#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (c) 2007-2016 ShareX Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using ShareX.HelpersLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib { public class AreaManager { public List Shapes { get; private set; } = new List(); public BaseShape CurrentShape { get; private set; } public ShapeType CurrentShapeType { get; set; } = ShapeType.RegionRectangle; public Rectangle CurrentRectangle { get { if (CurrentShape != null) { return CurrentShape.Rectangle; } return Rectangle.Empty; } set { if (CurrentShape != null) { CurrentShape.Rectangle = value; } } } public BaseShape[] Regions { get { return Shapes.OfType().ToArray(); } } public BaseDrawingShape[] DrawingShapes { get { return Shapes.OfType().ToArray(); } } public BaseShape[] ValidRegions { get { return Regions.Where(x => IsAreaValid(x.Rectangle)).ToArray(); } } public bool IsCurrentRegionValid { get { return IsAreaValid(CurrentRectangle); } } public Rectangle CurrentHoverRectangle { get; private set; } public bool IsCurrentHoverAreaValid { get { return !CurrentHoverRectangle.IsEmpty; } } public bool IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion { get { return CurrentShapeType == ShapeType.RegionRectangle || CurrentShapeType == ShapeType.RegionRoundedRectangle || CurrentShapeType == ShapeType.RegionEllipse || CurrentShapeType == ShapeType.RegionTriangle || CurrentShapeType == ShapeType.RegionDiamond; } } public float RoundedRectangleRadius { get; set; } = 25; public int RoundedRectangleRadiusIncrement { get; set; } = 3; public TriangleAngle TriangleAngle { get; set; } = TriangleAngle.Top; public Point CurrentPosition { get; private set; } public Point PositionOnClick { get; private set; } public ResizeManager ResizeManager { get; private set; } public bool IsCreating { get; private set; } public bool IsMoving { get; private set; } public bool IsResizing { get { return ResizeManager.IsResizing; } } public bool IsProportionalResizing { get; private set; } public bool IsSnapResizing { get; private set; } public List Windows { get; set; } public bool WindowCaptureMode { get; set; } public bool IncludeControls { get; set; } public int MinimumSize { get; set; } = 3; private RectangleRegion surface; private ContextMenuStrip cmsShapeMenu; public AreaManager(RectangleRegion surface) { this.surface = surface; CurrentShapeType = surface.Config.CurrentShapeType; ResizeManager = new ResizeManager(surface, this); surface.MouseDown += surface_MouseDown; surface.MouseUp += surface_MouseUp; surface.KeyDown += surface_KeyDown; surface.KeyUp += surface_KeyUp; CreateShapeMenu(); } private void CreateShapeMenu() { cmsShapeMenu = new ContextMenuStrip(); foreach (ShapeType shapeType in Helpers.GetEnums()) { ToolStripMenuItem tsmiShapeType = new ToolStripMenuItem(shapeType.GetLocalizedDescription()); tsmiShapeType.Checked = shapeType == CurrentShapeType; tsmiShapeType.Click += (sender, e) => { tsmiShapeType.RadioCheck(); ChangeCurrentShapeType(shapeType); }; cmsShapeMenu.Items.Add(tsmiShapeType); } cmsShapeMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); ToolStripMenuItem tsmiChangeBorderColor = new ToolStripMenuItem("Change border color..."); cmsShapeMenu.Items.Add(tsmiChangeBorderColor); ToolStripMenuItem tsmiChangeBorderSize = new ToolStripMenuItem("Change border size..."); cmsShapeMenu.Items.Add(tsmiChangeBorderSize); ToolStripMenuItem tsmiChangeFillColor = new ToolStripMenuItem("Change fill color..."); cmsShapeMenu.Items.Add(tsmiChangeFillColor); cmsShapeMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); ToolStripMenuItem tsmiCloseMenu = new ToolStripMenuItem("Close"); tsmiCloseMenu.Click += (sender, e) => cmsShapeMenu.Close(); cmsShapeMenu.Items.Add(tsmiCloseMenu); } private void surface_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Insert: if (IsCreating) { EndRegionSelection(); } else { if (ResizeManager.Visible) { DeselectArea(); } if (CurrentShape == null || CurrentShape != AreaIntersect()) { RegionSelection(InputManager.MousePosition); } } break; case Keys.ShiftKey: IsProportionalResizing = true; break; case Keys.Menu: IsSnapResizing = true; break; case Keys.NumPad1: ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType.RegionRectangle); break; case Keys.NumPad2: ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType.RegionRoundedRectangle); break; case