#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (C) 2007-2015 ShareX Developers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using ShareX.HelpersLib; using ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib.Properties; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib { public class Surface : Form { public Image SurfaceImage { get; set; } public SurfaceOptions Config { get; set; } public int FPS { get; private set; } public Rectangle ScreenRectangle { get; private set; } public Rectangle ScreenRectangle0Based { get; private set; } public SurfaceResult Result { get; private set; } protected List DrawableObjects { get; set; } protected TextureBrush darkBackgroundBrush, lightBackgroundBrush; protected GraphicsPath regionFillPath, regionDrawPath; protected Pen borderPen, borderDotPen; protected Brush nodeBackgroundBrush; protected Font textFont; protected Stopwatch timer; protected int frameCount; public static GraphicsPath LastRegionFillPath, LastRegionDrawPath; public Surface() { ScreenRectangle = CaptureHelpers.GetScreenBounds(); ScreenRectangle0Based = CaptureHelpers.ScreenToClient(ScreenRectangle); InitializeComponent(); using (MemoryStream cursorStream = new MemoryStream(Resources.Crosshair)) { Cursor = new Cursor(cursorStream); } DrawableObjects = new List(); Config = new SurfaceOptions(); timer = new Stopwatch(); borderPen = new Pen(Color.Black); borderDotPen = new Pen(Color.White); borderDotPen.DashPattern = new float[] { 5, 5 }; nodeBackgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White); textFont = new Font("Arial", 17, FontStyle.Bold); } private void InitializeComponent() { SuspendLayout(); AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6F, 13F); AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Bounds = ScreenRectangle; FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); Text = "ShareX - " + Resources.Surface_InitializeComponent_Region_capture; ShowInTaskbar = false; TopMost = true; Shown += Surface_Shown; KeyUp += Surface_KeyUp; MouseDoubleClick += Surface_MouseDoubleClick; ResumeLayout(false); } /// Must be called before show form public virtual void Prepare() { if (SurfaceImage == null) { SurfaceImage = Screenshot.CaptureFullscreen(); } if (Config.UseDimming) { using (Image darkSurfaceImage = ColorMatrixManager.Contrast(0.9f).Apply(SurfaceImage)) { darkBackgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(darkSurfaceImage) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } using (Image lightSurfaceImage = ColorMatrixManager.Contrast(1.1f).Apply(SurfaceImage)) { lightBackgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(lightSurfaceImage) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } } else { darkBackgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(SurfaceImage); } } private void Surface_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ShowActivate(); } private void Surface_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Escape: Close(SurfaceResult.Close); break; case Keys.Space: Close(SurfaceResult.Fullscreen); break; case Keys.Enter: Close(SurfaceResult.Region); break; case Keys.Q: Config.QuickCrop = !Config.QuickCrop; break; } } private void Surface_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { Close(SurfaceResult.Region); } } protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e) { //base.OnPaintBackground(e); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { Update(); Graphics g = e.Graphics; g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; g.FillRectangle(darkBackgroundBrush, ScreenRectangle0Based); g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; Draw(g); if (Config.ShowFPS) { CheckFPS(); DrawInfo(g); } Invalidate(); } public virtual Image GetRegionImage() { return ShapeCaptureHelpers.GetRegionImage(SurfaceImage, regionFillPath, regionDrawPath, Config); } public void Close(SurfaceResult result) { Result = result; Close(); } protected new virtual void Update() { if (!timer.IsRunning) timer.Start(); InputManager.Update(); DrawableObject[] objects = DrawableObjects.OrderByDescending(x => x.Order).ToArray(); if (objects.All(x => x.Visible && !x.IsDragging)) { for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count(); i++) { DrawableObject obj = objects[i]; obj.IsMouseHover = obj.Rectangle.Contains(InputManager.MousePosition0Based); if (obj.IsMouseHover) { for (int y = i + 1; y < objects.Count(); y++) { objects[y].IsMouseHover = false; } break; } } foreach (DrawableObject obj in objects) { if (obj.IsMouseHover && InputManager.IsMousePressed(MouseButtons.Left)) { obj.IsDragging = true; break; } } } else { if (InputManager.IsMouseReleased(MouseButtons.Left)) { foreach (DrawableObject obj in objects) { obj.IsDragging = false; } } } borderDotPen.DashOffset = (float)timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds * 10; } protected virtual void Draw(Graphics g) { DrawObjects(g); } protected void DrawObjects(Graphics g) { foreach (DrawableObject drawObject in DrawableObjects) { if (drawObject.Visible) { drawObject.Draw(g); } } } private void CheckFPS() { frameCount++; if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 1000) { FPS = (int)(frameCount / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); frameCount = 0; timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); } } private void DrawInfo(Graphics g) { string text = "FPS: " + FPS; SizeF textSize = g.MeasureString(text, textFont); int offset = 30; Rectangle primaryScreenBounds = CaptureHelpers.GetPrimaryScreenBounds0Based(); Rectangle textRectangle = new Rectangle(primaryScreenBounds.X + offset, primaryScreenBounds.Y + offset, (int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height); if (textRectangle.Offset(10).Contains(InputManager.MousePosition0Based)) { textRectangle.Y = primaryScreenBounds.Height - textRectangle.Height - offset; } ImageHelpers.DrawTextWithOutline(g, text, textRectangle.Location, textFont, Color.White, Color.Black); } protected Rectangle CalculateAreaFromNodes() { IEnumerable nodes = DrawableObjects.OfType().Where(x => x.Visible); if (nodes.Count() > 1) { int left = (int)nodes.Min(x => x.Position.X); int top = (int)nodes.Min(x => x.Position.Y); int right = (int)nodes.Max(x => x.Position.X); int bottom = (int)nodes.Max(x => x.Position.Y); return CaptureHelpers.CreateRectangle(new Point(left, top), new Point(right, bottom)); } return Rectangle.Empty; } internal NodeObject MakeNode() { NodeObject node = new NodeObject(); DrawableObjects.Add(node); return node; } protected void ShowNodes() { foreach (NodeObject node in DrawableObjects.OfType()) { node.Visible = true; } } protected void HideNodes() { foreach (NodeObject node in DrawableObjects.OfType()) { node.Visible = false; } } private IContainer components = null; protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (components != null)) { components.Dispose(); } if (darkBackgroundBrush != null) darkBackgroundBrush.Dispose(); if (lightBackgroundBrush != null) lightBackgroundBrush.Dispose(); if (borderPen != null) borderPen.Dispose(); if (borderDotPen != null) borderDotPen.Dispose(); if (nodeBackgroundBrush != null) nodeBackgroundBrush.Dispose(); if (textFont != null) textFont.Dispose(); if (regionFillPath != null) { if (LastRegionFillPath != null) LastRegionFillPath.Dispose(); LastRegionFillPath = regionFillPath; if (LastRegionDrawPath != null) LastRegionDrawPath.Dispose(); LastRegionDrawPath = regionDrawPath; } else { if (regionFillPath != null) regionFillPath.Dispose(); if (regionDrawPath != null) regionDrawPath.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } } }