// // Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved. // namespace SystemTrayMenu.Business { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Threading; using Microsoft.Win32; using SystemTrayMenu.DataClasses; using SystemTrayMenu.DllImports; using SystemTrayMenu.Handler; using SystemTrayMenu.Helpers; using SystemTrayMenu.Properties; using SystemTrayMenu.Utilities; using static SystemTrayMenu.UserInterface.Menu; using Menu = SystemTrayMenu.UserInterface.Menu; internal class Menus : IDisposable { private readonly Dispatcher dispatchter = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher; private readonly Menu?[] menus = new Menu?[MenuDefines.MenusMax]; private readonly BackgroundWorker workerMainMenu = new(); private readonly List workersSubMenu = new(); private readonly WaitToLoadMenu waitToOpenMenu = new(); private readonly KeyboardInput keyboardInput; private readonly JoystickHelper joystickHelper; private readonly List watchers = new(); private readonly List watcherHistory = new(); private readonly DispatcherTimer timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon = new(); private readonly DispatcherTimer timerStillActiveCheck = new(); private readonly DispatcherTimer waitLeave = new(); private DateTime deactivatedTime = DateTime.MinValue; private OpenCloseState openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; private TaskbarPosition taskbarPosition = new WindowsTaskbar().Position; private bool searchTextChanging; #if TODO // Misc MouseEvents private int lastMouseDownRowIndex = -1; #endif private bool showMenuAfterMainPreload; private bool hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch; public Menus() { keyboardInput = new(menus); keyboardInput.RegisterHotKey(); keyboardInput.HotKeyPressed += () => SwitchOpenClose(false); keyboardInput.ClosePressed += MenusFadeOut; keyboardInput.RowDeselected += waitToOpenMenu.RowDeselected; keyboardInput.EnterPressed += waitToOpenMenu.EnterOpensInstantly; keyboardInput.RowSelected += waitToOpenMenu.RowSelected; workerMainMenu.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; workerMainMenu.DoWork += LoadMenu; workerMainMenu.RunWorkerCompleted += LoadMainMenuCompleted; waitToOpenMenu.StopLoadMenu += WaitToOpenMenu_StopLoadMenu; void WaitToOpenMenu_StopLoadMenu() { foreach (BackgroundWorker workerSubMenu in workersSubMenu. Where(w => w.IsBusy)) { workerSubMenu.CancelAsync(); } LoadStopped?.Invoke(); } waitToOpenMenu.StartLoadMenu += StartLoadMenu; void StartLoadMenu(RowData rowData) { if (IsMainUsable && rowData.Path != null && (menus[rowData.Level + 1] == null || menus[rowData.Level + 1]?.RowDataParent != rowData)) { Create(new(rowData.Level + 1, rowData), rowData.Path); // Level 1+ Sub Menu (loading) BackgroundWorker? workerSubMenu = workersSubMenu. Where(w => !w.IsBusy).FirstOrDefault(); if (workerSubMenu == null) { workerSubMenu = new BackgroundWorker { WorkerSupportsCancellation = true, }; workerSubMenu.DoWork += LoadMenu; workerSubMenu.RunWorkerCompleted += LoadSubMenuCompleted; workersSubMenu.Add(workerSubMenu); } workerSubMenu.RunWorkerAsync(rowData); } void LoadSubMenuCompleted(object? senderCompleted, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Result == null) { return; } MenuData menuData = (MenuData)e.Result; Menu? menu = menus[menuData.Level]; if (menu == null) { return; } if (IsMainUsable) { if (menuData.DirectoryState != MenuDataDirectoryState.Undefined) { // Sub Menu (completed) menu.AddItemsToMenu(menuData.RowDatas); menu.SetSubMenuState(menuData.DirectoryState); AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(menu.Level); menu.TimerUpdateIconsStart(); } else { menu.HideWithFade(); menus[menu.Level] = null; if (menuData.RowDataParent != null) { menuData.RowDataParent.IsMenuOpen = false; menuData.RowDataParent.IsClicking = false; menuData.RowDataParent.IsSelected = false; } ListView? lv = menus[menuData.Level - 1]?.GetDataGridView(); if (lv != null) { RefreshSelection(lv); } } } } } waitToOpenMenu.CloseMenu += CloseMenu; void CloseMenu(int level) { if (level < menus.Length) { Menu? menu = menus[level]; if (menu != null) { HideOldMenu(menu); } } if (level - 1 < menus.Length && menus[level - 1] != null) { menus[level - 1]?.FocusTextBox(); } } waitToOpenMenu.MouseEnterOk += MouseEnterOk; #if TODO // Misc MouseEvents dgvMouseRow.RowMouseLeave += Dgv_RowMouseLeave; // event moved to Menu.CellMouseLeave() #endif joystickHelper = new(); joystickHelper.KeyPressed += (key, modifiers) => menus[0]?.Dispatcher.Invoke(keyboardInput.CmdKeyProcessed, new object[] { null!, key, modifiers }); timerStillActiveCheck.