#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright © 2007-2015 ShareX Developers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using ShareX.HelpersLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ShareX.MediaLib { public class VideoThumbnailer { public delegate void ProgressChangedEventHandler(int current, int length); public event ProgressChangedEventHandler ProgressChanged; public string MediaPath { get; private set; } public string FFmpegPath { get; private set; } public VideoThumbnailOptions Options { get; private set; } public VideoInfo VideoInfo { get; private set; } private int timeSlice; private List mediaSeekTimes = new List(); public VideoThumbnailer(string mediaPath, string ffmpegPath, VideoThumbnailOptions options) { MediaPath = mediaPath; FFmpegPath = ffmpegPath; Options = options; using (FFmpegCLIManager ffmpegCLI = new FFmpegCLIManager(FFmpegPath)) { VideoInfo = ffmpegCLI.GetVideoInfo(MediaPath); } timeSlice = GetTimeSlice(Options.ScreenshotCount); for (int i = 1; i < Options.ScreenshotCount + 2; i++) { mediaSeekTimes.Add(GetTimeSlice(Options.ScreenshotCount + 2) * i); } } public virtual List TakeScreenshots() { if (!File.Exists(FFmpegPath)) { return null; } List tempScreenshots = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < Options.ScreenshotCount; i++) { string mediaFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(MediaPath); int timeSliceElapsed = Options.RandomFrame ? GetRandomTimeSlice(i) : timeSlice * (i + 1); string filename = string.Format("{0}-{1}.{2}", mediaFileName, timeSliceElapsed.ToString("00000"), Options.FFmpegThumbnailExtension.GetDescription()); string tempScreenshotPath = Path.Combine(GetOutputDirectory(), filename); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(FFmpegPath); psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; psi.Arguments = string.Format("-ss {0} -i \"{1}\" -f image2 -vframes 1 -y \"{2}\"", timeSliceElapsed, MediaPath, tempScreenshotPath); using (Process p = new Process()) { p.StartInfo = psi; p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(1000 * 30); } if (File.Exists(tempScreenshotPath)) { VideoThumbnailInfo screenshotInfo = new VideoThumbnailInfo(tempScreenshotPath) { Args = psi.Arguments, Timestamp = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeSliceElapsed) }; tempScreenshots.Add(screenshotInfo); } OnProgressChanged(i + 1, Options.ScreenshotCount); } return Finish(tempScreenshots); } protected virtual List Finish(List tempScreenshots) { List screenshots = new List(); if (tempScreenshots != null && tempScreenshots.Count > 0) { if (Options.CombineScreenshots) { using (Image img = CombineScreenshots(tempScreenshots)) { string tempFilepath = Path.Combine(GetOutputDirectory(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(MediaPath) + "_s." + Options.FFmpegThumbnailExtension); switch (Options.FFmpegThumbnailExtension) { case EImageFormat.PNG: img.Save(tempFilepath, ImageFormat.Png); break; case EImageFormat.JPEG: img.Save(tempFilepath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); break; } screenshots.Add(new VideoThumbnailInfo(tempFilepath) { Args = tempScreenshots[0].Args }); } tempScreenshots.ForEach(x => File.Delete(x.LocalPath)); } else { screenshots.AddRange(tempScreenshots); } } if (Options.OpenDirectory && screenshots.Count > 0) { Helpers.OpenFolderWithFile(screenshots[0].LocalPath); } return screenshots; } protected void OnProgressChanged(int current, int length) { if (ProgressChanged != null) { ProgressChanged(current, length); } } private string GetOutputDirectory() { switch (Options.OutputLocation) { case ThumbnailLocationType.ParentFolder: return Path.GetDirectoryName(MediaPath); case ThumbnailLocationType.CustomFolder: return Options.OutputDirectory; default: case ThumbnailLocationType.DefaultFolder: // TODO return ""; } } protected int GetTimeSlice(int count) { return (int)(VideoInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds / count); } protected int GetRandomTimeSlice(int start) { Random random = new Random(); return (int)(random.NextDouble() * (mediaSeekTimes[start + 1] - mediaSeekTimes[start]) + mediaSeekTimes[start]); } private Image CombineScreenshots(List screenshots) { List images = new List(); Image finalImage = null; try { string infoString = ""; int infoStringHeight = 0; if (Options.AddMovieInfo) { infoString = VideoInfo.ToString(); using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 14)) { infoStringHeight = Helpers.MeasureText(infoString, font).Height; } } foreach (VideoThumbnailInfo screenshot in screenshots) { Image img = Image.FromFile(screenshot.LocalPath); if (Options.MaxThumbnailWidth > 0 && img.Width > Options.MaxThumbnailWidth) { int maxThumbnailHeight = (int)((float)Options.MaxThumbnailWidth / img.Width * img.Height); img = ImageHelpers.ResizeImage(img, Options.MaxThumbnailWidth, maxThumbnailHeight); } images.Add(img); } int columnCount = Options.ColumnCount; int thumbWidth = images[0].Width; int width = Options.Padding * 2 + thumbWidth * columnCount + (columnCount - 1) * Options.Spacing; int rowCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(images.Count / (float)columnCount); int thumbHeight = images[0].Height; int height = Options.Padding * 3 + infoStringHeight + thumbHeight * rowCount + (rowCount - 1) * Options.Spacing; finalImage = new Bitmap(width, height); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(finalImage)) { g.Clear(Color.WhiteSmoke); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoString)) { using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 14)) { g.DrawString(infoString, font, Brushes.Black, Options.Padding, Options.Padding); } } int i = 0; int offsetY = Options.Padding * 2 + infoStringHeight; for (int y = 0; y < rowCount; y++) { int offsetX = Options.Padding; for (int x = 0; x < columnCount; x++) { if (Options.DrawShadow) { int shadowOffset = 3; using (Brush shadowBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(75, Color.Black))) { g.FillRectangle(shadowBrush, offsetX + shadowOffset, offsetY + shadowOffset, thumbWidth, thumbHeight); } } g.DrawImage(images[i], offsetX, offsetY, thumbWidth, thumbHeight); if (Options.AddTimestamp) { int timestampOffset = 10; using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 12)) { ImageHelpers.DrawTextWithShadow(g, screenshots[i].Timestamp.ToString(), new Point(offsetX + timestampOffset, offsetY + timestampOffset), font, Color.White, Color.Black); } } i++; if (i >= images.Count) { return finalImage; } offsetX += thumbWidth + Options.Spacing; } offsetY += thumbHeight + Options.Spacing; } } return finalImage; } catch { if (finalImage != null) { finalImage.Dispose(); } throw; } finally { foreach (Image image in images) { if (image != null) { image.Dispose(); } } } } } }