
349 lines
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#region License Information (GPL v3)
ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type
Copyright (c) 2007-2016 ShareX Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Optionally you can also view the license at <>.
#endregion License Information (GPL v3)
using CG.Web.MegaApiClient;
using ShareX.HelpersLib;
using ShareX.UploadersLib.FileUploaders;
using ShareX.UploadersLib.ImageUploaders;
using ShareX.UploadersLib.TextUploaders;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ShareX.UploadersLib
public class UploadersConfig : SettingsBase<UploadersConfig>
#region Image uploaders
// Imgur
public AccountType ImgurAccountType = AccountType.Anonymous;
public bool ImgurDirectLink = true;
public ImgurThumbnailType ImgurThumbnailType = ImgurThumbnailType.Large_Thumbnail;
public bool ImgurUseGIFV = true;
public OAuth2Info ImgurOAuth2Info = null;
public bool ImgurUploadSelectedAlbum = false;
public ImgurAlbumData ImgurSelectedAlbum = null;
public List<ImgurAlbumData> ImgurAlbumList = null;
// ImageShack
public ImageShackOptions ImageShackSettings = new ImageShackOptions();
// TinyPic
public AccountType TinyPicAccountType = AccountType.Anonymous;
public string TinyPicRegistrationCode = "";
public string TinyPicUsername = "";
public string TinyPicPassword = "";
public bool TinyPicRememberUserPass = false;
// Flickr
public FlickrAuthInfo FlickrAuthInfo = new FlickrAuthInfo();
public FlickrSettings FlickrSettings = new FlickrSettings();
// Photobucket
public OAuthInfo PhotobucketOAuthInfo = null;
public PhotobucketAccountInfo PhotobucketAccountInfo = null;
// Picasa
public OAuth2Info PicasaOAuth2Info = null;
public string PicasaAlbumID = "";
// Chevereto
public CheveretoUploader CheveretoUploader = new CheveretoUploader("", "3374fa58c672fcaad8dab979f7687397");
public bool CheveretoDirectURL = true;
// SomeImage
public string SomeImageAPIKey = "";
public bool SomeImageDirectURL = true;
public string VgymeUserKey = "";
#endregion Image uploaders
#region Text uploaders
// Pastebin
public PastebinSettings PastebinSettings = new PastebinSettings();
public string Paste_eeUserAPIKey = "public";
// Gist
public bool GistAnonymousLogin = true;
public OAuth2Info GistOAuth2Info = null;
public bool GistPublishPublic = false;
public bool GistRawURL = false;
// uPaste
public string UpasteUserKey = "";
public bool UpasteIsPublic = false;
// Hastebin
public string HastebinCustomDomain = "";
public string HastebinSyntaxHighlighting = "hs";
// OneTimeSecret
public string OneTimeSecretAPIKey = "";
public string OneTimeSecretAPIUsername = "";
#endregion Text uploaders
#region File uploaders
// Dropbox
public OAuth2Info DropboxOAuth2Info = null;
//public DropboxAccount DropboxAccount = null;
public string DropboxUploadPath = "Public/ShareX/%y/%mo";
public bool DropboxAutoCreateShareableLink = false;
public DropboxURLType DropboxURLType = DropboxURLType.Default;
public DropboxAccountInfo DropboxAccountInfo = null; // API v1
// FTP Server
public List<FTPAccount> FTPAccountList = new List<FTPAccount>();
public int FTPSelectedImage = 0;
public int FTPSelectedText = 0;
public int FTPSelectedFile = 0;
// OneDrive
public OAuth2Info OneDriveOAuth2Info = null;
public OneDriveFileInfo OneDriveSelectedFolder = OneDrive.RootFolder;
public bool OneDriveAutoCreateShareableLink = true;
// Google Drive
public OAuth2Info GoogleDriveOAuth2Info = null;
public bool GoogleDriveIsPublic = true;
public bool GoogleDriveDirectLink = false;
public bool GoogleDriveUseFolder = false;
public string GoogleDriveFolderID = "";
// puush
public string PuushAPIKey = "";
// SendSpace
public AccountType SendSpaceAccountType = AccountType.Anonymous;
public string SendSpaceUsername = "";
public string SendSpacePassword = "";
// Minus
public OAuth2Info MinusOAuth2Info = null;
public MinusOptions MinusConfig = new MinusOptions();
// Box
public OAuth2Info BoxOAuth2Info = null;