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Settings.Default.TimeUntilClosesAfterEnterPressed + 20); timerStillActiveCheck.Tick += (sender, e) => StillActiveTick(); void StillActiveTick() { if (!IsActive()) { FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded(); } timerStillActiveCheck.Stop(); } waitLeave.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Settings.Default.TimeUntilCloses); waitLeave.Tick += (_, _) => { waitLeave.Stop(); FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded(); }; CreateWatcher(Config.Path, false); foreach (var pathAndFlags in DirectoryHelpers.GetAddionalPathsForMainMenu()) { CreateWatcher(pathAndFlags.Path, pathAndFlags.Recursive); } void CreateWatcher(string path, bool recursiv) { try { FileSystemWatcher watcher = new() { Path = path, NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.Attributes | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite, Filter = "*.*", }; watcher.Created += WatcherProcessItem; watcher.Deleted += WatcherProcessItem; watcher.Renamed += WatcherProcessItem; watcher.Changed += WatcherProcessItem; watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = recursiv; watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; watchers.Add(watcher); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"Failed to {nameof(CreateWatcher)}: {path}", ex); } } SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged; } internal event Action? LoadStarted; internal event Action? LoadStopped; private enum OpenCloseState { Default, Opening, Closing, } private bool IsMainUsable => menus[0]?.IsUsable ?? false; private IEnumerable AsEnumerable => menus.Where(m => m != null && !m.IsClosed)!; private List AsList => AsEnumerable.ToList(); public void Dispose() { SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged -= SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged; workerMainMenu.Dispose(); foreach (BackgroundWorker worker in workersSubMenu) { worker.Dispose(); } waitToOpenMenu.Dispose(); keyboardInput.Dispose(); joystickHelper.Dispose(); timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon.Stop(); timerStillActiveCheck.Stop(); waitLeave.Stop(); IconReader.Dispose(); menus[0]?.Close(); foreach (FileSystemWatcher watcher in watchers) { watcher.Created -= WatcherProcessItem; watcher.Deleted -= WatcherProcessItem; watcher.Renamed -= WatcherProcessItem; watcher.Changed -= WatcherProcessItem; watcher.Dispose(); } } internal static void OpenFolder(string? path = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { path = Config.Path; } Log.ProcessStart(path); } internal void SwitchOpenCloseByTaskbarItem() { // User started with taskbar or clicked on taskbar: remember to open menu after preload has finished showMenuAfterMainPreload = true; SwitchOpenClose(true, true); timerStillActiveCheck.Start(); } internal void FirstStartInBackground() { dispatchter.Invoke(() => SwitchOpenClose(false, true)); } internal void SwitchOpenClose(bool byClick, bool allowPreloading = false) { // Ignore open close events during main preload #248 if (IconReader.IsPreloading && !allowPreloading) { // User pressed hotkey or clicked on notifyicon: remember to open menu after preload has finished showMenuAfterMainPreload = true; return; } waitToOpenMenu.MouseActive = byClick; if (byClick && !Config.AlwaysOpenByPin && (DateTime.Now - deactivatedTime).TotalMilliseconds < 200) { // By click on notifyicon the menu gets deactivated and closed } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Path)) { // Case when Folder Dialog open } else { Menu? menu = menus[0]; if (openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Opening || (menu != null && menu.Visibility == Visibility.Visible && openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Default)) { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Closing; MenusFadeOut(); StopWorker(); if (!AsEnumerable.Any(m => m.