// // Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved. // namespace SystemTrayMenu.Utilities { using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Shell32; using SystemTrayMenu.DataClasses; internal static class FolderOptions { private static bool hideHiddenEntries; private static bool hideSystemEntries; private static IShellDispatch4? iShellDispatch4; internal static void Initialize() { try { iShellDispatch4 = (IShellDispatch4?)Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application")!); // Using SHGetSetSettings would be much better in performance but the results are not accurate. // We have to go for the shell interface in order to receive the correct settings: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/ishelldispatch4-getsetting const int SSF_SHOWALLOBJECTS = 0x00000001; hideHiddenEntries = !(iShellDispatch4?.GetSetting(SSF_SHOWALLOBJECTS) ?? false); const int SSF_SHOWSUPERHIDDEN = 0x00040000; hideSystemEntries = !(iShellDispatch4?.GetSetting(SSF_SHOWSUPERHIDDEN) ?? false); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ArgumentException || ex is NotSupportedException || ex is TargetInvocationException || ex is MethodAccessException || ex is MemberAccessException || ex is InvalidComObjectException || ex is MissingMethodException || ex is COMException || ex is TypeLoadException) { Log.Warn("Get Shell COM instance failed", ex); } else { throw; } } } internal static bool IsHidden(RowData rowData) { bool isDirectoryToHide = false; if (rowData.Path == null || rowData.Path.Length >= 260) { Log.Info($"path too long (>=260):'{rowData.Path}'"); return isDirectoryToHide; } try { FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(rowData.Path); rowData.HiddenEntry = attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden); bool systemEntry = attributes.HasFlag( FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System); if (Properties.Settings.Default.SystemSettingsShowHiddenFiles) { if ((hideHiddenEntries && rowData.HiddenEntry) || (hideSystemEntries && systemEntry)) { isDirectoryToHide = true; } } else if (rowData.HiddenEntry && Properties.Settings.Default.NeverShowHiddenFiles) { isDirectoryToHide = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"path:'{rowData.Path}'", ex); } return isDirectoryToHide; } } }