#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (c) 2007-2022 ShareX Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using Microsoft.Win32; using ShareX.HelpersLib; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; namespace ShareX.Setup { internal class Program { [Flags] private enum SetupJobs { None = 0, CreateSetup = 1, CreatePortable = 1 << 1, CreateDebug = 1 << 2, CreateSteamFolder = 1 << 3, CreateMicrosoftStoreFolder = 1 << 4, CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder = 1 << 5, CompileAppx = 1 << 6, DownloadFFmpeg = 1 << 7, CreateChecksumFile = 1 << 8, OpenOutputDirectory = 1 << 9, Release = CreateSetup | CreatePortable | DownloadFFmpeg | CreateChecksumFile | OpenOutputDirectory, Debug = CreateDebug | DownloadFFmpeg | CreateChecksumFile | OpenOutputDirectory, Steam = CreateSteamFolder | DownloadFFmpeg | CreateChecksumFile | OpenOutputDirectory, MicrosoftStore = CreateMicrosoftStoreFolder | CompileAppx | DownloadFFmpeg | CreateChecksumFile | OpenOutputDirectory, MicrosoftStoreDebug = CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder | CompileAppx | DownloadFFmpeg | CreateChecksumFile | OpenOutputDirectory } private static SetupJobs Job { get; set; } = SetupJobs.Release; private static bool Silent { get; set; } = false; private static bool AppVeyor { get; set; } = false; private static string ParentDir; private static string Configuration; private static string AppVersion; private static string WindowsKitsDir; private static string SolutionPath => Path.Combine(ParentDir, "ShareX.sln"); private static string BinDir => Path.Combine(ParentDir, "ShareX", "bin", Configuration); private static string NativeMessagingHostDir => Path.Combine(ParentDir, "ShareX.NativeMessagingHost", "bin", Configuration); private static string SteamLauncherDir => Path.Combine(ParentDir, "ShareX.Steam", "bin", Configuration); private static string ExecutablePath => Path.Combine(BinDir, "ShareX.exe"); private static string OutputDir => Path.Combine(ParentDir, "Output"); private static string PortableOutputDir => Path.Combine(OutputDir, "ShareX-portable"); private static string DebugOutputDir => Path.Combine(OutputDir, "ShareX-debug"); private static string SteamOutputDir => Path.Combine(OutputDir, "ShareX-Steam"); private static string MicrosoftStoreOutputDir => Path.Combine(OutputDir, "ShareX-MicrosoftStore"); private static string SetupDir => Path.Combine(ParentDir, "ShareX.Setup"); private static string InnoSetupDir => Path.Combine(SetupDir, "InnoSetup"); private static string MicrosoftStorePackageFilesDir => Path.Combine(SetupDir, "MicrosoftStore"); private static string SetupPath => Path.Combine(OutputDir, $"ShareX-{AppVersion}-setup.exe"); private static string RecorderDevicesSetupPath => Path.Combine(OutputDir, "Recorder-devices-setup.exe"); private static string PortableZipPath => Path.Combine(OutputDir, $"ShareX-{AppVersion}-portable.zip"); private static string DebugZipPath => Path.Combine(OutputDir, $"ShareX-{AppVersion}-debug.zip"); private static string SteamUpdatesDir => Path.Combine(SteamOutputDir, "Updates"); private static string SteamZipPath => Path.Combine(OutputDir, $"ShareX-{AppVersion}-Steam.zip"); private static string MicrosoftStoreAppxPath => Path.Combine(OutputDir, $"ShareX-{AppVersion}.appx"); private static string FFmpegPath => Path.Combine(OutputDir, "ffmpeg.exe"); private static string MakeAppxPath => Path.Combine(WindowsKitsDir, "x64", "makeappx.exe"); private const string InnoSetupCompilerPath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe"; private const string FFmpegDownloadURL = "https://github.com/ShareX/FFmpeg/releases/download/v5.1/ffmpeg-5.1-win64.zip"; private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("ShareX setup started."); CheckArgs(args); Console.WriteLine("Job: " + Job); UpdatePaths(); if (Directory.Exists(OutputDir)) { Console.WriteLine("Cleaning output directory: " + OutputDir); Directory.Delete(OutputDir, true); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.DownloadFFmpeg)) { DownloadFFmpeg(); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateSetup)) { CompileSetup(); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreatePortable)) { CreateFolder(BinDir, PortableOutputDir, SetupJobs.CreatePortable); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateDebug)) { CreateFolder(BinDir, DebugOutputDir, SetupJobs.CreateDebug); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateSteamFolder)) { CreateSteamFolder(); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreFolder)) { CreateFolder(BinDir, MicrosoftStoreOutputDir, SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreFolder); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder)) { CreateFolder(BinDir, MicrosoftStoreOutputDir, SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder); } if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CompileAppx)) { CompileAppx(); } if (AppVeyor) { FileHelpers.CopyAll(OutputDir, ParentDir); } if (!Silent && Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.OpenOutputDirectory)) { FileHelpers.OpenFolder(OutputDir, false); } Console.WriteLine("ShareX setup successfully completed."); } private static void CheckArgs(string[] args) { CLIManager cli = new CLIManager(args); cli.ParseCommands(); Silent = cli.IsCommandExist("Silent"); AppVeyor = cli.IsCommandExist("AppVeyor"); if (Silent) { Console.WriteLine("Silent: " + Silent); } CLICommand command = cli.GetCommand("Job"); if (command != null) { string parameter = command.Parameter; if (Enum.TryParse(parameter, out SetupJobs job)) { Job = job; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid job: " + parameter); Environment.Exit(0); } } } private static void UpdatePaths() { ParentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (!File.Exists(SolutionPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid parent directory: " + ParentDir); ParentDir = FileHelpers.GetAbsolutePath(@"..\..\..\"); if (!File.Exists(SolutionPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid parent directory: " + ParentDir); Environment.Exit(0); } } Console.WriteLine("Parent directory: " + ParentDir); if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateDebug)) { Configuration = "Debug"; } else if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateSteamFolder)) { Configuration = "Steam"; } else if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreFolder)) { Configuration = "MicrosoftStore"; } else if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder)) { Configuration = "MicrosoftStoreDebug"; } else { Configuration = "Release"; } Console.WriteLine("Configuration: " + Configuration); FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(ExecutablePath); AppVersion = $"{versionInfo.ProductMajorPart}.{versionInfo.ProductMinorPart}.{versionInfo.ProductBuildPart}"; Console.WriteLine("Application version: " + AppVersion); if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CompileAppx)) { string sdkInstallationFolder = RegistryHelpers.GetValueString(@"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0", "InstallationFolder", RegistryHive.LocalMachine); string sdkProductVersion = RegistryHelpers.GetValueString(@"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0", "ProductVersion", RegistryHive.LocalMachine); WindowsKitsDir = Path.Combine(sdkInstallationFolder, "bin", Helpers.NormalizeVersion(sdkProductVersion).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Windows Kits directory: " + WindowsKitsDir); } } private static void CompileSetup() { CompileISSFile("Recorder-devices-setup.iss"); CompileISSFile("ShareX-setup.iss"); CreateChecksumFile(SetupPath); } private static void CompileISSFile(string fileName) { if (File.Exists(InnoSetupCompilerPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Compiling setup file: " + fileName); using (Process process = new Process()) { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = InnoSetupCompilerPath, WorkingDirectory = InnoSetupDir, Arguments = $"/Q \"{fileName}\"", UseShellExecute = false }; process.StartInfo = psi; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); } Console.WriteLine("Setup file compiled: " + fileName); } else { Console.WriteLine("InnoSetup compiler is missing: " + InnoSetupCompilerPath); } } private static void CompileAppx() { Console.WriteLine("Compiling appx file: " + MicrosoftStoreAppxPath); using (Process process = new Process()) { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = MakeAppxPath, Arguments = $"pack /d \"{MicrosoftStoreOutputDir}\" /p \"{MicrosoftStoreAppxPath}\" /l /o", UseShellExecute = false }; process.StartInfo = psi; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); } Console.WriteLine("Appx file compiled: " + MicrosoftStoreAppxPath); CreateChecksumFile(MicrosoftStoreAppxPath); } private static void CreateSteamFolder() { Console.WriteLine("Creating Steam folder: " + SteamOutputDir); if (Directory.Exists(SteamOutputDir)) { Directory.Delete(SteamOutputDir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(SteamOutputDir); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(SteamLauncherDir, "ShareX_Launcher.exe"), SteamOutputDir); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(SteamLauncherDir, "steam_appid.txt"), SteamOutputDir); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(SteamLauncherDir, "installscript.vdf"), SteamOutputDir); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(SteamLauncherDir, SteamOutputDir, "*.dll"); CreateFolder(BinDir, SteamUpdatesDir, SetupJobs.CreateSteamFolder); } private static void CreateFolder(string source, string destination, SetupJobs job) { Console.WriteLine("Creating folder: " + destination); if (Directory.Exists(destination)) { Directory.Delete(destination, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(source, "ShareX.exe"), destination); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(source, "ShareX.exe.config"), destination); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(source, destination, "*.dll"); if (job == SetupJobs.CreateDebug || job == SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder) { FileHelpers.CopyFiles(source, destination, "*.pdb"); } FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(ParentDir, "Licenses"), Path.Combine(destination, "Licenses"), "*.txt"); if (job != SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreFolder && job != SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder) { if (!File.Exists(RecorderDevicesSetupPath)) { CompileISSFile("Recorder-devices-setup.iss"); } FileHelpers.CopyFiles(RecorderDevicesSetupPath, destination); FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(NativeMessagingHostDir, "ShareX_NativeMessagingHost.exe"), destination); } string[] languages = new string[] { "de", "es", "es-MX", "fa-IR", "fr", "hu", "id-ID", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "nl-NL", "pl", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "ro", "ru", "tr", "uk", "vi-VN", "zh-CN", "zh-TW" }; foreach (string language in languages) { FileHelpers.CopyFiles(Path.Combine(source, language), Path.Combine(destination, "Languages", language), "*.resources.dll"); } if (File.Exists(FFmpegPath)) { FileHelpers.CopyFiles(FFmpegPath, destination); } FileHelpers.CopyAll(Path.Combine(ParentDir, @"ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib\Stickers"), Path.Combine(destination, "Stickers")); if (job == SetupJobs.CreatePortable) { FileHelpers.CreateEmptyFile(Path.Combine(destination, "Portable")); } else if (job == SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreFolder || job == SetupJobs.CreateMicrosoftStoreDebugFolder) { FileHelpers.CopyAll(MicrosoftStorePackageFilesDir, destination); } Console.WriteLine("Folder created: " + destination); if (job == SetupJobs.CreatePortable) { CreateZipFile(destination, PortableZipPath); } else if (job == SetupJobs.CreateDebug) { CreateZipFile(destination, DebugZipPath); } else if (job == SetupJobs.CreateSteamFolder) { CreateZipFile(destination, SteamZipPath); } } private static void CreateZipFile(string source, string archivePath) { Console.WriteLine("Creating zip file: " + archivePath); ZipManager.Compress(source, archivePath); CreateChecksumFile(archivePath); } private static void DownloadFFmpeg() { if (!File.Exists(FFmpegPath)) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FFmpegDownloadURL); string filePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, fileName); Console.WriteLine("Downloading: " + FFmpegDownloadURL); URLHelpers.DownloadFile(FFmpegDownloadURL, filePath); Console.WriteLine("Extracting: " + filePath); ZipManager.Extract(filePath, OutputDir, false, entry => entry.Name.Equals("ffmpeg.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } } private static void CreateChecksumFile(string filePath) { if (Job.HasFlag(SetupJobs.CreateChecksumFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Creating checksum file: " + filePath); Helpers.CreateChecksumFile(filePath); } } } }