
1208 lines
44 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// <copyright file="Menu.xaml.cs" company="PlaceholderCompany">
// Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace SystemTrayMenu.UserInterface
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
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using System.IO;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using SystemTrayMenu.Business;
using SystemTrayMenu.DataClasses;
using SystemTrayMenu.DllImports;
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using SystemTrayMenu.Helpers;
using SystemTrayMenu.Properties;
using SystemTrayMenu.Utilities;
/// <summary>
/// Logic of Menu window.
/// </summary>
public partial class Menu : Window
private const int CornerRadius = 10;
private static readonly RoutedEvent FadeToTransparentEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
nameof(FadeToTransparent), RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(Menu));
private static readonly RoutedEvent FadeInEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
nameof(FadeIn), RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(Menu));
private static readonly RoutedEvent FadeOutEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
nameof(FadeOut), RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(Menu));
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private readonly string folderPath;
private int countLeftMouseButtonClicked;
private bool isShellContextMenuOpen;
private bool directionToRight;
private Point lastLocation;
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internal Menu(RowData? rowDataParent, string path)
if (!Config.ShowDirectoryTitleAtTop)
txtTitle.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
if (!Config.ShowSearchBar)
searchPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
buttonOpenFolder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
if (!Config.ShowFunctionKeySettings)
buttonSettings.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
if (!Config.ShowFunctionKeyRestart)
buttonRestart.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
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folderPath = path;
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RowDataParent = rowDataParent;
if (RowDataParent == null)
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// This will be a main menu
Level = 0;
MainMenu = this;
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// Use Main Menu DPI for all further calculations
// Moving the window is only supported for the main menu
MouseDown += MainMenu_MoveStart;
if (!Config.ShowFunctionKeyPinMenu)
buttonMenuAlwaysOpen.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
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2023-04-16 07:23:28 +12:00
// This will be a sub menu
if (ParentMenu == null)
// Should never happen as each parent menu must have a valid entry which's owner is set
throw new ArgumentNullException(new (nameof(ParentMenu)));
Level = RowDataParent.Level + 1;
MainMenu = ParentMenu.MainMenu;
RowDataParent.SubMenu = this;
buttonMenuAlwaysOpen.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
buttonSettings.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
buttonRestart.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
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string title = new DirectoryInfo(path).Name;
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if (title.Length > MenuDefines.LengthMax)
title = $"{title[..MenuDefines.LengthMax]}...";
txtTitle.Text = Title = "v"
+ System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version!.Major.ToString()
+ "."
+ System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version!.Minor.ToString()
+ " - " + title;
txtTitle.Text = Title = title;
foreach (FrameworkElement control in
new List<FrameworkElement>()
2022-11-14 07:12:49 +13:00
control.Width = Scaling.Scale(control.Width);
control.Height = Scaling.Scale(control.Height);
labelTitle.FontSize = Scaling.ScaleFontByPoints(8.25F);
textBoxSearch.FontSize = Scaling.ScaleFontByPoints(8.25F);
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labelStatus.FontSize = Scaling.ScaleFontByPoints(7F);
dgv.FontSize = Scaling.ScaleFontByPoints(9F);
textBoxSearch.TextChanged += (_, _) => TextBoxSearch_TextChanged(false);
textBoxSearch.ContextMenu = new()
Background = SystemColors.ControlBrush,
textBoxSearch.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem()
Header = Translator.GetText("To cut out"),
Command = new ActionCommand((_) => textBoxSearch.Cut()),
textBoxSearch.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem()
Header = Translator.GetText("Copy"),
Command = new ActionCommand((_) => Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Text, textBoxSearch.SelectedText)),
textBoxSearch.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem()
Header = Translator.GetText("To paste"),
Command = new ActionCommand((_) =>
if (Clipboard.ContainsText(TextDataFormat.Text))
textBoxSearch.SelectedText = Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Text).ToString();
textBoxSearch.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem()
Header = Translator.GetText("Undo"),
Command = new ActionCommand((_) => textBoxSearch.Undo()),
textBoxSearch.ContextMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem()
Header = Translator.GetText("Selecting All"),
Command = new ActionCommand((_) => textBoxSearch.SelectAll()),
Loaded += (_, _) =>
// This will remove the outer padding from the ListView's Control Template
