using Clearcove.Logging; using Shell32; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Forms; using SystemTrayMenu.Controls; using SystemTrayMenu.Handler; using SystemTrayMenu.Helper; namespace SystemTrayMenu { #region Enable debug log by putting this code into each function //MethodBase m = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); //log.Debug($"Executing {m.ReflectedType.Name}, {m.Name}"); #endregion class SystemTrayMenu : IDisposable { Logger log = new Logger(nameof(SystemTrayMenu)); IShellDispatch4 iShellDispatch4 = null; MessageFilter messageFilter = new MessageFilter(); bool messageFilterAdded = false; MenuNotifyIcon menuNotifyIcon = null; WaitFastLeave fastLeave = new WaitFastLeave(); Menu[] menus = new Menu[MenuDefines.MenusMax]; KeyboardInput keyboardInput; enum OpenCloseState { Default, Opening, Closing }; OpenCloseState openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); Screen screen = null; public SystemTrayMenu(ref bool cancelAppRun) { log.Info("Application Start " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(). GetName().Version.ToString() + $" ScalingFactor={Program.ScalingFactor}"); try { iShellDispatch4 = (IShellDispatch4)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application")); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Get Shell COM instance failed" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString()); } Config.UpgradeIfNotUpgraded(); keyboardInput = new KeyboardInput(menus); keyboardInput.RegisterHotKey(); keyboardInput.HotKeyPressed += SwitchOpenClose; keyboardInput.ClosePressed += MenusFadeOut; keyboardInput.RowSelected += KeyboardInputRowSelected; void KeyboardInputRowSelected(DataGridView dgv, int rowIndex) { FadeInIfNeeded(); CheckMenuOpenerStart(dgv, rowIndex); } keyboardInput.RowDeselected += CheckMenuOpenerStop; keyboardInput.Cleared += FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded; menuNotifyIcon = new MenuNotifyIcon(); menus[0] = new Menu(); menus[0].Dispose(); menuNotifyIcon.Exit += Application.Exit; menuNotifyIcon.HandleClick += SwitchOpenClose; void SwitchOpenClose() { if (Config.Path == string.Empty) { //Case when Folder Dialog open } else if (openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Opening || menus[0].Visible && openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Default) { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Closing; MenusFadeOut(); if (worker.IsBusy) { worker.CancelAsync(); } } else { #region NotifyIconIsInteededToBeOutside // Idea is either to show always outside like dropbox // (is nok due to windows rules, maybe only allowed when asking user?) // (or to give at least a hint that drag drop possible?) //bool IsNotifyIconInTaskbar() //{ // bool isNotifyIconInTaskbar = false; // int height = screen.Bounds.Height - // new Taskbar().Size.Height; // if (Cursor.Position.Y >= height) // { // isNotifyIconInTaskbar = true; // } // return isNotifyIconInTaskbar; //} //if (!IsNotifyIconInTaskbar()) //{ // //DragDropHintForm hintForm = new DragDropHintForm( // // Program.Translate("HintDragDropTitle"), // // Program.Translate("HintDragDropText"), // // Program.Translate("buttonOk")); // //hintForm.Show(); //} #endregion while (menus[0].Visible && !menus[0].IsDisposed && worker.