/* * Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Thomas Braun, Jens Klingen, Robin Krom * * For more information see: http://getgreenshot.org/ * The Greenshot project is hosted on Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/greenshot/ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ using Greenshot.Configuration; using Greenshot.Core; using Greenshot.Drawing; using Greenshot.Drawing.Fields; using Greenshot.Drawing.Fields.Binding; using Greenshot.Helpers; using Greenshot.IniFile; using Greenshot.Plugin; using GreenshotPlugin.Controls; using GreenshotPlugin.Core; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Greenshot { /// /// Description of ImageEditorForm. /// public partial class ImageEditorForm : BaseForm, IImageEditor { public event Action ClipboardCopyRequested; public event Action ImageUploadRequested; private static EditorConfiguration editorConfiguration = IniConfig.GetIniSection(); private static List ignoreDestinations = new List { }; private static List editorList = new List(); private Surface surface; private GreenshotToolStripButton[] toolbarButtons; private static string[] SUPPORTED_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS = { typeof(string).FullName, "Text", typeof(DrawableContainerList).FullName }; private bool originalBoldCheckState = false; private bool originalItalicCheckState = false; // whether part of the editor controls are disabled depending on selected item(s) private bool controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable = false; private bool forceClose = false; private string titlePath = null; /// /// An Implementation for the IImageEditor, this way Plugins have access to the HWND handles wich can be used with Win32 API calls. /// public IWin32Window WindowHandle { get { return this; } } public static List Editors { get { return editorList; } } public ImageEditorForm(ISurface iSurface, bool outputMade) { editorList.Add(this); // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // ManualLanguageApply = true; InitializeComponent(); Shown += delegate { // Make sure the editor is placed on the same location as the last editor was on close WindowDetails thisForm = new WindowDetails(Handle); thisForm.WindowPlacement = editorConfiguration.GetEditorPlacement(); }; // init surface Surface = iSurface; // Intial "saved" flag for asking if the image needs to be save surface.Modified = !outputMade; updateUI(); // Workaround: As the cursor is (mostly) selected on the surface a funny artifact is visible, this fixes it. //hideToolstripItems(); } /// /// Remove the current surface /// private void RemoveSurface() { if (surface != null) { panel1.Controls.Remove(surface as Control); surface.Dispose(); surface = null; } } /// /// Change the surface /// /// private void SetSurface(ISurface newSurface) { if (Surface != null && Surface.Modified) { throw new ApplicationException("Surface modified"); } RemoveSurface(); panel1.Height = 10; panel1.Width = 10; surface = newSurface as Surface; panel1.Controls.Add(surface as Surface); Image backgroundForTransparency = GreenshotResources.getImage("Checkerboard.Image"); surface.TransparencyBackgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(backgroundForTransparency, WrapMode.Tile); surface.MovingElementChanged += delegate { refreshEditorControls(); }; surface.DrawingModeChanged += surface_DrawingModeChanged; surface.SurfaceSizeChanged += SurfaceSizeChanged; surface.SurfaceMessage += SurfaceMessageReceived; surface.FieldAggregator.FieldChanged += FieldAggregatorFieldChanged; SurfaceSizeChanged(Surface, null); bindFieldControls(); surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Rect; refreshEditorControls(); // Fix title if (surface != null && surface.CaptureDetails != null && surface.CaptureDetails.Title != null) { SetTitle(surface.CaptureDetails.Title); } WindowDetails.ToForeground(Handle); } private void updateUI() { Icon = GreenshotResources.getGreenshotIcon(); // Make sure Double-buffer is enabled SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); // resizing the panel is futile, since it is docked. however, it seems // to fix the bug (?) with the vscrollbar not being able to shrink to // a smaller size than the initial panel size (as set by the forms designer) panel1.Height = 10; fontFamilyComboBox.PropertyChanged += FontPropertyChanged; obfuscateModeButton.DropDownItemClicked += FilterPresetDropDownItemClicked; highlightModeButton.DropDownItemClicked += FilterPresetDropDownItemClicked; toolbarButtons = new GreenshotToolStripButton[] { btnCursor, btnRect, btnEllipse, btnText, btnLine, btnArrow, btnFreehand, btnHighlight, btnObfuscate, btnCrop }; //toolbarDropDownButtons = new ToolStripDropDownButton[]{btnBlur, btnPixeliate, btnTextHighlighter, btnAreaHighlighter, btnMagnifier}; // Workaround: for the MouseWheel event which doesn't get to the panel MouseWheel += PanelMouseWheel; //ApplyLanguage(); } /// /// According to some information I found, the clear doesn't work correctly when the shortcutkeys are set? /// This helper method takes care of this. /// /// private void ClearItems(ToolStripItemCollection items) { foreach (var item in items) { ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = item as ToolStripMenuItem; if (menuItem != null && menuItem.ShortcutKeys != Keys.None) { menuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.None; } } items.Clear(); } /// /// This is the SufraceMessageEvent receiver which display a message in the status bar if the /// surface is exported. It also updates the title to represent the filename, if