Border? dgv_border = dgv.FindVisualChildOfType<Border>(0);
if (dgv_border != null)
dgv_border.Padding = new(0);
RaiseEvent(new(routedEvent: FadeInEvent));
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Closed += (_, _) =>
if (RowDataParent?.SubMenu == this)
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RowDataParent.SubMenu = null;
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foreach (RowData item in dgv.Items.SourceCollection)
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bool isTouchEnabled = NativeMethods.IsTouchEnabled();
if ((isTouchEnabled && Settings.Default.DragDropItemsEnabledTouch) ||
(!isTouchEnabled && Settings.Default.DragDropItemsEnabled))
AllowDrop = true;
DragEnter += DragDropHelper.DragEnter;
Drop += DragDropHelper.DragDrop;
2023-05-19 06:42:46 +12:00
internal event Action<RowData>? StartLoadSubMenu;
internal event Action? MenuScrolled;
internal event Action<Menu, Key, ModifierKeys>? CmdKeyProcessed;
internal event Action? SearchTextChanging;
internal event Action<Menu, bool, bool>? SearchTextChanged;
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internal event Action<RowData>? RowSelectionChanged;
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internal event Action<RowData>? CellMouseEnter;
internal event Action? CellMouseLeave;
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internal event Action<RowData>? CellMouseDown;
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internal event Action<RowData>? CellOpenOnClick;
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internal event RoutedEventHandler FadeToTransparent
add { AddHandler(FadeToTransparentEvent, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(FadeToTransparentEvent, value); }
internal event RoutedEventHandler FadeIn
add { AddHandler(FadeInEvent, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(FadeInEvent, value); }
internal event RoutedEventHandler FadeOut
add { AddHandler(FadeOutEvent, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(FadeOutEvent, value); }
internal enum StartLocation
internal Point Location => new (Left, Top); // TODO WPF Replace Forms wrapper
internal int Level { get; set; }
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internal RowData? RowDataParent { get; set; }
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internal RowData? SelectedItem
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get => (RowData?)dgv.SelectedItem;
set => dgv.SelectedItem = value;
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internal Menu MainMenu { get; private set; }
internal Menu? ParentMenu => RowDataParent?.Owner;
internal Menu? SubMenu
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foreach (RowData rowData in dgv.Items.SourceCollection)
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if (rowData.SubMenu != null)
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return rowData.SubMenu;
return null;
internal bool RelocateOnNextShow { get; set; } = true;
public override string ToString() => nameof(Menu) + " L" + Level.ToString() + ": " + Title;
2023-05-19 09:28:52 +12:00
internal void RiseItemOpened(RowData item) => CellOpenOnClick?.Invoke(item);
internal void RiseStartLoadSubMenu(RowData rowData) => StartLoadSubMenu?.Invoke(rowData);
internal void ResetSearchText()
textBoxSearch.Text = string.Empty;
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if (dgv.Items.Count > 0)
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internal void OnWatcherUpdate()
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if (dgv.Items.Count > 0)
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internal void FocusTextBox(bool selectAll = false)
if (selectAll)
textBoxSearch.CaretIndex = textBoxSearch.Text.Length;
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internal void SetSubMenuState(MenuDataDirectoryState state)
if (Config.ShowFunctionKeyOpenFolder)
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buttonOpenFolder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
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pictureBoxLoading.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
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switch (state)
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case MenuDataDirectoryState.Valid:
if (Config.ShowCountOfElementsBelow)
((INotifyCollectionChanged)dgv.Items).CollectionChanged += ListView_CollectionChanged;
ListView_CollectionChanged(this, new(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));
labelStatus.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
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case MenuDataDirectoryState.Empty:
searchPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
labelStatus.Content = Translator.GetText("Directory empty");
case MenuDataDirectoryState.NoAccess:
searchPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
labelStatus.Content = Translator.GetText("Directory inaccessible");
// TODO: Check if we can just use original IsMouseOver instead? (Check if it requires Mouse.Capture(this))
internal new bool IsMouseOver()
Point mousePos = NativeMethods.Screen.CursorPosition;
bool isMouseOver = Visibility == Visibility.Visible &&
mousePos.X >= 0 && mousePos.X < Width &&
mousePos.Y >= 0 && mousePos.Y < Height;
return isMouseOver;
internal ListView GetDataGridView() => dgv; // TODO WPF Replace Forms wrapper
// Not used as refreshing should be done automatically due to databinding
// TODO: As long as WPF transition from Forms is incomplete, keep it for testing.
