#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (c) 2007-2022 ShareX Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using ShareX.HelpersLib; using ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib.Properties; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib { public sealed class RegionCaptureForm : Form { public static GraphicsPath LastRegionFillPath { get; private set; } public event Func SaveImageRequested; public event Func SaveImageAsRequested; public event Action CopyImageRequested; public event Action UploadImageRequested; public event Action PrintImageRequested; public RegionCaptureOptions Options { get; set; } public Rectangle ScreenBounds { get; set; } public Rectangle ClientArea { get; private set; } public Bitmap Canvas { get; private set; } public RectangleF CanvasRectangle { get; internal set; } public RegionResult Result { get; private set; } public int MonitorIndex { get; set; } public string ImageFilePath { get; set; } public bool IsFullscreen { get; private set; } public RegionCaptureMode Mode { get; private set; } public bool IsEditorMode => Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Editor || Mode == RegionCaptureMode.TaskEditor; public bool IsAnnotationMode => Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Annotation || IsEditorMode; public bool IsImageModified => ShapeManager != null && ShapeManager.IsImageModified; public Point CurrentPosition { get; private set; } public SimpleWindowInfo SelectedWindow { get; private set; } internal Vector2 CanvasCenterOffset { get; set; } = new Vector2(0f, 0f); internal float ZoomFactor { get { return zoomFactor; } set { zoomFactor = value.Clamp(0.2f, 6f); } } internal bool IsZoomed => Math.Round(ZoomFactor * 100) != 100; internal PointF ScaledClientMousePosition => InputManager.ClientMousePosition.Scale(1 / ZoomFactor); internal PointF ScaledClientMouseVelocity => InputManager.MouseVelocity.Scale(1 / ZoomFactor); internal ShapeManager ShapeManager { get; private set; } internal bool IsClosing { get; private set; } internal FPSManager FPSManager { get; private set; } internal Bitmap DimmedCanvas; internal Image CustomNodeImage = Resources.CircleNode; internal int ToolbarHeight; private InputManager InputManager => ShapeManager.InputManager; private TextureBrush backgroundBrush, backgroundHighlightBrush; private GraphicsPath regionFillPath, regionDrawPath; private Pen borderPen, borderDotPen, borderDotStaticPen, textOuterBorderPen, textInnerBorderPen, markerPen, canvasBorderPen; private Brush textBrush, textShadowBrush, textBackgroundBrush; private Font infoFont, infoFontMedium, infoFontBig; private Stopwatch timerStart; private bool pause, isKeyAllowed, forceClose; private RectangleAnimation regionAnimation; private TextAnimation editorPanTipAnimation; private Cursor defaultCursor, openHandCursor, closedHandCursor; private Color canvasBackgroundColor, canvasBorderColor, textColor, textShadowColor, textBackgroundColor, textOuterBorderColor, textInnerBorderColor; private float zoomFactor = 1; public RegionCaptureForm(RegionCaptureMode mode, RegionCaptureOptions options, Bitmap canvas = null) { Mode = mode; Options = options; IsFullscreen = !IsEditorMode || Options.ImageEditorStartMode == ImageEditorStartMode.Fullscreen; if (IsFullscreen && Options.ActiveMonitorMode) { ScreenBounds = CaptureHelpers.GetActiveScreenBounds(); if (canvas == null) { canvas = new Screenshot().CaptureRectangle(ScreenBounds); } Helpers.LockCursorToWindow(this); } else { ScreenBounds = CaptureHelpers.GetScreenBounds(); if (canvas == null) { canvas = new Screenshot().CaptureRectangle(ScreenBounds); } } ClientArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenBounds.Width, ScreenBounds.Height); CanvasRectangle = ClientArea; timerStart = new Stopwatch(); FPSManager = new FPSManager(Options.FPSLimit); FPSManager.FPSUpdated += FpsManager_FPSChanged; regionAnimation = new RectangleAnimation() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200) }; if (IsEditorMode && Options.ShowEditorPanTip) { editorPanTipAnimation = new