Keys.NumPad3: ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType.RegionEllipse); break; case Keys.NumPad4: ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType.RegionTriangle); break; case Keys.NumPad5: ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType.RegionDiamond); break; case Keys.NumPad7: ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType.DrawingRectangle); break; case Keys.NumPad8: ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType.DrawingRoundedRectangle); break; case Keys.Add: switch (CurrentShapeType) { case ShapeType.RegionRoundedRectangle: RoundedRectangleRadius += RoundedRectangleRadiusIncrement; UpdateRoundedRectangle(); break; case ShapeType.RegionTriangle: if (TriangleAngle == TriangleAngle.Left) { TriangleAngle = TriangleAngle.Top; } else { TriangleAngle++; } UpdateTriangle(); break; } break; case Keys.Subtract: switch (CurrentShapeType) { case ShapeType.RegionRoundedRectangle: RoundedRectangleRadius = Math.Max(0, RoundedRectangleRadius - RoundedRectangleRadiusIncrement); UpdateRoundedRectangle(); break; case ShapeType.RegionTriangle: if (TriangleAngle == TriangleAngle.Top) { TriangleAngle = TriangleAngle.Left; } else { TriangleAngle--; } UpdateTriangle(); break; } break; } } private void ChangeCurrentShapeType(ShapeType shapeType) { CurrentShapeType = shapeType; surface.Config.CurrentShapeType = shapeType; DeselectArea(); } private void UpdateRoundedRectangle() { if (CurrentShape != null) { RoundedRectangleRegionShape roundedRectangleShape = CurrentShape as RoundedRectangleRegionShape; if (roundedRectangleShape != null) { roundedRectangleShape.Radius = RoundedRectangleRadius; } } } private void UpdateTriangle() { if (CurrentShape != null) { TriangleRegionShape triangleShape = CurrentShape as TriangleRegionShape; if (triangleShape != null) { triangleShape.Angle = TriangleAngle; } } } private void surface_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.ShiftKey: IsProportionalResizing = false; break; case Keys.Menu: IsSnapResizing = false; break; case Keys.Delete: RemoveCurrentArea(); if (IsCreating) { EndRegionSelection(); } break; } } public void Update() { if (IsMoving) { Rectangle rect = CurrentRectangle; rect.X += InputManager.MouseVelocity.X; rect.Y += InputManager.MouseVelocity.Y; CurrentRectangle = rect; } if (IsCreating && !CurrentRectangle.IsEmpty) { CurrentPosition = InputManager.MousePosition0Based; Point newPosition = CurrentPosition; if (IsProportionalResizing) { newPosition = CaptureHelpers.ProportionalPosition(PositionOnClick, CurrentPosition); } if (IsSnapResizing) { newPosition = SnapPosition(PositionOnClick, newPosition); } CurrentRectangle = CaptureHelpers.CreateRectangle(PositionOnClick, newPosition); } CheckHover(); ResizeManager.Update(); } private Point SnapPosition(Point posOnClick, Point posCurrent) { Rectangle currentRect = CaptureHelpers.CreateRectangle(posOnClick, posCurrent); Point newPosition = posCurrent; foreach (SnapSize size in surface.Config.SnapSizes) { if (currentRect.Width.IsBetween(size.Width - surface.Config.SnapDistance, size.Width + surface.Config.SnapDistance) || currentRect.Height.IsBetween(size.Height - surface.Config.SnapDistance, size.Height + surface.Config.SnapDistance)) { newPosition = CaptureHelpers.CalculateNewPosition(posOnClick, posCurrent, size); break; } } Rectangle newRect = CaptureHelpers.CreateRectangle(posOnClick, newPosition); if (surface.ScreenRectangle0Based.Contains(newRect)) { return newPosition; } return posCurrent; } private void CheckHover() { CurrentHoverRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; if (!ResizeManager.IsCursorOnNode() && !IsCreating && !IsMoving && !IsResizing) { Rectangle hoverArea = GetAreaIntersectWithMouse(); if (!hoverArea.IsEmpty) { CurrentHoverRectangle = hoverArea; } else { SimpleWindowInfo window = FindSelectedWindow(); if (window != null && !window.Rectangle.IsEmpty) { hoverArea = CaptureHelpers.ScreenToClient(window.Rectangle); CurrentHoverRectangle = Rectangle.Intersect(surface.ScreenRectangle0Based, hoverArea); } } } } public SimpleWindowInfo FindSelectedWindow() { if (Windows != null) { return Windows.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Rectangle.Contains(InputManager.MousePosition)); } return null; } public WindowInfo FindSelectedWindowInfo(Point mousePosition) { if (Windows != null) { SimpleWindowInfo windowInfo = Windows.