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Opening; screen = Screen.PrimaryScreen; menuNotifyIcon.LoadingStart(); worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } } worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; worker.DoWork += Worker_DoWork; void Worker_DoWork(object senderDoWork, DoWorkEventArgs eDoWork) { int level = 0; BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)senderDoWork; eDoWork.Result = ReadMenu(worker, Config.Path, level); } worker.RunWorkerCompleted += Worker_RunWorkerCompleted; void Worker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { keyboardInput.ResetSelectedByKey(); menuNotifyIcon.LoadingStop(); MenuData menuData = (MenuData)e.Result; if (menuData.Validity == MenuDataValidity.Valid) { menus[0] = CreateMenu(menuData, Path.GetFileName(Config.Path)); menus[0].AdjustLocationAndSize(screen); ActivateMenu(); menus[0].AdjustLocationAndSize(screen); if (!messageFilterAdded) { Application.AddMessageFilter(messageFilter); messageFilterAdded = true; } } } void ActivateMenu() { Menus().ToList().ForEach(menu => { menu.FadeIn(); menu.FadeHalf(); }); menus[0].SetTitleColorActive(); menus[0].Activate(); WindowToTop.ForceForegroundWindow(menus[0].Handle); } menuNotifyIcon.ChangeFolder += ChangeFolder; void ChangeFolder() { if (Config.SetFolderByUser()) { ApplicationRestart(); } } menuNotifyIcon.OpenLog += OpenLog; void OpenLog() { Process.Start(Program.GetLogFilePath()); } Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged; void SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { log.Info("SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged"); ApplicationRestart(); } menuNotifyIcon.Restart += ApplicationRestart; void ApplicationRestart() { Dispose(); Process.Start(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(). ManifestModule.FullyQualifiedName); } messageFilter.MouseMove += FadeInIfNeeded; messageFilter.ScrollBarMouseMove += FadeInIfNeeded; messageFilter.MouseLeave += fastLeave.Start; fastLeave.Leave += FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded; if (!Config.LoadOrSetByUser()) { cancelAppRun = true; } } void FadeInIfNeeded() { if (menus[0].Visible && !menus[0].IsFadingIn && !menus[0].IsFadingOut) { if (Menus().Any(m => m.Opacity < 1)) { Menus().ToList().ForEach(menu => menu.FadeIn()); } } } void FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded() { Point mousePosition = Control.MousePosition; bool isMouseOnAnyMenu = !Menus().Any(m => m.IsMouseOn(mousePosition)); bool isAnyMenuActive = IsAnyMenuActive(); if (menus[0].Visible && isMouseOnAnyMenu) { if (isAnyMenuActive && !(openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Closing)) { if (!keyboardInput.IsAnyMenuSelectedByKey()) { Menus().ToList().ForEach(menu => menu.FadeHalf()); } } else { MenusFadeOut(); } } } public void Dispose() { keyboardInput.Dispose(); menuNotifyIcon.Dispose(); fastLeave.Dispose(); DisposeMenu(menus[0]); } void DisposeMenu(Menu menuToDispose) { if (menuToDispose != null) { DataGridView dgv = menuToDispose.GetDataGridView(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows) { RowData rowData = (RowData)row.Tag; rowData.Dispose(); DisposeMenu(rowData.SubMenu); } dgv.ClearSelection(); menuToDispose.Dispose(); menuToDispose = null; } } void DisposeWhenHidden(object sender, EventArgs e) { Menu menuToDispose = (Menu)sender; if (menuToDispose == menus[0]) { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; } if (!menuToDispose.Visible) { DisposeMenu(menuToDispose); } } void AdjustSubMenusLocationAndSize() { int heightMax = screen.Bounds.Height - new Taskbar().Size.Height; Menu menuPredecessor = menus[0]; int widthPredecessors = -1; // -1 padding bool directionToRight = false; foreach (Menu menu in Menus().Skip(1)) { // -1*2 padding int newWith = (menu.Width - 2 + menuPredecessor.Width); if (directionToRight) { #warning is this still correct? if (widthPredecessors - menu.Width <= -2) // -1*2 padding { directionToRight = false; } else { widthPredecessors -= newWith; } } else if (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width < widthPredecessors + menuPredecessor.Width + menu.Width) { directionToRight = true; widthPredecessors -= newWith; } menu.AdjustLocationAndSize(heightMax, widthPredecessors, menuPredecessor); widthPredecessors += menu.Width - 1; // -1 padding menuPredecessor = menu; } } void OpenSubMenu(object sender, EventArgs e) { RowData trigger = (RowData)sender; Menu menuTriggered = trigger.SubMenu; Menu menuFromTrigger = menus[menuTriggered.Level - 1]; for (int level = menuTriggered.Level; level < MenuDefines.MenusMax; level++) { if (menus[level] != null) { Menu menuToClose = menus[level]; RowData oldTrigger = (RowData)menuToClose.Tag; DataGridView dgv = menuFromTrigger.GetDataGridView(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows) { RowData rowData = (RowData)row.Tag; rowData.IsSelected = false; } trigger.IsSelected = true; dgv.ClearSelection(); dgv.Rows[trigger.RowIndex].Selected = true; menuToClose.FadeOut(); menuToClose.VisibleChanged += DisposeWhenHidden; menus[level] = null; } } menus[menuTriggered.Level] = menuTriggered; AdjustSubMenusLocationAndSize(); menus[menuTriggered.Level].FadeIn(); AdjustSubMenusLocationAndSize(); IsAnyMenuActive(); } bool IsAnyMenuActive() { bool isAnyMenuActive = Form.ActiveForm is Menu; if (!isAnyMenuActive) { menus[0].SetTitleColorDeactive(); CheckMenuOpenerStop(keyboardInput.iMenuKey, keyboardInput.iRowKey); keyboardInput.ClearIsSelectedByKey(); } else { menus[0].SetTitleColorActive(); } return isAnyMenuActive; } MenuData ReadMenu(BackgroundWorker worker, string path, int level) { bool HideHiddenEntries = false; bool HideSystemEntries = false; if (null != iShellDispatch4) { // Using SHGetSetSettings would be much better in performance but the results are not accurate. // We have to go for the shell interface in order to receive the correct settings: // const int SSF_SHOWALLOBJECTS = 0x00000001; const int SSF_SHOWSUPERHIDDEN = 0x00040000; HideHiddenEntries = !iShellDispatch4.GetSetting(SSF_SHOWALLOBJECTS); HideSystemEntries = !iShellDispatch4.GetSetting(SSF_SHOWSUPERHIDDEN); } MenuData menuData = new MenuData(); menuData.RowDatas = new List(); menuData.Validity = MenuDataValidity.Invalid; menuData.Level = level; if (!worker.CancellationPending) { string[] directories = new string[] { }; try { directories = Directory.GetDirectories(path); Array.Sort(directories, new WindowsExplorerSort()); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { log.Info($"UnauthorizedAccessException:'{path}'"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info($"path:'{path}'"); log.Error($"{ex.ToString()}"); } foreach (string directory in directories) { if (worker != null && worker.CancellationPending) { break; } FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(directory); bool hiddenEntry = attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden); bool systemEntry = attributes.HasFlag( FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System); if ((HideHiddenEntries && hiddenEntry) || (HideSystemEntries && systemEntry)) { continue; } RowData menuButtonData = ReadMenuButtonData(directory, false); menuButtonData.ContainsMenu = true; menuButtonData.HiddenEntry = hiddenEntry; string resolvedLnkPath = string.Empty; menuButtonData.ReadIcon(true, ref resolvedLnkPath); menuData.RowDatas.Add(menuButtonData); } } if (!worker.CancellationPending) { string[] files = new string[] { }; try { files = Directory.GetFiles(path).Where(p => !Path.GetFileName(p).Equals("desktop.ini", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && // Windows folder settings, e.g. Win10 "desktop.ini", Win2003 "Desktop.ini" !Path.GetFileName(p).Equals("thumbs.db", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) // Windows thumbnail cache ).ToArray(); Array.Sort(files, new WindowsExplorerSort()); } catch (Exception