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)) { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; } } else { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Opening; joystickHelper.Enable(); StartWorker(); } } deactivatedTime = DateTime.MinValue; } internal void StartWorker() { if (Settings.Default.GenerateShortcutsToDrives) { GenerateDriveShortcuts.Start(); } if (!workerMainMenu.IsBusy) { LoadStarted?.Invoke(); workerMainMenu.RunWorkerAsync(null); } } internal void StopWorker() { if (workerMainMenu.IsBusy) { workerMainMenu.CancelAsync(); } } private static void LoadMenu(object? sender, DoWorkEventArgs eDoWork) { BackgroundWorker? workerSelf = sender as BackgroundWorker; RowData? rowData = eDoWork.Argument as RowData; string? path; int level; if (rowData != null) { path = rowData.ResolvedPath; if (path == null) { return; } level = rowData.Level + 1; } else { path = Config.Path; level = 0; } MenuData menuData = new(level, rowData); DirectoryHelpers.DiscoverItems(workerSelf, path, ref menuData); if (menuData.DirectoryState != MenuDataDirectoryState.Undefined && workerSelf != null && level == 0) { // After success of MainMenu loading: never run again workerSelf.DoWork -= LoadMenu; } eDoWork.Result = menuData; } private void LoadMainMenuCompleted(object? sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { keyboardInput.ResetSelectedByKey(); LoadStopped?.Invoke(); if (e.Result == null) { Menu? menu = menus[0]; if (menu != null) { // The main menu gets loaded again // Clean up menu status of previous one ListView? dgvMainMenu = menu.GetDataGridView(); if (dgvMainMenu != null) { foreach (ListViewItemData item in dgvMainMenu.Items) { RowData rowDataToClear = item.data; rowDataToClear.IsMenuOpen = false; rowDataToClear.IsClicking = false; rowDataToClear.IsSelected = false; rowDataToClear.IsContextMenuOpen = false; } RefreshSelection(dgvMainMenu); } menu.RelocateOnNextShow = true; } AsEnumerable.ToList().ForEach(m => { m.ShowWithFade(); }); } else { // First time the main menu gets loaded MenuData menuData = (MenuData)e.Result; switch (menuData.DirectoryState) { case MenuDataDirectoryState.Valid: if (IconReader.IsPreloading) { Create(menuData, Config.Path); // Level 0 Main Menu IconReader.IsPreloading = false; if (showMenuAfterMainPreload) { Menu? menu = menus[0]; if (menu != null) { menu.ShowWithFade(); } } } else { AsEnumerable.ToList().ForEach(m => { m.ShowWithFade(); }); } break; case MenuDataDirectoryState.Empty: MessageBox.Show(Translator.GetText("Your root directory for the app does not exist or is empty! Change the root directory or put some files, directories or shortcuts into the root directory.")); OpenFolder(); Config.SetFolderByUser(); AppRestart.ByConfigChange(); break; case MenuDataDirectoryState.NoAccess: MessageBox.Show(Translator.GetText("You have no access to the root directory of the app. Grant access to the directory or change the root directory.")); OpenFolder(); Config.SetFolderByUser(); AppRestart.ByConfigChange(); break; case MenuDataDirectoryState.Undefined: Log.Info($"{nameof(MenuDataDirectoryState)}.{nameof(MenuDataDirectoryState.Undefined)}"); break; default: break; } } openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; } private bool IsActive() { bool IsShellContextMenuOpen() { foreach (Menu? menu in menus.Where(m => m != null)) { ListView? dgv = menu?.GetDataGridView(); if (dgv != null) { foreach (ListViewItemData item in dgv.Items) { RowData rowData = item.data; if (rowData != null && rowData.IsContextMenuOpen) { return true; } } } } return false; } foreach (Menu? menu in menus.Where(m => m != null && m.IsActive)) { return true; } return (App.TaskbarLogo != null && App.TaskbarLogo.IsActive) || IsShellContextMenuOpen(); } private Menu Create(MenuData menuData, string path) { Menu