public BoxFileEntry BoxSelectedFolder = Box.RootFolder;
public bool BoxShare = true;
public Ge_ttLogin Ge_ttLogin = null;
// Localhostr
public string LocalhostrEmail = "";
public string LocalhostrPassword = "";
public bool LocalhostrDirectURL = true;
// Shared Folder
public List<LocalhostAccount> LocalhostAccountList = new List<LocalhostAccount>();
public int LocalhostSelectedImages = 0;
public int LocalhostSelectedText = 0;
public int LocalhostSelectedFiles = 0;
// Email
public string EmailSmtpServer = "";
public int EmailSmtpPort = 587;
public string EmailFrom = "";
public string EmailPassword = "";
public bool EmailRememberLastTo = true;
public string EmailLastTo = "";
public string EmailDefaultSubject = "Sending email from ShareX";
public string EmailDefaultBody = "Screenshot is attached.";
public bool EmailAutomaticSend = false;
public string EmailAutomaticSendTo = "";
// Jira
public string JiraHost = "http://";
public string JiraIssuePrefix = "PROJECT-";
public OAuthInfo JiraOAuthInfo = null;
// Mega
public MegaApiClient.AuthInfos MegaAuthInfos = null;
public string MegaParentNodeId = null;
// Amazon S3
public AmazonS3Settings AmazonS3Settings = new AmazonS3Settings()
ObjectPrefix = "ShareX/%y/%mo",
UseReducedRedundancyStorage = true
// ownCloud
public string OwnCloudHost = "";
public string OwnCloudUsername = "";
public string OwnCloudPassword = "";
public string OwnCloudPath = "/";
public bool OwnCloudCreateShare = true;
public bool OwnCloudDirectLink = false;
public bool OwnCloud81Compatibility = false;
// MediaFire
public string MediaFireUsername = "";
public string MediaFirePassword = "";
public string MediaFirePath = "";
public bool MediaFireUseLongLink = false;
// Pushbullet
public PushbulletSettings PushbulletSettings = new PushbulletSettings();
// Up1
public string Up1Host = "";
public string Up1Key = "c61540b5ceecd05092799f936e27755f";
// Lambda
public LambdaSettings LambdaSettings = new LambdaSettings();
// Lithiio
public LithiioSettings LithiioSettings = new LithiioSettings();
// Pomf
public PomfUploader PomfUploader = new PomfUploader("", "");
// s-ul
public string SulAPIKey = "";
// Seafile
public string SeafileAPIURL = "";
public string SeafileAuthToken = "";
public string SeafileRepoID = "";
public string SeafilePath = "/";
public bool SeafileIsLibraryEncrypted = false;
public string SeafileEncryptedLibraryPassword = "";
public bool SeafileCreateShareableURL = true;
public bool SeafileIgnoreInvalidCert = false;
public int SeafileShareDaysToExpire = 0;
public string SeafileSharePassword = "";
public string SeafileAccInfoEmail = "";
public string SeafileAccInfoUsage = "";
// Streamable
public bool StreamableAnonymous = true;
public string StreamableUsername = "";
public string StreamablePassword = "";
public bool StreamableUseDirectURL = false;
#endregion File uploaders
#region URL shorteners
public OAuth2Info BitlyOAuth2Info = null;
public string BitlyDomain = "";
// Google URL Shortener
public AccountType GoogleURLShortenerAccountType = AccountType.Anonymous;
public OAuth2Info GoogleURLShortenerOAuth2Info = null;
public string YourlsAPIURL = "";
public string YourlsSignature = "";
public string YourlsUsername = "";
public string YourlsPassword = "";
public string AdFlyAPIKEY = "";
public string AdFlyAPIUID = "";
public string CoinURLUUID = "";
// polr
public string PolrAPIHostname = "";
public string PolrAPIKey = "";
#endregion URL shorteners
#region URL sharing services
// Twitter
public List<OAuthInfo> TwitterOAuthInfoList = new List<OAuthInfo>();
public int TwitterSelectedAccount = 0;
public bool TwitterSkipMessageBox = false;
public string TwitterDefaultMessage = "";
#endregion URL sharing services
#region Custom Uploaders
public List<CustomUploaderItem> CustomUploadersList = new List<CustomUploaderItem>();
public int CustomImageUploaderSelected = 0;
public int CustomTextUploaderSelected = 0;
public int CustomFileUploaderSelected = 0;
public int CustomURLShortenerSelected = 0;
#endregion Custom Uploaders