there is one. /// /// /// private void SurfaceMessageReceived(object sender, SurfaceMessageEventArgs eventArgs) { string dateTime = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(); // TODO: Fix that we only open files, like in the tooltip switch (eventArgs.MessageType) { case SurfaceMessageTyp.FileSaved: // Put the event message on the status label and attach the context menu //updateStatusLabel(dateTime + " - " + eventArgs.Message, fileSavedStatusContextMenu); // Change title SetTitle(eventArgs.Surface.LastSaveFullPath); break; case SurfaceMessageTyp.Error: case SurfaceMessageTyp.Info: case SurfaceMessageTyp.UploadedUri: default: // Put the event message on the status label //updateStatusLabel(dateTime + " - " + eventArgs.Message); break; } } /// /// This is called when the size of the surface chances, used for resizing and displaying the size information /// /// private void SurfaceSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (editorConfiguration.MatchSizeToCapture) { // Set editor's initial size to the size of the surface plus the size of the chrome Size imageSize = Surface.Image.Size; Size currentFormSize = Size; Size currentImageClientSize = panel1.ClientSize; int minimumFormWidth = 650; int minimumFormHeight = 530; int newWidth = Math.Max(minimumFormWidth, (currentFormSize.Width - currentImageClientSize.Width) + imageSize.Width); int newHeight = Math.Max(minimumFormHeight, (currentFormSize.Height - currentImageClientSize.Height) + imageSize.Height); Size = new Size(newWidth, newHeight); } UpdateTitle(); ImageEditorFormResize(sender, new EventArgs()); } private void ReloadConfiguration(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) { Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { // Even update language when needed ApplyLanguage(); // Fix title if (surface != null && surface.CaptureDetails != null && surface.CaptureDetails.Title != null) { SetTitle(surface.CaptureDetails.Title); } }); } private void SetTitle(string filePath = null) { titlePath = filePath; string title = "Greenshot image editor"; title += " - " + Surface.Image.Width + "x" + Surface.Image.Height; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(titlePath)) { title += " - " + filePath; } Text = title; } private void UpdateTitle() { SetTitle(titlePath); } public ISurface Surface { get { return surface; } set { SetSurface(value); } } public void SetImagePath(string fullpath) { // Check if the editor supports the format if (fullpath != null && (fullpath.EndsWith(".ico") || fullpath.EndsWith(".wmf"))) { fullpath = null; } surface.LastSaveFullPath = fullpath; if (fullpath == null) { return; } //updateStatusLabel(string.Format("Image saved to {0}.", fullpath), fileSavedStatusContextMenu); SetTitle(Path.GetFileName(fullpath)); } private void surface_DrawingModeChanged(object source, SurfaceDrawingModeEventArgs eventArgs) { switch (eventArgs.DrawingMode) { case DrawingModes.None: SetButtonChecked(btnCursor); break; case DrawingModes.Ellipse: SetButtonChecked(btnEllipse); break; case DrawingModes.Rect: SetButtonChecked(btnRect); break; case DrawingModes.Text: SetButtonChecked(btnText); break; case DrawingModes.Line: SetButtonChecked(btnLine); break; case DrawingModes.Arrow: SetButtonChecked(btnArrow); break; case DrawingModes.Crop: SetButtonChecked(btnCrop); break; case DrawingModes.Highlight: SetButtonChecked(btnHighlight); break; case DrawingModes.Obfuscate: SetButtonChecked(btnObfuscate); break; case DrawingModes.Path: SetButtonChecked(btnFreehand); break; } } #region plugin interfaces /** * Interfaces for plugins, see GreenshotInterface for more details! */ public Image GetImageForExport() { return surface.GetImageForExport(); } public ICaptureDetails CaptureDetails { get { return surface.CaptureDetails; } } public ToolStripMenuItem GetPluginMenuItem() { return null; } public ToolStripMenuItem GetFileMenuItem() { return null; } #endregion plugin interfaces #region drawing options private void BtnEllipseClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Ellipse; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnCursorClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.None; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnRectClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Rect; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnTextClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Text; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnLineClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Line; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnArrowClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Arrow; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnCropClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Crop; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnHighlightClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Highlight; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnObfuscateClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Obfuscate; refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnFreehandClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DrawingMode = DrawingModes.Path; refreshFieldControls(); } private void SetButtonChecked(ToolStripButton btn) { UncheckAllToolButtons(); btn.Checked = true; } private void UncheckAllToolButtons() { if (toolbarButtons != null) { foreach (ToolStripButton butt in toolbarButtons) { butt.Checked = false; } } } private void AddRectangleToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnRectClick(sender, e); } private void DrawFreehandToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnFreehandClick(sender, e); } private void AddEllipseToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnEllipseClick(sender, e); } private void AddTextBoxToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnTextClick(sender, e); } private void DrawLineToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnLineClick(sender, e); } private void DrawArrowToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnArrowClick(sender, e); } private void DrawHighlightToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnHighlightClick(sender, e); } private void BlurToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnObfuscateClick(sender, e); } private void RemoveObjectToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.RemoveSelectedElements(); } private void clearToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.SelectAllElements(); surface.RemoveSelectedElements(); } private void BtnDeleteClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { RemoveObjectToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); } #endregion drawing options #region copy&paste options private void CutToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.CutSelectedElements(); updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies(); } private void BtnCutClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { CutToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); } private void CopyToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.CopySelectedElements(); updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies(); } private void BtnCopyClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { CopyToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); } private void PasteToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.PasteElementFromClipboard(); updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies(); } private void BtnPasteClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { PasteToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); } private void UndoToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.Undo(); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void BtnUndoClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { UndoToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); } private void RedoToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.Redo(); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void BtnRedoClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { RedoToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); } private void DuplicateToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.DuplicateSelectedElements(); updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies(); } #endregion copy&paste options #region element properties private void UpOneLevelToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.PullElementsUp(); } private void DownOneLevelToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.PushElementsDown(); } private void UpToTopToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.PullElementsToTop(); } private void DownToBottomToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.PushElementsToBottom(); } #endregion element properties #region help private void HelpToolStripMenuItem1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void AboutToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void PreferencesToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void BtnSettingsClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { PreferencesToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); } private void BtnHelpClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { HelpToolStripMenuItem1Click(sender, e); } #endregion help #region image editor event handlers private void ImageEditorFormActivated(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies(); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void ImageEditorFormFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (!forceClose && surface.Modified) { if (!editorConfiguration.SuppressSaveDialogAtClose) { // Make sure the editor is visible WindowDetails.ToForeground(Handle); MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel; // Dissallow "CANCEL" if the application needs to shutdown if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.ApplicationExitCall || e.CloseReason == CloseReason.WindowsShutDown || e.CloseReason == CloseReason.TaskManagerClosing) { buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; } DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want the save the screenshot?", "Save image?", buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; return; } if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } else { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } // persist our geometry string. editorConfiguration.SetEditorPlacement(new WindowDetails(Handle).WindowPlacement); IniConfig.Save(); // remove from the editor list editorList.Remove(this); } private void ImageEditorFormKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { // LOG.Debug("Got key event "+e.KeyCode + ", " + e.Modifiers); // avoid conflict with other shortcuts and // make sure there's no selected element claiming input focus if (e.Modifiers.Equals(Keys.None) && !surface.KeysLocked) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Escape: BtnCursorClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.R: BtnRectClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.E: BtnEllipseClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.L: BtnLineClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.F: BtnFreehandClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.A: BtnArrowClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.T: BtnTextClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.H: BtnHighlightClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.O: BtnObfuscateClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.C: BtnCropClick(sender, e); break; } } else if (e.Modifiers.Equals(Keys.Control)) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Z: UndoToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.Y: RedoToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.Q: // Dropshadow Ctrl + Q AddDropshadowToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.B: // Border Ctrl + B AddBorderToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.T: // Torn edge Ctrl + T TornEdgesToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.I: // Invert Ctrl + I InvertToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.G: // Grayscale Ctrl + G GrayscaleToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.Delete: // Grayscale Ctrl + Delete ClearToolStripMenuItemClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.Oemcomma: // Rotate CCW Ctrl + , RotateCcwToolstripButtonClick(sender, e); break; case Keys.OemPeriod: // Rotate CW Ctrl + . RotateCwToolstripButtonClick(sender, e); break; } } } /// /// This is a "work-around" for the MouseWheel event which doesn't get to the panel /// /// /// private void PanelMouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { panel1.Focus(); } #endregion image editor event handlers #region key handling protected override bool ProcessKeyPreview(ref Message msg) { // disable default key handling if surface has requested a lock if (!surface.KeysLocked) { return base.ProcessKeyPreview(ref msg); } return false; } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keys) { // disable default key handling if surface has requested a lock if (!surface.KeysLocked) { if (!surface.ProcessCmdKey(keys)) { return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keys); } } return false; } #endregion key handling #region helpers private void updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies() { if (surface == null) { return; } bool canUndo = surface.CanUndo; btnUndo.Enabled = canUndo; undoToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = canUndo; string undoAction = ""; if (canUndo) { if (surface.UndoActionLanguageKey != LangKey.none) { undoAction = Language.GetString(surface.UndoActionLanguageKey); } } string undoText = string.Format("Undo {0}", undoAction); btnUndo.Text = undoText; undoToolStripMenuItem.Text = undoText; bool canRedo = surface.CanRedo; btnRedo.Enabled = canRedo; redoToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = canRedo; string redoAction = ""; if (canRedo) { if (surface.RedoActionLanguageKey != LangKey.none) { redoAction = Language.GetString(surface.RedoActionLanguageKey); } } string redoText = string.Format("Redo {0}", redoAction); btnRedo.Text = redoText; redoToolStripMenuItem.Text = redoText; } private void updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies() { if (surface == null) { return; } // check dependencies for the Surface bool hasItems = surface.HasSelectedElements; bool actionAllowedForSelection = hasItems && !controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable; // buttons btnCut.Enabled = actionAllowedForSelection; btnCopy.Enabled = actionAllowedForSelection; btnDelete.Enabled = actionAllowedForSelection; // menus removeObjectToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = actionAllowedForSelection; copyToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = actionAllowedForSelection; cutToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = actionAllowedForSelection; duplicateToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = actionAllowedForSelection; // check dependencies for the Clipboard bool hasClipboard = ClipboardHelper.ContainsFormat(SUPPORTED_CLIPBOARD_FORMATS) || ClipboardHelper.ContainsImage(); btnPaste.Enabled = hasClipboard && !controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable; pasteToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = hasClipboard && !controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable; } #endregion helpers #region status label handling /*private void updateStatusLabel(string text, ContextMenuStrip contextMenu) { //statusLabel.Text = text; statusStrip1.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenu; } private void updateStatusLabel(string text) { updateStatusLabel(text, null); } private void clearStatusLabel() { updateStatusLabel(null, null); } private void StatusLabelClicked(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { ToolStrip ss = (StatusStrip)((ToolStripStatusLabel)sender).Owner; if (ss.ContextMenuStrip != null) { ss.ContextMenuStrip.Show(ss, e.X, e.Y); } }*/ private void CopyPathMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClipboardHelper.SetClipboardData(surface.LastSaveFullPath); } private void OpenDirectoryMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("explorer"); psi.Arguments = Path.GetDirectoryName(surface.LastSaveFullPath); psi.UseShellExecute = false; Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo = psi; p.Start(); } #endregion status label handling private void bindFieldControls() { new