internal void RefreshDataGridView()
// TODO: Check if it is implicitly already running due to SelectionChanged event
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// In case it is needed, run it within HideWithFade/ShowWithFade?
internal void RefreshSelection() => ListView_SelectionChanged(GetDataGridView(), null);
internal bool TrySelectAt(int index, int indexAlternative = -1)
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RowData itemData;
if (index >= 0 && dgv.Items.Count > index)
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itemData = (RowData)dgv.Items[index];
else if (indexAlternative >= 0 && dgv.Items.Count > indexAlternative)
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itemData = (RowData)dgv.Items[indexAlternative];
return false;
dgv.SelectedItem = itemData;
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return true;
internal void AddItemsToMenu(List<RowData> data, MenuDataDirectoryState? state)
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for (int index = 0; index < data.Count; index++)
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RowData rowData = data[index];
rowData.RowIndex = index;
rowData.Owner = this;
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rowData.SortIndex = rowData.IsAdditionalItem && Settings.Default.ShowOnlyAsSearchResult ? 99 : 0;
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dgv.ItemsSource = data;
CollectionView view = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(dgv.ItemsSource);
view.Filter = (object item) => Filter_Default((RowData)item);
if (state != null)
internal void ActivateWithFade(bool recursive)
if (recursive)
if (Opacity != 1D)
if (Settings.Default.UseFading)
RaiseEvent(new(routedEvent: FadeInEvent));
Opacity = 1D;
internal void ShowWithFade(bool transparency, bool recursive)
if (recursive)
SubMenu?.ShowWithFade(transparency, true);
if (Level > 0)
ShowActivated = false;
Opacity = 0D;
if (!Settings.Default.UseFading)
Opacity = transparency ? 0.80D : 1D;
else if (transparency)
RaiseEvent(new(routedEvent: FadeToTransparentEvent));
RaiseEvent(new(routedEvent: FadeInEvent));
internal void HideAllMenus()
// Find main menu and close/hide all
Menu menu = this;
while (menu.ParentMenu != null)
menu = menu.ParentMenu;
internal void HideWithFade(bool recursive)
if (recursive)
if (RowDataParent != null)
RowDataParent.SubMenu = null;
if (Settings.Default.UseFading)
RaiseEvent(new(routedEvent: FadeOutEvent));
FadeOut_Completed(this, new());
internal void StartFadeIn()
if (Settings.Default.UseFading)
RaiseEvent(new(routedEvent: FadeInEvent));
/// <summary>
/// Update the position and size of the menu.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bounds">Screen coordinates where the menu is allowed to be drawn in.</param>
/// <param name="menuPredecessor">Predecessor menu (when available).</param>
/// <param name="startLocation">Defines where the first menu is drawn (when no predecessor is set).</param>
/// <param name="useCustomLocation">Use CustomLocation as start position.</param>
internal void AdjustSizeAndLocation(
Rect bounds,
2022-12-05 13:27:57 +13:00
Menu? menuPredecessor,
StartLocation startLocation,
bool useCustomLocation)
Point originLocation = new(0D, 0D);
// Update the height and width
AdjustDataGridViewHeight(menuPredecessor, bounds.Height);
if (Level > 0)
if (menuPredecessor == null)
// should never happen
// Sub Menu location depends on the location of its predecessor
startLocation = StartLocation.Predecessor;
originLocation = menuPredecessor.Location;
else if (useCustomLocation)
if (!RelocateOnNextShow)
RelocateOnNextShow = false;
startLocation = StartLocation.Point;
originLocation = new(Settings.Default.CustomLocationX, Settings.Default.CustomLocationY);
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else if (Settings.Default.AppearAtMouseLocation)
if (!RelocateOnNextShow)
RelocateOnNextShow = false;