menu = new(menuData, path); menu.MenuScrolled += () => AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(menu.Level + 1); // TODO: Only update vertical location while scrolling? menu.MouseLeave += (_, _) => { // Restart timer waitLeave.Stop(); waitLeave.Start(); }; menu.MouseEnter += (_, _) => waitLeave.Stop(); menu.CmdKeyProcessed += keyboardInput.CmdKeyProcessed; menu.SearchTextChanging += Menu_SearchTextChanging; void Menu_SearchTextChanging() { searchTextChanging = true; keyboardInput.SearchTextChanging(); waitToOpenMenu.MouseActive = false; } menu.SearchTextChanged += Menu_SearchTextChanged; void Menu_SearchTextChanged(Menu menu, bool isSearchStringEmpty) { keyboardInput.SearchTextChanged(menu, isSearchStringEmpty); AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(menu.Level + 1); searchTextChanging = false; // if any open menu close if (menu.Level + 1 < menus.Length) { Menu? menuToClose = menus[menu.Level + 1]; if (menuToClose != null && hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch) { HideOldMenu(menuToClose); } } } menu.UserDragsMenu += Menu_UserDragsMenu; void Menu_UserDragsMenu() { Menu? menu = menus[1]; if (menu != null) { HideOldMenu(menu); } } menu.Deactivated += Deactivate; void Deactivate(object? sender, EventArgs e) { if (openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Opening) { Log.Info("Ignored Deactivate, because openCloseState == OpenCloseState.Opening"); } else if (!Settings.Default.StaysOpenWhenFocusLostAfterEnterPressed) { FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded(); if (!IsActive()) { deactivatedTime = DateTime.Now; } } } menu.Activated += (sender, e) => Activated(); void Activated() { if (IsActive() && IsMainUsable) { timerStillActiveCheck.Stop(); // Bring transparent menus back foreach (Menu? menu in menus.Where(m => m != null && m.Opacity != 1D)) { menu!.ActivateWithFade(); } timerStillActiveCheck.Start(); } } menu.IsVisibleChanged += (sender, _) => MenuVisibleChanged((Menu)sender); menu.AddItemsToMenu(menuData.RowDatas); menu.CellMouseEnter += waitToOpenMenu.MouseEnter; menu.CellMouseLeave += waitToOpenMenu.MouseLeave; menu.CellMouseDown += Dgv_MouseDown; menu.CellMouseUp += Dgv_MouseUp; menu.CellOpenOnClick += Dgv_OpenItemOnClick; menu.ClosePressed += MenusFadeOut; ListView? dgv = menu.GetDataGridView(); if (dgv != null) { #if TODO // Misc MouseEvents dgv.MouseMove += waitToOpenMenu.MouseMove; #endif dgv.SelectionChanged += Dgv_SelectionChanged; #if TODO // BorderColors and PaintEvent dgv.RowPostPaint += Dgv_RowPostPaint; #endif } if (menuData.Level == 0) { // Main Menu menus[menuData.Level] = menu; menu.Loaded += (s, e) => ExecuteWatcherHistory(); } else { // Sub Menu (loading) if (IsMainUsable) { HideOldMenu(menu, true); menus[menu.Level] = menu; menu.ShowWithFade(!IsActive()); } } return menu; } private void MenuVisibleChanged(Menu menu) { if (menu.IsUsable) { AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(menu.Level); if (menu.Level == 0) { menu.ResetSearchText(); } } if (menu.Visibility != Visibility.Visible && menu.Level != 0) { menu.Close(); } if (!AsEnumerable.Any(m => m.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)) { if (IconReader.ClearIfCacheTooBig()) { GC.Collect(); } openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Default; } } private void Dgv_MouseDown(ListView dgv, ListViewItemData itemData, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MouseEnterOk(dgv, itemData, true); #if TODO // Misc MouseEvents if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { lastMouseDownRowIndex = index; } #endif } private void Dgv_MouseUp(object sender, ListViewItemData itemData, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { #if TODO // Misc MouseEvents lastMouseDownRowIndex = -1; #endif } private void MouseEnterOk(ListView dgv, ListViewItemData itemData) { MouseEnterOk(dgv, itemData, false); } private void MouseEnterOk(ListView dgv, ListViewItemData itemData, bool refreshView) { if (IsMainUsable) { if (keyboardInput.InUse) { keyboardInput.ClearIsSelectedByKey(); keyboardInput.InUse = false; } keyboardInput.Select(dgv, itemData, refreshView); } } #if TODO // Misc MouseEvents private void Dgv_RowMouseLeave(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { ListView dgv = (ListView)sender; if (e.RowIndex == lastMouseDownRowIndex && e.RowIndex > -1 && e.RowIndex < dgv.Items.Count) { lastMouseDownRowIndex = -1; RowData rowData = (RowData)dgv.Items[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Value; string[] files = new string[] { rowData.Path }; // Update position raises move event which prevent DoDragDrop blocking UI when mouse not moved Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y); dgv.DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, files), DragDropEffects.Copy); } } #endif private void Dgv_OpenItemOnClick(ListView sender, ListViewItemData itemData) { #if TODO // Misc MouseEvents lastMouseDownRowIndex = -1; #endif waitToOpenMenu.ClickOpensInstantly(sender, itemData); } private void Dgv_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshSelection((ListView)sender); } private void RefreshSelection(ListView dgv) { dgv.SelectionChanged -= Dgv_SelectionChanged; foreach (ListViewItemData itemData in dgv.Items) { RowData rowData = itemData.data; if (rowData == null) { // Case when filtering a previous menu } else if (!IsMainUsable) { #if TODO // Colors itemData.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White; #endif dgv.SelectedItems.Remove(itemData); } else if (rowData.IsClicking) { #if TODO // Colors itemData.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorIcons; #endif dgv.SelectedItems.Add(itemData); } else if (rowData.IsContextMenuOpen || (rowData.IsMenuOpen && rowData.IsSelected)) { dgv.SelectedItems.Add(itemData); } else if (rowData.IsMenuOpen) { dgv.SelectedItems.Add(itemData); } else if (rowData.IsSelected) { #if TODO // Colors itemData.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorSelectedItem; #endif dgv.SelectedItems.Add(itemData); } else { #if TODO // Colors itemData.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White; #endif dgv.SelectedItems.Remove(itemData); } } dgv.SelectionChanged += Dgv_SelectionChanged; if (!searchTextChanging) { dgv.InvalidateVisual(); } } #if TODO // BorderColors and PaintEvent private void Dgv_RowPostPaint(object sender, DataGridViewRowPostPaintEventArgs e) { ListView dgv = (ListView)sender; DataGridViewRow row = dgv.Items[e.RowIndex]; if (row.Selected) { RowData rowData = (RowData)row.Cells[2].Value; int width = dgv.Columns[0].Width + dgv.Columns[1].Width; Rectangle rowBounds = new(0, e.RowBounds.Top, width, e.RowBounds.Height); if (rowData.IsClicking) { ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, rowBounds, MenuDefines.ColorIcons, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid); row.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorSelectedItem; } else if (rowData.IsContextMenuOpen || (rowData.IsMenuOpen && rowData.IsSelected)) { ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, rowBounds, MenuDefines.ColorSelectedItemBorder, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid); row.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorSelectedItem; } else if (rowData.IsMenuOpen) { ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, rowBounds, MenuDefines.ColorOpenFolderBorder, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid); row.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = MenuDefines.ColorOpenFolder; } if (rowData.ProcessStarted) { rowData.ProcessStarted = false; row.Cells[0].Value = Resources.StaticResources.LoadingIcon; timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon.Stop(); timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Settings.Default.TimeUntilClosesAfterEnterPressed); timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon.Tick += Tick; void Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon.Tick -= Tick; timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon.Stop(); row.Cells[0].Value = rowData.ReadIcon(false); } timerShowProcessStartedAsLoadingIcon.Start(); timerStillActiveCheck.Stop(); timerStillActiveCheck.Start(); } } } #endif private void SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e) { dispatchter.Invoke(() => { if (IsMainUsable) { Menu? menu = menus[0]; if (menu != null) { menu.RelocateOnNextShow = true; } } }); } private void HideOldMenu(Menu menuToShow, bool keepOrSetIsMenuOpen = false) { Menu? menuPrevious = menus[menuToShow.Level - 1]; if (menuPrevious != null) { // Clean up menu status IsMenuOpen for previous one ListView? dgvPrevious = menuPrevious.GetDataGridView(); if (dgvPrevious != null) { foreach (ListViewItemData item in dgvPrevious.Items) { RowData rowDataToClear = item.data; if (rowDataToClear == menuToShow.RowDataParent) { rowDataToClear.IsMenuOpen = keepOrSetIsMenuOpen; } else { rowDataToClear.IsMenuOpen = false; } } RefreshSelection(dgvPrevious); } // Hide old menu foreach (Menu? menuToClose in menus.Where( m => m != null && m.Level > menuPrevious.Level)) { menuToClose!.HideWithFade(); menus[menuToClose.Level] = null; } } } private void FadeHalfOrOutIfNeeded() { if (IsMainUsable) { if (!IsActive()) { if (Settings.Default.StaysOpenWhenFocusLost && AsList.Any(m => m.IsMouseOn())) { if (!keyboardInput.InUse) { AsList.ForEach(menu => menu.ShowWithFade(true)); } } else if (Config.AlwaysOpenByPin) { AsList.ForEach(menu => menu.ShowWithFade(true)); } else { MenusFadeOut(); } } } } private void MenusFadeOut() { openCloseState = OpenCloseState.Closing; AsList.ForEach(menu => { if (menu.Level > 0) { menus[menu.Level] = null; } menu.HideWithFade(); }); Config.AlwaysOpenByPin = false; joystickHelper.Disable(); } private void GetScreenBounds(out Rect screenBounds, out bool useCustomLocation, out StartLocation startLocation) { if (Settings.Default.AppearAtMouseLocation) { screenBounds = NativeMethods.Screen.FromPoint(NativeMethods.Screen.CursorPosition); useCustomLocation = false; } else if (Settings.Default.UseCustomLocation) { screenBounds = NativeMethods.Screen.FromPoint(new( Settings.Default.CustomLocationX, Settings.Default.CustomLocationY)); useCustomLocation = screenBounds.Contains( new Point(Settings.Default.CustomLocationX, Settings.Default.CustomLocationY)); } else { screenBounds = NativeMethods.Screen.PrimaryScreen; useCustomLocation = false; } // Only apply taskbar position change when no menu is currently open List list = AsList; WindowsTaskbar taskbar = new(); if (list.Count == 1) { taskbarPosition = taskbar.Position; } // Shrink the usable space depending on taskbar location switch (taskbarPosition) { case TaskbarPosition.Left: screenBounds.X += taskbar.Size.Width; screenBounds.Width -= taskbar.Size.Width; startLocation = StartLocation.BottomLeft; break; case TaskbarPosition.Right: screenBounds.Width -= taskbar.Size.Width; startLocation = StartLocation.BottomRight; break; case TaskbarPosition.Top: screenBounds.Y += taskbar.Size.Height; screenBounds.Height -= taskbar.Size.Height; startLocation = StartLocation.TopRight; break; case TaskbarPosition.Bottom: default: screenBounds.Height -= taskbar.Size.Height; startLocation = StartLocation.BottomRight; break; } if (Settings.Default.AppearAtTheBottomLeft) { startLocation = StartLocation.BottomLeft; } } private void AdjustMenusSizeAndLocation(int startLevel) { GetScreenBounds(out Rect screenBounds, out bool useCustomLocation, out StartLocation startLocation); Menu menu; Menu? menuPredecessor = null; List list = AsList; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { menu = list[i]; if (startLevel <= i) { menu.AdjustSizeAndLocation(screenBounds, menuPredecessor, startLocation, useCustomLocation); } else { // Make sure further calculations of this menu access updated values (later used as predecessor) menu.UpdateLayout(); } if (!Settings.Default.AppearAtTheBottomLeft && !Settings.Default.AppearAtMouseLocation && !Settings.Default.UseCustomLocation && i == 0) { const double overlapTolerance = 4D; // Remember width of the initial menu as we don't want to overlap with it if (taskbarPosition == TaskbarPosition.Left) { screenBounds.X += (int)menu.Width - overlapTolerance; } screenBounds.Width -= (int)menu.Width - overlapTolerance; } menuPredecessor = menu; } } private void ExecuteWatcherHistory() { foreach (var fileSystemEventArgs in watcherHistory) { WatcherProcessItem(watchers, fileSystemEventArgs); } watcherHistory.Clear(); } private void WatcherProcessItem(object sender, EventArgs e) { Menu? menu = menus[0]; bool useHistory = false; if (menu == null) { useHistory = true; } else { menu.