ex) { if ((uint)ex.HResult == 0x80070005) // E_ACCESSDENIED menuData.Validity = MenuDataValidity.NoAccess; else { log.Info($"path:'{path}'"); log.Error($"{ex.ToString()}"); } } foreach (string file in files) { if (worker != null && worker.CancellationPending) { break; } FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(file); bool hiddenEntry = attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden); bool systemEntry = attributes.HasFlag( FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System); if ((HideHiddenEntries && hiddenEntry) || (HideSystemEntries && systemEntry)) { continue; } RowData menuButtonData = ReadMenuButtonData(file, false); string resolvedLnkPath = string.Empty; if (menuButtonData.ReadIcon(false, ref resolvedLnkPath)) { // file is pointing to a directory, so prepare submenu menuButtonData = ReadMenuButtonData(resolvedLnkPath, true, menuButtonData); menuButtonData.ContainsMenu = true; menuButtonData.HiddenEntry = hiddenEntry; } menuData.RowDatas.Add(menuButtonData); } } if (!worker.CancellationPending) { if (menuData.Validity == MenuDataValidity.Invalid) menuData.Validity = MenuDataValidity.Valid; } return menuData; } RowData ReadMenuButtonData(string fileName, bool isResolvedLnk, RowData menuButtonData = null) { if (menuButtonData == null) { menuButtonData = new RowData(); } menuButtonData.IsResolvedLnk = isResolvedLnk; try { menuButtonData.FileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); menuButtonData.TargetFilePath = menuButtonData.FileInfo.FullName; if (!isResolvedLnk) { menuButtonData.SetText(menuButtonData.FileInfo.Name); menuButtonData.TargetFilePathOrig = menuButtonData.FileInfo.FullName; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info($"fileName:'{fileName}'"); log.Error($"{ex.ToString()}"); } return menuButtonData; } private void Dgv_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; DataGridView.HitTestInfo hitTestInfo; hitTestInfo = dgv.HitTest(e.X, e.Y); if (hitTestInfo.RowIndex > -1 && dgv.Rows.Count > hitTestInfo.RowIndex) { RowData trigger = (RowData)dgv.Rows[hitTestInfo.RowIndex].Tag; trigger.DoubleClick(); } } private void Dgv_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; DataGridView.HitTestInfo hitTestInfo; hitTestInfo = dgv.HitTest(e.X, e.Y); if (hitTestInfo.RowIndex > -1 && dgv.Rows.Count > hitTestInfo.RowIndex) { RowData trigger = (RowData)dgv.Rows[hitTestInfo.RowIndex].Tag; trigger.MouseDown(dgv, e); } } private void Dgv_MouseEnter(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; CheckMenuOpenerStart(dgv, e.RowIndex); } private void CheckMenuOpenerStart(DataGridView dgv, int rowIndex) { if (rowIndex > -1 && dgv.Rows.Count > rowIndex) { RowData trigger = (RowData)dgv.Rows[rowIndex].Tag; trigger.IsSelected = true; dgv.Rows[rowIndex].Selected = true; Menu menuFromTrigger = (Menu)dgv.FindForm(); Menu menuTriggered = trigger.SubMenu; int level = menuFromTrigger.Level + 1; if (trigger.ContainsMenu && level < MenuDefines.MenusMax && !menus[0].IsFadingOut && !menuFromTrigger.IsFadingOut && (menus[level] == null || menus[level] != menuTriggered)) { trigger.StopLoadMenuAndStartWaitToOpenIt(); trigger.StartMenuOpener(); if (trigger.Reading.IsBusy) { trigger.RestartLoading = true; } else { menuNotifyIcon.LoadingStart(); trigger.Reading.RunWorkerAsync(level); } } } } private void Dgv_MouseLeave(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; Menu menu = (Menu)dgv.FindForm(); CheckMenuOpenerStop(menu.Level, e.RowIndex, dgv); } private void CheckMenuOpenerStop(int menuIndex, int rowIndex, DataGridView dgv = null) { Menu menu = menus[menuIndex]; if (menu != null && rowIndex > -1) { if (dgv == null) { dgv = menu.GetDataGridView(); } if (dgv.Rows.Count > rowIndex) { RowData