startLocation = StartLocation.Point;
originLocation = NativeMethods.Screen.CursorPosition;
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if (IsLoaded)
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// Layout cannot be calculated during loading, postpone this event
Loaded += (_, _) => AdjustWindowPositionInternal(originLocation);
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void AdjustWindowPositionInternal(in Point originLocation)
double scaling = Math.Round(Scaling.Factor, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
double overlappingOffset = 0D;
// Make sure we have latest values of own window size
// Prepare parameters
if (startLocation == StartLocation.Predecessor)
if (menuPredecessor == null)
// should never happen
// When (later in calculation) a list item is not found,
// its values might be invalidated due to resizing or moving.
// After updating the layout the location should be available again.
directionToRight = menuPredecessor.directionToRight; // try keeping same direction from predecessor
if (!Settings.Default.AppearNextToPreviousMenu &&
menuPredecessor.windowFrame.ActualWidth > Settings.Default.OverlappingOffsetPixels)
if (directionToRight)
overlappingOffset = Settings.Default.OverlappingOffsetPixels - menuPredecessor.windowFrame.ActualWidth;
overlappingOffset = menuPredecessor.windowFrame.ActualWidth - Settings.Default.OverlappingOffsetPixels;
directionToRight = true; // use right as default direction
// Calculate X position
double x;
switch (startLocation)
case StartLocation.Point:
x = originLocation.X;
case StartLocation.Predecessor:
if (menuPredecessor == null)
// should never happen
if (directionToRight)
x = originLocation.X + menuPredecessor.windowFrame.ActualWidth - scaling;
// Change direction when out of bounds (predecessor only)
if (startLocation == StartLocation.Predecessor &&
bounds.X + bounds.Width <= x + windowFrame.ActualWidth - scaling)
x = originLocation.X - windowFrame.ActualWidth + scaling;
if (x < bounds.X &&
originLocation.X + menuPredecessor.windowFrame.ActualWidth < bounds.X + bounds.Width &&
bounds.X + (bounds.Width / 2) > originLocation.X + (windowFrame.ActualWidth / 2))
x = bounds.X + bounds.Width - windowFrame.ActualWidth + scaling;
if (x < bounds.X)
x = bounds.X;
directionToRight = !directionToRight;
x = originLocation.X - windowFrame.ActualWidth + scaling;
// Change direction when out of bounds (predecessor only)
if (startLocation == StartLocation.Predecessor &&
x < bounds.X)
x = originLocation.X + menuPredecessor.windowFrame.ActualWidth - scaling;
if (x + windowFrame.ActualWidth > bounds.X + bounds.Width &&
originLocation.X > bounds.X &&
bounds.X + (bounds.Width / 2) < originLocation.X + (windowFrame.ActualWidth / 2))
x = bounds.X;
if (x + windowFrame.ActualWidth > bounds.X + bounds.Width)
x = bounds.X + bounds.Width - windowFrame.ActualWidth + scaling;
directionToRight = !directionToRight;
case StartLocation.BottomLeft:
x = bounds.X;
directionToRight = true;
case StartLocation.TopRight:
case StartLocation.BottomRight:
x = bounds.Width - windowFrame.ActualWidth;
directionToRight = false;
// Besides overlapping setting we need to subtract the left margin from x as it was not part of x calculation
x += overlappingOffset - windowFrame.Margin.Left;
// Calculate Y position
double y;
switch (startLocation)
case StartLocation.Point:
y = originLocation.Y;
if (Settings.Default.AppearAtMouseLocation)
y -= labelTitle.ActualHeight; // Mouse should point below title
case StartLocation.Predecessor:
if (menuPredecessor == null)
// should never happen
y = originLocation.Y;
// Set position on same height as the selected row from predecessor
RowData? trigger = RowDataParent;
if (trigger != null)
double offset = menuPredecessor.GetDataGridViewChildRect(trigger).Top;
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if (offset < 0)
// Do not allow to show window higher than previous window
