// // Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved. // namespace SystemTrayMenu.Helper { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Forms; using SystemTrayMenu.Helper.Updater; using SystemTrayMenu.UserInterface; using SystemTrayMenu.Utilities; internal class AppContextMenu { public event Action ClickedOpenLog; public ContextMenuStrip Create() { ContextMenuStrip menu = new() { BackColor = SystemColors.Control, }; AddItem(menu, "Settings", () => SettingsForm.ShowSingleInstance()); AddSeperator(menu); AddItem(menu, "Log File", () => ClickedOpenLog?.Invoke()); AddSeperator(menu); AddItem(menu, "Frequently Asked Questions", Config.ShowHelpFAQ); AddItem(menu, "Support SystemTrayMenu", Config.ShowSupportSystemTrayMenu); AddItem(menu, "About SystemTrayMenu", About); AddItem(menu, "Check for updates", () => GitHubUpdate.ActivateNewVersionFormOrCheckForUpdates(showWhenUpToDate: true)); AddSeperator(menu); AddItem(menu, "Restart", AppRestart.ByAppContextMenu); AddItem(menu, "Exit app", Application.Exit); return menu; } private static void AddSeperator(ContextMenuStrip menu) { menu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); } private static void AddItem( ContextMenuStrip menu, string text, Action actionClick) { ToolStripMenuItem toolStripMenuItem = new() { Text = Translator.GetText(text), }; toolStripMenuItem.Click += (sender, e) => actionClick(); menu.Items.Add(toolStripMenuItem); } private static void About() { FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo( Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); AboutBox aboutBox = new() { AppTitle = versionInfo.ProductName, AppDescription = versionInfo.FileDescription, AppVersion = $"Version {versionInfo.FileVersion}", AppCopyright = versionInfo.LegalCopyright, AppMoreInfo = versionInfo.LegalCopyright, }; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "Markus Hofknecht (mailto:Markus@Hofknecht.eu)" + Environment.NewLine; // Thanks for letting me being part of this project and that I am allowed to be listed here :-) aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "Peter Kirmeier (mai" + "lto:top" + "ete" + "rk@f" + "reen" + "et." + "de)" + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "http://www.hofknecht.eu/systemtraymenu/" + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "https://github.com/Hofknecht/SystemTrayMenu" + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "(Version 3, 29 June 2007)" + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "Thanks for ideas, reporting issues and contributing!" + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "#123 Mordecai00, " + "#125 Holgermh, " + "#135 #153 #154 #164 jakkaas, " + "#145 Pascal Aloy, " + "#153 #158 #160 blackcrack, " + "#162 HansieNL, " + "#163 igorruckert, " + "#171 kehoen, " + "#186 Dtrieb, " + "#188 #189 #191 #195 iJahangard, " + "#195 #197 #225 #238 the-phuctran, " + "#205 kristofzerbe, " + "#209 jonaskohl, " + "#211 blacksparrow15, " + "#220 #403 Yavuz E., " + "#229 #230 #239 Peter O., " + "#231 Ryonez, " + "#235 #242 243 #247, #271 Tom, " + "#237 Torsten S., " + "#240 video Patrick, " + "#244 Gunter D., " + "#246 #329 MACE4GITHUB, " + "#259 #310 vanjac, " + "#262 terencemcdonnell, " + "#269 petersnows25, " + "#272 Peter M., " + "#273 #274 ParasiteDelta, " + "#275 #276 #278 donaldaken, " + "#277 Jan S., " + "#282 akuznets, " + "#283 #284 #289 RuSieg, " + "#285 #286 dao-net, " + "#288 William P., " + "#294 #295 #296 Stefan Mahrer, " + "#225 #297 #299 #317 #321 #324 #330 #386 #390 #401 #402 #407 #409 #414 #416 #418 #428 #430 #443 chip33, " + "#298 phanirithvij, " + "#306 wini2, " + "#370 dna5589, " + "#372 not-nef, " + "#376 Michelle H., " + "#377 SoenkeHob, " + "#380 #394 TransLucida, " + "#384 #434 #435 boydfields, " + "#386 visusys, " + "#387 #411 #444 yrctw, " + "#446 timinformatica, " + "#450 ppt-oldoerp, " + "#453 fubaWoW, " + "#454 WouterVanGoey, " + "#462 verdammt89x, " + "#463 Dirk S., " + "#466 Dean-Corso, " + "#488 DailenG, " + "#490 TrampiPW, " + "#497 Aziz, " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "Sponsors - Thank you!" + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppMoreInfo += "Stefan Mahrer, " + "boydfields, " + "RuSieg, " + "igor-davidov, " + "Ralf K., " + "Tim K., " + "Georg W., " + "donaldaken, " + "Marc Speer, " + "Cito, " + "Peter G., " + "Traditional_Tap3954, " + "Maximilian H., " + Environment.NewLine; aboutBox.AppDetailsButton = true; aboutBox.ShowDialog(); } } }