using Clearcove.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security; using System.Windows.Forms; using SystemTrayMenu.DataClasses; using SystemTrayMenu.Handler; using SystemTrayMenu.Helper; using SystemTrayMenu.Utilities; using Menu = SystemTrayMenu.UserInterface.Menu; using Timer = System.Windows.Forms.Timer; namespace SystemTrayMenu.Business { internal class Menus : IDisposable { internal event EventHandlerEmpty LoadStarted; internal event EventHandlerEmpty LoadStopped; private enum OpenCloseState { Default, Opening, Closing }; private OpenCloseState openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; private readonly Menu[] menus = new Menu[MenuDefines.MenusMax]; private readonly BackgroundWorker workerMainMenu = new BackgroundWorker(); private readonly List workersSubMenu = new List(); private readonly WaitToLoadMenu waitToOpenMenu = new WaitToLoadMenu(); private readonly KeyboardInput keyboardInput; private readonly Timer timerStillActiveCheck = new Timer(); private readonly WaitLeave waitLeave = new WaitLeave(MenuDefines.TimeUntilClose); private DateTime deactivatedTime = DateTime.MinValue; private IEnumerable AsEnumerable => menus.Where(m => m != null && !m.IsDisposed); private List AsList => AsEnumerable.ToList(); public Menus() { workerMainMenu.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; workerMainMenu.DoWork += LoadMenu; void LoadMenu(object senderDoWork, DoWorkEventArgs eDoWork) { string path = Config.Path; int level = 0; RowData rowData = eDoWork.Argument as RowData; if (rowData != null) { path = rowData.TargetFilePath; level = rowData.MenuLevel + 1; } MenuData menuData = GetData((BackgroundWorker)senderDoWork, path, level); menuData.RowDataParent = rowData; eDoWork.Result = menuData; } workerMainMenu.RunWorkerCompleted += LoadMainMenuCompleted; void LoadMainMenuCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { keyboardInput.ResetSelectedByKey(); LoadStopped(); MenuData menuData = (MenuData)e.Result; if (menuData.Validity == MenuDataValidity.Valid) { DisposeMenu(menus[menuData.Level]); menus[0] = Create(menuData, Path.GetFileName(Config.Path)); AsEnumerable.ToList().ForEach(m => { m.ShowWithFade(); }); } } waitToOpenMenu.StopLoadMenu += WaitToOpenMenu_StopLoadMenu; void WaitToOpenMenu_StopLoadMenu() { foreach (BackgroundWorker workerSubMenu in workersSubMenu. Where(w => w.IsBusy)) { workerSubMenu.CancelAsync(); } } waitToOpenMenu.StartLoadMenu += StartLoadMenu; void StartLoadMenu(RowData rowData) { if (menus[0].IsUsable && menus[rowData.MenuLevel + 1] == null || menus[rowData.MenuLevel + 1].Tag as RowData != rowData) { LoadStarted(); BackgroundWorker workerSubMenu = workersSubMenu. Where(w => !w.IsBusy).FirstOrDefault(); if (workerSubMenu == null) { workerSubMenu = new BackgroundWorker { WorkerSupportsCancellation = true }; workerSubMenu.DoWork += LoadMenu; workerSubMenu.RunWorkerCompleted += LoadSubMenuCompleted; workersSubMenu.Add(workerSubMenu); } workerSubMenu.RunWorkerAsync(rowData); ; } void LoadSubMenuCompleted(object senderCompleted, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { LoadStopped(); MenuData menuData = (MenuData)e.Result; if (menus[0].IsUsable && menuData.Validity != MenuDataValidity.AbortedOrUnknown) { Menu menu = Create(menuData); switch (menuData.Validity) { case MenuDataValidity.Valid: menu.SetTypeSub(); break; case MenuDataValidity.Empty: menu.SetTypeEmpty(); break; case MenuDataValidity.NoAccess: menu.SetTypeNoAccess(); break; } menu.Tag = menuData.RowDataParent; menuData.RowDataParent.SubMenu = menu; if (menus[0].IsUsable) { ShowSubMenu(menu); } } } } waitToOpenMenu.CloseMenu += CloseMenu; void CloseMenu(int level) { if (menus[level] != null) { menus[level - 1].FocusTextBox(); HideOldMenu(menus[level]); } } keyboardInput = new KeyboardInput(menus); keyboardInput.RegisterHotKey(); keyboardInput.HotKeyPressed += KeyboardInput_HotKeyPressed; void KeyboardInput_HotKeyPressed() { SwitchOpenClose(false); } keyboardInput.ClosePressed += MenusFadeOut; keyboardInput.RowDeselected += waitToOpenMenu.RowDeselected; keyboardInput.RowSelected += waitToOpenMenu.RowSelected; timerStillActiveCheck.Interval = 1000; timerStillActiveCheck.Tick += StillActiveTick; void StillActiveTick(object senderTimer, EventArgs eTimer) { if (!IsActive()) { FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded(); timerStillActiveCheck.Stop(); } } waitLeave.LeaveTriggered += LeaveTriggered; void LeaveTriggered() { FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded(); } } internal void SwitchOpenClose(bool byClick) { waitToOpenMenu.MouseActive = byClick; if (byClick && (DateTime.Now - deactivatedTime).TotalMilliseconds < 200) { //By click on notifyicon the menu gets deactivated and closed } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Path)) { //Case when Folder Dialog open } else if (openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Opening || menus[0].Visible && openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Default) { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Closing; MenusFadeOut(); StopWorker(); if (!AsEnumerable.Any(m => m.Visible)) { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; } } else { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Opening; StartWorker(); } deactivatedTime = DateTime.MinValue; } public void Dispose() { workerMainMenu.Dispose(); foreach (BackgroundWorker worker in workersSubMenu) { worker.Dispose(); } waitLeave.Dispose(); keyboardInput.Dispose(); timerStillActiveCheck.Dispose(); IconReader.Dispose(); DisposeMenu(menus[0]); } internal void DisposeMenu(Menu menuToDispose) { if (menuToDispose != null) { DataGridView dgv = menuToDispose.GetDataGridView(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows) { RowData rowData = (RowData)row.Cells[2].Value; rowData.Dispose(); DisposeMenu(rowData.SubMenu); } dgv.ClearSelection(); menuToDispose.Dispose(); } } internal static MenuData GetData(BackgroundWorker worker, string path, int level) { MenuData menuData = new MenuData { RowDatas = new List(), Validity = MenuDataValidity.AbortedOrUnknown, Level = level }; if (!worker.CancellationPending) { string[] directories = Array.Empty(); try { directories = Directory.GetDirectories(path); Array.Sort(directories, new WindowsExplorerSort()); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Log.Warn($"path:'{path}'", ex); menuData.Validity = MenuDataValidity.NoAccess; } catch (IOException ex) { Log.Warn($"path:'{path}'", ex); } foreach (string directory in directories) { if (worker != null && worker.CancellationPending) { break; } bool hiddenEntry = false; if (FolderOptions.IsHidden(directory, ref hiddenEntry)) { continue; } RowData rowData = ReadRowData(directory, false); rowData.ContainsMenu = true; rowData.HiddenEntry = hiddenEntry; string resolvedLnkPath = string.Empty; rowData.ReadIcon(true, ref resolvedLnkPath); rowData.MenuLevel = level; menuData.RowDatas.Add(rowData); } } if (!worker.CancellationPending) { string[] files = Array.Empty(); try { files = Directory.GetFiles(path); Array.Sort(files, new WindowsExplorerSort()); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Log.Warn($"path:'{path}'", ex); menuData.Validity = MenuDataValidity.NoAccess; } catch (IOException ex) { Log.Warn($"path:'{path}'", ex); } foreach (string file in files) { if (worker != null && worker.CancellationPending) { break; } bool hiddenEntry = false; if (FolderOptions.IsHidden(file, ref hiddenEntry)) { continue; } RowData rowData = ReadRowData(file, false); string resolvedLnkPath = string.Empty; if (rowData.ReadIcon(false, ref resolvedLnkPath)) { rowData = ReadRowData(resolvedLnkPath, true, rowData); rowData.ContainsMenu = true; rowData.HiddenEntry = hiddenEntry; } menuData.RowDatas.Add(rowData); } } if (!worker.CancellationPending) { if (menuData.Validity == MenuDataValidity.AbortedOrUnknown) { if (menuData.RowDatas.Count == 0) { menuData.Validity = MenuDataValidity.Empty; } else { menuData.Validity = MenuDataValidity.Valid; } } } return menuData; } internal void MainPreload() { menus[0] = Create(GetData(workerMainMenu, Config.Path, 0), Path.GetFileName(Config.Path)); menus[0].AdjustSizeAndLocation(); DisposeMenu(menus[0]); } internal void StartWorker() { if (!workerMainMenu.IsBusy) { LoadStarted(); workerMainMenu.RunWorkerAsync( new object[] { Config.Path, 0 }); } } internal void StopWorker() { if (workerMainMenu.IsBusy) { workerMainMenu.CancelAsync(); } } private static RowData ReadRowData(string fileName, bool isResolvedLnk, RowData rowData = null) { if (rowData == null) { rowData = new RowData(); } rowData.IsResolvedLnk = isResolvedLnk; try { rowData.FileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); rowData.TargetFilePath = rowData.FileInfo.FullName; if (!isResolvedLnk) { rowData.SetText(rowData.FileInfo.Name); rowData.TargetFilePathOrig = rowData.FileInfo.FullName; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is SecurityException || ex is ArgumentException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException || ex is PathTooLongException || ex is NotSupportedException) { Log.Warn($"fileName:'{fileName}'", ex); } else { throw; } } return rowData; } private Menu Create(MenuData menuData, string title = null) { Menu menu = new Menu(); if (title != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { title = Path.GetPathRoot(Config.Path); } menu.SetTitle(title); menu.UserClickedOpenFolder += OpenFolder; void OpenFolder() { Log.ProcessStart("explorer.exe", Config.Path); } } menu.Level = menuData.Level; menu.MouseWheel += AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation; menu.MouseLeave += waitLeave.Start; menu.MouseEnter += waitLeave.Stop; menu.KeyPress += keyboardInput.KeyPress; menu.CmdKeyProcessed += keyboardInput.CmdKeyProcessed; keyboardInput.EnterPressed += waitToOpenMenu.EnterOpensInstantly; menu.SearchTextChanging += keyboardInput.SearchTextChanging; menu.SearchTextChanged += Menu_SearchTextChanged; void Menu_SearchTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { keyboardInput.SearchTextChanged(sender, e); AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(); } menu.Deactivate += Deactivate; void Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e) { FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded(); if (!IsActive()) { deactivatedTime = DateTime.Now; } } menu.Activated += Activated; void Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsActive() && menus[0].IsUsable) { menus[0].SetTitleColorActive(); AsList.ForEach(m => m.ShowWithFade()); timerStillActiveCheck.Start(); } } menu.VisibleChanged += MenuVisibleChanged; AddItemsToMenu(menuData.RowDatas, menu); void AddItemsToMenu(List data, Menu menu) { DataGridView dgv = menu.GetDataGridView(); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add(dgv.Columns[0].Name, typeof(Icon)); dataTable.Columns.Add(dgv.Columns[1].Name, typeof(string)); dataTable.Columns.Add("data", typeof(RowData)); foreach (RowData rowData in data) { rowData.SetData(rowData, dataTable); } dgv.DataSource = dataTable; } DataGridView dgv = menu.GetDataGridView(); dgv.CellMouseEnter += waitToOpenMenu.MouseEnter; waitToOpenMenu.MouseEnterOk += Dgv_CellMouseEnter; void Dgv_CellMouseEnter(DataGridView dgv, int rowIndex) { if (menus[0].IsUsable) { if (keyboardInput.InUse) { keyboardInput.ClearIsSelectedByKey(); keyboardInput.InUse = false; } keyboardInput.Select(dgv, rowIndex, false); } } dgv.CellMouseLeave += waitToOpenMenu.MouseLeave; dgv.MouseMove += waitToOpenMenu.MouseMove; dgv.MouseDown += Dgv_MouseDown; dgv.MouseDoubleClick += Dgv_MouseDoubleClick; dgv.SelectionChanged += Dgv_SelectionChanged; return menu; } private void MenuVisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Menu menu = (Menu)sender; if (menu.IsUsable) { AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(); } if (!menu.Visible) { DisposeMenu(menu); } if (!AsEnumerable.Any(m => m.Visible)) { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; } } private void Dgv_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; DataGridView.HitTestInfo hitTestInfo; hitTestInfo = dgv.HitTest(e.X, e.Y); if (hitTestInfo.RowIndex > -1 && dgv.Rows.Count > hitTestInfo.RowIndex) { RowData rowData = (RowData)dgv.Rows[hitTestInfo.RowIndex].Cells[2].Value; rowData.MouseDown(dgv, e); waitToOpenMenu.ClickOpensInstantly(dgv, hitTestInfo.RowIndex); } } private