offset = 0;
ListView dgv = menuPredecessor.GetDataGridView();
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double offsetList = menuPredecessor.GetRelativeChildPositionTo(dgv).Y;
offsetList += dgv.ActualHeight;
if (offsetList < offset)
// Do not allow to show window below last entry position of list
offset = offsetList;
y += offset;
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if (searchPanel.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
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y += menuPredecessor.searchPanel.ActualHeight;
case StartLocation.TopRight:
y = bounds.Y;
case StartLocation.BottomLeft:
case StartLocation.BottomRight:
y = bounds.Height - windowFrame.ActualHeight;
// Move vertically when out of bounds
// Besides that we need to subtract the top margin from y as it was not part of y calculation
if (bounds.Y + bounds.Height < y + windowFrame.ActualHeight)
y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height - windowFrame.ActualHeight - windowFrame.Margin.Top;
else if (y < bounds.Y)
y = bounds.Y - windowFrame.Margin.Top;
// Update position
Left = x;
Top = y;
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if (Settings.Default.RoundCorners)
windowFrame.CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(CornerRadius);
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internal Rect GetDataGridViewChildRect(RowData rowData)
// When scrolled, we have to reduce the index number as we calculate based on visual tree
int rowIndex = rowData.RowIndex;
int startIndex = 0;
double offsetY = 0D;
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dgv, 0) is Decorator { Child: ScrollViewer scrollViewer })
startIndex = (int)scrollViewer.VerticalOffset;
if (rowIndex < startIndex)
// calculate position above starting point
for (int i = rowIndex; i < startIndex; i++)
ListViewItem? item = dgv.FindVisualChildOfType<ListViewItem>(i);
if (item != null)
offsetY -= item.ActualHeight;
if (startIndex < rowIndex)
// calculate position below starting point
// outer loop check for max RowIndex, independend of currently active filter
// inner loop check for filtered and shown items
for (int i = startIndex; i < rowIndex; i++)
ListViewItem? item = dgv.FindVisualChildOfType<ListViewItem>(i);
if (item != null)
if (((RowData)item.Content).RowIndex >= rowIndex)
offsetY += item.ActualHeight;
// All childs are using same width and height, so we simply fill in values from parent instead of individual child
return new(0D, offsetY, dgv.ActualWidth, (double)Resources["RowHeight"]);
private static bool Filter_Default(RowData itemData)
if (Settings.Default.ShowOnlyAsSearchResult && itemData.IsAdditionalItem)
return false;
return true;
private static bool Filter_ByUserPattern(RowData itemData, string userPattern)
// Instead implementing in-string wildcards, simply split into multiple search pattersy
// Look for each space separated string if it is part of an entry's text (case insensitive)
foreach (string pattern in userPattern.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries | StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
if (!itemData.ColumnText.ToLower().Contains(pattern))
return false;
return true;
private void FadeOut_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) => Hide();
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private void HandlePreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
searchPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
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2022-11-29 08:27:52 +13:00
ModifierKeys modifiers = Keyboard.Modifiers;
switch (e.Key)
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case Key.F4:
if (modifiers != ModifierKeys.Alt)
case Key.F:
if (modifiers != ModifierKeys.Control)
case Key.Tab:
if ((modifiers != ModifierKeys.Shift) && (modifiers != ModifierKeys.None))
case Key.Enter:
