2013-11-03 12:53:49 +02:00

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#region License Information (GPL v3)
ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 ShareX Developers
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Optionally you can also view the license at <>.
#endregion License Information (GPL v3)
using HelpersLib;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ImageEffectsLib
public class WatermarkManager
public WatermarkConfig Config { get; private set; }
public WatermarkManager(WatermarkConfig config)
Config = config;
protected static Point FindPosition(WatermarkPositionType positionType, int offset, Size img, Size img2, int add)
Point position;
switch (positionType)
case WatermarkPositionType.TOP_LEFT:
position = new Point(offset, offset);
case WatermarkPositionType.TOP_RIGHT:
position = new Point(img.Width - img2.Width - offset - add, offset);
case WatermarkPositionType.BOTTOM_LEFT:
position = new Point(offset, img.Height - img2.Height - offset - add);
case WatermarkPositionType.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
position = new Point(img.Width - img2.Width - offset - add, img.Height - img2.Height - offset - add);
case WatermarkPositionType.CENTER:
position = new Point(img.Width / 2 - img2.Width / 2 - add, img.Height / 2 - img2.Height / 2 - add);
case WatermarkPositionType.LEFT:
position = new Point(offset, img.Height / 2 - img2.Height / 2 - add);
case WatermarkPositionType.TOP:
position = new Point(img.Width / 2 - img2.Width / 2 - add, offset);
case WatermarkPositionType.RIGHT:
position = new Point(img.Width - img2.Width - offset - add, img.Height / 2 - img2.Height / 2 - add);
case WatermarkPositionType.BOTTOM:
position = new Point(img.Width / 2 - img2.Width / 2 - add, img.Height - img2.Height - offset - add);
position = Point.Empty;
return position;
public static DialogResult ShowFontDialog(WatermarkConfig config)
DialogResult result = DialogResult.Cancel;
FontDialog fDialog = new FontDialog
ShowColor = true
fDialog.Color = config.WatermarkFontArgb;
fDialog.Font = config.WatermarkFont;
catch (Exception err)
DebugHelper.WriteException(err, "Error while initializing Font and Color");
result = fDialog.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
config.WatermarkFont = fDialog.Font;
config.WatermarkFontArgb = fDialog.Color;
catch (Exception ex)
DebugHelper.WriteException(ex, "Error while setting Watermark Font");
return result;
public Image ApplyWatermark(Image img)
switch (Config.WatermarkMode)
case WatermarkType.TEXT:
NameParser parser = new NameParser(NameParserType.Text) { Picture = img };
return DrawWatermarkText(img, parser.Parse(Config.WatermarkText));
case WatermarkType.IMAGE:
return DrawWatermarkImage(img, Config.WatermarkImageLocation);
return img;
private Image DrawWatermarkImage(Image img, string imgPath)
Image img2 = null;
if (img != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgPath) && File.Exists(imgPath) && Config.WatermarkImageScale > 0)
img2 = Helpers.GetImageFromFile(imgPath);
int offset = Config.WatermarkOffset;
int width = (int)(Config.WatermarkImageScale / 100f * img2.Width);
int height = (int)(Config.WatermarkImageScale / 100f * img2.Height);
if (Config.WatermarkAutoHide && ((img.Width < width + offset) || (img.Height < height + offset)))
return img;
if (Config.WatermarkImageScale != 100)
img2 = ImageHelpers.ResizeImage(img2, width, height);
Point imgPos = FindPosition(Config.WatermarkPositionMode, offset, img.Size, img2.Size, 0);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img))
g.DrawImage(img2, imgPos.X, imgPos.Y, img2.Width, img2.Height);
if (Config.WatermarkAddReflection)
using (Bitmap bmp = ImageHelpers.AddReflection(img2, 50, 150, 10))
g.DrawImage(bmp, new Rectangle(imgPos.X, imgPos.Y + img2.Height - 1, bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
if (Config.WatermarkUseBorder)
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, new Rectangle(imgPos.X, imgPos.Y, img2.Width - 1, img2.Height - 1));
catch (Exception ex)
DebugHelper.WriteException(ex, "Error while drawing image watermark");
if (img2 != null) img2.Dispose();
return img;
private Image DrawWatermarkText(Image img, string drawText)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drawText) && Config.WatermarkFont.Size > 0)
Font font = null;
Brush backgroundBrush = null;
int offset = Config.WatermarkOffset;
font = Config.WatermarkFont;
Size textSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(drawText, font);
Size labelSize = new Size(textSize.Width + 10, textSize.Height + 10);
Point labelPosition = FindPosition(Config.WatermarkPositionMode, offset, img.Size, new Size(textSize.Width + 10, textSize.Height + 10), 1);
if (Config.WatermarkAutoHide && ((img.Width < labelSize.Width + offset) || (img.Height < labelSize.Height + offset)))
return img;
Rectangle labelRectangle = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, labelSize);
Color fontColor = Config.WatermarkFontArgb;
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(labelRectangle.Width + 1, labelRectangle.Height + 1))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
if (Config.WatermarkUseCustomGradient)
backgroundBrush = GradientMaker.CreateGradientBrush(labelRectangle.Size, Config.WatermarkGradient);
backgroundBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(labelRectangle, Config.WatermarkGradient1Argb, Config.WatermarkGradient2Argb, Config.WatermarkGradientType);
using (GraphicsPath gPath = new GraphicsPath())
using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(Config.WatermarkBorderArgb))
gPath.AddRoundedRectangle(labelRectangle, Config.WatermarkCornerRadius);
g.FillPath(backgroundBrush, gPath);
g.DrawPath(borderPen, gPath);
using (Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(fontColor))
using (StringFormat sf = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center })
g.DrawString(drawText, font, textBrush, bmp.Width / 2f, bmp.Height / 2f, sf);
using (Graphics gImg = Graphics.FromImage(img))
gImg.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
gImg.DrawImage(bmp, labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
if (Config.WatermarkAddReflection)
using (Bitmap bmp2 = ImageHelpers.AddReflection(bmp, 50, 150, 10))
gImg.DrawImage(bmp2, new Rectangle(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y + bmp.Height - 1, bmp2.Width, bmp2.Height));
catch (Exception ex)
DebugHelper.WriteException(ex, "Error while drawing watermark");
if (font != null) font.Dispose();
if (backgroundBrush != null) backgroundBrush.Dispose();
return img;