void Dgv_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; DataGridView.HitTestInfo hitTestInfo; hitTestInfo = dgv.HitTest(e.X, e.Y); if (hitTestInfo.RowIndex > -1 && dgv.Rows.Count > hitTestInfo.RowIndex) { RowData trigger = (RowData)dgv.Rows[hitTestInfo.RowIndex].Cells[2].Value; trigger.DoubleClick(e); } } private void Dgv_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshSelection((DataGridView)sender); } private void RefreshSelection(DataGridView dgv) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows) { RowData rowData = (RowData)row.Cells[2].Value; if (rowData == null) { #warning evalute the case again, should we prevent it somewhere else? } else if (!menus[0].IsUsable) { row.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White; row.Selected = false; } else if (rowData.IsMenuOpen && rowData.IsSelected) { row.Cells[0].Style.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorOpenFolder; row.Cells[1].Style.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorSelectedItem; row.Selected = true; } else if (rowData.IsMenuOpen) { row.Cells[0].Style.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorOpenFolder; row.Cells[1].Style.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorOpenFolder; row.Selected = true; } else if (rowData.IsSelected) { row.Cells[0].Style.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorSelectedItem; row.Cells[1].Style.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorSelectedItem; row.Selected = true; } else { row.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White; row.Selected = false; } } } private void ShowSubMenu(Menu menuToShow) { HideOldMenu(menuToShow, true); menus[menuToShow.Level] = menuToShow; AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(); menus[menuToShow.Level].ShowWithFadeOrTransparent(IsActive()); } private void HideOldMenu(Menu menuToShow, bool keepOrSetIsMenuOpen = false) { //Clean up menu status IsMenuOpen for previous one Menu menuPrevious = menus[menuToShow.Level - 1]; DataGridView dgvPrevious = menuPrevious.GetDataGridView(); foreach (DataRow row in ((DataTable)dgvPrevious.DataSource).Rows) { RowData rowDataToClear = (RowData)row[2]; if (rowDataToClear == (RowData)menuToShow.Tag) { rowDataToClear.IsMenuOpen = keepOrSetIsMenuOpen; } else { rowDataToClear.IsMenuOpen = false; } } RefreshSelection(dgvPrevious); //Hide old menu foreach (Menu menuToClose in menus.Where( m => m != null && m.Level > menuPrevious.Level)) { menuToClose.VisibleChanged += MenuVisibleChanged; menuToClose.HideWithFade(); menus[menuToClose.Level] = null; } } private void FadeInIfNeeded() { if (menus[0].IsUsable) { bool active = IsActive(); AsList.ForEach(menu => menu.ShowWithFadeOrTransparent(active)); } } internal void FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded() { if (menus[0].IsUsable) { if (!(IsActive())) { Point position = Control.MousePosition; if (AsList.Any(m => m.IsMouseOn(position))) { if (!keyboardInput.InUse) { AsList.ForEach(menu => menu.ShowTransparent()); } } else { MenusFadeOut(); } } } } private bool IsActive() { return Form.ActiveForm is Menu; } private void MenusFadeOut() { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Closing; AsList.ForEach(menu => { if (menu.Level > 0) { menus[menu.Level] = null; } menu.HideWithFade(); }); } private void AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation() { Menu menuPredecessor = menus[0]; int widthPredecessors = -1; // -1 padding bool directionToRight = false; menus[0].AdjustSizeAndLocation(); foreach (Menu menu in AsEnumerable.Where(m => m.Level > 0)) { int newWith = (menu.Width - menu.Padding.Horizontal + menuPredecessor.Width); if (directionToRight) { if (widthPredecessors - menus[0].Width - menu.Width < 0) { directionToRight = false; } else { widthPredecessors -= newWith; } } else if (Statics.ScreenWidth < widthPredecessors + menus[0].Width + menu.Width) { directionToRight = true; widthPredecessors -= newWith; } menu.AdjustSizeAndLocation(menuPredecessor, directionToRight); widthPredecessors += menu.Width - menu.Padding.Left; menuPredecessor = menu; } } } }