[![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/frfm608h1rcq5ojt?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ShareX/sharex) ### ShareX website: [getsharex.com](https://getsharex.com) [![](https://getsharex.com/img/ShareX_Screenshot.png)](https://getsharex.com) # Features ## Capturing ShareX incorporates the following methods to allow screen capture. * Fullscreen * Active window * Active monitor * Window menu * Monitor menu * Region * Region (Annotate) * Region (Light) * Region (Transparent) * Polygon * Freehand * Last region * Custom region * Screen recording * Screen recording (GIF) * Scrolling capture * Webpage capture * Auto capture #### After capture tasks You can select any or all of these tasks to be automatically run after each screen capture. * Show quick task menu * Show "After capture" window * Add image effects / watermark * Open in image editor * Copy image to clipboard * Print image * Save image to file * Save image to file as * Save thumbnail image to file * Perform actions * Copy file to clipboard * Copy file path to clipboard * Show file in explorer * Show "Before upload" window * Upload image to host * Delete file locally ## Uploading ShareX has multiple ways to upload files. * Upload file * Upload folder * Upload from clipboard * Upload from URL * Drag and drop upload (drop area or main window) * Upload from Windows shell context menu * Upload from Windows send to menu * Watch folder #### After upload tasks These tasks will automatically run after successful upload to any host. * Show "After upload" window * Shorten URL * Share URL * Copy URL to clipboard * Open URL * Show QR code window ## Destinations ShareX supports the following destinations. #### Image uploaders * [Imgur](http://imgur.com) * [ImageShack](https://imageshack.us) * [TinyPic](http://tinypic.com) * [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com) * [Photobucket](http://photobucket.com) * [Google Photos (Picasa)](https://picasaweb.google.com) * [Twitter](https://twitter.com) * [Chevereto](https://chevereto.com) * [UltraIMG](http://ultraimg.com) * [Yukle.at](http://yukle.at) * [PatiFile](http://img.patifile.com) * [BoltIMG](http://boltimg.com) * [Snapie](http://snapie.net) * [picgur](http://picgur.org) * [pixr](http://pixr.co) * [sexr](http://sexr.co) * [Lightpics](http://lightpics.net) * [Imgfly](http://imgfly.me) * [ImgPinas](http://imgpinas.com) * [imu.gr](http://imu.gr) * [Upsieutoc](http://www.upsieutoc.com) * [StoreMyPic](http://www.storemypic.com) * [TL Things](http://i.tlthings.net) * [vgy.me](http://vgy.me) * [SomeImage](https://someimage.com) * [Imgland](http://imgland.net) * [Custom image uploader](https://github.com/ShareX/CustomUploaders) * [File uploader](#file-uploaders) #### Text uploaders * [Pastebin](http://pastebin.com) * [Paste2](http://paste2.org) * [Slexy](http://slexy.org) * [Pastee.org](https://pastee.org) * [Paste.ee](https://paste.ee) * [GitHub Gist](https://gist.github.com) * [uPaste](http://upaste.me) * [Hastebin](http://hastebin.com) * [OneTimeSecret](https://onetimesecret.com) * [Custom text uploader](https://github.com/ShareX/CustomUploaders) * [File uploader](#file-uploaders) #### File uploaders * [Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com) * [FTP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol) * [OneDrive](https://onedrive.live.com) * [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com) * [Box](https://www.box.com) * [MEGA](https://mega.co.nz) * [Amazon S3](http://aws.amazon.com/s3/) * [ownCloud](https://owncloud.org) * [MediaFire](https://www.mediafire.com) * [Gfycat](http://gfycat.com) * [Pushbullet](https://www.pushbullet.com) * [SendSpace](https://www.sendspace.com) * [Minus](http://minus.com) * [Ge.tt](http://ge.tt) * [Hostr](https://hostr.co) * [JIRA](https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira) * [Lambda](http://lambda.sx) * [VideoBin](http://videobin.org) * [Pomf](https://github.com/nokonoko/Pomf) * [1339.cf](http://1339.cf) * [catgirlsare.sexy](https://catgirlsare.sexy) * [comfy.moe](http://comfy.moe) * [cocaine.ninja](https://cocaine.ninja) * [cuntflaps.me](http://cuntflaps.me) * [files.plebeianparty.com](http://files.plebeianparty.com) * [g.zxq.co](http://g.zxq.co) * [glop.me](http://glop.me) * [kyaa.sg](http://kyaa.sg) * [maxfile.ro](https://maxfile.ro) * [mixtape.moe](https://mixtape.moe) * [nigger.cat](https://nigger.cat) * [pomf.cat](https://pomf.cat) * [pomf.hummingbird.moe](http://pomf.hummingbird.moe) * [pomf.is](https://pomf.is) * [reich.io](http://reich.io) * [sugoi.vidyagam.es](https://sugoi.vidyagam.es) * [up.che.moe](http://up.che.moe) * [Uguu](https://uguu.se) * [Dropfile](https://dropfile.to) * [Up1](https://up1.ca) * [Seafile](https://www.seafile.com) * [s-ul](https://s-ul.eu) * [Streamable](https://streamable.com) * Shared folder * [Email](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email) * [Custom file uploader](https://github.com/ShareX/CustomUploaders) #### URL shorteners * [bit.ly](https://bitly.com) * [goo.gl](https://goo.gl) * [is.gd](https://is.gd) * [v.gd](https://v.gd) * [tinyurl.com](http://tinyurl.com) * [turl.ca](http://turl.ca) * [yourls.org](http://yourls.org) * [adf.ly](https://adf.ly) * [coinurl.com](https://coinurl.com) * [qr.net](http://qr.net) * [vurl.com](http://vurl.com) * [2.gp](http://2.gp) * [Polr](https://github.com/Cydrobolt/polr) * [Custom URL shortener](https://github.com/ShareX/CustomUploaders) #### URL sharing services * [Email](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email) * [Twitter](https://twitter.com) * [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com) * [Google+](https://plus.google.com) * [Reddit](http://www.reddit.com) * [Pinterest](https://www.pinterest.com) * [Tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com) * [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com) * [StumbleUpon](https://www.stumbleupon.com) * [Delicious](https://delicious.com) * [VK](https://vk.com) * [Pushbullet](https://www.pushbullet.com) ## Tools Additional tools to make certain tasks more efficient. * Color picker * Screen color picker * Image editor * Image effects * Hash check * DNS changer * QR code * Ruler * Automate * Directory indexer * Image combiner * Video thumbnailer * FTP client * Tweet message * Monitor test