BidirectionalBinding(btnFillColor, "SelectedColor", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.FILL_COLOR), "Value", NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(btnLineColor, "SelectedColor", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.LINE_COLOR), "Value", NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(lineThicknessUpDown, "Value", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.LINE_THICKNESS), "Value", DecimalIntConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(blurRadiusUpDown, "Value", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.BLUR_RADIUS), "Value", DecimalIntConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(magnificationFactorUpDown, "Value", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.MAGNIFICATION_FACTOR), "Value", DecimalIntConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(pixelSizeUpDown, "Value", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.PIXEL_SIZE), "Value", DecimalIntConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(brightnessUpDown, "Value", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.BRIGHTNESS), "Value", DecimalDoublePercentageConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(fontFamilyComboBox, "Text", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.FONT_FAMILY), "Value", NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(fontSizeUpDown, "Value", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.FONT_SIZE), "Value", DecimalFloatConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(fontBoldButton, "Checked", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.FONT_BOLD), "Value", NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(fontItalicButton, "Checked", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.FONT_ITALIC), "Value", NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(textHorizontalAlignmentButton, "SelectedTag", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT), "Value", HorizontalAlignmentConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(textVerticalAlignmentButton, "SelectedTag", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT), "Value", VerticalAlignmentConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(shadowButton, "Checked", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.SHADOW), "Value", NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(previewQualityUpDown, "Value", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.PREVIEW_QUALITY), "Value", DecimalDoublePercentageConverter.GetInstance(), NotNullValidator.GetInstance()); new BidirectionalBinding(obfuscateModeButton, "SelectedTag", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.PREPARED_FILTER_OBFUSCATE), "Value"); new BidirectionalBinding(highlightModeButton, "SelectedTag", surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.PREPARED_FILTER_HIGHLIGHT), "Value"); } /// /// shows/hides field controls (2nd toolbar on top) depending on fields of selected elements /// private void refreshFieldControls() { propertiesToolStrip.SuspendLayout(); if (surface.HasSelectedElements || surface.DrawingMode != DrawingModes.None) { toolStripSeparator5.Visible = true; FieldAggregator props = surface.FieldAggregator; btnFillColor.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.FILL_COLOR); btnLineColor.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.LINE_COLOR); lineThicknessLabel.Visible = lineThicknessUpDown.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.LINE_THICKNESS); blurRadiusLabel.Visible = blurRadiusUpDown.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.BLUR_RADIUS); previewQualityLabel.Visible = previewQualityUpDown.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.PREVIEW_QUALITY); magnificationFactorLabel.Visible = magnificationFactorUpDown.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.MAGNIFICATION_FACTOR); pixelSizeLabel.Visible = pixelSizeUpDown.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.PIXEL_SIZE); brightnessLabel.Visible = brightnessUpDown.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.BRIGHTNESS); arrowHeadsLabel.Visible = arrowHeadsDropDownButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.ARROWHEADS); fontFamilyComboBox.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.FONT_FAMILY); fontSizeLabel.Visible = fontSizeUpDown.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.FONT_SIZE); fontBoldButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.FONT_BOLD); fontItalicButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.FONT_ITALIC); textHorizontalAlignmentButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT); textVerticalAlignmentButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT); shadowButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.SHADOW); btnConfirm.Visible = btnCancel.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.FLAGS) && ((FieldType.Flag)props.GetFieldValue(FieldType.FLAGS) & FieldType.Flag.CONFIRMABLE) == FieldType.Flag.CONFIRMABLE; obfuscateModeButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.PREPARED_FILTER_OBFUSCATE); highlightModeButton.Visible = props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.PREPARED_FILTER_HIGHLIGHT); } else { hideToolstripItems(); } propertiesToolStrip.ResumeLayout(); } private void hideToolstripItems() { btnFillColor.Visible = btnLineColor.Visible = lineThicknessLabel.Visible = lineThicknessUpDown.Visible = blurRadiusLabel.Visible = blurRadiusUpDown.Visible = previewQualityLabel.Visible = previewQualityUpDown.Visible = magnificationFactorLabel.Visible = magnificationFactorUpDown.Visible = pixelSizeLabel.Visible = pixelSizeUpDown.Visible = brightnessLabel.Visible = brightnessUpDown.Visible = arrowHeadsLabel.Visible = arrowHeadsDropDownButton.Visible = fontFamilyComboBox.Visible = fontSizeLabel.Visible = fontSizeUpDown.Visible = fontBoldButton.Visible = fontItalicButton.Visible = textHorizontalAlignmentButton.Visible = textVerticalAlignmentButton.Visible = shadowButton.Visible = btnConfirm.Visible = btnCancel.Visible = obfuscateModeButton.Visible = highlightModeButton.Visible = toolStripSeparator5.Visible = false; } /// /// refreshes all editor controls depending on selected elements and their fields /// private void refreshEditorControls() { FieldAggregator props = surface.FieldAggregator; // if a confirmable element is selected, we must disable most of the controls // since we demand confirmation or cancel for confirmable element if (props.HasFieldValue(FieldType.FLAGS) && ((FieldType.Flag)props.GetFieldValue(FieldType.FLAGS) & FieldType.Flag.CONFIRMABLE) == FieldType.Flag.CONFIRMABLE) { // disable most controls if (!controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable) { ToolStripItemEndisabler.Disable(menuStrip1); //ToolStripItemEndisabler.Disable(propertiesToolStrip); ToolStripItemEndisabler.Disable(toolStrip2); ToolStripItemEndisabler.Enable(closeToolStripMenuItem); controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable = true; } } else if (controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable) { // re-enable disabled controls, confirmable element has either been confirmed or cancelled ToolStripItemEndisabler.Enable(menuStrip1); //ToolStripItemEndisabler.Enable(propertiesToolStrip); ToolStripItemEndisabler.Enable(toolStrip2); controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable = false; } // en/disable controls depending on whether an element is selected at all updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies(); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); // en/disablearrage controls depending on hierarchy of selected elements bool actionAllowedForSelection = surface.HasSelectedElements && !controlsDisabledDueToConfirmable; bool push = actionAllowedForSelection && surface.CanPushSelectionDown(); bool pull = actionAllowedForSelection && surface.CanPullSelectionUp(); arrangeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = (push || pull); if (arrangeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled) { upToTopToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = pull; upOneLevelToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = pull; downToBottomToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = push; downOneLevelToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = push; } // finally show/hide field controls depending on the fields of selected elements refreshFieldControls(); } private void ArrowHeadsToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.FieldAggregator.GetField(FieldType.ARROWHEADS).Value = (ArrowContainer.ArrowHeadCombination)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag; } private void EditToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateClipboardSurfaceDependencies(); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void FontPropertyChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // in case we forced another FontStyle before, reset it first. if (originalBoldCheckState != fontBoldButton.Checked) fontBoldButton.Checked = originalBoldCheckState; if (originalItalicCheckState != fontItalicButton.Checked) fontItalicButton.Checked = originalItalicCheckState; FontFamily fam = fontFamilyComboBox.FontFamily; bool boldAvailable = fam.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Bold); if (!boldAvailable) { originalBoldCheckState = fontBoldButton.Checked; fontBoldButton.Checked = false; } fontBoldButton.Enabled = boldAvailable; bool italicAvailable = fam.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Italic); if (!italicAvailable) fontItalicButton.Checked = false; fontItalicButton.Enabled = italicAvailable; bool regularAvailable = fam.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular); if (!regularAvailable) { if (boldAvailable) { fontBoldButton.Checked = true; } else if (italicAvailable) { fontItalicButton.Checked = true; } } } private void FieldAggregatorFieldChanged(object sender, FieldChangedEventArgs e) { // in addition to selection, deselection of elements, we need to // refresh toolbar if prepared filter mode is changed if (e.Field.FieldType == FieldType.PREPARED_FILTER_HIGHLIGHT) { refreshFieldControls(); } } private void FontBoldButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { originalBoldCheckState = fontBoldButton.Checked; } private void FontItalicButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { originalItalicCheckState = fontItalicButton.Checked; } private void ToolBarFocusableElementGotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.KeysLocked = true; } private void ToolBarFocusableElementLostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.KeysLocked = false; } private void SaveElementsToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Greenshot templates (*.gst)|*.gst"; saveFileDialog.FileName = FilenameHelper.GetFilenameWithoutExtensionFromPattern(coreConfiguration.OutputFileFilenamePattern, surface.CaptureDetails); DialogResult dialogResult = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult.Equals(DialogResult.OK)) { using (Stream streamWrite = File.OpenWrite(saveFileDialog.FileName)) { surface.SaveElementsToStream(streamWrite); } } } private void LoadElementsToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "Greenshot templates (*.gst)|*.gst"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (Stream streamRead = File.OpenRead(openFileDialog.FileName)) { surface.LoadElementsFromStream(streamRead); } surface.Refresh(); } } private void DestinationToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { IDestination clickedDestination = null; if (sender is Control) { Control clickedControl = sender as Control; if (clickedControl.ContextMenuStrip != null) { clickedControl.ContextMenuStrip.Show(Cursor.Position); return; } clickedDestination = (IDestination)clickedControl.Tag; } else if (sender is ToolStripMenuItem) { ToolStripMenuItem clickedMenuItem = sender as ToolStripMenuItem; clickedDestination = (IDestination)clickedMenuItem.Tag; } if (clickedDestination != null) { ExportInformation exportInformation = clickedDestination.ExportCapture(true, surface, surface.CaptureDetails); if (exportInformation != null && exportInformation.ExportMade) { surface.Modified = false; } } } protected void FilterPresetDropDownItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { refreshFieldControls(); Invalidate(true); } private void SelectAllToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.SelectAllElements(); } private void BtnConfirmClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.ConfirmSelectedConfirmableElements(true); refreshFieldControls(); } private void BtnCancelClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.ConfirmSelectedConfirmableElements(false); refreshFieldControls(); } private void AutoCropToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (surface.AutoCrop()) { refreshFieldControls(); } } private void AddBorderToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(new BorderEffect()); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } /// /// This is used when the dropshadow button is used /// /// /// private void AddDropshadowToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropShadowEffect dropShadowEffect = new DropShadowEffect(); // TODO: Use the dropshadow settings form to make it possible to change the default values //DialogResult result = new DropShadowSettingsForm(dropShadowEffect).ShowDialog(this); //if (result == DialogResult.OK) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(dropShadowEffect); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); //} } /// /// Currently unused /// /// /// private void ResizeToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResizeEffect resizeEffect = new ResizeEffect(surface.Image.Width, surface.Image.Height, true); // TODO: Use the Resize SettingsForm to make it possible to change the default values // DialogResult result = new ResizeSettingsForm(resizeEffect).ShowDialog(this); // if (result == DialogResult.OK) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(resizeEffect); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); //} } /// /// Call the torn edge effect /// /// /// private void TornEdgesToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { TornEdgeEffect tornEdgeEffect = new TornEdgeEffect(); // TODO: Use the dropshadow settings form to make it possible to change the default values //DialogResult result = new TornEdgeSettingsForm(tornEdgeEffect).ShowDialog(this); //if (result == DialogResult.OK) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(tornEdgeEffect); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); //} } private void GrayscaleToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(new GrayscaleEffect()); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void ClearToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.Clear(Color.Transparent); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void RotateCwToolstripButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(new RotateEffect(90)); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void RotateCcwToolstripButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(new RotateEffect(270)); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void InvertToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { surface.ApplyBitmapEffect(new InvertEffect()); updateUndoRedoSurfaceDependencies(); } private void ImageEditorFormResize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Surface == null) { return; } Size imageSize = Surface.Image.Size; Size currentClientSize = panel1.ClientSize; var canvas = Surface as Control; Panel panel = (Panel)canvas.Parent; int offsetX = -panel.HorizontalScroll.Value; int offsetY = -panel.VerticalScroll.Value; if (canvas != null) { if (currentClientSize.Width > imageSize.Width) { canvas.Left = offsetX + ((currentClientSize.Width - imageSize.Width) / 2); } else { canvas.Left = offsetX + 0; } } if (canvas != null) { if (currentClientSize.Height > imageSize.Height) { canvas.Top = offsetY + ((currentClientSize.Height - imageSize.Height) / 2); } else { canvas.Top = offsetY + 0; } } } private void btnSaveClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; forceClose = true; Close(); } private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { forceClose = true; Close(); } private void btnClipboardCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnClipboardCopyRequested(); } public void OnClipboardCopyRequested() { if (ClipboardCopyRequested != null) { Image img = surface.GetImageForExport(); ClipboardCopyRequested(img); } } private void btnUploadImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnImageUploadRequested(); } public void OnImageUploadRequested() { if (ImageUploadRequested != null) { Image img = surface.GetImageForExport(); ImageUploadRequested(img); } } } }