#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (c) 2007-2024 ShareX Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using ShareX.HelpersLib; using ShareX.UploadersLib.Properties; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace ShareX.UploadersLib.FileUploaders { public class SendSpaceFileUploaderService : FileUploaderService { public override FileDestination EnumValue { get; } = FileDestination.SendSpace; public override Icon ServiceIcon => Resources.SendSpace; public override bool CheckConfig(UploadersConfig config) { return config.SendSpaceAccountType == AccountType.Anonymous || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.SendSpaceUsername) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.SendSpacePassword)); } public override GenericUploader CreateUploader(UploadersConfig config, TaskReferenceHelper taskInfo) { return new SendSpace(APIKeys.SendSpaceKey) { AccountType = config.SendSpaceAccountType, Username = config.SendSpaceUsername, Password = config.SendSpacePassword }; } public override TabPage GetUploadersConfigTabPage(UploadersConfigForm form) => form.tpSendSpace; } public sealed class SendSpace : FileUploader { private string APIKey; private const string APIURL = "http://api.sendspace.com/rest/"; private const string APIVersion = "1.0"; public AccountType AccountType { get; set; } public string Username { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } /// /// Upload speed limit in kilobytes, 0 for unlimited /// public int SpeedLimit = 0; public string AppVersion = "1.0"; public SendSpace(string apiKey) { APIKey = apiKey; } public override UploadResult Upload(Stream stream, string fileName) { if (AccountType == AccountType.User) { SendSpaceManager.PrepareUploadInfo(APIKey, Username, Password); } else { SendSpaceManager.PrepareUploadInfo(APIKey); } return Upload(stream, fileName, SendSpaceManager.UploadInfo); } #region Helpers public class ResponsePacket { public string Method { get; set; } public string Status { get; set; } public bool Error { get; set; } public string ErrorCode { get; set; } public string ErrorText { get; set; } public XElement Result { get; set; } } private ResponsePacket ParseResponse(string response) { ResponsePacket packet = new ResponsePacket(); XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(response); packet.Result = xml.Element("result"); packet.Method = packet.Result.Attribute("method").Value; packet.Status = packet.Result.Attribute("status").Value; packet.Error = packet.Status == "fail"; if (packet.Error) { XElement error = packet.Result.Element("error"); packet.ErrorCode = error.Attribute("code").Value; packet.ErrorText = error.Attribute("text").Value; Errors.Add(string.Format("Code: {0}, Method: {1}\r\nText: {2}", packet.ErrorCode, packet.Method, packet.ErrorText)); } return packet; } private UploadResponsePacket ParseUploadResponse(string response) { XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(response); XElement xe = xml.Root; if (xe.GetElementValue("status") == "ok") { UploadResponsePacket urp = new UploadResponsePacket { DownloadURL = xe.GetElementValue("download_url"), DeleteURL = xe.GetElementValue("delete_url") }; return urp; } return null; } public class UploadResponsePacket { public string DownloadURL { get; set; } public string DeleteURL { get; set; } } public class LoginInfo { /// /// Session key to be sent with all method calls, user information, including the user account's capabilities /// public string SessionKey { get; set; } public string Username { get; set; } public string EMail { get; set; } public string MembershipType { get; set; } public string MembershipEnds { get; set; } public bool CapableUpload { get; set; } public bool CapableDownload { get; set; } public bool CapableFolders { get; set; } public bool CapableFiles { get; set; } public bool CapableHTTPS { get; set; } public bool CapableAddressBook { get; set; } public string BandwidthLeft { get; set; } public string DiskSpaceLeft { get; set; } public string DiskSpaceUsed { get; set; } public string Points { get; set; } public LoginInfo() { } public LoginInfo(XElement element) { SessionKey = element.GetElementValue("session_key"); Username = element.GetElementValue("user_name"); EMail = element.GetElementValue("email"); MembershipType = element.GetElementValue("membership_type"); MembershipEnds = element.GetElementValue("membership_ends"); CapableUpload = element.GetElementValue("capable_upload") != "0"; CapableDownload = element.GetElementValue("capable_download") != "0"; CapableFolders = element.GetElementValue("capable_folders") != "0"; CapableFiles = element.GetElementValue("capable_files") != "0"; CapableHTTPS = element.GetElementValue("capable_https") != "0"; CapableAddressBook = element.GetElementValue("capable_addressbook") != "0"; BandwidthLeft = element.GetElementValue("bandwidth_left"); DiskSpaceLeft = element.GetElementValue("diskspace_left"); DiskSpaceUsed = element.GetElementValue("diskspace_used"); Points = element.GetElementValue("points"); } } public class UploadInfo { public string URL { get; set; } public string ProgressURL { get; set; } public string MaxFileSize { get; set; } public string UploadIdentifier { get; set; } public string ExtraInfo { get; set; } public UploadInfo() { } public UploadInfo(XElement element) { XElement upload = element.Element("upload"); URL = upload.GetAttributeValue("url"); ProgressURL = upload.GetAttributeValue("progress_url"); MaxFileSize = upload.GetAttributeValue("max_file_size"); UploadIdentifier = upload.GetAttributeValue("upload_identifier"); ExtraInfo = upload.GetAttributeValue("extra_info"); } } #endregion Helpers #region Authentication /// /// Creates a new user account. An activation/validation email will be sent automatically to the user. /// http://www.sendspace.com/dev_method.html?method=auth.register /// /// a-z/A-Z/0-9, 3-20 chars /// a-z/A-Z/space, 3-20 chars /// Valid email address required /// Can be left empty and the API will create a unique password or enter one with 4-20 chars /// true = success, false = error public bool AuthRegister(string username, string fullname, string email, string password) { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("method", "auth.register"); args.Add("api_key", APIKey); args.Add("user_name", username); args.Add("full_name", fullname); args.Add("email", email); args.Add("password", password); string response = SendRequestMultiPart(APIURL, args); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { return !ParseResponse(response).Error; } return false; } /// /// Obtains a new and random token per session. Required for login. /// http://www.sendspace.com/dev_method.html?method=auth.createToken /// /// A token to be used with the auth.login method public string AuthCreateToken() { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("method", "auth.createToken"); args.Add("api_key", APIKey); // Received from sendspace args.Add("api_version", APIVersion); // Value must be: 1.0 args.Add("app_version", AppVersion); // Application specific, formatting / style is up to you args.Add("response_format", "xml"); // Value must be: XML string response = SendRequestMultiPart(APIURL, args); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { ResponsePacket packet = ParseResponse(response); if (!packet.Error) { return packet.Result.GetElementValue("token"); } } return null; } /// /// Starts a session and returns user API method capabilities -- which features the given user can and cannot use. /// http://www.sendspace.com/dev_method.html?method=auth.login /// /// Received on create token /// Registered user name /// Registered password /// Account informations including session key public LoginInfo AuthLogin(string token, string username, string password) { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("method", "auth.login"); args.Add("token", token); args.Add("user_name", username); // lowercase(md5(token+lowercase(md5(password)))) - md5 values should always be lowercase. string passwordHash = TranslatorHelper.TextToHash(password, HashType.MD5); args.Add("tokened_password", TranslatorHelper.TextToHash(token + passwordHash, HashType.MD5)); string response = SendRequestMultiPart(APIURL, args); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { ResponsePacket packet = ParseResponse(response); if (!packet.Error) { LoginInfo loginInfo = new LoginInfo(packet.Result); return loginInfo; } } return null; } /// /// Checks if a session is valid or not. /// http://www.sendspace.com/dev_method.html?method=auth.checksession /// /// Received from auth.login /// true = success, false = error public bool AuthCheckSession(string sessionKey) { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("method", "auth.checkSession"); args.Add("session_key", sessionKey); string response = SendRequestMultiPart(APIURL, args); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { ResponsePacket packet = ParseResponse(response); if (!packet.Error) { string session = packet.Result.GetElementValue("session"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(session)) { return session == "ok"; } } } return false; } /// /// Logs out from a session. /// http://www.sendspace.com/dev_method.html?method=auth.logout /// /// Received from auth.login /// true = success, false = error public bool AuthLogout(string sessionKey) { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("method", "auth.logout"); args.Add("session_key", sessionKey); string response = SendRequestMultiPart(APIURL, args); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { return !ParseResponse(response).Error; } return false; } #endregion Authentication #region Upload /// /// Obtains the information needed to perform an upload. /// http://www.sendspace.com/dev_method.html?method=upload.getInfo /// /// Received from auth.login /// URL to upload the file to, progress_url for real-time progress information, max_file_size for max size current user can upload, upload_identifier & extra_info to be passed with the upload form public UploadInfo UploadGetInfo(string sessionKey) { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("method", "upload.getInfo"); args.Add("session_key", sessionKey); args.Add("speed_limit", SpeedLimit.ToString()); string response = SendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, APIURL, args); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { ResponsePacket packet = ParseResponse(response); if (!packet.Error) { UploadInfo uploadInfo = new UploadInfo(packet.Result); return uploadInfo; } } return null; } /// /// Obtains the basic information needed to make an anonymous upload. This method does not require authentication or login. /// /// URL to upload the file to, progress_url for real-time progress information, max_file_size for