#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (c) 2007-2023 ShareX Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using System.ComponentModel; namespace ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib { public enum ScreenRecordOutput { [Description("FFmpeg")] FFmpeg, [Description("Animated GIF")] GIF } public enum ScreenRecordGIFEncoding // Localized { FFmpeg, NET, OctreeQuantizer } public enum RegionResult { Close, Region, LastRegion, Fullscreen, Monitor, ActiveMonitor, AnnotateRunAfterCaptureTasks, AnnotateContinueTask, AnnotateCancelTask } public enum NodeType { None, Rectangle, Line, Point, Freehand } internal enum NodePosition { TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Right, BottomRight, Bottom, BottomLeft, Left, Extra } internal enum NodeShape { Square, Circle, Diamond, CustomNode } public enum FFmpegVideoCodec { [Description("H.264 / x264")] libx264, [Description("H.265 / x265")] libx265, [Description("VP8")] libvpx, [Description("VP9")] libvpx_vp9, [Description("MPEG-4 / Xvid")] libxvid, [Description("H.264 / NVENC")] h264_nvenc, [Description("HEVC / NVENC")] hevc_nvenc, [Description("H.264 / AMF")] h264_amf, [Description("HEVC / AMF")] hevc_amf, [Description("H.264 / Quick Sync")] h264_qsv, [Description("HEVC / Quick Sync")] hevc_qsv, [Description("GIF")] gif, [Description("WebP")] libwebp, [Description("APNG")] apng } public enum FFmpegAudioCodec { [Description("AAC")] libvoaacenc, [Description("Opus")] libopus, [Description("Vorbis")] libvorbis, [Description("MP3")] libmp3lame } public enum FFmpegPreset { [Description("Ultra fast")] ultrafast, [Description("Super fast")] superfast, [Description("Very fast")] veryfast, [Description("Faster")] faster, [Description("Fast")] fast, [Description("Medium")] medium, [Description("Slow")] slow, [Description("Slower")] slower, [Description("Very slow")] veryslow, [Description("Placebo")] placebo } public enum FFmpegTune { film, animation, grain, stillimage, psnr, ssim, fastdecode, zerolatency } public enum FFmpegNVENCPreset { [Description("Fastest (Lowest quality)")] p1, [Description("Faster (Lower quality)")] p2, [Description("Fast (Low quality)")] p3, [Description("Medium (Medium quality)")] p4, [Description("Slow (Good quality)")] p5, [Description("Slower (Better quality)")] p6, [Description("Slowest (Best quality)")] p7 } public enum FFmpegNVENCTune { [Description("High quality")] hq, [Description("Low latency")] ll, [Description("Ultra low latency")] ull, [Description("Lossless")] lossless } public enum FFmpegAMFUsage { [Description("Generic Transcoding")] transcoding = 0, [Description("Ultra Low Latency")] ultralowlatency = 1, [Description("Low Latency")] lowlatency = 2, [Description("Webcam")] webcam = 3 } public enum FFmpegAMFQuality { [Description("Prefer Speed")] speed = 0, [Description("Balanced")] balanced = 1, [Description("Prefer Quality")] quality = 2 } public enum FFmpegQSVPreset { [Description("Very fast")] veryfast, [Description("Faster")] faster, [Description("Fast")] fast, [Description("Medium")] medium, [Description("Slow")] slow, [Description("Slower")] slower, [Description("Very slow")] veryslow } public enum FFmpegPaletteGenStatsMode { full, diff } public enum FFmpegPaletteUseDither { none, bayer, heckbert, floyd_steinberg, sierra2, sierra2_4a } public enum RegionCaptureMode { Default, Annotation, ScreenColorPicker, Ruler, OneClick, Editor, TaskEditor } public enum RegionCaptureAction // Localized { None, CancelCapture, RemoveShapeCancelCapture, RemoveShape, SwapToolType, CaptureFullscreen, CaptureActiveMonitor, CaptureLastRegion } public enum ShapeCategory { Region, Drawing, Effect, Tool } public enum ShapeType // Localized { RegionRectangle, RegionEllipse, RegionFreehand, ToolSelect, DrawingRectangle, DrawingEllipse, DrawingFreehand, DrawingFreehandArrow, DrawingLine, DrawingArrow, DrawingTextOutline, DrawingTextBackground, DrawingSpeechBalloon, DrawingStep, DrawingMagnify, DrawingImage, DrawingImageScreen, DrawingSticker, DrawingCursor, DrawingSmartEraser, EffectBlur, EffectPixelate, EffectHighlight, ToolCrop, ToolCutOut } public enum ScrollingCaptureScrollMethod // Localized { Automatic, SendMessageScroll, KeyPressPageDown, MouseWheel } public enum ScrollingCaptureScrollTopMethod // Localized { All, SendMessageTop, KeyPressHome, None } public enum ImageEditorStartMode // Localized { AutoSize, Normal, Maximized, PreviousState, Fullscreen } public enum ImageInsertMethod { None, Center, CanvasExpandDown, CanvasExpandRight } public enum BorderStyle // Localized { Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot } public enum ScreenRecordState { Waiting, BeforeStart, AfterStart, AfterRecordingStart, RecordingEnd, Encoding } public enum ScreenRecordingStatus { Waiting, Working, Recording, Paused, Stopped, Aborted } }