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsWindow && x.Rectangle.Contains(mousePosition)); if (windowInfo != null) { return windowInfo.WindowInfo; } } return null; } private void surface_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (!IsCreating) { RegionSelection(e.Location); } } } private void surface_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (IsMoving || IsCreating) { EndRegionSelection(); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { CancelRegionSelection(); if (IsCreating) { EndRegionSelection(); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) { cmsShapeMenu.Show(surface, e.Location); } } private void RegionSelection(Point location) { if (ResizeManager.IsCursorOnNode()) { return; } BaseShape shape = AreaIntersect(InputManager.MousePosition0Based); PositionOnClick = InputManager.MousePosition0Based; if (shape != null && shape.ShapeType == CurrentShapeType) // Select area { IsMoving = true; CurrentShape = shape; SelectArea(); } else if (!IsCreating) // Create new area { DeselectArea(); Rectangle rect; if (surface.Config.IsFixedSize) { IsMoving = true; rect = new Rectangle(new Point(location.X - surface.Config.FixedSize.Width / 2, location.Y - surface.Config.FixedSize.Height / 2), surface.Config.FixedSize); } else { IsCreating = true; rect = new Rectangle(location, new Size(1, 1)); } AddRegionShape(rect); } } private void EndRegionSelection() { IsCreating = false; IsMoving = false; if (!CurrentRectangle.IsEmpty) { if (!IsCurrentRegionValid) { RemoveCurrentArea(); CheckHover(); } else if (surface.Config.QuickCrop) { surface.UpdateRegionPath(); surface.Close(SurfaceResult.Region); } else { SelectArea(); } } if (!CurrentHoverRectangle.IsEmpty) { AddRegionShape(CurrentHoverRectangle); if (surface.Config.QuickCrop) { surface.UpdateRegionPath(); surface.Close(SurfaceResult.Region); } else { SelectArea(); } } } private void CancelRegionSelection() { BaseShape shape = AreaIntersect(); if (shape != null) { Shapes.Remove(shape); DeselectArea(); } else { surface.Close(SurfaceResult.Close); } } private void AddRegionShape(Rectangle rect) { BaseShape shape = CreateRegionShape(rect); Shapes.Add(shape); CurrentShape = shape; } public BaseShape CreateRegionShape(Rectangle rect) { BaseShape shape; switch (CurrentShapeType) { default: case ShapeType.RegionRectangle: shape = new RectangleRegionShape(); break; case ShapeType.RegionRoundedRectangle: shape = new RoundedRectangleRegionShape() { Radius = RoundedRectangleRadius }; break; case ShapeType.RegionEllipse: shape = new EllipseRegionShape(); break; case ShapeType.RegionTriangle: shape = new TriangleRegionShape() { Angle = TriangleAngle }; break; case ShapeType.RegionDiamond: shape = new DiamondRegionShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingRectangle: shape = new RectangleDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingRoundedRectangle: shape = new RoundedRectangleDrawingShape() { Radius = RoundedRectangleRadius }; break; } shape.Rectangle = rect; return shape; } private void SelectArea() { if (!CurrentRectangle.IsEmpty && !surface.Config.IsFixedSize) { ResizeManager.Show(); } } private void DeselectArea() { CurrentShape = null; ResizeManager.Hide(); } private void RemoveCurrentArea() { BaseShape shape = CurrentShape; if (shape != null) { Shapes.Remove(shape); DeselectArea(); } } private bool IsAreaValid(Rectangle rect) { return !rect.IsEmpty && rect.Width >= MinimumSize && rect.Height >= MinimumSize; } public BaseShape AreaIntersect(Point mousePosition) { for (int i = Shapes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BaseShape shape = Shapes[i]; if (shape.ShapeType == CurrentShapeType && shape.Rectangle.Contains(mousePosition)) { return shape; } } return null; } public BaseShape AreaIntersect() { return AreaIntersect(InputManager.MousePosition0Based); } public Rectangle GetAreaIntersectWithMouse() { BaseShape shape = AreaIntersect(); if (shape != null) { return shape.Rectangle; } return Rectangle.Empty; } public bool IsAreaIntersect() { return AreaIntersect() != null; } public Rectangle CombineAreas() { BaseShape[] areas = ValidRegions; if (areas.Length > 0) { Rectangle rect = areas[0].Rectangle; for (int i = 1; i < areas.Length; i++) { rect = Rectangle.Union(rect, areas[i].Rectangle); } return rect; } return Rectangle.Empty; } } }