case Key.Home:
case Key.End:
case Key.Up:
case Key.Down:
case Key.Left:
case Key.Right:
case Key.Escape:
case Key.Apps:
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if (modifiers != ModifierKeys.None)
2022-11-29 08:27:52 +13:00
2022-11-29 08:27:52 +13:00
CmdKeyProcessed?.Invoke(this, e.Key, modifiers);
e.Handled = true;
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private void AdjustDataGridViewHeight(Menu? menuPredecessor, double screenHeightMax)
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double factor = Settings.Default.RowHeighteInPercentage / 100f;
if (NativeMethods.IsTouchEnabled())
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factor = Settings.Default.RowHeighteInPercentageTouch / 100f;
if (menuPredecessor == null)
if (dgv.Tag == null && dgv.Items.Count > 0)
// dgv.AutoResizeRows(); slightly incorrect depending on dpi
// 100% = 20 instead 21
// 125% = 23 instead 27, 150% = 28 instead 32
// 175% = 33 instead 37, 200% = 35 instead 42
// #418 use 21 as default and scale it manually
double rowHeightDefault = 21.24d * Scaling.FactorByDpi;
Resources["RowHeight"] = Math.Round(rowHeightDefault * factor * Scaling.Factor);
dgv.Tag = true;
// Take over the height from predecessor menu
Resources["RowHeight"] = menuPredecessor.Resources["RowHeight"];
dgv.Tag = true;
double heightMaxByOptions = Scaling.Factor * Scaling.FactorByDpi *
2022-12-05 13:27:57 +13:00
450f * (Settings.Default.HeightMaxInPercent / 100f);
// Margin of the windowFrame is allowed to exceed the boundaries, so we just add them afterwards
MaxHeight = Math.Min(screenHeightMax, heightMaxByOptions)
+ windowFrame.Margin.Top + windowFrame.Margin.Bottom;
private void AdjustDataGridViewWidth()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxSearch.Text))
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double factorIconSizeInPercent = Settings.Default.IconSizeInPercent / 100f;
// IcoWidth 100% = 21px, 175% is 33
double icoWidth = 16 * Scaling.FactorByDpi;
Resources["ColumnIconWidth"] = Math.Ceiling(icoWidth * factorIconSizeInPercent * Scaling.Factor);
// Margin of the windowFrame is allowed to exceed the boundaries, so we just add them afterwards
Resources["ColumnTextMaxWidth"] = Math.Ceiling(
((double)Scaling.Factor * Scaling.FactorByDpi * 400D * (Settings.Default.WidthMaxInPercent / 100D))
+ windowFrame.Margin.Left + windowFrame.Margin.Right);
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private void HandleScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
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if (IsLoaded)
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private void TextBoxSearch_TextChanged(bool causedByWatcherUpdate)
string? userPattern = textBoxSearch.Text?.Replace("%", " ").Replace("*", " ").ToLower();
2022-11-04 11:35:58 +13:00
CollectionView view = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(dgv.ItemsSource);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userPattern))
2022-11-04 11:35:58 +13:00
SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight;
view.Filter = (object item) => Filter_Default((RowData)item);
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SizeToContent = SizeToContent.Manual;
view.Filter = (object item) => Filter_ByUserPattern((RowData)item, userPattern);
SearchTextChanged?.Invoke(this, string.IsNullOrEmpty(userPattern), causedByWatcherUpdate);
private void PictureBoxOpenFolder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
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private void PictureBoxMenuAlwaysOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (Config.AlwaysOpenByPin = !Config.AlwaysOpenByPin)
pictureBoxMenuAlwaysOpen.Source = (DrawingImage)Resources["ic_fluent_pin_48_filledDrawingImage"];
pictureBoxMenuAlwaysOpen.Source = (DrawingImage)Resources["ic_fluent_pin_48_regularDrawingImage"];
