118}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {9BC2C99B-AC71-4127-9D1C-2596D0D7DCB7}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2BDA47DA-08C6-4FE1-80BC-A72FC517C5D0}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestDistanceRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestDistanceRef Description: Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination. (eg: kilometers, miles, knots) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {ED4DF2D3-8695-450B-856F-F5C1C53ACB66}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitude -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude Description: Indicates the latitude of the destination point. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {9D1D7CC5-5C39-451C-86B3-928E2D18CC47}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {3A372292-7FCA-49A7-99D5-E47BB2D4E7AB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestLatitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {ECF4B6F6-D5A6-433C-BB92-4076650FC890}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLatitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestLatitudeRef Description: Indicates whether the latitude destination point is north or south latitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CEA820B9-CE61-4885-A128-005D9087C192}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitude -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude Description: Indicates the latitude of the destination point. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {47A96261-CB4C-4807-8AD3-40B9D9DBC6BC}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {425D69E5-48AD-4900-8D80-6EB6B8D0AC86}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DestLongitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {A3250282-FB6D-48D5-9A89-DBCACE75CCCF}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DestLongitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_DestLongitudeRef Description: Indicates whether the longitude destination point is east or west longitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {182C1EA6-7C1C-4083-AB4B-AC6C9F4ED128}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Differential -- PKEY_GPS_Differential Description: Indicates whether differential correction was applied to the GPS receiver Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {AAF4EE25-BD3B-4DD7-BFC4-47F77BB00F6D}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DOP -- PKEY_GPS_DOP Description: Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). Calculated from PKEY_GPS_DOPNumerator and PKEY_GPS_DOPDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {0CF8FB02-1837-42F1-A697-A7017AA289B9}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DOPDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_DOPDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_DOP Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A0BE94C5-50BA-487B-BD35-0654BE8881ED}, 100 Name: System.GPS.DOPNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_DOPNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_DOP Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {47166B16-364F-4AA0-9F31-E2AB3DF449C3}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirection -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection Description: Indicates direction of the image when it was captured. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionNumerator and PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {16473C91-D017-4ED9-BA4D-B6BAA55DBCF8}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {10B24595-41A2-4E20-93C2-5761C1395F32}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_ImgDirection Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {DC5877C7-225F-45F7-BAC7-E81334B6130A}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ImgDirectionRef -- PKEY_GPS_ImgDirectionRef Description: Indicates reference for giving the direction of the image when it was captured. (eg: true direction, magnetic direction) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A4AAA5B7-1AD0-445F-811A-0F8F6E67F6B5}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Latitude -- PKEY_GPS_Latitude Description: Indicates the latitude. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_LatitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_LatitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {8727CFFF-4868-4EC6-AD5B-81B98521D1AB}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LatitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Latitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {16E634EE-2BFF-497B-BD8A-4341AD39EEB9}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LatitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Latitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {7DDAAAD1-CCC8-41AE-B750-B2CB8031AEA2}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LatitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_LatitudeRef Description: Indicates whether latitude is north or south latitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {029C0252-5B86-46C7-ACA0-2769FFC8E3D4}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Longitude -- PKEY_GPS_Longitude Description: Indicates the longitude. This is an array of three values. Index 0 is the degrees, index 1 is the minutes, index 2 is the seconds. Each is calculated from the values in PKEY_GPS_LongitudeNumerator and PKEY_GPS_LongitudeDenominator. Type: Multivalue Double -- VT_VECTOR | VT_R8 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_R8) FormatID: {C4C4DBB2-B593-466B-BBDA-D03D27D5E43A}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LongitudeDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Longitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {BE6E176C-4534-4D2C-ACE5-31DEDAC1606B}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LongitudeNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Longitude Type: Multivalue UInt32 -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI4) FormatID: {02B0F689-A914-4E45-821D-1DDA452ED2C4}, 100 Name: System.GPS.LongitudeRef -- PKEY_GPS_LongitudeRef Description: Indicates whether longitude is east or west longitude Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {33DCF22B-28D5-464C-8035-1EE9EFD25278}, 100 Name: System.GPS.MapDatum -- PKEY_GPS_MapDatum Description: Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {2CA2DAE6-EDDC-407D-BEF1-773942ABFA95}, 100 Name: System.GPS.MeasureMode -- PKEY_GPS_MeasureMode Description: Indicates the GPS measurement mode. (eg: 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A015ED5D-AAEA-4D58-8A86-3C586920EA0B}, 100 Name: System.GPS.ProcessingMethod -- PKEY_GPS_ProcessingMethod Description: Indicates the name of the method used for location finding Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {59D49E61-840F-4AA9-A939-E2099B7F6399}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Satellites -- PKEY_GPS_Satellites Description: Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {467EE575-1F25-4557-AD4E-B8B58B0D9C15}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Speed -- PKEY_GPS_Speed Description: Indicates the speed of the GPS receiver movement. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_SpeedNumerator and PKEY_GPS_SpeedDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {DA5D0862-6E76-4E1B-BABD-70021BD25494}, 100 Name: System.GPS.SpeedDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Speed Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7D122D5A-AE5E-4335-8841-D71E7CE72F53}, 100 Name: System.GPS.SpeedNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Speed Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {ACC9CE3D-C213-4942-8B48-6D0820F21C6D}, 100 Name: System.GPS.SpeedRef -- PKEY_GPS_SpeedRef Description: Indicates the unit used to express the speed of the GPS receiver movement. (eg: kilometers per hour, miles per hour, knots). Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {ECF7F4C9-544F-4D6D-9D98-8AD79ADAF453}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Status -- PKEY_GPS_Status Description: Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image was recorded. (eg: measurement in progress, measurement interoperability). Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {125491F4-818F-46B2-91B5-D537753617B2}, 100 Name: System.GPS.Track -- PKEY_GPS_Track Description: Indicates the direction of the GPS receiver movement. Calculated from PKEY_GPS_TrackNumerator and PKEY_GPS_TrackDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {76C09943-7C33-49E3-9E7E-CDBA872CFADA}, 100 Name: System.GPS.TrackDenominator -- PKEY_GPS_TrackDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_GPS_Track Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {C8D1920C-01F6-40C0-AC86-2F3A4AD00770}, 100 Name: System.GPS.TrackNumerator -- PKEY_GPS_TrackNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_GPS_Track Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {702926F4-44A6-43E1-AE71-45627116893B}, 100 Name: System.GPS.TrackRef -- PKEY_GPS_TrackRef Description: Indicates reference for the direction of the GPS receiver movement. (eg: true direction, magnetic direction) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {35DBE6FE-44C3-4400-AAAE-D2C799C407E8}, 100 Name: System.GPS.VersionID -- PKEY_GPS_VersionID Description: Indicates the version of the GPS information Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: {22704DA4-C6B2-4A99-8E56-F16DF8C92599}, 100 Identity Properties Name: System.Identity.Blob -- PKEY_Identity_Blob Description: Blob used to import/export identities Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB FormatID: {8C3B93A4-BAED-1A83-9A32-102EE313F6EB}, 100 Name: System.Identity.DisplayName -- PKEY_Identity_DisplayName Description: Display Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7D683FC9-D155-45A8-BB1F-89D19BCB792F}, 100 Name: System.Identity.IsMeIdentity -- PKEY_Identity_IsMeIdentity Description: Is it Me Identity Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {A4108708-09DF-4377-9DFC-6D99986D5A67}, 100 Name: System.Identity.PrimaryEmailAddress -- PKEY_Identity_PrimaryEmailAddress Description: Primary Email Address Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FCC16823-BAED-4F24-9B32-A0982117F7FA}, 100 Name: System.Identity.ProviderID -- PKEY_Identity_ProviderID Description: Provider ID Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: {74A7DE49-FA11-4D3D-A006-DB7E08675916}, 100 Name: System.Identity.UniqueID -- PKEY_Identity_UniqueID Description: Unique ID Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E55FC3B0-2B60-4220-918E-B21E8BF16016}, 100 Name: System.Identity.UserName -- PKEY_Identity_UserName Description: Identity User Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C4322503-78CA-49C6-9ACC-A68E2AFD7B6B}, 100 IdentityProvider Properties Name: System.IdentityProvider.Name -- PKEY_IdentityProvider_Name Description: Identity Provider Name Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {B96EFF7B-35CA-4A35-8607-29E3A54C46EA}, 100 Name: System.IdentityProvider.Picture -- PKEY_IdentityProvider_Picture Description: Picture for the Identity Provider Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {2425166F-5642-4864-992F-98FD98F294C3}, 100 Image Properties Name: System.Image.BitDepth -- PKEY_Image_BitDepth Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 7 (PIDISI_BITDEPTH) Name: System.Image.ColorSpace -- PKEY_Image_ColorSpace Description: PropertyTagExifColorSpace Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 40961 Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixel -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel Description: Calculated from PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator and PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {364B6FA9-37AB-482A-BE2B-AE02F60D4318}, 100 Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {1F8844E1-24AD-4508-9DFD-5326A415CE02}, 100 Name: System.Image.CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator -- PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixelNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {D21A7148-D32C-4624-8900-277210F79C0F}, 100 Name: System.Image.Compression -- PKEY_Image_Compression Description: Indicates the image compression level. PropertyTagCompression. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 259 Name: System.Image.CompressionText -- PKEY_Image_CompressionText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Image.Compression. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {3F08E66F-2F44-4BB9-A682-AC35D2562322}, 100 Name: System.Image.Dimensions -- PKEY_Image_Dimensions Description: Indicates the dimensions of the image. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 13 (PIDISI_DIMENSIONS) Name: System.Image.HorizontalResolution -- PKEY_Image_HorizontalResolution Description: Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 5 (PIDISI_RESOLUTIONX) Name: System.Image.HorizontalSize -- PKEY_Image_HorizontalSize Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 (PIDISI_CX) Name: System.Image.ImageID -- PKEY_Image_ImageID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {10DABE05-32AA-4C29-BF1A-63E2D220587F}, 100 Name: System.Image.ResolutionUnit -- PKEY_Image_ResolutionUnit Description: Type: Int16 -- VT_I2 FormatID: {19B51FA6-1F92-4A5C-AB48-7DF0ABD67444}, 100 Name: System.Image.VerticalResolution -- PKEY_Image_VerticalResolution Description: Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDISI_RESOLUTIONY) Name: System.Image.VerticalSize -- PKEY_Image_VerticalSize Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 (PIDISI_CY) Journal Properties Name: System.Journal.Contacts -- PKEY_Journal_Contacts Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DEA7C82C-1D89-4A66-9427-A4E3DEBABCB1}, 100 Name: System.Journal.EntryType -- PKEY_Journal_EntryType Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {95BEB1FC-326D-4644-B396-CD3ED90E6DDF}, 100 LayoutPattern Properties Name: System.LayoutPattern.ContentViewModeForBrowse -- PKEY_LayoutPattern_ContentViewModeForBrowse Description: Specifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of browsing. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeLayoutPatternForBrowse". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 500 Name: System.LayoutPattern.ContentViewModeForSearch -- PKEY_LayoutPattern_ContentViewModeForSearch Description: Specifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of searching. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeLayoutPatternForSearch". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 501 Link Properties Name: System.Link.Arguments -- PKEY_Link_Arguments Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {436F2667-14E2-4FEB-B30A-146C53B5B674}, 100 Name: System.Link.Comment -- PKEY_Link_Comment Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 5 Name: System.Link.DateVisited -- PKEY_Link_DateVisited Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 23 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) Name: System.Link.Description -- PKEY_Link_Description Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 21 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) Name: System.Link.Status -- PKEY_Link_Status Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 3 (PID_LINK_TARGET_TYPE) Name: System.Link.TargetExtension -- PKEY_Link_TargetExtension Description: The file extension of the link target. See System.File.Extension Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7A7D76F4-B630-4BD7-95FF-37CC51A975C9}, 2 Name: System.Link.TargetParsingPath -- PKEY_Link_TargetParsingPath Description: This is the shell namespace path to the target of the link item. This path may be passed to SHParseDisplayName to parse the path to the correct shell folder. If the target item is a file, the value is identical to System.ItemPathDisplay. If the target item cannot be accessed through the shell namespace, this value is VT_EMPTY. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 2 (PID_LINK_TARGET) Name: System.Link.TargetSFGAOFlags -- PKEY_Link_TargetSFGAOFlags Description: IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags for the target of a link, with SFGAO_PKEYSFGAOMASK attributes masked out. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_LINK) {B9B4B3FC-2B51-4A42-B5D8-324146AFCF25}, 8 Name: System.Link.TargetSFGAOFlagsStrings -- PKEY_Link_TargetSFGAOFlagsStrings Description: Expresses the SFGAO flags of a link as string values and is used as a query optimization. See PKEY_Shell_SFGAOFlagsStrings for possible values of this. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}, 3 Name: System.Link.TargetUrl -- PKEY_Link_TargetUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {5CBF2787-48CF-4208-B90E-EE5E5D420294}, 2 (PKEYs relating to URLs. Used by IE History.) Media Properties Name: System.Media.AuthorUrl -- PKEY_Media_AuthorUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 32 (PIDMSI_AUTHOR_URL) Name: System.Media.AverageLevel -- PKEY_Media_AverageLevel Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {09EDD5B6-B301-43C5-9990-D00302EFFD46}, 100 Name: System.Media.ClassPrimaryID -- PKEY_Media_ClassPrimaryID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 13 (PIDMSI_CLASS_PRIMARY_ID) Name: System.Media.ClassSecondaryID -- PKEY_Media_ClassSecondaryID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 14 (PIDMSI_CLASS_SECONDARY_ID) Name: System.Media.CollectionGroupID -- PKEY_Media_CollectionGroupID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 24 (PIDMSI_COLLECTION_GROUP_ID) Name: System.Media.CollectionID -- PKEY_Media_CollectionID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 25 (PIDMSI_COLLECTION_ID) Name: System.Media.ContentDistributor -- PKEY_Media_ContentDistributor Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 18 (PIDMSI_CONTENTDISTRIBUTOR) Name: System.Media.ContentID -- PKEY_Media_ContentID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 26 (PIDMSI_CONTENT_ID) Name: System.Media.CreatorApplication -- PKEY_Media_CreatorApplication Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 27 (PIDMSI_TOOL_NAME) Name: System.Media.CreatorApplicationVersion -- PKEY_Media_CreatorApplicationVersion Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 28 (PIDMSI_TOOL_VERSION) Name: System.Media.DateEncoded -- PKEY_Media_DateEncoded Description: DateTime is in UTC (in the doc, not file system). Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {2E4B640D-5019-46D8-8881-55414CC5CAA0}, 100 Name: System.Media.DateReleased -- PKEY_Media_DateReleased Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DE41CC29-6971-4290-B472-F59F2E2F31E2}, 100 Name: System.Media.Duration -- PKEY_Media_Duration Description: 100ns units, not milliseconds Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: (FMTID_AudioSummaryInformation) {64440490-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 (PIDASI_TIMELENGTH) Name: System.Media.DVDID -- PKEY_Media_DVDID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 15 (PIDMSI_DVDID) Name: System.Media.EncodedBy -- PKEY_Media_EncodedBy Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 36 (PIDMSI_ENCODED_BY) Name: System.Media.EncodingSettings -- PKEY_Media_EncodingSettings Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 37 (PIDMSI_ENCODING_SETTINGS) Name: System.Media.FrameCount -- PKEY_Media_FrameCount Description: Indicates the frame count for the image. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (PSGUID_IMAGESUMMARYINFORMATION) {6444048F-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 12 (PIDISI_FRAMECOUNT) Name: System.Media.MCDI -- PKEY_Media_MCDI Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 16 (PIDMSI_MCDI) Name: System.Media.MetadataContentProvider -- PKEY_Media_MetadataContentProvider Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 17 (PIDMSI_PROVIDER) Name: System.Media.Producer -- PKEY_Media_Producer Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 22 (PIDMSI_PRODUCER) Name: System.Media.PromotionUrl -- PKEY_Media_PromotionUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 33 (PIDMSI_PROMOTION_URL) Name: System.Media.ProtectionType -- PKEY_Media_ProtectionType Description: If media is protected, how is it protected? Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 38 Name: System.Media.ProviderRating -- PKEY_Media_ProviderRating Description: Rating (0 - 99) supplied by metadata provider Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 39 Name: System.Media.ProviderStyle -- PKEY_Media_ProviderStyle Description: Style of music or video, supplied by metadata provider Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 40 Name: System.Media.Publisher -- PKEY_Media_Publisher Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 30 (PIDMSI_PUBLISHER) Name: System.Media.SubscriptionContentId -- PKEY_Media_SubscriptionContentId Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {9AEBAE7A-9644-487D-A92C-657585ED751A}, 100 Name: System.Media.SubTitle -- PKEY_Media_SubTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 38 (PIDSI_MUSIC_SUB_TITLE) Name: System.Media.UniqueFileIdentifier -- PKEY_Media_UniqueFileIdentifier Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 35 (PIDMSI_UNIQUE_FILE_IDENTIFIER) Name: System.Media.UserNoAutoInfo -- PKEY_Media_UserNoAutoInfo Description: If true, do NOT alter this file's metadata. Set by user. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 41 Name: System.Media.UserWebUrl -- PKEY_Media_UserWebUrl Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 34 (PIDMSI_USER_WEB_URL) Name: System.Media.Writer -- PKEY_Media_Writer Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 23 (PIDMSI_WRITER) Name: System.Media.Year -- PKEY_Media_Year Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 5 (PIDSI_MUSIC_YEAR) Message Properties Name: System.Message.AttachmentContents -- PKEY_Message_AttachmentContents Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {3143BF7C-80A8-4854-8880-E2E40189BDD0}, 100 Name: System.Message.AttachmentNames -- PKEY_Message_AttachmentNames Description: The names of the attachments in a message Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 21 Name: System.Message.BccAddress -- PKEY_Message_BccAddress Description: Addresses in Bcc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 2 Name: System.Message.BccName -- PKEY_Message_BccName Description: person names in Bcc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 3 Name: System.Message.CcAddress -- PKEY_Message_CcAddress Description: Addresses in Cc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 4 Name: System.Message.CcName -- PKEY_Message_CcName Description: person names in Cc: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 5 Name: System.Message.ConversationID -- PKEY_Message_ConversationID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}, 100 Name: System.Message.ConversationIndex -- PKEY_Message_ConversationIndex Description: Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: {DC8F80BD-AF1E-4289-85B6-3DFC1B493992}, 101 Name: System.Message.DateReceived -- PKEY_Message_DateReceived Description: Date and Time communication was received Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 20 Name: System.Message.DateSent -- PKEY_Message_DateSent Description: Date and Time communication was sent Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 19 Name: System.Message.Flags -- PKEY_Message_Flags Description: These are flags associated with email messages to know if a read receipt is pending, etc. The values stored here by Outlook are defined for PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS on MSDN. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {A82D9EE7-CA67-4312-965E-226BCEA85023}, 100 Name: System.Message.FromAddress -- PKEY_Message_FromAddress Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 13 Name: System.Message.FromName -- PKEY_Message_FromName Description: Address in from field as person name Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 14 Name: System.Message.HasAttachments -- PKEY_Message_HasAttachments Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9C1FCF74-2D97-41BA-B4AE-CB2E3661A6E4}, 8 Name: System.Message.IsFwdOrReply -- PKEY_Message_IsFwdOrReply Description: Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {9A9BC088-4F6D-469E-9919-E705412040F9}, 100 Name: System.Message.MessageClass -- PKEY_Message_MessageClass Description: What type of outlook msg this is (meeting, task, mail, etc.) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CD9ED458-08CE-418F-A70E-F912C7BB9C5C}, 103 Name: System.Message.ProofInProgress -- PKEY_Message_ProofInProgress Description: This property will be true if the message junk email proofing is still in progress. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9098F33C-9A7D-48A8-8DE5-2E1227A64E91}, 100 Name: System.Message.SenderAddress -- PKEY_Message_SenderAddress Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0BE1C8E7-1981-4676-AE14-FDD78F05A6E7}, 100 Name: System.Message.SenderName -- PKEY_Message_SenderName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0DA41CFA-D224-4A18-AE2F-596158DB4B3A}, 100 Name: System.Message.Store -- PKEY_Message_Store Description: The store (aka protocol handler) FILE, MAIL, OUTLOOKEXPRESS Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 15 Name: System.Message.ToAddress -- PKEY_Message_ToAddress Description: Addresses in To: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 16 Name: System.Message.ToDoFlags -- PKEY_Message_ToDoFlags Description: Flags associated with a message flagged to know if it's still active, if it was custom flagged, etc. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {1F856A9F-6900-4ABA-9505-2D5F1B4D66CB}, 100 Name: System.Message.ToDoTitle -- PKEY_Message_ToDoTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BCCC8A3C-8CEF-42E5-9B1C-C69079398BC7}, 100 Name: System.Message.ToName -- PKEY_Message_ToName Description: Person names in To: field Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E3E0584C-B788-4A5A-BB20-7F5A44C9ACDD}, 17 Music Properties Name: System.Music.AlbumArtist -- PKEY_Music_AlbumArtist Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 13 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ALBUM_ARTIST) Name: System.Music.AlbumID -- PKEY_Music_AlbumID Description: Concatenation of System.Music.AlbumArtist and System.Music.AlbumTitle, suitable for indexing and display. Used to differentiate albums with the same title from different artists. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 100 Name: System.Music.AlbumTitle -- PKEY_Music_AlbumTitle Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 4 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ALBUM) Name: System.Music.Artist -- PKEY_Music_Artist Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 2 (PIDSI_MUSIC_ARTIST) Name: System.Music.BeatsPerMinute -- PKEY_Music_BeatsPerMinute Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 35 (PIDSI_MUSIC_BEATS_PER_MINUTE) Name: System.Music.Composer -- PKEY_Music_Composer Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 19 (PIDMSI_COMPOSER) Name: System.Music.Conductor -- PKEY_Music_Conductor Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 36 (PIDSI_MUSIC_CONDUCTOR) Name: System.Music.ContentGroupDescription -- PKEY_Music_ContentGroupDescription Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 33 (PIDSI_MUSIC_CONTENT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION) Name: System.Music.DisplayArtist -- PKEY_Music_DisplayArtist Description: This property returns the best representation of Album Artist for a given music file based upon AlbumArtist, ContributingArtist and compilation info. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FD122953-FA93-4EF7-92C3-04C946B2F7C8}, 100 Name: System.Music.Genre -- PKEY_Music_Genre Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 11 (PIDSI_MUSIC_GENRE) Name: System.Music.InitialKey -- PKEY_Music_InitialKey Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 34 (PIDSI_MUSIC_INITIAL_KEY) Name: System.Music.IsCompilation -- PKEY_Music_IsCompilation Description: Indicates whether the file is part of a compilation. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {C449D5CB-9EA4-4809-82E8-AF9D59DED6D1}, 100 Name: System.Music.Lyrics -- PKEY_Music_Lyrics Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 12 (PIDSI_MUSIC_LYRICS) Name: System.Music.Mood -- PKEY_Music_Mood Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 39 (PIDSI_MUSIC_MOOD) Name: System.Music.PartOfSet -- PKEY_Music_PartOfSet Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 37 (PIDSI_MUSIC_PART_OF_SET) Name: System.Music.Period -- PKEY_Music_Period Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 31 (PIDMSI_PERIOD) Name: System.Music.SynchronizedLyrics -- PKEY_Music_SynchronizedLyrics Description: Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB FormatID: {6B223B6A-162E-4AA9-B39F-05D678FC6D77}, 100 Name: System.Music.TrackNumber -- PKEY_Music_TrackNumber Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_MUSIC) {56A3372E-CE9C-11D2-9F0E-006097C686F6}, 7 (PIDSI_MUSIC_TRACK) Note Properties Name: System.Note.Color -- PKEY_Note_Color Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {4776CAFA-BCE4-4CB1-A23E-265E76D8EB11}, 100 Name: System.Note.ColorText -- PKEY_Note_ColorText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Note.Color. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {46B4E8DE-CDB2-440D-885C-1658EB65B914}, 100 Photo Properties Name: System.Photo.Aperture -- PKEY_Photo_Aperture Description: PropertyTagExifAperture. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ApertureNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ApertureDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37378 Name: System.Photo.ApertureDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ApertureDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_Aperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {E1A9A38B-6685-46BD-875E-570DC7AD7320}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ApertureNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ApertureNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_Aperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {0337ECEC-39FB-4581-A0BD-4C4CC51E9914}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Brightness -- PKEY_Photo_Brightness Description: This is the brightness of the photo. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_BrightnessNumerator and PKEY_Photo_BrightnessDenominator. The units are "APEX", normally in the range of -99.99 to 99.99. If the numerator of the recorded value is FFFFFFFF.H, "Unknown" should be indicated. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {1A701BF6-478C-4361-83AB-3701BB053C58}, 100 (PropertyTagExifBrightness) Name: System.Photo.BrightnessDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_BrightnessDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_Brightness Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6EBE6946-2321-440A-90F0-C043EFD32476}, 100 Name: System.Photo.BrightnessNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_BrightnessNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_Brightness Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {9E7D118F-B314-45A0-8CFB-D654B917C9E9}, 100 Name: System.Photo.CameraManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_CameraManufacturer Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 271 (PropertyTagEquipMake) Name: System.Photo.CameraModel -- PKEY_Photo_CameraModel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 272 (PropertyTagEquipModel) Name: System.Photo.CameraSerialNumber -- PKEY_Photo_CameraSerialNumber Description: Serial number of camera that produced this photo Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 273 Name: System.Photo.Contrast -- PKEY_Photo_Contrast Description: This indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {2A785BA9-8D23-4DED-82E6-60A350C86A10}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ContrastText -- PKEY_Photo_ContrastText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Contrast. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {59DDE9F2-5253-40EA-9A8B-479E96C6249A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.DateTaken -- PKEY_Photo_DateTaken Description: PropertyTagExifDTOrig Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 36867 Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoom -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom Description: PropertyTagExifDigitalZoom. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomNumerator and PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {F85BF840-A925-4BC2-B0C4-8E36B598679E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoomDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {745BAF0E-E5C1-4CFB-8A1B-D031A0A52393}, 100 Name: System.Photo.DigitalZoomNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoomNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_DigitalZoom Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {16CBB924-6500-473B-A5BE-F1599BCBE413}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Event -- PKEY_Photo_Event Description: The event at which the photo was taken Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 18248 Name: System.Photo.EXIFVersion -- PKEY_Photo_EXIFVersion Description: The EXIF version. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D35F743A-EB2E-47F2-A286-844132CB1427}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureBias -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias Description: PropertyTagExifExposureBias. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37380 Name: System.Photo.ExposureBiasDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {AB205E50-04B7-461C-A18C-2F233836E627}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureBiasNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureBiasNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureBias Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {738BF284-1D87-420B-92CF-5834BF6EF9ED}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndex -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex Description: PropertyTagExifExposureIndex. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {967B5AF8-995A-46ED-9E11-35B3C5B9782D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndexDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {93112F89-C28B-492F-8A9D-4BE2062CEE8A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureIndexNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndexNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureIndex Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {CDEDCF30-8919-44DF-8F4C-4EB2FFDB8D89}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureProgram -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureProgram Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 34850 (PropertyTagExifExposureProg) Name: System.Photo.ExposureProgramText -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureProgramText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.ExposureProgram. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FEC690B7-5F30-4646-AE47-4CAAFBA884A3}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureTime -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime Description: PropertyTagExifExposureTime. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 33434 Name: System.Photo.ExposureTimeDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {55E98597-AD16-42E0-B624-21599A199838}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ExposureTimeNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ExposureTimeNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ExposureTime Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {257E44E2-9031-4323-AC38-85C552871B2E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Flash -- PKEY_Photo_Flash Description: PropertyTagExifFlash Type: Byte -- VT_UI1 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37385 Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergy -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy Description: PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 41483 Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergyDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {D7B61C70-6323-49CD-A5FC-C84277162C97}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashEnergyNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergyNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FlashEnergy Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {FCAD3D3D-0858-400F-AAA3-2F66CCE2A6BC}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_FlashManufacturer Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {AABAF6C9-E0C5-4719-8585-57B103E584FE}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashModel -- PKEY_Photo_FlashModel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {FE83BB35-4D1A-42E2-916B-06F3E1AF719E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FlashText -- PKEY_Photo_FlashText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Flash. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6B8B68F6-200B-47EA-8D25-D8050F57339F}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FNumber -- PKEY_Photo_FNumber Description: PropertyTagExifFNumber. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FNumberNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FNumberDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 33437 Name: System.Photo.FNumberDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FNumberDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FNumber Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {E92A2496-223B-4463-A4E3-30EABBA79D80}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FNumberNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FNumberNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FNumber Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {1B97738A-FDFC-462F-9D93-1957E08BE90C}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalLength -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLength Description: PropertyTagExifFocalLength. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37386 Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalLength Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {305BC615-DCA1-44A5-9FD4-10C0BA79412E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthInFilm -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthInFilm Description: Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {A0E74609-B84D-4F49-B860-462BD9971F98}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalLengthNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalLengthNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalLength Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {776B6B3B-1E3D-4B0C-9A0E-8FBAF2A8492A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolution -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution Description: PropertyTagExifFocalXRes. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {CFC08D97-C6F7-4484-89DD-EBEF4356FE76}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {0933F3F5-4786-4F46-A8E8-D64DD37FA521}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {DCCB10AF-B4E2-4B88-95F9-031B4D5AB490}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolution -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution Description: PropertyTagExifFocalYRes. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator and PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {4FFFE4D0-914F-4AC4-8D6F-C9C61DE169B1}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {1D6179A6-A876-4031-B013-3347B2B64DC8}, 100 Name: System.Photo.FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {A2E541C5-4440-4BA8-867E-75CFC06828CD}, 100 Name: System.Photo.GainControl -- PKEY_Photo_GainControl Description: This indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_GainControlNumerator and PKEY_Photo_GainControlDenominator. Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {FA304789-00C7-4D80-904A-1E4DCC7265AA}, 100 (PropertyTagExifGainControl) Name: System.Photo.GainControlDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_GainControl Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {42864DFD-9DA4-4F77-BDED-4AAD7B256735}, 100 Name: System.Photo.GainControlNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_GainControl Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {8E8ECF7C-B7B8-4EB8-A63F-0EE715C96F9E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.GainControlText -- PKEY_Photo_GainControlText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.GainControl. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C06238B2-0BF9-4279-A723-25856715CB9D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ISOSpeed -- PKEY_Photo_ISOSpeed Description: PropertyTagExifISOSpeed Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 34855 Name: System.Photo.LensManufacturer -- PKEY_Photo_LensManufacturer Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E6DDCAF7-29C5-4F0A-9A68-D19412EC7090}, 100 Name: System.Photo.LensModel -- PKEY_Photo_LensModel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {E1277516-2B5F-4869-89B1-2E585BD38B7A}, 100 Name: System.Photo.LightSource -- PKEY_Photo_LightSource Description: PropertyTagExifLightSource Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37384 Name: System.Photo.MakerNote -- PKEY_Photo_MakerNote Description: Type: Buffer -- VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1 (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) FormatID: {FA303353-B659-4052-85E9-BCAC79549B84}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MakerNoteOffset -- PKEY_Photo_MakerNoteOffset Description: Type: UInt64 -- VT_UI8 FormatID: {813F4124-34E6-4D17-AB3E-6B1F3C2247A1}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MaxAperture -- PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture Description: Calculated from PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureNumerator and PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: {08F6D7C2-E3F2-44FC-AF1E-5AA5C81A2D3E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MaxApertureDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {C77724D4-601F-46C5-9B89-C53F93BCEB77}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MaxApertureNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_MaxApertureNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_MaxAperture Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {C107E191-A459-44C5-9AE6-B952AD4B906D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.MeteringMode -- PKEY_Photo_MeteringMode Description: PropertyTagExifMeteringMode Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37383 Name: System.Photo.MeteringModeText -- PKEY_Photo_MeteringModeText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.MeteringMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {F628FD8C-7BA8-465A-A65B-C5AA79263A9E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Orientation -- PKEY_Photo_Orientation Description: This is the image orientation viewed in terms of rows and columns. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 274 (PropertyTagOrientation) Name: System.Photo.OrientationText -- PKEY_Photo_OrientationText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Orientation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A9EA193C-C511-498A-A06B-58E2776DCC28}, 100 Name: System.Photo.PeopleNames -- PKEY_Photo_PeopleNames Description: The people tags on an image. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: {E8309B6E-084C-49B4-B1FC-90A80331B638}, 100 Name: System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretation -- PKEY_Photo_PhotometricInterpretation Description: This is the pixel composition. In JPEG compressed data, a JPEG marker is used instead of this property. Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: {341796F1-1DF9-4B1C-A564-91BDEFA43877}, 100 Name: System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretationText -- PKEY_Photo_PhotometricInterpretationText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.PhotometricInterpretation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {821437D6-9EAB-4765-A589-3B1CBBD22A61}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ProgramMode -- PKEY_Photo_ProgramMode Description: This is the class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6D217F6D-3F6A-4825-B470-5F03CA2FBE9B}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ProgramModeText -- PKEY_Photo_ProgramModeText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.ProgramMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7FE3AA27-2648-42F3-89B0-454E5CB150C3}, 100 Name: System.Photo.RelatedSoundFile -- PKEY_Photo_RelatedSoundFile Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {318A6B45-087F-4DC2-B8CC-05359551FC9E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Saturation -- PKEY_Photo_Saturation Description: This indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {49237325-A95A-4F67-B211-816B2D45D2E0}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SaturationText -- PKEY_Photo_SaturationText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Saturation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {61478C08-B600-4A84-BBE4-E99C45F0A072}, 100 Name: System.Photo.Sharpness -- PKEY_Photo_Sharpness Description: This indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {FC6976DB-8349-4970-AE97-B3C5316A08F0}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SharpnessText -- PKEY_Photo_SharpnessText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.Sharpness. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {51EC3F47-DD50-421D-8769-334F50424B1E}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeed -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed Description: PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedNumerator and PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37377 Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeedDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {E13D8975-81C7-4948-AE3F-37CAE11E8FF7}, 100 Name: System.Photo.ShutterSpeedNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeedNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_ShutterSpeed Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: {16EA4042-D6F4-4BCA-8349-7C78D30FB333}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistance -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance Description: PropertyTagExifSubjectDist. Calculated from PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceNumerator and PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceDenominator Type: Double -- VT_R8 FormatID: (FMTID_ImageProperties) {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99}, 37382 Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistanceDenominator -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceDenominator Description: Denominator of PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {0C840A88-B043-466D-9766-D4B26DA3FA77}, 100 Name: System.Photo.SubjectDistanceNumerator -- PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistanceNumerator Description: Numerator of PKEY_Photo_SubjectDistance Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {8AF4961C-F526-43E5-AA81-DB768219178D}, 100 Name: System.Photo.TagViewAggregate -- PKEY_Photo_TagViewAggregate Description: A read-only aggregation of tag-like properties for use in building views. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) Legacy code may treat this as VT_LPSTR. FormatID: {B812F15D-C2D8-4BBF-BACD-79744346113F}, 100 Name: System.Photo.TranscodedForSync -- PKEY_Photo_TranscodedForSync Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {9A8EBB75-6458-4E82-BACB-35C0095B03BB}, 100 Name: System.Photo.WhiteBalance -- PKEY_Photo_WhiteBalance Description: This indicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {EE3D3D8A-5381-4CFA-B13B-AAF66B5F4EC9}, 100 Name: System.Photo.WhiteBalanceText -- PKEY_Photo_WhiteBalanceText Description: This is the user-friendly form of System.Photo.WhiteBalance. Not intended to be parsed programmatically. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6336B95E-C7A7-426D-86FD-7AE3D39C84B4}, 100 PropGroup Properties Name: System.PropGroup.Advanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_Advanced Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {900A403B-097B-4B95-8AE2-071FDAEEB118}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Audio -- PKEY_PropGroup_Audio Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {2804D469-788F-48AA-8570-71B9C187E138}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Calendar -- PKEY_PropGroup_Calendar Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {9973D2B5-BFD8-438A-BA94-5349B293181A}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Camera -- PKEY_PropGroup_Camera Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {DE00DE32-547E-4981-AD4B-542F2E9007D8}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Contact -- PKEY_PropGroup_Contact Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {DF975FD3-250A-4004-858F-34E29A3E37AA}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Content -- PKEY_PropGroup_Content Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {D0DAB0BA-368A-4050-A882-6C010FD19A4F}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Description -- PKEY_PropGroup_Description Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {8969B275-9475-4E00-A887-FF93B8B41E44}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.FileSystem -- PKEY_PropGroup_FileSystem Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {E3A7D2C1-80FC-4B40-8F34-30EA111BDC2E}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.General -- PKEY_PropGroup_General Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {CC301630-B192-4C22-B372-9F4C6D338E07}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.GPS -- PKEY_PropGroup_GPS Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {F3713ADA-90E3-4E11-AAE5-FDC17685B9BE}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Image -- PKEY_PropGroup_Image Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {E3690A87-0FA8-4A2A-9A9F-FCE8827055AC}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Media -- PKEY_PropGroup_Media Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {61872CF7-6B5E-4B4B-AC2D-59DA84459248}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.MediaAdvanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_MediaAdvanced Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {8859A284-DE7E-4642-99BA-D431D044B1EC}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Message -- PKEY_PropGroup_Message Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {7FD7259D-16B4-4135-9F97-7C96ECD2FA9E}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Music -- PKEY_PropGroup_Music Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {68DD6094-7216-40F1-A029-43FE7127043F}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Origin -- PKEY_PropGroup_Origin Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {2598D2FB-5569-4367-95DF-5CD3A177E1A5}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.PhotoAdvanced -- PKEY_PropGroup_PhotoAdvanced Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {0CB2BF5A-9EE7-4A86-8222-F01E07FDADAF}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.RecordedTV -- PKEY_PropGroup_RecordedTV Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {E7B33238-6584-4170-A5C0-AC25EFD9DA56}, 100 Name: System.PropGroup.Video -- PKEY_PropGroup_Video Description: Type: Null -- VT_NULL FormatID: {BEBE0920-7671-4C54-A3EB-49FDDFC191EE}, 100 PropList Properties Name: System.PropList.ConflictPrompt -- PKEY_PropList_ConflictPrompt Description: The list of properties to show in the file operation conflict resolution dialog. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "ConflictPrompt". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 11 Name: System.PropList.ContentViewModeForBrowse -- PKEY_PropList_ContentViewModeForBrowse Description: The list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of browsing. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeForBrowse". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 13 Name: System.PropList.ContentViewModeForSearch -- PKEY_PropList_ContentViewModeForSearch Description: The list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of searching. Register the regvalue under the name of "ContentViewModeForSearch". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 14 Name: System.PropList.ExtendedTileInfo -- PKEY_PropList_ExtendedTileInfo Description: The list of properties to show in the listview on extended tiles. Register under the regvalue of "ExtendedTileInfo". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 9 Name: System.PropList.FileOperationPrompt -- PKEY_PropList_FileOperationPrompt Description: The list of properties to show in the file operation confirmation dialog. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. If this list is not specified, then the InfoTip property list is used instead. Register under the regvalue of "FileOperationPrompt". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 10 Name: System.PropList.FullDetails -- PKEY_PropList_FullDetails Description: The list of all the properties to show in the details page. Property groups can be included in this list in order to more easily organize the UI. Register under the regvalue of "FullDetails". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 2 Name: System.PropList.InfoTip -- PKEY_PropList_InfoTip Description: The list of properties to show in the infotip. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "InfoTip". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 4 (PID_PROPLIST_INFOTIP) Name: System.PropList.NonPersonal -- PKEY_PropList_NonPersonal Description: The list of properties that are considered 'non-personal'. When told to remove all non-personal properties from a given file, the system will leave these particular properties untouched. Register under the regvalue of "NonPersonal". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {49D1091F-082E-493F-B23F-D2308AA9668C}, 100 Name: System.PropList.PreviewDetails -- PKEY_PropList_PreviewDetails Description: The list of properties to display in the preview pane. Register under the regvalue of "PreviewDetails". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 8 Name: System.PropList.PreviewTitle -- PKEY_PropList_PreviewTitle Description: The one or two properties to display in the preview pane title section. The optional second property is displayed as a subtitle. Register under the regvalue of "PreviewTitle". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 6 Name: System.PropList.QuickTip -- PKEY_PropList_QuickTip Description: The list of properties to show in the infotip when the item is on a slow network. Properties with empty values will not be displayed. Register under the regvalue of "QuickTip". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 5 (PID_PROPLIST_QUICKTIP) Name: System.PropList.TileInfo -- PKEY_PropList_TileInfo Description: The list of properties to show in the listview on tiles. Register under the regvalue of "TileInfo". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}, 3 (PID_PROPLIST_TILEINFO) Name: System.PropList.XPDetailsPanel -- PKEY_PropList_XPDetailsPanel Description: The list of properties to display in the XP webview details panel. Obsolete. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_WebView) {F2275480-F782-4291-BD94-F13693513AEC}, 0 (PID_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES) RecordedTV Properties Name: System.RecordedTV.ChannelNumber -- PKEY_RecordedTV_ChannelNumber Description: Example: 42 Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 7 Name: System.RecordedTV.Credits -- PKEY_RecordedTV_Credits Description: Example: "Don Messick/Frank Welker/Casey Kasem/Heather North/Nicole Jaffe;;;" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 4 Name: System.RecordedTV.DateContentExpires -- PKEY_RecordedTV_DateContentExpires Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 15 Name: System.RecordedTV.EpisodeName -- PKEY_RecordedTV_EpisodeName Description: Example: "Nowhere to Hyde" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 2 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsATSCContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsATSCContent Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 16 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsClosedCaptioningAvailable -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsClosedCaptioningAvailable Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 12 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsDTVContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsDTVContent Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 17 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsHDContent -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsHDContent Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 18 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsRepeatBroadcast -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsRepeatBroadcast Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 13 Name: System.RecordedTV.IsSAP -- PKEY_RecordedTV_IsSAP Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 14 Name: System.RecordedTV.NetworkAffiliation -- PKEY_RecordedTV_NetworkAffiliation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {2C53C813-FB63-4E22-A1AB-0B331CA1E273}, 100 Name: System.RecordedTV.OriginalBroadcastDate -- PKEY_RecordedTV_OriginalBroadcastDate Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {4684FE97-8765-4842-9C13-F006447B178C}, 100 Name: System.RecordedTV.ProgramDescription -- PKEY_RecordedTV_ProgramDescription Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 3 Name: System.RecordedTV.RecordingTime -- PKEY_RecordedTV_RecordingTime Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {A5477F61-7A82-4ECA-9DDE-98B69B2479B3}, 100 Name: System.RecordedTV.StationCallSign -- PKEY_RecordedTV_StationCallSign Description: Example: "TOONP" Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {6D748DE2-8D38-4CC3-AC60-F009B057C557}, 5 Name: System.RecordedTV.StationName -- PKEY_RecordedTV_StationName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {1B5439E7-EBA1-4AF8-BDD7-7AF1D4549493}, 100 Search Properties Name: System.Search.AutoSummary -- PKEY_Search_AutoSummary Description: General Summary of the document. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 2 Name: System.Search.ContainerHash -- PKEY_Search_ContainerHash Description: Hash code used to identify attachments to be deleted based on a common container url Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {BCEEE283-35DF-4D53-826A-F36A3EEFC6BE}, 100 Name: System.Search.Contents -- PKEY_Search_Contents Description: The contents of the item. This property is for query restrictions only; it cannot be retrieved in a query result. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'contents'. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Storage) {B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}, 19 (PID_STG_CONTENTS) Name: System.Search.EntryID -- PKEY_Search_EntryID Description: The entry ID for an item within a given catalog in the Windows Search Index. This value may be recycled, and therefore is not considered unique over time. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 5 (PROPID_QUERY_WORKID) Name: System.Search.ExtendedProperties -- PKEY_Search_ExtendedProperties Description: Type: Blob -- VT_BLOB FormatID: {7B03B546-FA4F-4A52-A2FE-03D5311E5865}, 100 Name: System.Search.GatherTime -- PKEY_Search_GatherTime Description: The Datetime that the Windows Search Gatherer process last pushed properties of this document to the Windows Search Gatherer Plugins. Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {0B63E350-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 8 Name: System.Search.HitCount -- PKEY_Search_HitCount Description: When using CONTAINS over the Windows Search Index, this is the number of matches of the term. If there are multiple CONTAINS, an AND computes the min number of hits and an OR the max number of hits. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 4 (PROPID_QUERY_HITCOUNT) Name: System.Search.IsClosedDirectory -- PKEY_Search_IsClosedDirectory Description: If this property is emitted with a value of TRUE, then it indicates that this URL's last modified time applies to all of it's children, and if this URL is deleted then all of it's children are deleted as well. For example, this would be emitted as TRUE when emitting the URL of an email so that all attachments are tied to the last modified time of that email. Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 23 Name: System.Search.IsFullyContained -- PKEY_Search_IsFullyContained Description: Any child URL of a URL which has System.Search.IsClosedDirectory=TRUE must emit System.Search.IsFullyContained=TRUE. This ensures that the URL is not deleted at the end of a crawl because it hasn't been visited (which is the normal mechanism for detecting deletes). For example an email attachment would emit this property Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 24 Name: System.Search.QueryFocusedSummary -- PKEY_Search_QueryFocusedSummary Description: Query Focused Summary of the document. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 3 Name: System.Search.QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback -- PKEY_Search_QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback Description: Query Focused Summary of the document, if none is available it returns the AutoSummary. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {560C36C0-503A-11CF-BAA1-00004C752A9A}, 4 Name: System.Search.Rank -- PKEY_Search_Rank Description: Relevance rank of row. Ranges from 0-1000. Larger numbers = better matches. Query-time only. Type: Int32 -- VT_I4 FormatID: (FMTID_Query) {49691C90-7E17-101A-A91C-08002B2ECDA9}, 3 (PROPID_QUERY_RANK) Name: System.Search.Store -- PKEY_Search_Store Description: The identifier for the protocol handler that produced this item. (E.g. MAPI, CSC, FILE etc.) Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {A06992B3-8CAF-4ED7-A547-B259E32AC9FC}, 100 Name: System.Search.UrlToIndex -- PKEY_Search_UrlToIndex Description: This property should be emitted by a container IFilter for each child URL within the container. The children will eventually be crawled by the indexer if they are within scope. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 2 Name: System.Search.UrlToIndexWithModificationTime -- PKEY_Search_UrlToIndexWithModificationTime Description: This property is the same as System.Search.UrlToIndex except that it includes the time the URL was last modified. This is an optimization for the indexer as it doesn't have to call back into the protocol handler to ask for this information to determine if the content needs to be indexed again. The property is a vector with two elements, a VT_LPWSTR with the URL and a VT_FILETIME for the last modified time. Type: Multivalue Any -- VT_VECTOR | VT_NULL (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_NULL) FormatID: {0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04}, 12 Shell Properties Name: System.Shell.OmitFromView -- PKEY_Shell_OmitFromView Description: Set this to a string value of 'True' to omit this item from shell views Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {DE35258C-C695-4CBC-B982-38B0AD24CED0}, 2 Name: System.Shell.SFGAOFlagsStrings -- PKEY_Shell_SFGAOFlagsStrings Description: Expresses the SFGAO flags as string values and is used as a query optimization. Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D6942081-D53B-443D-AD47-5E059D9CD27A}, 2 Software Properties Name: System.Software.DateLastUsed -- PKEY_Software_DateLastUsed Description: Type: DateTime -- VT_FILETIME (For variants: VT_DATE) FormatID: {841E4F90-FF59-4D16-8947-E81BBFFAB36D}, 16 Name: System.Software.ProductName -- PKEY_Software_ProductName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSFMTID_VERSION) {0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE}, 7 Sync Properties Name: System.Sync.Comments -- PKEY_Sync_Comments Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 13 Name: System.Sync.ConflictDescription -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictDescription Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 4 Name: System.Sync.ConflictFirstLocation -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictFirstLocation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 6 Name: System.Sync.ConflictSecondLocation -- PKEY_Sync_ConflictSecondLocation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 7 Name: System.Sync.HandlerCollectionID -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerCollectionID Description: Type: Guid -- VT_CLSID FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 2 Name: System.Sync.HandlerID -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 3 Name: System.Sync.HandlerName -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 2 Name: System.Sync.HandlerType -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerType Description: Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 8 Name: System.Sync.HandlerTypeLabel -- PKEY_Sync_HandlerTypeLabel Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 9 Name: System.Sync.ItemID -- PKEY_Sync_ItemID Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 6 Name: System.Sync.ItemName -- PKEY_Sync_ItemName Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {CE50C159-2FB8-41FD-BE68-D3E042E274BC}, 3 Name: System.Sync.ProgressPercentage -- PKEY_Sync_ProgressPercentage Description: An integer value between 0 and 100 representing the percentage completed. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 23 Name: System.Sync.State -- PKEY_Sync_State Description: Sync state. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 24 Name: System.Sync.Status -- PKEY_Sync_Status Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {7BD5533E-AF15-44DB-B8C8-BD6624E1D032}, 10 Task Properties Name: System.Task.BillingInformation -- PKEY_Task_BillingInformation Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {D37D52C6-261C-4303-82B3-08B926AC6F12}, 100 Name: System.Task.CompletionStatus -- PKEY_Task_CompletionStatus Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {084D8A0A-E6D5-40DE-BF1F-C8820E7C877C}, 100 Name: System.Task.Owner -- PKEY_Task_Owner Description: Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: {08C7CC5F-60F2-4494-AD75-55E3E0B5ADD0}, 100 Video Properties Name: System.Video.Compression -- PKEY_Video_Compression Description: Indicates the level of compression for the video stream. "Compression". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 10 (PIDVSI_COMPRESSION) Name: System.Video.Director -- PKEY_Video_Director Description: Type: Multivalue String -- VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR) FormatID: (PSGUID_MEDIAFILESUMMARYINFORMATION) {64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 20 (PIDMSI_DIRECTOR) Name: System.Video.EncodingBitrate -- PKEY_Video_EncodingBitrate Description: Indicates the data rate in "bits per second" for the video stream. "DataRate". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 8 (PIDVSI_DATA_RATE) Name: System.Video.FourCC -- PKEY_Video_FourCC Description: Indicates the 4CC for the video stream. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 44 Name: System.Video.FrameHeight -- PKEY_Video_FrameHeight Description: Indicates the frame height for the video stream. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 4 Name: System.Video.FrameRate -- PKEY_Video_FrameRate Description: Indicates the frame rate in "frames per millisecond" for the video stream. "FrameRate". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 6 (PIDVSI_FRAME_RATE) Name: System.Video.FrameWidth -- PKEY_Video_FrameWidth Description: Indicates the frame width for the video stream. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 3 Name: System.Video.HorizontalAspectRatio -- PKEY_Video_HorizontalAspectRatio Description: Indicates the horizontal portion of the aspect ratio. The X portion of XX:YY, like 16:9. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 42 Name: System.Video.SampleSize -- PKEY_Video_SampleSize Description: Indicates the sample size in bits for the video stream. "SampleSize". Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 9 (PIDVSI_SAMPLE_SIZE) Name: System.Video.StreamName -- PKEY_Video_StreamName Description: Indicates the name for the video stream. "StreamName". Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 2 (PIDVSI_STREAM_NAME) Name: System.Video.StreamNumber -- PKEY_Video_StreamNumber Description: "Stream Number". Type: UInt16 -- VT_UI2 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 11 (PIDVSI_STREAM_NUMBER) Name: System.Video.TotalBitrate -- PKEY_Video_TotalBitrate Description: Indicates the total data rate in "bits per second" for all video and audio streams. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 43 (PIDVSI_TOTAL_BITRATE) Name: System.Video.TranscodedForSync -- PKEY_Video_TranscodedForSync Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 46 Name: System.Video.VerticalAspectRatio -- PKEY_Video_VerticalAspectRatio Description: Indicates the vertical portion of the aspect ratio. The Y portion of XX:YY, like 16:9. Type: UInt32 -- VT_UI4 FormatID: (FMTID_VideoSummaryInformation) {64440491-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03}, 45 Volume Properties Name: System.Volume.FileSystem -- PKEY_Volume_FileSystem Description: Indicates the filesystem of the volume. Type: String -- VT_LPWSTR (For variants: VT_BSTR) FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 4 (PID_VOLUME_FILESYSTEM) (Filesystem Volume Properties) Name: System.Volume.IsMappedDrive -- PKEY_Volume_IsMappedDrive Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: {149C0B69-2C2D-48FC-808F-D318D78C4636}, 2 Name: System.Volume.IsRoot -- PKEY_Volume_IsRoot Description: Type: Boolean -- VT_BOOL FormatID: (FMTID_Volume) {9B174B35-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871}, 10 (Filesystem Volume Properties) Helper class to modify properties for a given window Sets a shell property for a given window The property to set Handle to the window that the property will be set on The value to set for the property Sets a shell property for a given window The property to set Window that the property will be set on The value to set for the property Defines the properties used by a Shell Property. Gets the property key that identifies this property. Gets a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value. One or more PropertyDescriptionFormat flags chosen to produce the desired display format. The formatted value as a string. Get the property description object. Gets the case-sensitive name of the property as it is known to the system, regardless of its localized name. Gets the value for this property using the generic Object type. To obtain a specific type for this value, use the more strongly-typed Property<T> class. You can only set a value for this type using the Property<T> class. Gets the System.Type value for this property. Gets the image reference path and icon index associated with a property value. This API is only available in Windows 7. Creates a readonly collection of IProperty objects. Creates a new Property collection given an IPropertyStore object IPropertyStore Creates a new Property collection given an IShellItem2 native interface Parent ShellObject Creates a new ShellPropertyCollection object with the specified file or folder path. The path to the file or folder. Checks if a property with the given canonical name is available. The canonical name of the property. True if available, false otherwise. Checks if a property with the given property key is available. The property key. True if available, false otherwise. Gets the property associated with the supplied canonical name string. The canonical name property is case-sensitive. The canonical name. The property associated with the canonical name, if found. Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if no matching property is found. Gets a property associated with the supplied property key. The property key. The property associated with the property key, if found. Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if no matching property is found. Release the native and managed objects Indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Release the native objects. Implement the finalizer. Defines the shell property description information for a property. Gets the case-sensitive name of a property as it is known to the system, regardless of its localized name. Gets the property key identifying the underlying property. Gets the display name of the property as it is shown in any user interface (UI). Gets the text used in edit controls hosted in various dialog boxes. Gets the VarEnum OLE type for this property. Gets the .NET system type for a value of this property, or null if the value is empty. Gets the current data type used to display the property. Gets the default user interface (UI) column width for this property. Gets a value that describes how the property values are displayed when multiple items are selected in the user interface (UI). Gets a list of the possible values for this property. Gets the column state flag, which describes how the property should be treated by interfaces or APIs that use this flag. Gets the condition type to use when displaying the property in the query builder user interface (UI). This influences the list of predicate conditions (for example, equals, less than, and contains) that are shown for this property. For more information, see the conditionType attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Gets the default condition operation to use when displaying the property in the query builder user interface (UI). This influences the list of predicate conditions (for example, equals, less than, and contains) that are shown for this property. For more information, see the conditionType attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Gets the method used when a view is grouped by this property. The information retrieved by this method comes from the groupingRange attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Gets the current sort description flags for the property, which indicate the particular wordings of sort offerings. The settings retrieved by this method are set through the sortDescription attribute of the labelInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Gets the localized display string that describes the current sort order. Indicates the sort order should reference the string "Z on top"; otherwise, the sort order should reference the string "A on top". The sort description for this property. The string retrieved by this method is determined by flags set in the sortDescription attribute of the labelInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Gets a set of flags that describe the uses and capabilities of the property. Gets the current set of flags governing the property's view. Gets a value that determines if the native property description is present on the system. Get the native property description COM interface Release the native objects Indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Release the native objects Release the native objects Defines a strongly-typed property object. All writable property objects must be of this type to be able to call the value setter. The type of this property's value. Because a property value can be empty, only nullable types are allowed. Constructs a new Property object Constructs a new Property object Gets or sets the strongly-typed value of this property. The value of the property is cleared if the value is set to null. If the property value cannot be retrieved or updated in the Property System If the type of this property is not supported; e.g. writing a binary object. Thrown if is false, and either a string value was truncated or a numeric value was rounded. Gets the property key identifying this property. Returns a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value. One or more of the PropertyDescriptionFormat flags that indicate the desired format. The formatted value as a string, or null if this property cannot be formatted for display. True if the method successfully locates the formatted string; otherwise False. Returns a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value. One or more of the PropertyDescriptionFormat flags that indicate the desired format. The formatted value as a string, or null if this property cannot be formatted for display. Get the property description object. Gets the case-sensitive name of a property as it is known to the system, regardless of its localized name. Clears the value of the property. Gets the value for this property using the generic Object type. To obtain a specific type for this value, use the more type strong Property<T> class. Also, you can only set a value for this type using Property<T> Gets the associated runtime type. Gets the image reference path and icon index associated with a property value (Windows 7 only). Gets or sets a value that determines if a value can be truncated. The default for this property is false. An will be thrown if this property is not set to true, and a property value was set but later truncated. Specifies options for the appearance of the stock icon. Retrieve the small version of the icon, as specified by SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON system metrics. Retrieve the small version of the icon, as specified by SM_CXSMICON and SM_CYSMICON system metrics. Retrieve the shell-sized icons (instead of the size specified by the system metrics). Specified that the hIcon member of the SHSTOCKICONINFO structure receives a handle to the specified icon. Specifies that the iSysImageImage member of the SHSTOCKICONINFO structure receives the index of the specified icon in the system imagelist. Adds the link overlay to the icon. Adds the system highlight color to the icon. The window has a thin-line border. The window has a title bar (includes the WS_BORDER style). The window is a child window. A window with this style cannot have a menu bar. This style cannot be used with the WS_POPUP style. Same as the WS_CHILD style. Excludes the area occupied by child windows when drawing occurs within the parent window. This style is used when creating the parent window. Clips child windows relative to each other; that is, when a particular child window receives a WM_PAINT message, the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style clips all other overlapping child windows out of the region of the child window to be updated. If WS_CLIPSIBLINGS is not specified and child windows overlap, it is possible, when drawing within the client area of a child window, to draw within the client area of a neighboring child window. The window is initially disabled. A disabled window cannot receive input from the user. To change this after a window has been created, use the EnableWindow function. The window has a border of a style typically used with dialog boxes. A window with this style cannot have a title bar. The window is the first control of a group of controls. The group consists of this first control and all controls defined after it, up to the next control with the WS_GROUP style. The first control in each group usually has the WS_TABSTOP style so that the user can move from group to group. The user can subsequently change the keyboard focus from one control in the group to the next control in the group by using the direction keys. You can turn this style on and off to change dialog box navigation. To change this style after a window has been created, use the SetWindowLong function. The window has a horizontal scroll bar. The window is initially minimized. Same as the WS_MINIMIZE style. The window is initially maximized. The window has a maximize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specifie The window is initially minimized. Same as the WS_ICONIC style. The window has a minimize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specified. The window is an overlapped window. An overlapped window has a title bar and a border. Same as the WS_TILED style. The windows is a pop-up window. This style cannot be used with the WS_CHILD style. The window has a sizing border. Same as the WS_THICKFRAME style. The window has a window menu on its title bar. The WS_CAPTION style must also be specified. The window is a control that can receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB key. Pressing the TAB key changes the keyboard focus to the next control with the WS_TABSTOP style. You can turn this style on and off to change dialog box navigation. To change this style after a window has been created, use the SetWindowLong function. For user-created windows and modeless dialogs to work with tab stops, alter the message loop to call the IsDialogMessage function. The window has a sizing border. Same as the WS_SIZEBOX style. The window is an overlapped window. An overlapped window has a title bar and a border. Same as the WS_OVERLAPPED style. The window is initially visible. This style can be turned on and off by using the ShowWindow or SetWindowPos function. The window has a vertical scroll bar. The window is an overlapped window. Same as the WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style. The window is a pop-up window. The WS_CAPTION and WS_POPUPWINDOW styles must be combined to make the window menu visible. The window is an overlapped window. Same as the WS_TILEDWINDOW style. Represents a registered or known folder in the system. Gets the path for this known folder. Gets the category designation for this known folder. Gets this known folder's canonical name. Gets this known folder's description. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's parent folder. Gets this known folder's relative path. Gets this known folder's parsing name. Gets this known folder's tool tip text. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's tool tip text. Gets this known folder's localized name. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's localized name. Gets this known folder's security attributes. Gets this known folder's file attributes, such as "read-only". Gets an value that describes this known folder's behaviors. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's type. Gets a string representation of this known folder's type. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder. Gets a value that indicates whether this known folder's path exists on the computer. If this property value is false, the folder might be a virtual folder ( property will be for virtual folders) Gets a value that states whether this known folder can have its path set to a new value, including any restrictions on the redirection. Specifies behaviors for known folders. No behaviors are defined. Prevents a per-user known folder from being redirected to a network location. The known folder can be roamed through PC-to-PC synchronization. Creates the known folder when the user first logs on. Specifies the categories for known folders. The folder category is not specified. The folder is a virtual folder. Virtual folders are not part of the file system. For example, Control Panel and Printers are virtual folders. A number of properties such as folder path and redirection do not apply to this category. The folder is fixed. Fixed file system folders are not managed by the Shell and are usually given a permanent path when the system is installed. For example, the Windows and Program Files folders are fixed folders. A number of properties such as redirection do not apply to this category. The folder is a common folder. Common folders are used for sharing data and settings accessible by all users of a system. For example, all users share a common Documents folder as well as their per-user Documents folder. Each user has their own copy of the folder. Per-user folders are those stored under each user's profile and accessible only by that user. Structure used internally to store property values for a known folder. This structure holds the information returned in the FOLDER_DEFINITION structure, and resources referenced by fields in NativeFolderDefinition, such as icon and tool tip. Contains the GUID identifiers for well-known folders. Returns the friendly name for a specified folder. The Guid identifier for a known folder. A value. Returns a sorted list of name, guid pairs for all known folders. Computer Conflicts Control Panel Desktop Internet Explorer Network Printers Sync Center Network Connections Sync Setup Sync Results Recycle Bin Fonts Startup Programs Start Menu Recent Items SendTo Documents Favorites Network Shortcuts Printer Shortcuts Templates Startup Programs Start Menu Public Desktop ProgramData Templates Public Documents Roaming Local LocalLow Temporary Internet Files Cookies History System32 System32 Windows The user's username (%USERNAME%) Pictures Program Files Common Files Program Files Common Files Program Files Common Files Administrative Tools Administrative Tools Music Videos Public Pictures Public Music Public Videos Resources None OEM Links Temporary Burn Folder Users Playlists Sample Playlists Sample Music Sample Pictures Sample Videos Slide Shows Public Programs and Features Installed Updates Get Programs Downloads Public Downloads Searches Quick Launch Contacts Gadgets Gadgets Tree property value folder GameExplorer GameExplorer Saved Games Games Recorded TV Microsoft Office Outlook Offline Files Links The user's full name (for instance, Jean Philippe Bagel) entered when the user account was created. Search home Original Images UserProgramFiles UserProgramFilesCommon Ringtones PublicRingtones UsersLibraries DocumentsLibrary MusicLibrary PicturesLibrary VideosLibrary RecordedTVLibrary OtherUsers DeviceMetadataStore Libraries UserPinned ImplicitAppShortcuts The FolderTypes values represent a view template applied to a folder, usually based on its intended use and contents. No particular content type has been detected or specified. This value is not supported in Windows 7 and later systems. The folder is invalid. There are several things that can cause this judgement: hard disk errors, file system errors, and compression errors among them. The folder contains document files. These can be of mixed format—.doc, .txt, and others. Image files, such as .jpg, .tif, or .png files. Windows 7 and later. The folder contains audio files, such as .mp3 and .wma files. A list of music files displayed in Icons view. This value is not supported in Windows 7 and later systems. The folder is the Games folder found in the Start menu. The Control Panel in category view. This is a virtual folder. The Control Panel in classic view. This is a virtual folder. Printers that have been added to the system. This is a virtual folder. The Recycle Bin. This is a virtual folder. The software explorer window used by the Add or Remove Programs control panel icon. The folder is a compressed archive, such as a compressed file with a .zip file name extension. An e-mail-related folder that contains contact information. A default library view without a more specific template. This value is not supported in Windows 7 and later systems. The Network Explorer folder. The folder is the FOLDERID_UsersFiles folder. Windows 7 and later. The folder contains search results, but they are of mixed or no specific type. Windows 7 and later. The folder is a library, but of no specified type. Windows 7 and later. The folder contains video files. These can be of mixed format—.wmv, .mov, and others. Windows 7 and later. The view shown when the user clicks the Windows Explorer button on the taskbar. Windows 7 and later. The homegroup view. Windows 7 and later. A folder that contains communication-related files such as e-mails, calendar information, and contact information. Windows 7 and later. The folder contains recorded television broadcasts. Windows 7 and later. The folder contains saved game states. Windows 7 and later. The folder contains federated search OpenSearch results. Windows 7 and later. Before you search. Windows 7 and later. A user's Searches folder, normally found at C:\Users\username\Searches. Creates the helper class for known folders. Returns the native known folder (IKnownFolderNative) given a PID list Returns a known folder given a globally unique identifier. A GUID for the requested known folder. A known folder representing the specified name. Thrown if the given Known Folder ID is invalid. Returns a known folder given a globally unique identifier. A GUID for the requested known folder. A known folder representing the specified name. Returns null if Known Folder is not found or could not be created. Given a native KnownFolder (IKnownFolderNative), create the right type of IKnownFolder object (FileSystemKnownFolder or NonFileSystemKnownFolder) Native Known Folder Returns the known folder given its canonical name. A non-localized canonical name for the known folder, such as MyComputer. A known folder representing the specified name. Thrown if the given canonical name is invalid or if the KnownFolder could not be created. Returns a known folder given its shell path, such as C:\users\public\documents or ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} for the Recycle Bin. The path for the requested known folder; either a physical path or a virtual path. A known folder representing the specified name. Returns a known folder given its shell namespace parsing name, such as ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} for the Recycle Bin. The parsing name (or path) for the requested known folder. A known folder representing the specified name. Thrown if the given parsing name is invalid. Defines properties for known folders that identify the path of standard known folders. Gets a strongly-typed read-only collection of all the registered known folders. Gets the metadata for the Computer folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Conflict folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ControlPanel folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Desktop folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Internet folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Network folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Printers folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SyncManager folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Connections folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SyncSetup folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SyncResults folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the RecycleBin folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Fonts folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Startup folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Programs folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user StartMenu folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user Recent folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user SendTo folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user Documents folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user Favorites folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the NetHood folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PrintHood folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Templates folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the CommonStartup folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the CommonPrograms folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the CommonStartMenu folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PublicDesktop folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ProgramData folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the CommonTemplates folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PublicDocuments folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the RoamingAppData folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user LocalAppData folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the LocalAppDataLow folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the InternetCache folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Cookies folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the History folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the System folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SystemX86 folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Windows folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Profile folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user Pictures folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ProgramFilesX86 folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ProgramFilesCommonX86 folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ProgramsFilesX64 folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ProgramFilesCommonX64 folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ProgramFiles folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ProgramFilesCommon folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the AdminTools folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the CommonAdminTools folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user Music folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Videos folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PublicPictures folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PublicMusic folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PublicVideos folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ResourceDir folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the LocalizedResourcesDir folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the CommonOEMLinks folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the CDBurning folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the UserProfiles folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Playlists folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SamplePlaylists folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SampleMusic folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SamplePictures folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SampleVideos folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PhotoAlbums folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Public folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the ChangeRemovePrograms folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the AppUpdates folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the AddNewPrograms folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user Downloads folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PublicDownloads folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user SavedSearches folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user QuickLaunch folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Contacts folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SidebarParts folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SidebarDefaultParts folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the TreeProperties folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the PublicGameTasks folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the GameTasks folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user SavedGames folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the Games folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the RecordedTV folder. An object. This folder is not used. Gets the metadata for the SearchMapi folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SearchCsc folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the per-user Links folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the UsersFiles folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the SearchHome folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the OriginalImages folder. An object. Gets the metadata for the UserProgramFiles folder. Gets the metadata for the UserProgramFilesCommon folder. Gets the metadata for the Ringtones folder. Gets the metadata for the PublicRingtones folder. Gets the metadata for the UsersLibraries folder. Gets the metadata for the DocumentsLibrary folder. Gets the metadata for the MusicLibrary folder. Gets the metadata for the PicturesLibrary folder. Gets the metadata for the VideosLibrary folder. Gets the metadata for the RecordedTVLibrary folder. Gets the metadata for the OtherUsers folder. Gets the metadata for the DeviceMetadataStore folder. Gets the metadata for the Libraries folder. Gets the metadata for the UserPinned folder. Gets the metadata for the ImplicitAppShortcuts folder. Internal class to represent the KnownFolder settings/properties Populates a structure that contains this known folder's properties. Gets the path of this this known folder. Returns false if the folder is virtual, or a boolean value that indicates whether this known folder exists. Native IKnownFolder reference A containing the path, or if this known folder does not exist. Gets the path for this known folder. A object. Gets the category designation for this known folder. A value. Gets this known folder's canonical name. A object. Gets this known folder's description. A object. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's parent folder. A value. Gets this known folder's relative path. A object. Gets this known folder's tool tip text. A object. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's tool tip text. A object. Gets this known folder's localized name. A object. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's localized name. A object. Gets this known folder's security attributes. A object. Gets this known folder's file attributes, such as "read-only". A value. Gets an value that describes this known folder's behaviors. A value. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's type. A value. Gets a string representation of this known folder's type. A object. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder. A value. Gets a value that indicates whether this known folder's path exists on the computer. A bool value. If this property value is false, the folder might be a virtual folder ( property will be for virtual folders) Gets a value that states whether this known folder can have its path set to a new value, including any restrictions on the redirection. A value. Specifies the redirection capabilities for known folders. Redirection capability is unknown. The known folder can be redirected. The known folder can be redirected. Currently, redirection exists only for common and user folders; fixed and virtual folders cannot be redirected. Redirection is not allowed. The folder cannot be redirected because it is already redirected by group policy. The folder cannot be redirected because the policy prohibits redirecting this folder. The folder cannot be redirected because the calling application does not have sufficient permissions. Contains special retrieval options for known folders. A Serch Connector folder in the Shell Namespace Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. CommonFileDialog AddPlace locations At the bottom of the Favorites or Places list. At the top of the Favorites or Places list. One of the values that indicates how the ShellObject DisplayName should look. Returns the display name relative to the desktop. Returns the parsing name relative to the parent folder. Returns the path relative to the parent folder in a friendly format as displayed in an address bar. Returns the parsing name relative to the desktop. Returns the editing name relative to the parent folder. Returns the editing name relative to the desktop. Returns the display name relative to the file system path. Returns the display name relative to a URL. Available Library folder types General Items Documents Music Pictures Videos Flags controlling the appearance of a window Hides the window and activates another window. Activates and displays the window (including restoring it to its original size and position). Minimizes the window. Maximizes the window. Similar to , except that the window is not activated. Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position. Minimizes the window and activates the next top-level window. Minimizes the window and does not activate it. Similar to , except that the window is not activated. Activates and displays the window, restoring it to its original size and position. Sets the show state based on the initial value specified when the process was created. Minimizes a window, even if the thread owning the window is not responding. Use this only to minimize windows from a different thread. Provides a set of flags to be used with to indicate the operation in methods. An implicit comparison between the value of the property and the value of the constant. The value of the property and the value of the constant must be equal. The value of the property and the value of the constant must not be equal. The value of the property must be less than the value of the constant. The value of the property must be greater than the value of the constant. The value of the property must be less than or equal to the value of the constant. The value of the property must be greater than or equal to the value of the constant. The value of the property must begin with the value of the constant. The value of the property must end with the value of the constant. The value of the property must contain the value of the constant. The value of the property must not contain the value of the constant. The value of the property must match the value of the constant, where '?' matches any single character and '*' matches any sequence of characters. The value of the property must contain a word that is the value of the constant. The value of the property must contain a word that begins with the value of the constant. The application is free to interpret this in any suitable way. Set of flags to be used with . Indicates that the values of the subterms are combined by "AND". Indicates that the values of the subterms are combined by "OR". Indicates a "NOT" comparison of subterms. Indicates that the node is a comparison between a property and a constant value using a . Used to describe the view mode. The view is not specified. This should have the same affect as Unspecified. The minimum valid enumeration value. Used for validation purposes only. Details view. Tiles view. Icons view. Windows 7 and later. List view. Windows 7 and later. Content view. The maximum valid enumeration value. Used for validation purposes only. The direction in which the items are sorted. A default value for sort direction, this value should not be used; instead use Descending or Ascending. The items are sorted in descending order. Whether the sort is alphabetical, numerical, and so on, is determined by the data type of the column indicated in propkey. The items are sorted in ascending order. Whether the sort is alphabetical, numerical, and so on, is determined by the data type of the column indicated in propkey. Provides a set of flags to be used with IQueryParser::SetOption and IQueryParser::GetOption to indicate individual options. The value should be VT_LPWSTR and the path to a file containing a schema binary. The value must be VT_EMPTY (the default) or a VT_UI4 that is an LCID. It is used as the locale of contents (not keywords) in the query to be searched for, when no other information is available. The default value is the current keyboard locale. Retrieving the value always returns a VT_UI4. This option is used to override the default word breaker used when identifying keywords in queries. The default word breaker is chosen according to the language of the keywords (cf. SQSO_LANGUAGE_KEYWORDS below). When setting this option, the value should be VT_EMPTY for using the default word breaker, or a VT_UNKNOWN with an object supporting the IWordBreaker interface. Retrieving the option always returns a VT_UNKNOWN with an object supporting the IWordBreaker interface. The value should be VT_EMPTY or VT_BOOL with VARIANT_TRUE to allow natural query syntax (the default) or VT_BOOL with VARIANT_FALSE to allow only advanced query syntax. Retrieving the option always returns a VT_BOOL. This option is now deprecated, use SQSO_SYNTAX. The value should be VT_BOOL with VARIANT_TRUE to generate query expressions as if each word in the query had a star appended to it (unless followed by punctuation other than a parenthesis), or VT_EMPTY or VT_BOOL with VARIANT_FALSE to use the words as they are (the default). A word-wheeling application will generally want to set this option to true. Retrieving the option always returns a VT_BOOL. Reserved. The value should be VT_EMPTY (the default) or VT_I4. Retrieving the option always returns a VT_I4. The value must be a VT_UI4 that is a LANGID. It defaults to the default user UI language. The value must be a VT_UI4 that is a STRUCTURED_QUERY_SYNTAX value. It defaults to SQS_NATURAL_QUERY_SYNTAX. The value must be a VT_BLOB that is a copy of a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. It defaults to the current time zone. This setting decides what connector should be assumed between conditions when none is specified. The value must be a VT_UI4 that is a CONDITION_TYPE. Only CT_AND_CONDITION and CT_OR_CONDITION are valid. It defaults to CT_AND_CONDITION. This setting decides whether there are special requirements on the case of connector keywords (such as AND or OR). The value must be a VT_UI4 that is a CASE_REQUIREMENT value. It defaults to CASE_REQUIREMENT_UPPER_IF_AQS. Provides a set of flags to be used with IQueryParser::SetMultiOption to indicate individual options. The key should be property name P. The value should be a VT_UNKNOWN with an IEnumVARIANT which has two values: a VT_BSTR that is another property name Q and a VT_I4 that is a CONDITION_OPERATION cop. A predicate with property name P, some operation and a value V will then be replaced by a predicate with property name Q, operation cop and value V before further processing happens. The key should be a value type name V. The value should be a VT_LPWSTR with a property name P. A predicate with no property name and a value of type V (or any subtype of V) will then use property P. The key should be a value type name V. The value should be a VT_UNKNOWN with a IConditionGenerator G. The GenerateForLeaf method of G will then be applied to any predicate with value type V and if it returns a query expression, that will be used. If it returns NULL, normal processing will be used instead. The key should be a property name P. The value should be a VT_VECTOR|VT_LPWSTR, where each string is a property name. The count must be at least one. This "map" will be added to those of the loaded schema and used during resolution. A second call with the same key will replace the current map. If the value is VT_NULL, the map will be removed. Used by IQueryParserManager::SetOption to set parsing options. This can be used to specify schemas and localization options. A VT_LPWSTR containing the name of the file that contains the schema binary. The default value is StructuredQuerySchema.bin for the SystemIndex catalog and StructuredQuerySchemaTrivial.bin for the trivial catalog. Either a VT_BOOL or a VT_LPWSTR. If the value is a VT_BOOL and is FALSE, a pre-localized schema will not be used. If the value is a VT_BOOL and is TRUE, IQueryParserManager will use the pre-localized schema binary in "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows". If the value is a VT_LPWSTR, the value should contain the full path of the folder in which the pre-localized schema binary can be found. The default value is VT_BOOL with TRUE. A VT_LPWSTR containing the full path to the folder that contains the unlocalized schema binary. The default value is "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32". A VT_LPWSTR containing the full path to the folder that contains the localized schema binary that can be read and written to as needed. The default value is "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows". A VT_BOOL. If TRUE, then the paths for pre-localized and localized binaries have "\(LCID)" appended to them, where language code identifier (LCID) is the decimal locale ID for the localized language. The default is TRUE. A VT_UNKNOWN with an object supporting ISchemaLocalizerSupport. This object will be used instead of the default localizer support object. A Shell Library in the Shell Namespace Creates a shell library in the Libraries Known Folder, using the given IKnownFolder KnownFolder from which to create the new Shell Library If true , opens the library in read-only mode. Creates a shell library in the Libraries Known Folder, using the given shell library name. The name of this library Allow overwriting an existing library; if one exists with the same name Creates a shell library in a given Known Folder, using the given shell library name. The name of this library The known folder Override an existing library with the same name Creates a shell library in a given local folder, using the given shell library name. The name of this library The path to the local folder Override an existing library with the same name The name of the library, every library must have a name Will throw if no Icon is set The Resource Reference to the icon. One of predefined Library types Will throw if no Library Type is set The Guid of the Library type Will throw if no Library Type is set By default, this folder is the first location added to the library. The default save folder is both the default folder where files can be saved, and also where the library XML file will be saved, if no other path is specified Whether the library will be pinned to the Explorer Navigation Pane Close the library, and release its associated file system resources Get a the known folder FOLDERID_Libraries Load the library using a number of options The name of the library If true, loads the library in read-only mode. A ShellLibrary Object Load the library using a number of options The name of the library. The path to the library. If true, opens the library in read-only mode. A ShellLibrary Object Load the library using a number of options IShellItem read-only flag A ShellLibrary Object Load the library using a number of options A known folder. If true, opens the library in read-only mode. A ShellLibrary Object Shows the library management dialog which enables users to mange the library folders and default save location. The name of the library The path to the library. The parent window,or IntPtr.Zero for no parent A title for the library management dialog, or null to use the library name as the title An optional help string to display for the library management dialog If true, do not show warning dialogs about locations that cannot be indexed If the library is already open in read-write mode, the dialog will not save the changes. Shows the library management dialog which enables users to mange the library folders and default save location. The name of the library The parent window,or IntPtr.Zero for no parent A title for the library management dialog, or null to use the library name as the title An optional help string to display for the library management dialog If true, do not show warning dialogs about locations that cannot be indexed If the library is already open in read-write mode, the dialog will not save the changes. Shows the library management dialog which enables users to mange the library folders and default save location. A known folder. The parent window,or IntPtr.Zero for no parent A title for the library management dialog, or null to use the library name as the title An optional help string to display for the library management dialog If true, do not show warning dialogs about locations that cannot be indexed If the library is already open in read-write mode, the dialog will not save the changes. Add a new FileSystemFolder or SearchConnector The folder to add to the library. Add an existing folder to this library The path to the folder to be added to the library. Clear all items of this Library Remove a folder or search connector The item to remove. true if the item was removed. Remove a folder or search connector The path of the item to remove. true if the item was removed. Release resources Indicates that this was called from Dispose(), rather than from the finalizer. Release resources Retrieves the collection enumerator. The enumerator. Retrieves the collection enumerator. The enumerator. Determines if an item with the specified path exists in the collection. The path of the item. true if the item exists in the collection. Determines if a folder exists in the collection. The folder. true, if the folder exists in the collection. Searches for the specified FileSystemFolder and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within Library list. The item to search for. The index of the item in the collection, or -1 if the item does not exist. Inserts a FileSystemFolder at the specified index. The index to insert at. The FileSystemFolder to insert. Removes an item at the specified index. The index to remove. Retrieves the folder at the specified index The index of the folder to retrieve. A folder. Copies the collection to an array. The array to copy to. The index in the array at which to start the copy. The count of the items in the list. Indicates whether this list is read-only or not. Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. The base class for all Shell objects in Shell Namespace. Creates a ShellObject subclass given a parsing name. For file system items, this method will only accept absolute paths. The parsing name of the object. A newly constructed ShellObject object. Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. Internal member to keep track of the native IShellItem2 Parsing name for this Object e.g. c:\Windows\file.txt, or ::{Some Guid} A friendly name for this object that' suitable for display PID List (PIDL) for this object Return the native ShellFolder object as newer IShellItem2 If the native object cannot be created. The ErrorCode member will contain the external error code. Return the native ShellFolder object Gets access to the native IPropertyStore (if one is already created for this item and still valid. This is usually done by the ShellPropertyWriter class. The reference will be set to null when the writer has been closed/commited). Updates the native shell item that maps to this shell object. This is necessary when the shell item changes after the shell object has been created. Without this method call, the retrieval of properties will return stale data. Bind context object Gets an object that allows the manipulation of ShellProperties for this shell item. Gets the parsing name for this ShellItem. Gets the normal display for this ShellItem. Gets the PID List (PIDL) for this ShellItem. Overrides object.ToString() A string representation of the object. Returns the display name of the ShellFolder object. DisplayNameType represents one of the values that indicates how the name should look. See for a list of possible values. A disaply name type. A string. Gets a value that determines if this ShellObject is a link or shortcut. Gets a value that determines if this ShellObject is a file system object. Gets the thumbnail of the ShellObject. Gets the parent ShellObject. Returns null if the object has no parent, i.e. if this object is the Desktop folder. Release the native and managed objects Indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Release the native objects. Implement the finalizer. Returns the hash code of the object. Determines if two ShellObjects are identical. The ShellObject to comare this one to. True if the ShellObjects are equal, false otherwise. Returns whether this object is equal to another. The object to compare against. Equality result. Implements the == (equality) operator. First object to compare. Second object to compare. True if leftShellObject equals rightShellObject; false otherwise. Implements the != (inequality) operator. First object to compare. Second object to compare. True if leftShellObject does not equal leftShellObject; false otherwise. Internal class that contains interop declarations for functions that are considered benign but that are performance critical. Functions that are benign but not performance critical should be located in the NativeMethods class. Represents a registered file system Known Folder Gets the path for this known folder. A object. Gets the category designation for this known folder. A value. Gets this known folder's canonical name. A object. Gets this known folder's description. A object. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's parent folder. A value. Gets this known folder's relative path. A object. Gets this known folder's parsing name. A object. Gets this known folder's tool tip text. A object. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's tool tip text. A object. Gets this known folder's localized name. A object. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's localized name. A object. Gets this known folder's security attributes. A object. Gets this known folder's file attributes, such as "read-only". A value. Gets an value that describes this known folder's behaviors. A value. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's type. A value. Gets a string representation of this known folder's type. A object. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder. A value. Gets a value that indicates whether this known folder's path exists on the computer. A bool value. If this property value is false, the folder might be a virtual folder ( property will be for virtual folders) Gets a value that states whether this known folder can have its path set to a new value, including any restrictions on the redirection. A value. Release resources Indicates that this mothod is being called from Dispose() rather than the finalizer. Represents a non filesystem item (e.g. virtual items inside Control Panel) Represents a Non FileSystem folder (e.g. My Computer, Control Panel) Represents a registered non file system Known Folder Gets the path for this known folder. A object. Gets the category designation for this known folder. A value. Gets this known folder's canonical name. A object. Gets this known folder's description. A object. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's parent folder. A value. Gets this known folder's relative path. A object. Gets this known folder's parsing name. A object. Gets this known folder's tool tip text. A object. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's tool tip text. A object. Gets this known folder's localized name. A object. Gets the resource identifier for this known folder's localized name. A object. Gets this known folder's security attributes. A object. Gets this known folder's file attributes, such as "read-only". A value. Gets an value that describes this known folder's behaviors. A value. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder's type. A value. Gets a string representation of this known folder's type. A object. Gets the unique identifier for this known folder. A value. Gets a value that indicates whether this known folder's path exists on the computer. A bool value. If this property value is false, the folder might be a virtual folder ( property will be for virtual folders) Gets a value that states whether this known folder can have its path set to a new value, including any restrictions on the redirection. A value. Release resources Indicates that this mothod is being called from Dispose() rather than the finalizer. Represents the different retrieval options for the thumbnail or icon, such as extracting the thumbnail or icon from a file, from the cache only, or from memory only. The default behavior loads a thumbnail. If there is no thumbnail for the current ShellItem, the icon is retrieved. The thumbnail or icon is extracted if it is not currently cached. The CacheOnly behavior returns a cached thumbnail if it is available. Allows access to the disk, but only to retrieve a cached item. If no cached thumbnail is available, a cached per-instance icon is returned but a thumbnail or icon is not extracted. The MemoryOnly behavior returns the item only if it is in memory. The disk is not accessed even if the item is cached. Note that this only returns an already-cached icon and can fall back to a per-class icon if an item has a per-instance icon that has not been cached yet. Retrieving a thumbnail, even if it is cached, always requires the disk to be accessed, so this method should not be called from the user interface (UI) thread without passing ShellThumbnailCacheOptions.MemoryOnly. Represents the format options for the thumbnails and icons. The default behavior loads a thumbnail. An HBITMAP for the icon of the item is retrieved if there is no thumbnail for the current Shell Item. The ThumbnailOnly behavior returns only the thumbnails, never the icon. Note that not all items have thumbnails so ShellThumbnailFormatOption.ThumbnailOnly can fail in these cases. The IconOnly behavior returns only the icon, never the thumbnail. Represents the base class for all search-related classes. Represents the base class for all types of Shell "containers". Any class deriving from this class can contain other ShellObjects (e.g. ShellFolder, FileSystemKnownFolder, ShellLibrary, etc) Release resources True indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Enumerates through contents of the ShellObjectContainer Enumerated contents Represents a link to existing FileSystem or Virtual item. Path for this file e.g. c:\Windows\file.txt, The path for this link Gets the location to which this link points to. Gets the ShellObject to which this link points to. Gets or sets the link's title Gets the arguments associated with this link. Gets the comments associated with this link. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to AddToMostRecentlyUsedList cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to AlwaysAppendDefaultExtension cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to Index was outside the bounds of the CommonFileDialogComboBox.. Looks up a localized string similar to File name not available - dialog was canceled.. Looks up a localized string similar to Shell item could not be created.. Looks up a localized string similar to Handle provided cannot be IntPtr.Zero.. Looks up a localized string similar to Multiple files selected - the FileNames property should be used instead.. Looks up a localized string similar to Multiple files selected - the Items property should be used instead.. Looks up a localized string similar to File name not available - dialog has not closed yet.. Looks up a localized string similar to Common File Dialog requires Windows Vista or later.. Looks up a localized string similar to Office Files. Looks up a localized string similar to All Picture Files. Looks up a localized string similar to Text Files. Looks up a localized string similar to CreatePrompt cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to Custom controls cannot be removed from a File dialog once added.. Looks up a localized string similar to Control name cannot be null or zero length.. Looks up a localized string similar to CommonFileDialogMenuItem controls can only be added to CommonFileDialogMenu controls.. Looks up a localized string similar to Modifying controls collection while dialog is showing is not supported.. Looks up a localized string similar to Dialog cannot have more than one control with the same name.. Looks up a localized string similar to Dialog control must be removed from current collections first.. Looks up a localized string similar to EnsureFileExists cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to EnsurePathExists cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to EnsureReadOnly cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to EnsureValidNames cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to Browsing to object failed.. Looks up a localized string similar to ExplorerBrowser failed to get current view.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to get icon size.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unexpected error retrieving item count.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unexpected error retrieving selected item count.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unexpected error retrieving selection.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unexpected error retrieving view items.. Looks up a localized string similar to The given path does not exist ({0}). Looks up a localized string similar to Guid does not identify a known folder.. Looks up a localized string similar to ControlPanel Category. Looks up a localized string similar to ControlPanel Classic. Looks up a localized string similar to Communications. Looks up a localized string similar to Compressed Folder. Looks up a localized string similar to Contacts. Looks up a localized string similar to Documents. Looks up a localized string similar to Games. Looks up a localized string similar to Generic Library. Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid. Looks up a localized string similar to Library. Looks up a localized string similar to Music. Looks up a localized string similar to Music Icons. Looks up a localized string similar to Network Explorer. Looks up a localized string similar to Not Specified. Looks up a localized string similar to Open Search. Looks up a localized string similar to Other Users. Looks up a localized string similar to Pictures. Looks up a localized string similar to Printers. Looks up a localized string similar to RecordedTV. Looks up a localized string similar to RecycleBin. Looks up a localized string similar to Saved Games. Looks up a localized string similar to Search Connector. Looks up a localized string similar to Searches. Looks up a localized string similar to Generic SearchResults. Looks up a localized string similar to Software Explorer. Looks up a localized string similar to User Files. Looks up a localized string similar to Users Libraries. Looks up a localized string similar to Videos. Looks up a localized string similar to IsExpandedMode cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to Custom categories cannot be added while recent documents tracking is turned off.. Looks up a localized string similar to The file type is not registered with this application.. Looks up a localized string similar to JumpListLink's path is required and cannot be null.. Looks up a localized string similar to JumpListLink's title is required and cannot be null.. Looks up a localized string similar to Negative numbers are not allowed for the ordinal position.. Looks up a localized string similar to Given Known Folder ID is invalid.. Looks up a localized string similar to Parsing name is invalid.. Looks up a localized string similar to Creation of window has failed, view inner exception for details.. Looks up a localized string similar to Window class could not be registered, check inner exception for more details.. Looks up a localized string similar to Message filter registration failed.. Looks up a localized string similar to No listener handled of that value is registered.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot create window on the listener thread because there is no existing window on the listener thread.. Looks up a localized string similar to NavigateToShortcut cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to Parent cannot be null.. Looks up a localized string similar to The method or operation is not implemented.. Looks up a localized string similar to OverwritePrompt cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to This CanonicalName is not a valid index.. Looks up a localized string similar to This PropertyKey is not a valid index.. Looks up a localized string similar to Argument CanonicalName cannot be null or empty.. Looks up a localized string similar to Index was outside the bounds of the CommonFileDialogRadioButtonList.. Looks up a localized string similar to RestoreDirectory cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to Retrieved a null shell item from dialog.. Looks up a localized string similar to Given property key is invalid.. Looks up a localized string similar to Shell Exception has occurred, look at inner exception for information.. Looks up a localized string similar to GetParsingName has failed.. Looks up a localized string similar to The given CanonicalName is not valid.. Looks up a localized string similar to DefaultSaveFolder path not found.. Looks up a localized string similar to LibraryName cannot be empty.. Looks up a localized string similar to Folder path not found.. Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid FolderType Guid.. Looks up a localized string similar to The given known folder is not a valid library.. Looks up a localized string similar to Can't get the display name.. Looks up a localized string similar to Destination array too small, or invalid arrayIndex.. Looks up a localized string similar to Must have at least one shell object in the collection.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot insert items into a read only list.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot remove items from a read only list.. Looks up a localized string similar to Shell item could not be created.. Looks up a localized string similar to Shell Object creation requires Windows Vista or higher operating system.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to Create Shell Item.. Looks up a localized string similar to Registration for change notification has failed.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to change watched events while listening.. Looks up a localized string similar to The value on this property cannot be set. To set the property value, use the ShellObject that is associated with this property.. Looks up a localized string similar to No constructor found matching requested argument types.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to set property.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to get writable property store for this property.. Looks up a localized string similar to A value had to be truncated in a string or rounded if a numeric value. Set AllowTruncatedValue to true to prevent this exception.. Looks up a localized string similar to This Property is available on Windows 7 only.. Looks up a localized string similar to This property only accepts a value of type \"{0}\".. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to set list of sort columns.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to set visible columns.. Looks up a localized string similar to CurrentSize (width or height) cannot be greater than the maximum size: {0}.. Looks up a localized string similar to The current ShellObject does not have a thumbnail. Try using ShellThumbnailFormatOption.Default to get the icon for this item.. Looks up a localized string similar to The current ShellObject does not have a valid thumbnail handler or there was a problem in extracting the thumbnail for this specific shell object.. Looks up a localized string similar to CurrentSize (width or height) cannot be 0.. Looks up a localized string similar to ShowHiddenItems cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to Show places list cannot be changed while dialog is showing.. Looks up a localized string similar to The Stock Icon identifier given is invalid ({0}).. Looks up a localized string similar to Child control's window handle cannot be zero.. Looks up a localized string similar to Parent window handle cannot be zero.. Looks up a localized string similar to TabbedThumbnailProxyWindow has not been set.. Looks up a localized string similar to A valid active Window is needed to update the Taskbar.. Looks up a localized string similar to The array of buttons must contain at least 1 item.. Looks up a localized string similar to Tool bar buttons for this window are already added. Please refer to the Remarks section of the AddButtons method for more information on updating the properties or hiding existing buttons.. Looks up a localized string similar to Value is already set. It cannot be set more than once.. Looks up a localized string similar to The given control has not been added to the taskbar.. Looks up a localized string similar to Window handle is invalid.. Looks up a localized string similar to This preview has already been added.. Looks up a localized string similar to The given preview has not been added to the taskbar.. Looks up a localized string similar to Maximum number of buttons allowed is 7.. Looks up a localized string similar to Null or empty arrays are not allowed.. Encapsulates the data about a window message Received windows message. The result of registering with the MessageListenerFilter Gets the window handle to which the callback was registered. Gets the message for which the callback was registered. Base class for the Event Args for change notifications raised by . The type of the change that happened to the ShellObject True if the event was raised as a result of a system interrupt. The data that describes a ShellObject event with a single path parameter The path of the shell object The data that describes a ShellObject renamed event The new path of the shell object The data that describes a SystemImageUpdated event. Gets the index of the system image that has been updated. Listens for changes in/on a ShellObject and raises events when they occur. This class supports all items under the shell namespace including files, folders and virtual folders (libraries, search results and network items), etc. Creates the ShellObjectWatcher for the given ShellObject The ShellObject to monitor Whether to listen for changes recursively (for when monitoring a container) Gets whether the watcher is currently running. Start the watcher and begin receiving change notifications. If the watcher is running, has no effect. Registration for notifications should be done before this is called. Stop the watcher and prevent further notifications from being received. If the watcher is not running, this has no effect. Processes all change notifications sent by the Windows Shell. The windows message representing the notification event Raised when any event occurs. Raised when global events occur. Raised when disk events occur. Raised when an item is renamed. Raised when an item is created. Raised when an item is deleted. Raised when an item is updated. Raised when a directory is updated. Raised when a directory is renamed. Raised when a directory is created. Raised when a directory is deleted. Raised when media is inserted. Raised when media is removed. Raised when a drive is added. Raised when a drive is removed. Raised when a folder is shared on a network. Raised when a folder is unshared from the network. Raised when a server is disconnected. Raised when a system image is changed. Raised when free space changes. Raised when a file type association changes. Disposes ShellObjectWatcher Disposes ShellObjectWatcher. Finalizer for ShellObjectWatcher Describes the event that has occurred. Typically, only one event is specified at a time. If more than one event is specified, the values contained in the dwItem1 and dwItem2 parameters must be the same, respectively, for all specified events. This parameter can be one or more of the following values: None The name of a nonfolder item has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the previous PIDL or name of the item. dwItem2 contains the new PIDL or name of the item. A nonfolder item has been created. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that was created. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A nonfolder item has been deleted. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that was deleted. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A folder has been created. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that was created. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A folder has been removed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. Storage media has been inserted into a drive. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that contains the new media. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. Storage media has been removed from a drive. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive from which the media was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A drive has been removed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A drive has been added. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that was added. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A folder on the local computer is being shared via the network. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that is being shared. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A folder on the local computer is no longer being shared via the network. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that is no longer being shared. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. The attributes of an item or folder have changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item or folder that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. The contents of an existing folder have changed, but the folder still exists and has not been renamed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. If a folder has been created, deleted, or renamed, use SHCNE_MKDIR, SHCNE_RMDIR, or SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER, respectively. An existing item (a folder or a nonfolder) has changed, but the item still exists and has not been renamed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. If a nonfolder item has been created, deleted, or renamed, use SHCNE_CREATE, SHCNE_DELETE, or SHCNE_RENAMEITEM, respectively, instead. The computer has disconnected from a server. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the server from which the computer was disconnected. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. An image in the system image list has changed. SHCNF_DWORD must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 is not used and should be NULL. dwItem2 contains the index in the system image list that has changed. //verify this is not opposite? The name of a folder has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the previous PIDL or name of the folder. dwItem2 contains the new PIDL or name of the folder. The amount of free space on a drive has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive on which the free space changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. A file type association has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST must be specified in the uFlags parameter. dwItem1 and dwItem2 are not used and must be NULL. Specifies a combination of all of the disk event identifiers. Specifies a combination of all of the global event identifiers. All events have occurred. The specified event occurred as a result of a system interrupt. As this value modifies other event values, it cannot be used alone. Represents a standard system icon. Creates a new StockIcon instance with the specified identifer, default size and no link overlay or selected states. A value that identifies the icon represented by this instance. Creates a new StockIcon instance with the specified identifer and options. A value that identifies the icon represented by this instance. A value that indicates the size of the stock icon. A bool value that indicates whether the icon has a link overlay. A bool value that indicates whether the icon is in a selected state. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the icon appears selected. A value. Gets or sets a value that cotrols whether to put a link overlay on the icon. A value. Gets or sets a value that controls the size of the Stock Icon. A value. Gets or sets the Stock Icon identifier associated with this icon. Gets the icon image in format. Gets the icon image in format. Gets the icon image in format. Release the native and managed objects Indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Release the native objects Specifies options for the size of the stock icon. Retrieve the small version of the icon, as specified by SM_CXSMICON and SM_CYSMICON system metrics. Retrieve the large version of the icon, as specified by SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON system metrics. Retrieve the shell-sized icons (instead of the size specified by the system metrics). Provides values used to specify which standard icon to retrieve. Icon for a document (blank page), no associated program. Icon for a document with an associated program. Icon for a generic application with no custom icon. Icon for a closed folder. Icon for an open folder. Icon for a 5.25" floppy disk drive. Icon for a 3.5" floppy disk drive. Icon for a removable drive. Icon for a fixed (hard disk) drive. Icon for a network drive. Icon for a disconnected network drive. Icon for a CD drive. Icon for a RAM disk drive. Icon for an entire network. Icon for a computer on the network. Icon for a printer. Icon for My Network places. Icon for search (magnifying glass). Icon for help. Icon for an overlay indicating shared items. Icon for an overlay indicating shortcuts to items. Icon for an overlay for slow items. Icon for a empty recycle bin. Icon for a full recycle bin. Icon for audio CD media. Icon for a security lock. Icon for a auto list. Icon for a network printer. Icon for a server share. Icon for a Fax printer. Icon for a networked Fax printer. Icon for print to file. Icon for a stack. Icon for a SVCD media. Icon for a folder containing other items. Icon for an unknown drive. Icon for a DVD drive. Icon for DVD media. Icon for DVD-RAM media. Icon for DVD-RW media. Icon for DVD-R media. Icon for a DVD-ROM media. Icon for CD+ (Enhanced CD) media. Icon for CD-RW media. Icon for a CD-R media. Icon burning a CD. Icon for blank CD media. Icon for CD-ROM media. Icon for audio files. Icon for image files. Icon for video files. Icon for mixed Files. Icon for a folder back. Icon for a folder front. Icon for a security shield. Use for UAC prompts only. Icon for a warning. Icon for an informational message. Icon for an error message. Icon for a key. Icon for software. Icon for a rename. Icon for delete. Icon for audio DVD media. Icon for movie DVD media. Icon for enhanced CD media. Icon for enhanced DVD media. Icon for HD-DVD media. Icon for BluRay media. Icon for VCD media. Icon for DVD+R media. Icon for DVD+RW media. Icon for desktop computer. Icon for mobile computer (laptop/notebook). Icon for users. Icon for smart media. Icon for compact flash. Icon for a cell phone. Icon for a camera. Icon for video camera. Icon for audio player. Icon for connecting to network. Icon for the Internet. Icon for a ZIP file. Icon for settings. HDDVD Drive (all types) Icon for BluRay Drive (all types) Icon for HDDVD-ROM Media Icon for HDDVD-R Media Icon for HDDVD-RAM Media Icon for BluRay ROM Media Icon for BluRay R Media Icon for BluRay RE Media (Rewriable and RAM) Icon for Clustered disk Collection of all the standard system stock icons Creates a stock icon collection using the default options for size, link overlay and selection state. Overloaded constructor that takes in size and Boolean values for link overlay and selected icon state. The settings are applied to all the stock icons in the collection. StockIcon size for all the icons in the collection. Link Overlay state for all the icons in the collection. Selection state for all the icons in the collection. Gets the default stock icon size in one of the StockIconSize values. This size applies to all the stock icons in the collection. Gets the default link overlay state for the icon. This property applies to all the stock icons in the collection. Gets the default selected state for the icon. This property applies to all the stock icons in the collection. Gets a collection of all the system stock icons Icon for a document (blank page), no associated program. Icon for a document with an associated program. Icon for a generic application with no custom icon. Icon for a closed folder. Icon for an open folder. Icon for a 5.25" floppy disk drive. Icon for a 3.5" floppy disk drive. Icon for a removable drive. Icon for a fixed (hard disk) drive. Icon for a network drive. Icon for a disconnected network drive. Icon for a CD drive. Icon for a RAM disk drive. Icon for an entire network. Icon for a computer on the network. Icon for a printer. Icon for My Network places. Icon for search (magnifying glass). Icon for help. Icon for an overlay indicating shared items. Icon for an overlay indicating shortcuts to items. Icon for an overlay for slow items. Icon for a empty recycle bin. Icon for a full recycle bin. Icon for audio CD media. Icon for a security lock. Icon for a auto list. Icon for a network printer. Icon for a server share. Icon for a Fax printer. Icon for a networked Fax printer. Icon for print to file. Icon for a stack. Icon for a SVCD media. Icon for a folder containing other items. Icon for an unknown drive. Icon for a DVD drive. Icon for DVD media. Icon for DVD-RAM media. Icon for DVD-RW media. Icon for DVD-R media. Icon for a DVD-ROM media. Icon for CD+ (Enhanced CD) media. Icon for CD-RW media. Icon for a CD-R media. Icon burning a CD. Icon for blank CD media. Icon for CD-ROM media. Icon for audio files. Icon for image files. Icon for video files. Icon for mixed Files. Icon for a folder back. Icon for a folder front. Icon for a security shield. Use for UAC prompts only. Icon for a warning. Icon for an informational message. Icon for an error message. Icon for a key. Icon for software. Icon for a rename. Icon for delete. Icon for audio DVD media. Icon for movie DVD media. Icon for enhanced CD media. Icon for enhanced DVD media. Icon for HD-DVD media. Icon for BluRay media. Icon for VCD media. Icon for DVD+R media. Icon for DVD+RW media. Icon for desktop computer. Icon for mobile computer (laptop/notebook). Icon for users. Icon for smart media. Icon for compact flash. Icon for a cell phone. Icon for a camera. Icon for video camera. Icon for audio player. Icon for connecting to network. Icon for the Internet. Icon for a ZIP file. Icon for settings. HDDVD Drive (all types) Icon for BluRay Drive (all types) Icon for HDDVD-ROM Media Icon for HDDVD-R Media Icon for HDDVD-RAM Media Icon for BluRay ROM Media Icon for BluRay R Media Icon for BluRay RE Media (Rewriable and RAM) Icon for Clustered disk Returns the existing stock icon from the internal cache, or creates a new one based on the current settings if it's not in the cache. Unique identifier for the requested stock icon Stock Icon based on the identifier given (either from the cache or created new) Indicate flags that modify the property store object retrieved by methods that create a property store, such as IShellItem2::GetPropertyStore or IPropertyStoreFactory::GetPropertyStore. Meaning to a calling process: Return a read-only property store that contains all properties. Slow items (offline files) are not opened. Combination with other flags: Can be overridden by other flags. Meaning to a calling process: Include only properties directly from the property handler, which opens the file on the disk, network, or device. Meaning to a file folder: Only include properties directly from the handler. Meaning to other folders: When delegating to a file folder, pass this flag on to the file folder; do not do any multiplexing (MUX). When not delegating to a file folder, ignore this flag instead of returning a failure code. Combination with other flags: Cannot be combined with GPS_TEMPORARY, GPS_FASTPROPERTIESONLY, or GPS_BESTEFFORT. Meaning to a calling process: Can write properties to the item. Note: The store may contain fewer properties than a read-only store. Meaning to a file folder: ReadWrite. Meaning to other folders: ReadWrite. Note: When using default MUX, return a single unmultiplexed store because the default MUX does not support ReadWrite. Combination with other flags: Cannot be combined with GPS_TEMPORARY, GPS_FASTPROPERTIESONLY, GPS_BESTEFFORT, or GPS_DELAYCREATION. Implies GPS_HANDLERPROPERTIESONLY. Meaning to a calling process: Provides a writable store, with no initial properties, that exists for the lifetime of the Shell item instance; basically, a property bag attached to the item instance. Meaning to a file folder: Not applicable. Handled by the Shell item. Meaning to other folders: Not applicable. Handled by the Shell item. Combination with other flags: Cannot be combined with any other flag. Implies GPS_READWRITE Meaning to a calling process: Provides a store that does not involve reading from the disk or network. Note: Some values may be different, or missing, compared to a store without this flag. Meaning to a file folder: Include the "innate" and "fallback" stores only. Do not load the handler. Meaning to other folders: Include only properties that are available in memory or can be computed very quickly (no properties from disk, network, or peripheral IO devices). This is normally only data sources from the IDLIST. When delegating to other folders, pass this flag on to them. Combination with other flags: Cannot be combined with GPS_TEMPORARY, GPS_READWRITE, GPS_HANDLERPROPERTIESONLY, or GPS_DELAYCREATION. Meaning to a calling process: Open a slow item (offline file) if necessary. Meaning to a file folder: Retrieve a file from offline storage, if necessary. Note: Without this flag, the handler is not created for offline files. Meaning to other folders: Do not return any properties that are very slow. Combination with other flags: Cannot be combined with GPS_TEMPORARY or GPS_FASTPROPERTIESONLY. Meaning to a calling process: Delay memory-intensive operations, such as file access, until a property is requested that requires such access. Meaning to a file folder: Do not create the handler until needed; for example, either GetCount/GetAt or GetValue, where the innate store does not satisfy the request. Note: GetValue might fail due to file access problems. Meaning to other folders: If the folder has memory-intensive properties, such as delegating to a file folder or network access, it can optimize performance by supporting IDelayedPropertyStoreFactory and splitting up its properties into a fast and a slow store. It can then use delayed MUX to recombine them. Combination with other flags: Cannot be combined with GPS_TEMPORARY or GPS_READWRITE Meaning to a calling process: Succeed at getting the store, even if some properties are not returned. Note: Some values may be different, or missing, compared to a store without this flag. Meaning to a file folder: Succeed and return a store, even if the handler or innate store has an error during creation. Only fail if substores fail. Meaning to other folders: Succeed on getting the store, even if some properties are not returned. Combination with other flags: Cannot be combined with GPS_TEMPORARY, GPS_READWRITE, or GPS_HANDLERPROPERTIESONLY. Mask for valid GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS values. The specified items can be copied. The specified items can be moved. Shortcuts can be created for the specified items. This flag has the same value as DROPEFFECT. The normal use of this flag is to add a Create Shortcut item to the shortcut menu that is displayed during drag-and-drop operations. However, SFGAO_CANLINK also adds a Create Shortcut item to the Microsoft Windows Explorer's File menu and to normal shortcut menus. If this item is selected, your application's IContextMenu::InvokeCommand is invoked with the lpVerb member of the CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO structure set to "link." Your application is responsible for creating the link. The specified items can be bound to an IStorage interface through IShellFolder::BindToObject. The specified items can be renamed. The specified items can be deleted. The specified items have property sheets. The specified items are drop targets. This flag is a mask for the capability flags. Windows 7 and later. The specified items are system items. The specified items are encrypted. Indicates that accessing the object = through IStream or other storage interfaces, is a slow operation. Applications should avoid accessing items flagged with SFGAO_ISSLOW. The specified items are ghosted icons. The specified items are shortcuts. The specified folder objects are shared. The specified items are read-only. In the case of folders, this means that new items cannot be created in those folders. The item is hidden and should not be displayed unless the Show hidden files and folders option is enabled in Folder Settings. This flag is a mask for the display attributes. The specified folders contain one or more file system folders. The specified items are folders. The specified folders or file objects are part of the file system that is, they are files, directories, or root directories). The specified folders have subfolders = and are, therefore, expandable in the left pane of Windows Explorer). This flag is a mask for the contents attributes. When specified as input, SFGAO_VALIDATE instructs the folder to validate that the items pointed to by the contents of apidl exist. If one or more of those items do not exist, IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf returns a failure code. When used with the file system folder, SFGAO_VALIDATE instructs the folder to discard cached properties retrieved by clients of IShellFolder2::GetDetailsEx that may have accumulated for the specified items. The specified items are on removable media or are themselves removable devices. The specified items are compressed. The specified items can be browsed in place. The items are nonenumerated items. The objects contain new content. It is possible to create monikers for the specified file objects or folders. Not supported. Indicates that the item has a stream associated with it that can be accessed by a call to IShellFolder::BindToObject with IID_IStream in the riid parameter. Children of this item are accessible through IStream or IStorage. Those children are flagged with SFGAO_STORAGE or SFGAO_STREAM. This flag is a mask for the storage capability attributes. Mask used by PKEY_SFGAOFlags to remove certain values that are considered to cause slow calculations or lack context. Equal to SFGAO_VALIDATE | SFGAO_ISSLOW | SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER. Represents a saved search Implements a CommandLink button that can be used in WinForms user interfaces. Gets a System.Windows.Forms.CreateParams on the base class when creating a window. Creates a new instance of this class. Increase default width. Specifies the supporting note text Enable shield icon to be set at design-time. Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. This class is a wrapper around the Windows Explorer Browser control. Options that control how the ExplorerBrowser navigates Options that control how the content of the ExplorerBorwser looks The set of ShellObjects in the Explorer Browser The set of selected ShellObjects in the Explorer Browser Contains the navigation history of the ExplorerBrowser The name of the property bag used to persist changes to the ExplorerBrowser's view state. Clears the Explorer Browser of existing content, fills it with content from the specified container, and adds a new point to the Travel Log. The shell container to navigate to. Will throw if navigation fails for any other reason. Navigates within the navigation log. This does not change the set of locations in the navigation log. Forward of Backward True if the navigation succeeded, false if it failed for any reason. Navigate within the navigation log. This does not change the set of locations in the navigation log. An index into the navigation logs Locations collection. True if the navigation succeeded, false if it failed for any reason. Fires when the SelectedItems collection changes. Fires when the Items colection changes. Fires when a navigation has been initiated, but is not yet complete. Fires when a navigation has been 'completed': no NavigationPending listener has cancelled, and the ExplorerBorwser has created a new view. The view will be populated with new items asynchronously, and ItemsChanged will be fired to reflect this some time later. Fires when either a NavigationPending listener cancels the navigation, or if the operating system determines that navigation is not possible. Fires when the ExplorerBorwser view has finished enumerating files. Fires when the item selected in the view has changed (i.e., a rename ). This is not the same as SelectionChanged. Initializes the ExplorerBorwser WinForms wrapper. Displays a placeholder for the explorer browser in design mode Contains information about the paint event. Creates and initializes the native ExplorerBrowser control Sizes the native control to match the WinForms control wrapper. Contains information about the size changed event. Cleans up the explorer browser events+object when the window is being taken down. An EventArgs that contains event data. calling service requested interface guid caller-allocated memory for interface pointer Controls the visibility of the explorer borwser panes a guid identifying the pane the pane state desired Returns the current view mode of the browser Gets the IFolderView2 interface from the explorer browser. Gets the selected items in the explorer browser as an IShellItemArray Gets the items in the ExplorerBrowser as an IShellItemArray Implements a CommandLink button that can be used in WPF user interfaces. CommandLink Creates a new instance of this class. Routed UI command to use for this button Occurs when the control is clicked. Specifies the main instruction text Specifies the supporting note text Icon to set for the command link button Indicates if the button is in a checked state Occurs when a property value changes. Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. InitializeComponent Interaction logic for ExplorerBrowser.xaml ExplorerBrowser The underlying WinForms control Hosts the ExplorerBrowser WinForms wrapper in this control To avoid the 'Dispatcher processing has been suspended' InvalidOperationException on Win7, the ExplorerBorwser native control is initialized after this control is fully loaded. Map changes to the CLR flags to the dependency properties Synchronize NavigationLog collection to dependency collection Synchronize SelectedItems collection to dependency collection The items in the ExplorerBrowser window The items in the ExplorerBrowser window The selected items in the ExplorerBrowser window The selected items in the ExplorerBrowser window The NavigationLog The selected items in the ExplorerBrowser window The location the explorer browser is navigating to The DependencyProperty for the NavigationTarget property The view should be left-aligned. Automatically arrange the elements in the view. Turns on check mode for the view When the view is in "tile view mode" the layout of a single item should be extended to the width of the view. When an item is selected, the item and all its sub-items are highlighted. The view should not display file names The view should not save view state in the browser. Do not display a column header in the view in any view mode. Only show the column header in details view mode. The view should not display icons. Do not show subfolders. Navigate with a single click Do not allow more than a single item to be selected. The size of the thumbnails in the explorer browser The various view modes of the explorer browser control Always navigate, even if you are attempting to navigate to the current folder. Do not navigate further than the initial navigation. Show/Hide the AdvancedQuery pane on subsequent navigation Show/Hide the Commands pane on subsequent navigation Show/Hide the Organize menu in the Commands pane on subsequent navigation Show/Hide the View menu in the Commands pane on subsequent navigation Show/Hide the Details pane on subsequent navigation Show/Hide the Navigation pane on subsequent navigation Show/Hide the Preview pane on subsequent navigation Show/Hide the Query pane on subsequent navigation Navigation log index Disposes the class Disposes the browser. InitializeComponent An exception thrown when an error occurs while dealing with Control objects. Default constructor. Initializes an excpetion with a custom message. Initializes an exception with custom message and inner exception. Initializes an exception with custom message and error code. Initializes an exception with custom message and error code. Initializes an exception from serialization info and a context. These options control how the content of the Explorer Browser is rendered. The viewing mode of the Explorer Browser The binary representation of the ExplorerBrowser content flags The view should be left-aligned. Automatically arrange the elements in the view. Turns on check mode for the view When the view is in "tile view mode" the layout of a single item should be extended to the width of the view. When an item is selected, the item and all its sub-items are highlighted. The view should not display file names The view should not save view state in the browser. Do not display a column header in the view in any view mode. Only show the column header in details view mode. The view should not display icons. Do not show subfolders. Navigate with a single click Do not allow more than a single item to be selected. The size of the thumbnails in pixels Event argument for The NavigationPending event The location being navigated to Set to 'True' to cancel the navigation. Event argument for The NavigationComplete event The new location of the explorer browser Event argument for the NavigatinoFailed event The location the the browser would have navigated to. The navigation log is a history of the locations visited by the explorer browser. Clears the contents of the navigation log. Indicates the presence of locations in the log that can be reached by calling Navigate(Forward) Indicates the presence of locations in the log that can be reached by calling Navigate(Backward) The navigation log An index into the Locations collection. The ShellObject pointed to by this index is the current location of the ExplorerBrowser. Gets the shell object in the Locations collection pointed to by CurrentLocationIndex. Fires when the navigation log changes or the current navigation position changes The pending navigation log action. null if the user is not navigating via the navigation log. The index into the Locations collection. -1 if the Locations colleciton is empty. A navigation traversal request Indicates the viewing mode of the explorer browser Choose the best view mode for the folder (New for Windows7) Object names and other selected information, such as the size or date last updated, are shown. The view should display medium-size icons. Object names are displayed in a list view. The view should display small icons. The view should display thumbnail icons. The view should display icons in a filmstrip format. The view should display large icons. Specifies the options that control subsequent navigation. Typically use one, or a bitwise combination of these flags to specify how the explorer browser navigates. Always navigate, even if you are attempting to navigate to the current folder. Do not navigate further than the initial navigation. Indicates the content options of the explorer browser. Typically use one, or a bitwise combination of these flags to specify how conent should appear in the explorer browser control No options. The view should be left-aligned. Automatically arrange the elements in the view. Turns on check mode for the view When the view is set to "Tile" the layout of a single item should be extended to the width of the view. When an item is selected, the item and all its sub-items are highlighted. The view should not display file names The view should not save view state in the browser. Do not display a column header in the view in any view mode. Only show the column header in details view mode. The view should not display icons. Do not show subfolders. Navigate with a single click Do not allow more than a single item to be selected. Indicates the visibility state of an ExplorerBrowser pane Allow the explorer browser to determine if this pane is displayed. Hide the pane Show the pane Controls the visibility of the various ExplorerBrowser panes on subsequent navigation The pane on the left side of the Windows Explorer window that hosts the folders tree and Favorites. Commands module along the top of the Windows Explorer window. Organize menu within the commands module. View menu within the commands module. Pane showing metadata along the bottom of the Windows Explorer window. Pane on the right of the Windows Explorer window that shows a large reading preview of the file. Quick filter buttons to aid in a search. Additional fields and options to aid in a search. The direction argument for Navigate Navigates forward through the navigation log Navigates backward through the travel log The event argument for NavigationLogChangedEvent Indicates CanNavigateForward has changed Indicates CanNavigateBackward has changed Indicates the Locations collection has changed These options control the results subsequent navigations of the ExplorerBrowser The binary flags that are passed to the explorer browser control's GetOptions/SetOptions methods Do not navigate further than the initial navigation. Always navigate, even if you are attempting to navigate to the current folder. Controls the visibility of the various ExplorerBrowser panes on subsequent navigation Prepares the browser to be navigated. A handle to the owner window or control. A pointer to a RECT containing the coordinates of the bounding rectangle the browser will occupy. The coordinates are relative to hwndParent. If this parameter is NULL, then method IExplorerBrowser::SetRect should subsequently be called. A pointer to a FOLDERSETTINGS structure that determines how the folder will be displayed in the view. If this parameter is NULL, then method IExplorerBrowser::SetFolderSettings should be called, otherwise, the default view settings for the folder are used. Destroys the browser. Sets the size and position of the view windows created by the browser. A pointer to a DeferWindowPos handle. This paramater can be NULL. The coordinates that the browser will occupy. Sets the name of the property bag. A pointer to a constant, null-terminated, Unicode string that contains the name of the property bag. View state information that is specific to the application of the client is stored (persisted) using this name. Sets the default empty text. A pointer to a constant, null-terminated, Unicode string that contains the empty text. Sets the folder settings for the current view. A pointer to a FOLDERSETTINGS structure that contains the folder settings to be applied. Initiates a connection with IExplorerBrowser for event callbacks. A pointer to the IExplorerBrowserEvents interface of the object to be advised of IExplorerBrowser events When this method returns, contains a token that uniquely identifies the event listener. This allows several event listeners to be subscribed at a time. Terminates an advisory connection. A connection token previously returned from IExplorerBrowser::Advise. Identifies the connection to be terminated. Sets the current browser options. One or more EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS flags to be set. Gets the current browser options. When this method returns, contains the current EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS for the browser. Browses to a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) A pointer to a const ITEMIDLIST (item identifier list) that specifies an object's location as the destination to navigate to. This parameter can be NULL. A flag that specifies the category of the pidl. This affects how navigation is accomplished Browse to an object A pointer to an object to browse to. If the object cannot be browsed, an error value is returned. A flag that specifies the category of the pidl. This affects how navigation is accomplished. Creates a results folder and fills it with items. An interface pointer on the source object that will fill the IResultsFolder One of the EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS Removes all items from the results folder. Gets an interface for the current view of the browser. A reference to the desired interface ID. When this method returns, contains the interface pointer requested in riid. This will typically be IShellView or IShellView2. Internal class that contains interop declarations for functions that are not benign and are performance critical. Defines the abstract base class for the common file dialogs. The collection of names selected by the user. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified title. The title to display in the dialog. Raised just before the dialog is about to return with a result. Occurs when the user clicks on the Open or Save button on a file dialog box. Raised just before the user navigates to a new folder. Raised when the user navigates to a new folder. Raised when the user changes the selection in the dialog's view. Raised when the dialog is opened to notify the application of the initial chosen filetype. Raised when the dialog is opening. Gets the collection of controls for the dialog. Gets the filters used by the dialog. Gets or sets the dialog title. A object. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the file must exist beforehand. A value. true if the file must exist. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the returned file must be in an existing folder. A value. true if the file must exist. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that determines whether to validate file names. A value. true to check for situations that would prevent an application from opening the selected file, such as sharing violations or access denied errors. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that determines whether read-only items are returned. Default value for CommonOpenFileDialog is true (allow read-only files) and CommonSaveFileDialog is false (don't allow read-only files). A value. true includes read-only items. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that determines the restore directory. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that controls whether to show or hide the list of pinned places that the user can choose. A value. true if the list is visible; otherwise false. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that controls whether to show or hide the list of places where the user has recently opened or saved items. A value. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that controls whether to show hidden items. A value.true to show the items; otherwise false. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets a value that controls whether properties can be edited. A value. Gets or sets a value that controls whether shortcuts should be treated as their target items, allowing an application to open a .lnk file. A value. true indicates that shortcuts should be treated as their targets. This property cannot be set when the dialog is visible. Gets or sets the default file extension to be added to file names. If the value is null or string.Empty, the extension is not added to the file names. Gets the index for the currently selected file type. Tries to set the File(s) Type Combo to match the value in 'DefaultExtension'. Only doing this if 'this' is a Save dialog as it makes no sense to do this if only Opening a file. The native/IFileDialog instance. Gets the selected filename. A object. This property cannot be used when multiple files are selected. Gets the selected item as a ShellObject. A object. This property cannot be used when multiple files are selected. Adds a location, such as a folder, library, search connector, or known folder, to the list of places available for a user to open or save items. This method actually adds an item to the Favorite Links or Places section of the Open/Save dialog. The item to add to the places list. One of the enumeration values that indicates placement of the item in the list. Adds a location (folder, library, search connector, known folder) to the list of places available for the user to open or save items. This method actually adds an item to the Favorite Links or Places section of the Open/Save dialog. Overload method takes in a string for the path. The item to add to the places list. One of the enumeration values that indicates placement of the item in the list. Gets or sets the initial directory displayed when the dialog is shown. A null or empty string indicates that the dialog is using the default directory. A object. Gets or sets a location that is always selected when the dialog is opened, regardless of previous user action. A null value implies that the dialog is using the default location. Sets the folder and path used as a default if there is not a recently used folder value available. Sets the location (ShellContainer used as a default if there is not a recently used folder value available. Gets or sets a value that enables a calling application to associate a GUID with a dialog's persisted state. Displays the dialog. Window handle of any top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. A object. Displays the dialog. Top-level WPF window that will own the modal dialog box. A object. Displays the dialog. A object. Removes the current selection. Default file name. Returns if change to the colleciton is allowed. true if collection change is allowed. Applies changes to the collection. Determines if changes to a specific property are allowed. The name of the property. The control propertyName applies to. true if the property change is allowed. Called when a control currently in the collection has a property changed. The name of the property changed. The control whose property has changed. Ensures that the user has selected one or more files. The dialog has not been dismissed yet or the dialog was cancelled. Ensures that the user has selected one or more files. The dialog has not been dismissed yet or the dialog was cancelled. Throws an exception when the dialog is showing preventing a requested change to a property or the visible set of controls. The message to include in the exception. The dialog is in an invalid state to perform the requested operation. Get the IFileDialogCustomize interface, preparing to add controls. Raises the event just before the dialog is about to return with a result. The event data. Raises the to stop navigation to a particular location. Cancelable event arguments. Raises the event when the user navigates to a new folder. The event data. Raises the event when the user changes the selection in the dialog's view. The event data. Raises the event when the dialog is opened to notify the application of the initial chosen filetype. The event data. Raises the event when the dialog is opened. The event data. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CommonFileDialog class and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Releases the resources used by the current instance of the CommonFileDialog class. Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. Creates the push button controls used by the Common File Dialog. Initializes a new instance of this class. Initializes a new instance of this class with the text only. The text to display for this control. Initializes a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. Attach the PushButton control to the dialog object Target dialog Occurs when the user clicks the control. This event is routed from COM via the event sink. Creates the check button controls used by the Common File Dialog. Gets or sets the state of the check box. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to display for this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text and check state. The text to display for this control. The check state of this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name, text and check state. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. The check state of this control. Occurs when the user changes the check state. Attach the CheckButton control to the dialog object. the target dialog Creates the ComboBox controls in the Common File Dialog. Gets the collection of CommonFileDialogComboBoxItem objects. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name. Text to display for this control Gets or sets the current index of the selected item. Occurs when the SelectedIndex is changed. By initializing the SelectedIndexChanged event with an empty delegate, it is not necessary to check if the SelectedIndexChanged is not null. Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event if this control is enabled. Because this method is defined in an interface, we can either have it as public, or make it private and explicitly implement (like below). Making it public doesn't really help as its only internal (but can't have this internal because of the interface) Attach the ComboBox control to the dialog object The target dialog Creates a ComboBoxItem for the Common File Dialog. Gets or sets the string that is displayed for this item. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to use for the combo box item. Defines an abstract class that supports shared functionality for the common file dialog controls. Holds the text that is displayed for this control. Gets or sets the text string that is displayed on the control. Gets or sets a value that determines if this control is enabled. Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this control is visible. Has this control been added to the dialog Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the text. The text of the common file dialog control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of the common file dialog control. The text of the common file dialog control. Attach the custom control itself to the specified dialog the target dialog Provides a strongly typed collection for dialog controls. DialogControl Inserts an dialog control at the specified index. The location to insert the control. The item to insert. A control with the same name already exists in this collection -or- the control is being hosted by another dialog -or- the associated dialog is showing and cannot be modified. Removes the control at the specified index. The location of the control to remove. The associated dialog is showing and cannot be modified. Defines the indexer that supports accessing controls by name. Control names are case sensitive. This indexer is useful when the dialog is created in XAML rather than constructed in code. The name cannot be null or a zero-length string. If there is more than one control with the same name, only the first control will be returned. Recursively searches for the control who's id matches the value passed in the parameter. An integer containing the identifier of the control being searched for. A DialogControl who's id matches the value of the parameter. Recursively searches for a given control id in the collection passed via the parameter. A Collection<CommonFileDialogControl> An int containing the identifier of the control being searched for. A DialogControl who's Id matches the value of the parameter. Represents a group box control for the Common File Dialog. note Gets the collection of controls for this group box. Creates a new instance of this class. Create a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to display for this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. Initializes the item collection for this class. Attach the GroupBox control to the dialog object Target dialog Defines the label controls in the Common File Dialog. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to display for this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. Attach this control to the dialog object Target dialog Defines the menu controls for the Common File Dialog. Gets the collection of CommonFileDialogMenuItem objects. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to display for this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. Attach the Menu control to the dialog object. the target dialog Creates the CommonFileDialogMenuItem items for the Common File Dialog. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to display for this control. Occurs when a user clicks a menu item. Attach this control to the dialog object Target dialog Defines the properties and constructors for all prominent controls in the Common File Dialog. Gets or sets the prominent value of this control. Only one control can be specified as prominent. If more than one control is specified prominent, then an 'E_UNEXPECTED' exception will be thrown when these controls are added to the dialog. A group box control can only be specified as prominent if it contains one control and that control is of type 'CommonFileDialogProminentControl'. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to display for this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. Represents a radio button list for the Common File Dialog. Gets the collection of CommonFileDialogRadioButtonListItem objects Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name. The name of this control. Gets or sets the current index of the selected item. Occurs when the user changes the SelectedIndex. By initializing the SelectedIndexChanged event with an empty delegate, we can skip the test to determine if the SelectedIndexChanged is null. test. Occurs when the user changes the SelectedIndex. Because this method is defined in an interface, we can either have it as public, or make it private and explicitly implement (like below). Making it public doesn't really help as its only internal (but can't have this internal because of the interface) Attach the RadioButtonList control to the dialog object The target dialog Represents a list item for the CommonFileDialogRadioButtonList object. Gets or sets the string that will be displayed for this list item. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The string that you want to display for this list item. Defines the class for the simplest separator controls. Attach the Separator control to the dialog object Target dialog Defines the text box controls in the Common File Dialog. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified text. The text to display for this control. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name and text. The name of this control. The text to display for this control. Gets or sets a value for the text string contained in the CommonFileDialogTextBox. Holds an instance of the customized (/native) dialog and should be null until after the Attach() call is made. Attach the TextBox control to the dialog object Target dialog Specifies a property, event and method that indexed controls need to implement. not sure where else to put this, so leaving here for now. Stores the file extensions used when filtering files in File Open and File Save dialogs. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified display name and file extension list. The name of this filter. The list of extensions in this filter. See remarks. The can use a semicolon(";") or comma (",") to separate extensions. Extensions can be prefaced with a period (".") or with the file wild card specifier "*.". The cannot be null or a zero-length string. Gets or sets the display name for this filter. The value for this property cannot be set to null or a zero-length string. Gets a collection of the individual extensions described by this filter. Gets or sets a value that controls whether the extensions are displayed. Internal helper that generates a single filter specification for this filter, used by the COM API. Filter specification for this filter Returns a string representation for this filter that includes the display name and the list of extensions. A . Provides a strongly typed collection for file dialog filters. Creates the event data associated with event. Creates a new instance of this class. The name of the folder. Gets or sets the name of the folder. Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a CommonFileDialog dialog. Default value for enumeration, a dialog box should never return this value. The dialog box return value is OK (usually sent from a button labeled OK or Save). The dialog box return value is Cancel (usually sent from a button labeled Cancel). Defines the class of commonly used file filters. Gets a value that specifies the filter for *.txt files. Gets a value that specifies the filter for picture files. Gets a value that specifies the filter for Microsoft Office files. Creates a Vista or Windows 7 Common File Dialog, allowing the user to select one or more files. Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name. The name of this dialog. Gets a collection of the selected file names. This property should only be used when the property is true. Gets a collection of the selected items as ShellObject objects. This property should only be used when the property is true. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can select more than one file. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can select folders or files. Default value is false. Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can select non-filesystem items, such as Library, Search Connectors, or Known Folders. Creates a Vista or Windows 7 Common File Dialog, allowing the user to select the filename and location for a saved file. to save a file. Associated enumeration: . Creates a new instance of this class. Creates a new instance of this class with the specified name. The name of this dialog. Gets or sets a value that controls whether to prompt before overwriting an existing file of the same name. Default value is true. This property cannot be changed when the dialog is showing. Gets or sets a value that controls whether to prompt for creation if the item returned in the save dialog does not exist. Note that this does not actually create the item. This property cannot be changed when the dialog is showing. Gets or sets a value that controls whether to the save dialog displays in expanded mode. Expanded mode controls whether the dialog shows folders for browsing or hides them. This property cannot be changed when the dialog is showing. Gets or sets a value that controls whether the returned file name has a file extension that matches the currently selected file type. If necessary, the dialog appends the correct file extension. This property cannot be changed when the dialog is showing. Sets an item to appear as the initial entry in a Save As dialog. The initial entry to be set in the dialog. The name of the item is displayed in the file name edit box, and the containing folder is opened in the view. This would generally be used when the application is saving an item that already exists. Specifies which properties will be collected in the save dialog. True to show default properties for the currently selected filetype in addition to the properties specified by propertyList. False to show only properties specified by pList. List of properties to collect. This parameter can be null. SetCollectedPropertyKeys can be called at any time before the dialog is displayed or while it is visible. If different properties are to be collected depending on the chosen filetype, then SetCollectedProperties can be called in response to CommonFileDialog::FileTypeChanged event. Note: By default, no properties are collected in the save dialog. Retrieves the set of property values for a saved item or an item in the process of being saved. Collection of property values collected from the save dialog This property can be called while the dialog is showing to retrieve the current set of values in the metadata collection pane. It can also be called after the dialog has closed, to retrieve the final set of values. The call to this method will fail unless property collection has been turned on with a call to SetCollectedPropertyKeys method. Sets the specified iconic thumbnail for the specified window. This is typically done in response to a DWM message. The window handle. The thumbnail bitmap. Sets the specified peek (live preview) bitmap for the specified window. This is typically done in response to a DWM message. The window handle. The thumbnail bitmap. Whether to display a standard window frame around the bitmap. Sets the specified peek (live preview) bitmap for the specified window. This is typically done in response to a DWM message. The window handle. The thumbnail bitmap. The client area offset at which to display the specified bitmap. The rest of the parent window will be displayed as "remembered" by the DWM. Whether to display a standard window frame around the bitmap. Call this method to either enable custom previews on the taskbar (second argument as true) or to disable (second argument as false). If called with True, the method will call DwmSetWindowAttribute for the specific window handle and let DWM know that we will be providing a custom bitmap for the thumbnail as well as Aero peek. Represents a collection of custom categories Event to trigger anytime this collection is modified Determines if this collection is read-only The number of items in this collection Add the specified category to this collection Category to add Remove the specified category from this collection Category item to remove True if item was removed. Clear all items from the collection Determine if this collection contains the specified item Category to search for True if category was found Copy this collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array Array to copy to Index of target array to start copy Returns an enumerator that iterates through this collection. Enumerator to iterate through this collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through this collection. Enumerator to iterate through this collection. Represents a collection of jump list items. The type of elements in this collection. Occurs anytime a change is made to the underlying collection. Gets or sets a value that determines if this collection is read-only. Gets a count of the items currently in this collection. Adds the specified item to this collection. The item to add. Removes the first instance of the specified item from the collection. The item to remove. true if an item was removed, otherwise false if no items were removed. Clears all items from this collection. Determines if this collection contains the specified item. The search item. true if an item was found, otherwise false. Copies this collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array. The array name. The index of the starting element. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An enumerator to iterate through this collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection of a specified type. An enumerator to iterate through this collection. Represents a jump list link object. Initializes a new instance of a JumpListLink with the specified path. The path to the item. The path is required for the JumpList Link The title for the JumpListLink item. The title is required for the JumpList link. Gets or sets the link's title Gets or sets the link's path Gets or sets the icon reference (location and index) of the link's icon. Gets or sets the object's arguments (passed to the command line). Gets or sets the object's working directory. Gets or sets the show command of the lauched application. Gets an IShellLinkW representation of this object Release the native and managed objects Indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Release the native objects. Implement the finalizer. Represents a separator in the user task list. The JumpListSeparator control can only be used in a user task list. Gets an IShellLinkW representation of this object Release the native and managed objects Indicates that this is being called from Dispose(), rather than the finalizer. Release the native objects. Implement the finalizer. Event args for when close is selected on a tabbed thumbnail proxy window. Creates a Event Args for a specific tabbed thumbnail event. Window handle for the control/window related to the event Creates a Event Args for a specific tabbed thumbnail event. WPF Control (UIElement) related to the event If set to true, the proxy window will not be removed from the taskbar. Helper class to capture a control or window as System.Drawing.Bitmap Captures a screenshot of the specified window at the specified bitmap size. NOTE: This method will not accurately capture controls that are hidden or obstructed (partially or completely) by another control (e.g. hidden tabs, or MDI child windows that are obstructed by other child windows/forms). The window handle. The requested bitmap size. A screen capture of the window. Grabs a snapshot of a WPF UIElement and returns the image as Bitmap. Represents the element to take the snapshot from. Represents the X DPI value used to capture this snapshot. Represents the Y DPI value used to capture this snapshot. The requested bitmap width. The requested bitmap height. Returns the bitmap (PNG format). Resizes the given bitmap while maintaining the aspect ratio. Original/source bitmap Maximum width for the new image Maximum height for the new image If true and requested image is wider than the source, the new image is resized accordingly. Represents the main class for adding and removing tabbed thumbnails on the Taskbar for child windows and controls. Internal dictionary to keep track of the user's window handle and its corresponding thumbnail preview objects. Internal constructor that creates a new dictionary for keeping track of the window handles and their corresponding thumbnail preview objects. Adds a new tabbed thumbnail to the taskbar. Thumbnail preview for a specific window handle or control. The preview object can be initialized with specific properties for the title, bitmap, and tooltip. If the tabbed thumbnail has already been added Gets the TabbedThumbnail object associated with the given window handle Window handle for the control/window TabbedThumbnail associated with the given window handle Gets the TabbedThumbnail object associated with the given control Specific control for which the preview object is requested TabbedThumbnail associated with the given control Gets the TabbedThumbnail object associated with the given WPF Window WPF Control (UIElement) for which the preview object is requested TabbedThumbnail associated with the given WPF Window Remove the tabbed thumbnail from the taskbar. TabbedThumbnail associated with the control/window that is to be removed from the taskbar Remove the tabbed thumbnail from the taskbar. TabbedThumbnail associated with the window handle that is to be removed from the taskbar Remove the tabbed thumbnail from the taskbar. TabbedThumbnail associated with the control that is to be removed from the taskbar Remove the tabbed thumbnail from the taskbar. TabbedThumbnail associated with the WPF Control (UIElement) that is to be removed from the taskbar Sets the given tabbed thumbnail preview object as being active on the taskbar tabbed thumbnails list. Call this method to keep the application and the taskbar in sync as to which window/control is currently active (or selected, in the case of tabbed application). TabbedThumbnail for the specific control/indow that is currently active in the application If the control/window is not yet added to the tabbed thumbnails list Sets the given window handle as being active on the taskbar tabbed thumbnails list. Call this method to keep the application and the taskbar in sync as to which window/control is currently active (or selected, in the case of tabbed application). Window handle for the control/window that is currently active in the application If the control/window is not yet added to the tabbed thumbnails list Sets the given Control/Form window as being active on the taskbar tabbed thumbnails list. Call this method to keep the application and the taskbar in sync as to which window/control is currently active (or selected, in the case of tabbed application). Control/Form that is currently active in the application If the control/window is not yet added to the tabbed thumbnails list Sets the given WPF window as being active on the taskbar tabbed thumbnails list. Call this method to keep the application and the taskbar in sync as to which window/control is currently active (or selected, in the case of tabbed application). WPF control that is currently active in the application If the control/window is not yet added to the tabbed thumbnails list Determines whether the given preview has been added to the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list. The preview to locate on the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list true if the tab is already added on the taskbar; otherwise, false. Determines whether the given window has been added to the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list. The window to locate on the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list true if the tab is already added on the taskbar; otherwise, false. Determines whether the given control has been added to the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list. The preview to locate on the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list true if the tab is already added on the taskbar; otherwise, false. Determines whether the given control has been added to the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list. The preview to locate on the taskbar's tabbed thumbnail list true if the tab is already added on the taskbar; otherwise, false. Invalidates all the tabbed thumbnails. This will force the Desktop Window Manager to not use the cached thumbnail or preview or aero peek and request a new one next time. This method should not be called frequently. Doing so can lead to poor performance as new bitmaps are created and retrieved. Clear a clip that is already in place and return to the default display of the thumbnail. The handle to a window represented in the taskbar. This has to be a top-level window. Selects a portion of a window's client area to display as that window's thumbnail in the taskbar. The handle to a window represented in the taskbar. This has to be a top-level window. Rectangle structure that specifies a selection within the window's client area, relative to the upper-left corner of that client area. If this parameter is null, the clipping area will be cleared and the default display of the thumbnail will be used instead. Moves an existing thumbnail to a new position in the application's group. Preview for the window whose order is being changed. This value is required, must already be added via AddThumbnailPreview method, and cannot be null. The preview of the tab window whose thumbnail that previewToChange is inserted to the left of. This preview must already be added via AddThumbnailPreview. If this value is null, the previewToChange tab is added to the end of the list. Event args for the TabbedThumbnailBitmapRequested event. The event allows applications to provide a bitmap for the tabbed thumbnail's preview and peek. The application should also set the Handled property if a custom bitmap is provided. Creates a Event Args for a TabbedThumbnailBitmapRequested event. Window handle for the control/window related to the event Creates a Event Args for a TabbedThumbnailBitmapRequested event. WPF Control (UIElement) related to the event Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TabbedThumbnailBitmapRequested event was handled. Set this property if the SetImage method is called with a custom bitmap for the thumbnail/peek. Event args for various Tabbed Thumbnail related events Creates a Event Args for a specific tabbed thumbnail event. Window handle for the control/window related to the event Creates a Event Args for a specific tabbed thumbnail event. WPF Control (UIElement) related to the event Gets the Window handle for the specific control/window that is related to this event. For WPF Controls (UIElement) the WindowHandle will be IntPtr.Zero. Check the WindowsControl property to get the specific control associated with this event. Gets the WPF Control (UIElement) that is related to this event. This property may be null for non-WPF applications. Represents a tabbed thumbnail on the taskbar for a given window or a control. Creates a new TabbedThumbnail with the given window handle of the parent and a child control/window's handle (e.g. TabPage or Panel) Window handle of the parent window. This window has to be a top-level window and the handle cannot be null or IntPtr.Zero Window handle of the child control or window for which a tabbed thumbnail needs to be displayed Creates a new TabbedThumbnail with the given window handle of the parent and a child control (e.g. TabPage or Panel) Window handle of the parent window. This window has to be a top-level window and the handle cannot be null or IntPtr.Zero Child control for which a tabbed thumbnail needs to be displayed This method can also be called when using a WindowsFormHost control in a WPF application. Call this method with the main WPF Window's handle, and windowsFormHost.Child control. Creates a new TabbedThumbnail with the given window handle of the parent and a WPF child Window. For WindowsFormHost control, use TabbedThumbnail(IntPtr, Control) overload and pass the WindowsFormHost.Child as the second parameter. Parent window for the UIElement control. This window has to be a top-level window and the handle cannot be null WPF Control (UIElement) for which a tabbed thumbnail needs to be displayed Offset point used for displaying the peek bitmap. This setting is recomended for hidden WPF controls as it is difficult to calculate their offset. Title for the window shown as the taskbar thumbnail. Tooltip to be shown for this thumbnail on the taskbar. By default this is full title of the window shown on the taskbar. Sets the window icon for this thumbnail preview System.Drawing.Icon for the window/control associated with this preview Sets the window icon for this thumbnail preview Icon handle (hIcon) for the window/control associated with this preview This method will not release the icon handle. It is the caller's responsibility to release the icon handle. Specifies that only a portion of the window's client area should be used in the window's thumbnail. A value of null will clear the clipping area and use the default thumbnail. Override the thumbnail and peek bitmap. By providing this bitmap manually, Thumbnail Window manager will provide the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) this bitmap instead of rendering one automatically. Use this property to update the bitmap whenever the control is updated and the user needs to be shown a new thumbnail on the taskbar preview (or aero peek). The image to use. If the bitmap doesn't have the right dimensions, the DWM may scale it or not render certain areas as appropriate - it is the user's responsibility to render a bitmap with the proper dimensions. Override the thumbnail and peek bitmap. By providing this bitmap manually, Thumbnail Window manager will provide the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) this bitmap instead of rendering one automatically. Use this property to update the bitmap whenever the control is updated and the user needs to be shown a new thumbnail on the taskbar preview (or aero peek). The image to use. If the bitmap doesn't have the right dimensions, the DWM may scale it or not render certain areas as appropriate - it is the user's responsibility to render a bitmap with the proper dimensions. Override the thumbnail and peek bitmap. By providing this bitmap manually, Thumbnail Window manager will provide the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) this bitmap instead of rendering one automatically. Use this property to update the bitmap whenever the control is updated and the user needs to be shown a new thumbnail on the taskbar preview (or aero peek). A bitmap handle for the image to use. When the TabbedThumbnail is finalized, this class will delete the provided hBitmap. If the bitmap doesn't have the right dimensions, the DWM may scale it or not render certain areas as appropriate - it is the user's responsibility to render a bitmap with the proper dimensions. Specifies whether a standard window frame will be displayed around the bitmap. If the bitmap represents a top-level window, you would probably set this flag to true. If the bitmap represents a child window (or a frameless window), you would probably set this flag to false. Invalidate any existing thumbnail preview. Calling this method will force DWM to request a new bitmap next time user previews the thumbnails or requests Aero peek preview. Gets or sets the offset used for displaying the peek bitmap. This setting is recomended for hidden WPF controls as it is difficult to calculate their offset. This event is raised when the Title property changes. This event is raised when the Tooltip property changes. The event that occurs when a tab is closed on the taskbar thumbnail preview. The event that occurs when a tab is maximized via the taskbar thumbnail preview (context menu). The event that occurs when a tab is minimized via the taskbar thumbnail preview (context menu). The event that occurs when a tab is activated (clicked) on the taskbar thumbnail preview. The event that occurs when a thumbnail or peek bitmap is requested by the user. Returns true if the thumbnail was removed from the taskbar; false if it was not. Returns true if the thumbnail was removed from the taskbar; false if it was not. Release the native objects. Release the native objects. Release the native objects. Known category to display Don't display either known category. You must have at least one user task or custom category link in order to not see the default 'Recent' known category Display the 'Recent' known category Display the 'Frequent' known category Represents the thumbnail progress bar state. No progress is displayed. The progress is indeterminate (marquee). Normal progress is displayed. An error occurred (red). The operation is paused (yellow). WPARAM value for a THUMBBUTTON being clicked. Sets the window's application id by its window handle. The window handle. The application id. Thumbnail Alpha Types Let the system decide. No transparency Has transparency Represents a custom category on the taskbar's jump list Category name Add JumpList items for this category The items to add to the JumpList. Event that is triggered when the jump list collection is modified Creates a new custom category instance Category name Represents an instance of a Taskbar button jump list. Create a JumpList for the application's taskbar button. A new JumpList that is associated with the app id of the main application window If there are any other child (top-level) windows for this application and they don't have a specific JumpList created for them, they all will share the same JumpList as the main application window. In order to have a individual JumpList for a top-level window, use the overloaded method CreateJumpListForIndividualWindow. Create a JumpList for the application's taskbar button. Application Id for the individual window. This must be unique for each top-level window in order to have a individual JumpList. Handle of the window associated with the new JumpList A new JumpList that is associated with the specific window handle Create a JumpList for the application's taskbar button. Application Id for the individual window. This must be unique for each top-level window in order to have a individual JumpList. WPF Window associated with the new JumpList A new JumpList that is associated with the specific WPF window Adds a collection of custom categories to the Taskbar jump list. The catagories to add to the jump list. Adds user tasks to the Taskbar JumpList. User tasks can only consist of JumpListTask or JumpListSeparator objects. The user tasks to add to the JumpList. Removes all user tasks that have been added. Gets the recommended number of items to add to the jump list. This number doesn’t imply or suggest how many items will appear on the jump list. This number should only be used for reference purposes since the actual number of slots in the jump list can change after the last refresh due to items being pinned or removed and resolution changes. The jump list can increase in size accordingly. Gets or sets the type of known categories to display. Gets or sets the value for the known category location relative to the custom category collection. Gets or sets the application ID to use for this jump list. Creates a new instance of the JumpList class with the specified appId. The JumpList is associated with the main window of the application. Application Id to use for this instace. Creates a new instance of the JumpList class with the specified appId. The JumpList is associated with the given WPF Window. Application Id to use for this instace. WPF Window that is associated with this JumpList Creates a new instance of the JumpList class with the specified appId. The JumpList is associated with the given window. Application Id to use for this instace. Window handle for the window that is associated with this JumpList Reports document usage to the shell. The full path of the file to report usage. Commits the pending JumpList changes and refreshes the Taskbar. Will throw if the type of the file being added to the JumpList is not registered with the application. Will throw if recent documents tracking is turned off by the user or via group policy. Will throw if updating the JumpList fails for any other reason. Occurs when items are removed from the Taskbar's jump list since the last refresh. This event is not triggered immediately when a user removes an item from the jump list but rather when the application refreshes the task bar list directly. Retrieves the current list of destinations that have been removed from the existing jump list by the user. The removed destinations may become items on a custom jump list. A collection of items (filenames) removed from the existing jump list by the user. Represents a jump list item. Creates a jump list item with the specified path. The path to the jump list item. The file type should associate the given file with the calling application. Gets or sets the target path for this jump list item. Provides internal access to the functions provided by the ITaskbarList4 interface, without being forced to refer to it through another singleton. Represents an instance of the Windows taskbar Represents an instance of the Windows Taskbar Applies an overlay to a taskbar button of the main application window to indicate application status or a notification to the user. The overlay icon String that provides an alt text version of the information conveyed by the overlay, for accessibility purposes Applies an overlay to a taskbar button of the given window handle to indicate application status or a notification to the user. The handle of the window whose associated taskbar button receives the overlay. This handle must belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be a valid HWND or the call is ignored. The overlay icon String that provides an alt text version of the information conveyed by the overlay, for accessibility purposes Applies an overlay to a taskbar button of the given WPF window to indicate application status or a notification to the user. The window whose associated taskbar button receives the overlay. This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded. The overlay icon String that provides an alt text version of the information conveyed by the overlay, for accessibility purposes Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button of the main application window to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. An application-defined value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time the method is called. An application-defined value that specifies the value currentValue will have when the operation is complete. Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button of the given window handle to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. The handle of the window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded. An application-defined value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time the method is called. An application-defined value that specifies the value currentValue will have when the operation is complete. Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button of the given WPF window to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. The window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded. An application-defined value that indicates the proportion of the operation that has been completed at the time the method is called. An application-defined value that specifies the value currentValue will have when the operation is complete. Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button of the main application window. Progress state of the progress button Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button of the given window handle The handle of the window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded. Progress state of the progress button Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button of the given WPF window The window whose associated taskbar button is being used as a progress indicator. This window belong to a calling process associated with the button's application and must be already loaded. Progress state of the progress button Gets the Tabbed Thumbnail manager class for adding/updating tabbed thumbnail previews. Gets the Thumbnail toolbar manager class for adding/updating toolbar buttons. Gets or sets the application user model id. Use this to explicitly set the application id when generating custom jump lists Sets the handle of the window whose taskbar button will be used to display progress. Sets the application user model id for an individual window The app id to set Window handle for the window that needs a specific application id AppId specifies a unique Application User Model ID (AppID) for the application or individual top-level window whose taskbar button will hold the custom JumpList built through the methods class. By setting an appId for a specific window, the window will not be grouped with it's parent window/application. Instead it will have it's own taskbar button. Sets the application user model id for a given window The app id to set Window that needs a specific application id AppId specifies a unique Application User Model ID (AppID) for the application or individual top-level window whose taskbar button will hold the custom JumpList built through the methods class. By setting an appId for a specific window, the window will not be grouped with it's parent window/application. Instead it will have it's own taskbar button. Sets the current process' explicit application user model id. The application id. Gets the current process' explicit application user model id. The app id or null if no app id has been defined. Indicates if the user has set the application id for the whole process (all windows) Indicates whether this feature is supported on the current platform. Interface for jump list items Gets or sets this item's path Interface for jump list tasks Release the native objects. Dispatches a window message so that the appropriate events can be invoked. This is used for the Taskbar's thumbnail toolbar feature. The window message, typically obtained from a Windows Forms or WPF window procedure. Taskbar window for which we are intercepting the messages Returns true if this method handles the window message Helper function to capture a bitmap for a given window handle or incase of WPF app, an UIElement. The proxy window for which a bitmap needs to be created Size for the requested bitmap image Bitmap captured from the window handle or UIElement. Null if the window is hidden or it's size is zero. Represents a taskbar thumbnail button in the thumbnail toolbar. The event that occurs when the taskbar thumbnail button is clicked. Initializes an instance of this class The icon to use for this button The tooltip string to use for this button. Gets thumbnail button's id. Gets or sets the thumbnail button's icon. Gets or sets the thumbnail button's tooltip. Gets or sets the thumbnail button's visibility. Default is true. Gets or sets the thumbnail button's enabled state. If the button is disabled, it is present, but has a visual state that indicates that it will not respond to user action. Default is true. Gets or sets the property that describes the behavior when the button is clicked. If set to true, the taskbar button's flyout will close immediately. Default is false. Gets or sets the property that describes whether the button is interactive with the user. Default is true. Non-interactive buttons don't display any hover behavior nor do they raise click events. They are intended to be used as status icons. This is mostly similar to being not Enabled, but the image is not desaturated. Native flags enum (used when creating the native button) Native representation of the thumbnail button The window manager should call this method to raise the public click event to all the subscribers. Taskbar Window associated with this button Handle to the window to which this button is for (on the taskbar). Indicates if this button was added to the taskbar. If it's not yet added, then we can't do any updates on it. Release the native objects. Release the native objects. Event args for TabbedThumbnailButton.Click event Creates a Event Args for the TabbedThumbnailButton.Click event Window handle for the control/window related to the event Thumbnail toolbar button that was clicked Creates a Event Args for the TabbedThumbnailButton.Click event WPF Control (UIElement) related to the event Thumbnail toolbar button that was clicked Gets the Window handle for the specific control/window that is related to this event. For WPF Controls (UIElement) the WindowHandle will be IntPtr.Zero. Check the WindowsControl property to get the specific control associated with this event. Gets the WPF Control (UIElement) that is related to this event. This property may be null for non-WPF applications. Gets the ThumbnailToolBarButton that was clicked Thumbnail toolbar manager class for adding a thumbnail toolbar with a specified set of buttons to the thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button flyout. Adds thumbnail toolbar for the specified window. Window handle for which the thumbnail toolbar buttons need to be added Thumbnail buttons for the window's thumbnail toolbar If the number of buttons exceed the maximum allowed capacity (7). If the Window Handle passed in invalid After a toolbar has been added to a thumbnail, buttons can be altered only through various properties on the . While individual buttons cannot be added or removed, they can be shown and hidden through as needed. The toolbar itself cannot be removed without re-creating the window itself. Adds thumbnail toolbar for the specified WPF Control. WPF Control for which the thumbnail toolbar buttons need to be added Thumbnail buttons for the window's thumbnail toolbar If the number of buttons exceed the maximum allowed capacity (7). If the control passed in null After a toolbar has been added to a thumbnail, buttons can be altered only through various properties on the ThumbnailToolBarButton. While individual buttons cannot be added or removed, they can be shown and hidden through ThumbnailToolBarButton.Visible as needed. The toolbar itself cannot be removed without re-creating the window itself. Release the native objects. Event arguments for when the user is notified of items that have been removed from the taskbar destination list The collection of removed items based on path. Internal class that contains interop declarations for functions that are not benign and are performance critical. This provides a connection point container compatible dispatch interface for hooking into the ExplorerBrowser view. Default constructor for ExplorerBrowserViewEvents The view selection has changed The contents of the view have changed The enumeration of files in the view is complete The selected item in the view has changed (not the same as the selection has changed) Finalizer for ExplorerBrowserViewEvents Disconnects and disposes object. Disconnects and disposes object.