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => useHistory = !menu.IsLoaded); } if (useHistory) { watcherHistory.Add(e); return; } if (e is RenamedEventArgs renamedEventArgs) { menus[0]?.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => RenameItem(renamedEventArgs)); } else if (e is FileSystemEventArgs fileSystemEventArgs) { if (fileSystemEventArgs.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted) { menus[0]?.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => DeleteItem(fileSystemEventArgs)); } else if (fileSystemEventArgs.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Created) { menus[0]?.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => CreateItem(fileSystemEventArgs)); } } } private void RenameItem(RenamedEventArgs e) { try { List rowDatas = new(); ListView? dgv = menus[0]?.GetDataGridView(); if (dgv != null) { foreach (ListViewItemData item in dgv.Items) { RowData rowData = item.data; if (rowData.Path?.StartsWith($"{e.OldFullPath}") ?? false) { string? path = rowData.Path.Replace(e.OldFullPath, e.FullPath); FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(path); bool isFolder = (attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory; if (isFolder) { path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { continue; } } RowData rowDataRenamed = new(isFolder, rowData.IsAdditionalItem, false, 0, path); if (FolderOptions.IsHidden(rowDataRenamed)) { continue; } IconReader.RemoveIconFromCache(rowData.Path); rowDataRenamed.ReadIcon(true); rowDatas.Add(rowDataRenamed); } else { rowDatas.Add(rowData); } } } rowDatas = DirectoryHelpers.SortItems(rowDatas); keyboardInput.ClearIsSelectedByKey(); menus[0]?.AddItemsToMenu(rowDatas); hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch = false; menus[0]?.RefreshSearchText(); hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch = true; menus[0]?.TimerUpdateIconsStart(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"Failed to {nameof(RenameItem)}: {e.OldFullPath} {e.FullPath}", ex); } } private void DeleteItem(FileSystemEventArgs e) { try { ListView? dgv = menus[0]?.GetDataGridView(); if (dgv != null) { List rowsToRemove = new(); foreach (ListViewItemData item in dgv.ItemsSource) { RowData rowData = item.data; if (rowData.Path == e.FullPath || (rowData.Path?.StartsWith($"{e.FullPath}\\") ?? false)) { IconReader.RemoveIconFromCache(rowData.Path); rowsToRemove.Add(item); } } foreach (ListViewItemData rowToRemove in rowsToRemove) { ((IEditableCollectionView)dgv.Items).Remove(rowToRemove); } } keyboardInput.ClearIsSelectedByKey(); hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch = false; menus[0]?.RefreshSearchText(); hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"Failed to {nameof(DeleteItem)}: {e.FullPath}", ex); } } private void CreateItem(FileSystemEventArgs e) { try { FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(e.FullPath); bool isFolder = (attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory; bool isAddionalItem = Path.GetDirectoryName(e.FullPath) != Config.Path; RowData rowData = new(isFolder, isAddionalItem, false, 0, e.FullPath); if (FolderOptions.IsHidden(rowData)) { return; } rowData.ReadIcon(true); List rowDatas = new() { rowData, }; ListView? dgv = menus[0]?.GetDataGridView(); if (dgv != null) { foreach (ListViewItemData item in dgv.Items) { rowDatas.Add(item.data); } } rowDatas = DirectoryHelpers.SortItems(rowDatas); keyboardInput.ClearIsSelectedByKey(); menus[0]?.AddItemsToMenu(rowDatas); hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch = false; menus[0]?.RefreshSearchText(); hideSubmenuDuringRefreshSearch = true; menus[0]?.TimerUpdateIconsStart(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warn($"Failed to {nameof(CreateItem)}: {e.FullPath}", ex); } } } }