
218 lines
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#region License Information (GPL v3)
ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type
Copyright (C) 2007-2014 ShareX Developers
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Optionally you can also view the license at <>.
#endregion License Information (GPL v3)
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace HelpersLib
public class ReplCodeMenuEntry : CodeMenuEntry
public ReplCodeMenuEntry(string value, string description)
: base(value, description)
public override String ToPrefixString()
return '%' + _value;
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry t = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("t", "Title of active window");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry pn = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("pn", "Process name of active window");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry y = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("y", "Current year");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry yy = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("yy", "Current year (2 digits)");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry mo = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("mo", "Current month");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry mon = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("mon", "Current month name (Local language)");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry mon2 = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("mon2", "Current month name (English)");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry d = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("d", "Current day");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry h = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("h", "Current hour");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry mi = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("mi", "Current minute");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry s = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("s", "Current second");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry ms = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("ms", "Current millisecond");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry pm = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("pm", "Gets AM/PM");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry w = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("w", "Current week name (Local language)");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry w2 = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("w2", "Current week name (English)");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry unix = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("unix", "Unix timestamp");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry i = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("i", "Auto increment number");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry rn = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("rn", "Random number 0 to 9");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry ra = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("ra", "Random alphanumeric char");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry width = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("width", "Gets image width");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry height = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("height", "Gets image height");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry un = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("un", "User name");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry uln = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("uln", "User login name");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry cn = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("cn", "Computer name");
public static readonly ReplCodeMenuEntry n = new ReplCodeMenuEntry("n", "New line");
public enum NameParserType
Text, // Allows new line
public class NameParser
public NameParserType Type { get; private set; }
public int MaxNameLength { get; set; }
public int MaxTitleLength { get; set; }
public int AutoIncrementNumber { get; set; } // %i
public Image Picture { get; set; } // %width, %height
public string WindowText { get; set; } // %t
public string ProcessName { get; set; } // %pn
protected NameParser()
public NameParser(NameParserType nameParserType)
Type = nameParserType;
public static string Parse(NameParserType nameParserType, string pattern)
return new NameParser(nameParserType).Parse(pattern);
public string Parse(string pattern)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern))
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pattern);
if (WindowText != null)
string windowText = WindowText.Replace(' ', '_');
if (MaxTitleLength > 0 && windowText.Length > MaxTitleLength)
windowText = windowText.Remove(MaxTitleLength);
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.t.ToPrefixString(), windowText);
if (ProcessName != null)
sb.Replace(, ProcessName);
string width = string.Empty, height = string.Empty;
if (Picture != null)
width = Picture.Width.ToString();
height = Picture.Height.ToString();
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.width.ToPrefixString(), width);
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.height.ToPrefixString(), height);
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.mon2.ToPrefixString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(dt.Month))
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.mon.ToPrefixString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(dt.Month))
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.yy.ToPrefixString(), dt.ToString("yy"))
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.y.ToPrefixString(), dt.Year.ToString())
.Replace(, Helpers.AddZeroes(dt.Month))
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.d.ToPrefixString(), Helpers.AddZeroes(dt.Day));
string hour;
if (sb.ToString().Contains(
hour = Helpers.HourTo12(dt.Hour);
hour = Helpers.AddZeroes(dt.Hour);
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.h.ToPrefixString(), hour)
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.mi.ToPrefixString(), Helpers.AddZeroes(dt.Minute))
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.s.ToPrefixString(), Helpers.AddZeroes(dt.Second))
.Replace(, Helpers.AddZeroes(dt.Millisecond, 3))
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.w2.ToPrefixString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(dt.DayOfWeek))
.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.w.ToPrefixString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(dt.DayOfWeek))
.Replace(, (dt.Hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"));
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.unix.ToPrefixString(), DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix().ToString());
if (sb.ToString().Contains(ReplCodeMenuEntry.i.ToPrefixString()))
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.i.ToPrefixString(), AutoIncrementNumber.ToString());
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.un.ToPrefixString(), Environment.UserName);
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.uln.ToPrefixString(), Environment.UserDomainName);
sb.Replace(, Environment.MachineName);
if (Type == NameParserType.Text)
sb.Replace(ReplCodeMenuEntry.n.ToPrefixString(), Environment.NewLine);
string result = sb.ToString();
result = result.ReplaceAll(ReplCodeMenuEntry.rn.ToPrefixString(), () => Helpers.GetRandomChar(Helpers.Numbers).ToString());
result = result.ReplaceAll(ReplCodeMenuEntry.ra.ToPrefixString(), () => Helpers.GetRandomChar(Helpers.Alphanumeric).ToString());
if (Type == NameParserType.FolderPath)
result = Helpers.GetValidFolderPath(result);
else if (Type == NameParserType.FileName)
result = Helpers.GetValidFileName(result);
else if (Type == NameParserType.FilePath)
result = Helpers.GetValidFilePath(result);
else if (Type == NameParserType.URL)
result = Helpers.GetValidURL(result);
if (MaxNameLength > 0 && result.Length > MaxNameLength)
result = result.Remove(MaxNameLength);
return result;