trigger = (RowData)dgv.Rows[rowIndex].Tag; if (trigger.Reading.IsBusy) { if (!trigger.IsContextMenuOpen) { trigger.IsSelected = false; dgv.Rows[rowIndex].Selected = false; } trigger.Reading.CancelAsync(); } else if (trigger.ContainsMenu && !trigger.IsLoading) { trigger.IsSelected = true; dgv.Rows[rowIndex].Selected = true; } else { if (!trigger.IsContextMenuOpen) { trigger.IsSelected = false; dgv.Rows[rowIndex].Selected = false; } } if (trigger.IsLoading) { trigger.StopLoadMenuAndStartWaitToOpenIt(); trigger.IsLoading = false; } } } } private void Dgv_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataGridView dgv = (DataGridView)sender; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows) { RowData rowData = (RowData)row.Tag; if (rowData.IsSelectedByKeyboard) { row.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.KeyBoardSelection; row.Selected = true; } else if (rowData.IsSelected) { row.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.FolderOpen; row.Selected = true; } else { rowData.IsSelected = false; row.Selected = false; } } } IEnumerable Menus() { return menus.Where(m => m != null); } void MenusFadeOut() { if (messageFilterAdded) { Application.RemoveMessageFilter(messageFilter); messageFilterAdded = false; } Menus().ToList().ForEach(menu => { if (menu.Level > 0) { menus[menu.Level] = null; } menu.FadeOut(); }); } Menu CreateMenu(MenuData menuData, string title = null) { Menu menu = new Menu(); if (title != null) { if (title == string.Empty) { title = Path.GetPathRoot(Config.Path); } menu.SetTitle(title); menu.UserClickedOpenFolder += OpenFolder; void OpenFolder() { Process.Start("explorer.exe", Config.Path); } } menu.Level = menuData.Level; menu.MouseWheel += AdjustSubMenusLocationAndSize; DataGridView dgv = menu.GetDataGridView(); dgv.CellMouseEnter += Dgv_MouseEnter; dgv.CellMouseLeave += Dgv_MouseLeave; dgv.MouseDoubleClick += Dgv_MouseDoubleClick; dgv.MouseDown += Dgv_MouseDown; dgv.SelectionChanged += Dgv_SelectionChanged; menu.KeyPress += keyboardInput.KeyPress; menu.CmdKeyProcessed += keyboardInput.CmdKeyProcessed; menu.Activated += Activated; void Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { menus[0].SetTitleColorActive(); } menu.Deactivated += fastLeave.Start; menu.VisibleChanged += DisposeWhenHidden; AddItemsToMenu(menuData.RowDatas, menu); return menu; } private void AddItemsToMenu(List data, Menu menu) { foreach (RowData rowData in data) { CreateMenuRow(rowData, menu); } } private void CreateMenuRow(RowData rowData, Menu menu) { rowData.SetData(rowData, menu.GetDataGridView()); rowData.OpenMenu += OpenSubMenu; rowData.Reading.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; rowData.Reading.DoWork += ReadMenu_DoWork; void ReadMenu_DoWork(object senderDoWork, DoWorkEventArgs eDoWork) { int level = (int)eDoWork.Argument; BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)senderDoWork; rowData.RestartLoading = false; eDoWork.Result = ReadMenu(worker, rowData.TargetFilePath, level); } rowData.Reading.RunWorkerCompleted += ReadMenu_RunWorkerCompleted; void ReadMenu_RunWorkerCompleted(object senderCompleted, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { MenuData menuData = (MenuData)e.Result; if (rowData.RestartLoading) { rowData.Reading.RunWorkerAsync(menuData.Level); } else { menuNotifyIcon.LoadingStop(); menuNotifyIcon.LoadWait(); if (menuData.Validity != MenuDataValidity.Invalid) { menu = CreateMenu(menuData); if (menuData.RowDatas.Count > 0) { menu.SetTypeSub(); } else if (menuData.Validity == MenuDataValidity.NoAccess) { menu.SetTypeNoAccess(); } else { menu.SetTypeEmpty(); } menu.Tag = rowData; rowData.SubMenu = menu; rowData.MenuLoaded(); } menuNotifyIcon.LoadStop(); } } } } }