private void PictureBoxSettings_MouseClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void PictureBoxRestart_MouseClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void MainMenu_MoveStart(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// Hide all sub menus to clear the view for repositioning of the main menu
if (SubMenu != null)
lastLocation = NativeMethods.Screen.CursorPosition;
MouseMove += MainMenu_MoveRelocate;
MouseUp += MainMenu_MoveEnd;
Deactivated += MainMenu_MoveEnd;
private void MainMenu_MoveRelocate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point mousePos = NativeMethods.Screen.CursorPosition;
Left = Left + mousePos.X - lastLocation.X;
Top = Top + mousePos.Y - lastLocation.Y;
lastLocation = mousePos;
Settings.Default.CustomLocationX = (int)Left;
Settings.Default.CustomLocationY = (int)Top;
private void MainMenu_MoveEnd(object? sender, EventArgs? e)
MouseMove -= MainMenu_MoveRelocate;
MouseUp -= MainMenu_MoveEnd;
Deactivated -= MainMenu_MoveEnd;
2022-12-05 13:27:57 +13:00
if (Settings.Default.UseCustomLocation)
if (!SettingsWindow.IsOpen())
2022-12-05 13:27:57 +13:00
private void ListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs? e)
if (e != null)
2023-05-19 09:28:52 +12:00
foreach (RowData itemData in e.AddedItems)
itemData.IsSelected = true;
2023-05-19 09:28:52 +12:00
foreach (RowData itemData in e.RemovedItems)
itemData.IsSelected = false;
// TODO: Refactor item selection to prevent running this loop
ListView lv = (ListView)sender;
2023-08-14 08:17:16 +12:00
foreach (RowData itemData in lv.Items.SourceCollection)
itemData.IsSelected = lv.SelectedItem == itemData;
private void ListView_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// In case a sub menu is already open and another item was already selected
// but WaitToLoadMenu hasn't take action yet
// then we want to reset that selection, so the sub menu selection remains active only
if (SubMenu != null)
ListView lv = (ListView)sender;
foreach (RowData itemData in lv.Items)
if (itemData.SubMenu == SubMenu)
lv.SelectedItem = itemData;
private void ListView_CollectionChanged(object? sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
int count = dgv.Items.Count;
labelStatus.Content = count.ToString() + " " + Translator.GetText(count == 1 ? "element" : "elements");
private void ListViewItem_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (!isShellContextMenuOpen)
private void ListViewItem_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var content = ((ListViewItem)sender).Content;
if (content is RowData rowData)
rowData.IsClicked = false;
countLeftMouseButtonClicked = 0;
if (!isShellContextMenuOpen)
2023-09-03 03:42:43 +12:00
if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
string[] files = new string[] { rowData.Path };
DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, files), DragDropEffects.Copy);
2023-09-03 03:42:43 +12:00
private void ListViewItem_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) =>
private void ListViewItem_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
RowData rowData = (RowData)((ListViewItem)sender).Content;
rowData.IsClicked = true;
countLeftMouseButtonClicked = e.ClickCount;
private void ListViewItem_PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
RowData rowData = (RowData)((ListViewItem)sender).Content;
if (rowData.IsClicked)
// Same row has been called with PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown without leaving the item, so we can call it a "click".
// The click count is also taken from Down event as it seems not being correct in Up event.
countLeftMouseButtonClicked = 0;
rowData.IsClicked = false;
private void ListViewItem_MouseRightButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// At mouse location
Point position = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
position.Offset(Left, Top);
isShellContextMenuOpen = true;
isShellContextMenuOpen = false;