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// <copyright file="KeyboardHook.cs" company="PlaceholderCompany">
// Copyright (c) PlaceholderCompany. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace SystemTrayMenu.Helpers
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using SystemTrayMenu.DllImports;
using SystemTrayMenu.UserInterface.HotkeyTextboxControl;
using SystemTrayMenu.Utilities;
internal class KeyboardHook : IDisposable
private readonly HwndSourceHook hook;
private readonly HwndSource hwnd;
private readonly Window window = new(); // TODO: Try using mainMenu to spare creating additional Win32 window handle?
private int currentId;
public KeyboardHook()
hwnd = HwndSource.FromHwnd(new WindowInteropHelper(window).EnsureHandle());
hook = new HwndSourceHook(WndProc);
/// <summary>
/// A hot key has been pressed.
/// </summary>
internal event Action<Key, ModifierKeys>? KeyPressed;
public void Dispose()
// On regular App.Dispose the handle was already invalidated
if (hwnd.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
// unregister all the registered hot keys.
for (int i = currentId; i > 0; i--)
NativeMethods.User32UnregisterHotKey(hwnd.Handle, i);
internal void RegisterHotKey(string hotKeyString)
ModifierKeys modifiers = HotkeyControl.HotkeyModifiersFromString(hotKeyString);
Key key = HotkeyControl.HotkeyFromString(hotKeyString);
int virtualKeyCode = KeyInterop.VirtualKeyFromKey(key);
int nextId = currentId + 1;
if (!NativeMethods.User32RegisterHotKey(hwnd.Handle, nextId, (uint)modifiers, (uint)virtualKeyCode))
string errorHint = NativeMethods.GetLastErrorHint();
throw new InvalidOperationException(Translator.GetText("Could not register the hot key.") + " (" + errorHint + ")");
currentId = nextId;
private IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
const int WmHotkey = 0x0312;
// check if we got a hot key pressed.
if (msg == WmHotkey)
// get the keys.
ModifierKeys modifiers = (ModifierKeys)((int)lParam & 0xFFFF);
int virtualKeyCode = ((int)lParam >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
Key key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey(virtualKeyCode);
// invoke the event to notify the parent.
KeyPressed?.Invoke(key, modifiers);
handled = false;
return IntPtr.Zero;