max size current user can upload, upload_identifier & extra_info to be passed in the upload form public UploadInfo AnonymousUploadGetInfo() { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("method", "anonymous.uploadGetInfo"); args.Add("speed_limit", SpeedLimit.ToString()); args.Add("api_key", APIKey); args.Add("api_version", APIVersion); args.Add("app_version", AppVersion); string response = SendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, APIURL, args); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { ResponsePacket packet = ParseResponse(response); if (!packet.Error) { UploadInfo uploadInfo = new UploadInfo(packet.Result); return uploadInfo; } } return null; } /// /// http://www.sendspace.com/dev_method.html?method=upload.getInfo /// /// max_file_size value received in UploadGetInfo response /// upload_identifier value received in UploadGetInfo response /// extra_info value received in UploadGetInfo response /// /// /// /// an email (or emails separated with ,) of recipient/s to receive information about the upload /// 0/1 - should the uploader be notified? /// page to redirect after upload will be attached upload_status=ok/fail&file_id=XXXX /// public Dictionary PrepareArguments(string max_file_size, string upload_identifier, string extra_info, string description, string password, string folder_id, string recipient_email, string notify_uploader, string redirect_url) { Dictionary args = new Dictionary(); args.Add("MAX_FILE_SIZE", max_file_size); args.Add("UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER", upload_identifier); args.Add("extra_info", extra_info); // Optional fields if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) args.Add("description", description); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) args.Add("password", password); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder_id)) args.Add("folder_id", folder_id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipient_email)) args.Add("recipient_email", recipient_email); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notify_uploader)) args.Add("notify_uploader", notify_uploader); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect_url)) args.Add("redirect_url", redirect_url); return args; } public Dictionary PrepareArguments(string max_file_size, string upload_identifier, string extra_info) { return PrepareArguments(max_file_size, upload_identifier, extra_info, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public UploadResult Upload(Stream stream, string fileName, UploadInfo uploadInfo) { UploadResult result = null; if (uploadInfo != null) { Dictionary args = PrepareArguments(uploadInfo.MaxFileSize, uploadInfo.UploadIdentifier, uploadInfo.ExtraInfo); result = SendRequestFile(uploadInfo.URL, stream, fileName, "userfile", args); if (result.IsSuccess) { if (result.Response.StartsWith("upload_status=ok")) // User { string fileid = Regex.Match(result.Response, @"file_id=(\w+)").Groups[1].Value; result.URL = "http://www.sendspace.com/file/" + fileid; } else // Anonymous { UploadResponsePacket urp = ParseUploadResponse(result.Response); result.URL = urp.DownloadURL; result.DeletionURL = urp.DeleteURL; } } } return result; } public class CheckProgress : IDisposable { private SendSpace sendSpace; private string url; private int interval = 1000; private CancellationTokenSource cts; public CheckProgress(string progressURL, SendSpace sendSpace) { url = progressURL; this.sendSpace = sendSpace; cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task.Run(() => DoWork(cts.Token), cts.Token); } private void DoWork(CancellationToken ct) { Thread.Sleep(1000); ProgressInfo progressInfo = new ProgressInfo(); DateTime time; while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested) { time = DateTime.Now; try { string response = sendSpace.SendRequest(HttpMethod.POST, url); progressInfo.ParseResponse(response); if (progressInfo.Status != "fail" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(progressInfo.Meter)) { if (int.TryParse(progressInfo.Meter, out int progress)) { //sendSpace.OnProgressChanged(0, 0); } } } catch { } int elapsed = (int)(DateTime.Now - time).TotalMilliseconds; if (elapsed < interval) { Thread.Sleep(interval - elapsed); } } } private class ProgressInfo { public string Status { get; set; } public string ETA { get; set; } public string Speed { get; set; } public string UploadedBytes { get; set; } public string TotalSize { get; set; } public string Elapsed { get; set; } public string Meter { get; set; } public ProgressInfo() { } public ProgressInfo(string response) { ParseResponse(response); } public void ParseResponse(string response) { XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(response); XElement element = xml.Element("progress"); Status = element.GetElementValue("status"); ETA = element.GetElementValue("eta"); Speed = element.GetElementValue("speed"); UploadedBytes = element.GetElementValue("uploaded_bytes"); TotalSize = element.GetElementValue("total_size"); Elapsed = element.GetElementValue("elapsed"); Meter = element.GetElementValue("meter"); } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("Status: {0}, ETA: {1}, Speed: {2}\r\nBytes: {3}/{4}, Elapsed: {5}, Meter: {6}%", Status, ETA, Speed, UploadedBytes, TotalSize, Elapsed, Meter); } } public void Dispose() { if (cts != null) { cts.Cancel(); } } } #endregion Upload } }