using Microsoft.Win32; namespace SystemTrayMenu.Helper { public class FileUrl { private static string browserPath = string.Empty; public static string GetDefaultBrowserPath() { string urlAssociation = @"Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http"; string browserPathKey = @"$BROWSER$\shell\open\command"; RegistryKey userChoiceKey = null; string browserPath = FileUrl.browserPath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(browserPath)) { //Read default browser path from userChoiceLKey userChoiceKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(urlAssociation + @"\UserChoice", false); //If user choice was not found, try machine default if (userChoiceKey == null) { //Read default browser path from Win XP registry key RegistryKey browserKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"HTTP\shell\open\command", false); //If browser path wasn’t found, try Win Vista (and newer) registry key if (browserKey == null) { browserKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( urlAssociation, false); } string path = CleanifyBrowserPath(browserKey.GetValue(null) as string); browserKey.Close(); return path; } else { // user defined browser choice was found string progId = (userChoiceKey.GetValue("ProgId").ToString()); userChoiceKey.Close(); // now look up the path of the executable string concreteBrowserKey = browserPathKey.Replace("$BROWSER$", progId); RegistryKey kp = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(concreteBrowserKey, false); browserPath = CleanifyBrowserPath(kp.GetValue(null) as string); kp.Close(); } FileUrl.browserPath = browserPath; } return browserPath; } private static string CleanifyBrowserPath(string p) { string[] url = p.Split('"'); string clean = url[1]; return clean; } } }