TextAnimation() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000), FadeOutDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), Text = Resources.RegionCaptureForm_TipYouCanPanImageByHoldingMouseMiddleButtonAndDragging }; } borderPen = new Pen(Color.Black); borderDotPen = new Pen(Color.White) { DashPattern = new float[] { 5, 5 } }; borderDotStaticPen = new Pen(Color.White) { DashPattern = new float[] { 5, 5 } }; infoFont = new Font("Verdana", 9); infoFontMedium = new Font("Verdana", 12); infoFontBig = new Font("Verdana", 16, FontStyle.Bold); markerPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Red)); if (ShareXResources.UseCustomTheme) { canvasBackgroundColor = ShareXResources.Theme.BackgroundColor; canvasBorderColor = ShareXResources.Theme.BorderColor; textColor = ShareXResources.Theme.TextColor; textShadowColor = ShareXResources.Theme.BorderColor; textBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(200, ShareXResources.Theme.BackgroundColor); textOuterBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(200, ShareXResources.Theme.SeparatorDarkColor); textInnerBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(200, ShareXResources.Theme.SeparatorLightColor); } else { canvasBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200); canvasBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(176, 176, 176); textColor = Color.White; textShadowColor = Color.Black; textBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.FromArgb(42, 131, 199)); textOuterBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.White); textInnerBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.FromArgb(0, 81, 145)); } canvasBorderPen = new Pen(canvasBorderColor); textBrush = new SolidBrush(textColor); textShadowBrush = new SolidBrush(textShadowColor); textBackgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(textBackgroundColor); textOuterBorderPen = new Pen(textOuterBorderColor); textInnerBorderPen = new Pen(textInnerBorderColor); Prepare(canvas); InitializeComponent(); } private void InitializeComponent() { SuspendLayout(); AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.None; defaultCursor = Helpers.CreateCursor(Resources.Crosshair); openHandCursor = Helpers.CreateCursor(Resources.openhand); closedHandCursor = Helpers.CreateCursor(Resources.closedhand); SetDefaultCursor(); Icon = ShareXResources.Icon; SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); UpdateTitle(); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; if (IsFullscreen) { FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Bounds = ScreenBounds; ShowInTaskbar = false; #if !DEBUG TopMost = true; #endif } else { FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; MinimumSize = new Size(800, 550); if (Options.ImageEditorStartMode == ImageEditorStartMode.PreviousState) { Options.ImageEditorWindowState.ApplyFormState(this); } else { Rectangle activeScreenWorkingArea = CaptureHelpers.GetActiveScreenWorkingArea(); Size size = new Size(900, 700); bool isMaximized = Options.ImageEditorStartMode == ImageEditorStartMode.Maximized; if (Options.ImageEditorStartMode == ImageEditorStartMode.AutoSize) { int margin = 100; Size canvasWindowSize = new Size(Canvas.Width + (SystemInformation.BorderSize.Width * 2) + margin, Canvas.Height + SystemInformation.CaptionHeight + (SystemInformation.BorderSize.Height * 2) + margin); canvasWindowSize = new Size(Math.Max(MinimumSize.Width, canvasWindowSize.Width), Math.Max(MinimumSize.Height, canvasWindowSize.Height)); if (canvasWindowSize.Width < activeScreenWorkingArea.Width && canvasWindowSize.Height < activeScreenWorkingArea.Height) { size = canvasWindowSize; } else { isMaximized = true; } } Bounds = new Rectangle(activeScreenWorkingArea.X + (activeScreenWorkingArea.Width / 2) - (size.Width / 2), activeScreenWorkingArea.Y + (activeScreenWorkingArea.Height / 2) - (size.Height / 2), size.Width, size.Height); if (isMaximized) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } else { WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } } ShowInTaskbar = true; } Shown += RegionCaptureForm_Shown; KeyDown += RegionCaptureForm_KeyDown; MouseDown += RegionCaptureForm_MouseDown; MouseWheel += RegionCaptureForm_MouseWheel; Resize += RegionCaptureForm_Resize; LocationChanged += RegionCaptureForm_LocationChanged; GotFocus += RegionCaptureForm_GotFocus; LostFocus += RegionCaptureForm_LostFocus; FormClosing += RegionCaptureForm_FormClosing; ResumeLayout(false); } internal void UpdateTitle() { if (forceClose) return; StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(); if (IsEditorMode) { title.AppendFormat("ShareX - {0}", Resources.RegionCaptureForm_InitializeComponent_ImageEditor); if (Canvas != null) { title.AppendFormat(" - {0}x{1}", Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height); } if (IsZoomed) { int zoomPercentage = (int)Math.Round(ZoomFactor * 100); title.AppendFormat(" ({0}%)", zoomPercentage); } string fileName = FileHelpers.GetFileNameSafe(ImageFilePath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { title.AppendFormat(" - {0}", fileName); } if (!IsFullscreen && Options.ShowFPS) { title.AppendFormat(" - FPS: {0}", FPSManager.FPS.ToString()); } } else { title.AppendFormat("ShareX - {0}", Resources.BaseRegionForm_InitializeComponent_Region_capture); } Text = title.ToString(); } private void Prepare(Bitmap canvas = null) { ShapeManager = new ShapeManager(this); ShapeManager.WindowCaptureMode = !IsEditorMode && Options.DetectWindows; ShapeManager.IncludeControls = Options.DetectControls; ShapeManager.ImageModified += ShapeManager_ImageModified; InitBackground(canvas); if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.OneClick || ShapeManager.WindowCaptureMode) { IntPtr handle = Handle; Task.Run(() => { WindowsRectangleList wla = new WindowsRectangleList(); wla.IgnoreHandle = handle; wla.IncludeChildWindows = ShapeManager.IncludeControls; ShapeManager.Windows = wla.GetWindowInfoListAsync(5000); }); } } private void ShapeManager_ImageModified() { if (Options.EditorAutoCopyImage && !IsClosing && IsEditorMode) { using (Bitmap bmp = GetResultImage()) { OnCopyImageRequested(bmp); } } } internal void InitBackground(Bitmap canvas, bool centerCanvas = true) { if (Canvas != null) Canvas.Dispose(); if (backgroundBrush != null) backgroundBrush.Dispose(); if (backgroundHighlightBrush != null) backgroundHighlightBrush.Dispose(); Canvas = canvas; if (IsEditorMode) { UpdateTitle(); CanvasRectangle = new RectangleF(CanvasRectangle.X, CanvasRectangle.Y, Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height); using (Bitmap background = new Bitmap(Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height)) using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(background)) { Rectangle sourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height); if (ShareXResources.Theme.CheckerSize > 0) { using (Bitmap checkers = ImageHelpers.DrawCheckers(Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height, ShareXResources.Theme.CheckerSize, ShareXResources.Theme.CheckerColor, ShareXResources.Theme.CheckerColor2)) { g.DrawImage(checkers, sourceRect); } } else { using (Brush canvasBrush = new SolidBrush(ShareXResources.Theme.CheckerColor)) { g.FillRectangle(canvasBrush, sourceRect); } } g.DrawImage(Canvas, sourceRect); backgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(background) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; backgroundBrush.TranslateTransform(CanvasRectangle.X, CanvasRectangle.Y); } if (centerCanvas) { CenterCanvas(); } } else if (Options.UseDimming) { DimmedCanvas?.Dispose(); DimmedCanvas = (Bitmap)Canvas.Clone(); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(DimmedCanvas)) using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(30, Color.Black))) { g.FillRectangle(brush, 0, 0, DimmedCanvas.Width, DimmedCanvas.Height); backgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(DimmedCanvas) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } backgroundHighlightBrush = new TextureBrush(Canvas) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } else { backgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(Canvas) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } } private void OnMoved() { if (ShapeManager != null) { UpdateCoordinates(); if (IsAnnotationMode && ShapeManager.ToolbarCreated) { ShapeManager.UpdateMenuMaxWidth(ClientSize.Width); ShapeManager.UpdateMenuPosition(); } } } private bool Pan(float deltaX, float deltaY) { SizeF panLimitSize = new SizeF(Math.Min(ClientArea.Width * 0.25f, CanvasRectangle.Width), Math.Min(ClientArea.Height * 0.25f, CanvasRectangle.Height)); RectangleF limitRectangle = new RectangleF(ClientArea.X + panLimitSize.Width, ClientArea.Y + panLimitSize.Height, ClientArea.Width - (panLimitSize.Width * 2), ClientArea.Height - (panLimitSize.Height * 2)); if (IsZoomed) { limitRectangle = limitRectangle.Scale(1 / ZoomFactor); } deltaX = Math.Max(deltaX, limitRectangle.Left - CanvasRectangle.Right); deltaX = Math.Min(deltaX, limitRectangle.Right - CanvasRectangle.Left); deltaY = Math.Max(deltaY, limitRectangle.Top - CanvasRectangle.Bottom); deltaY = Math.Min(deltaY, limitRectangle.Bottom - CanvasRectangle.Top); if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) { return false; } CanvasRectangle = CanvasRectangle.LocationOffset(deltaX, deltaY); if (backgroundBrush != null) { backgroundBrush.TranslateTransform(deltaX, deltaY); } if (ShapeManager != null) { ShapeManager.MoveAll(deltaX, deltaY); } return true; } public void PanToOffset(Vector2 centerOffset) { if (IsEditorMode) { RectangleF canvas = CanvasRectangle.Scale(ZoomFactor); float x = (ClientArea.Width / 2) + centerOffset.X; float y = (ClientArea.Height / 2) + centerOffset.Y; float newX = x - (canvas.Width / 2); float newY = y - (canvas.Height / 2); float deltaX = (newX - canvas.X) / ZoomFactor; float deltaY = (newY - canvas.Y) / ZoomFactor; if (Pan(deltaX, deltaY)) { CanvasCenterOffset = centerOffset; } } } public void CenterCanvas() { PanToOffset(new Vector2(0f, ToolbarHeight / 2f)); } public void ZoomTransform(Graphics g, bool invertZoom = false) { if (IsZoomed) { float scale = invertZoom ? 1 / ZoomFactor : ZoomFactor; g.ScaleTransform(scale, scale); } } public void SetDefaultCursor() { if (Cursor != defaultCursor) { Cursor = defaultCursor; } } public void SetHandCursor(bool grabbing) { if (grabbing) { if (Cursor != closedHandCursor) { Cursor = closedHandCursor; } } else { if (Cursor != openHandCursor) { Cursor = openHandCursor; } } } private void RegionCaptureForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ForceActivate(); OnMoved(); CenterCanvas(); if (Options.EditorAutoCopyImage && IsEditorMode) { using (Bitmap bmp = Canvas.CloneSafe()) { OnCopyImageRequested(bmp); } } if (IsEditorMode) { if (Options.ShowEditorPanTip && editorPanTipAnimation != null) { editorPanTipAnimation.Start(); } if (Options.ZoomToFitOnOpen) { ZoomToFit(); } } } private void RegionCaptureForm_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnMoved(); PanToOffset(CanvasCenterOffset); } private void RegionCaptureForm_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnMoved(); } private void RegionCaptureForm_GotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { Resume(); } private void RegionCaptureForm_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { Pause(); } private void RegionCaptureForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (IsEditorMode) { if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing && !forceClose && !IsFullscreen && !ShowExitConfirmation()) { e.Cancel = true; return; } if (Options.ImageEditorStartMode == ImageEditorStartMode.PreviousState) { Options.ImageEditorWindowState.UpdateFormState(this); } } } internal bool ShowExitConfirmation() { bool result = true; if (IsImageModified) { Pause(); result = MessageBox.Show(this, Resources.RegionCaptureForm_ShowExitConfirmation_Text, Resources.RegionCaptureForm_ShowExitConfirmation_ShareXImageEditor, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes; Resume(); } return result; } internal void RegionCaptureForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyData == Keys.Escape) { if (ShapeManager.HandleEscape()) { return; } if (!IsEditorMode || ShowExitConfirmation()) { CloseWindow(); } return; } if (!isKeyAllowed && timerStart.ElapsedMilliseconds < Options.InputDelay) { return; } isKeyAllowed = true; switch (e.KeyData) { case Keys.Space: CloseWindow(RegionResult.Fullscreen); break; case Keys.Enter: if (ShapeManager.IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion) { ShapeManager.StartRegionSelection(); ShapeManager.EndRegionSelection(); } CloseWindow(RegionResult.Region); break; case Keys.Oemtilde: CloseWindow(RegionResult.ActiveMonitor); break; case Keys.Control | Keys.C: CopyAreaInfo(); break; } if (IsEditorMode) { switch (e.KeyData) { case Keys.Control | Keys.Alt | Keys.D0: case Keys.Control | Keys.Alt | Keys.NumPad0: ZoomToFit(); break; case Keys.Control | Keys.D0: case Keys.Control | Keys.NumPad0: ZoomFactor = 1; CenterCanvas(); break; case Keys.Control | Keys.Oemplus: case Keys.Control | Keys.Add: Zoom(true, false); break; case Keys.Control | Keys.OemMinus: case Keys.Control | Keys.Subtract: Zoom(false, false); break; } } else { if (e.KeyData >= Keys.D0 && e.KeyData <= Keys.D9) { MonitorKey(e.KeyData - Keys.D0); return; } } } private void RegionCaptureForm_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if ((Mode == RegionCaptureMode.OneClick || Mode == RegionCaptureMode.ScreenColorPicker) && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { CurrentPosition = InputManager.MousePosition; if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.OneClick) { SelectedWindow = ShapeManager.FindSelectedWindow(); } CloseWindow(RegionResult.Region); } } private void RegionCaptureForm_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (IsEditorMode && ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { Zoom(e.Delta > 0); } } private void Zoom(bool zoomIn, bool atMouse = true) { PointF clientCenter = new PointF(ClientArea.Width / 2f, ClientArea.Height / 2f); PointF scaledCenterBefore = atMouse ? ScaledClientMousePosition : clientCenter.Scale(1 / zoomFactor); if (zoomIn) { if (ZoomFactor >= 2f) { ZoomFactor += 0.5f; } else if (ZoomFactor >= 1f) { ZoomFactor += 0.25f; } else { ZoomFactor += 0.1f; } } else { if (ZoomFactor <= 1f) { ZoomFactor -= 0.1f; } else if (ZoomFactor <= 2f) { ZoomFactor -= 0.25f; } else { ZoomFactor -= 0.5f; } } PointF scaledCenterAfter = atMouse ? ScaledClientMousePosition : clientCenter.Scale(1 / zoomFactor); if (Pan(scaledCenterAfter.X - scaledCenterBefore.X, scaledCenterAfter.Y - scaledCenterBefore.Y)) { CanvasCenterOffset = new Vector2((CanvasRectangle.X + CanvasRectangle.Width / 2f) * ZoomFactor - clientCenter.X, (CanvasRectangle.Y + CanvasRectangle.Height / 2f) * ZoomFactor - clientCenter.Y); } UpdateTitle(); } private void ZoomToFit() { ZoomFactor = Math.Min(ClientArea.Width / CanvasRectangle.Width, (ClientArea.Height - ToolbarHeight) / CanvasRectangle.Height); CenterCanvas(); } private void MonitorKey(int index) { if (index == 0) { index = 10; } index--; MonitorIndex = index; CloseWindow(RegionResult.Monitor); } internal void CloseWindow(RegionResult result = RegionResult.Close) { Result = result; forceClose = true; Close(); } internal void Pause() { pause = true; } internal void Resume() { pause = false; Invalidate(); } private void CopyAreaInfo() { string clipboardText; if (ShapeManager.IsCurrentShapeValid) { clipboardText = GetAreaText(ShapeManager.CurrentRectangle); } else { CurrentPosition = InputManager.MousePosition; clipboardText = GetInfoText(); } ClipboardHelpers.CopyText(clipboardText); } public WindowInfo GetWindowInfo() { return ShapeManager.FindSelectedWindowInfo(CurrentPosition); } public void AddCursor(Bitmap bmpCursor, Point position) { if (ShapeManager != null) { ShapeManager.AddCursor(bmpCursor, position); } } private void UpdateCoordinates() { ClientArea = ClientRectangle; InputManager.Update(this); } private new void Update() { if (!timerStart.IsRunning) { timerStart.Start(); } FPSManager.Update(); UpdateCoordinates(); ShapeManager.UpdateObjects(); if (ShapeManager.IsPanning) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(CanvasCenterOffset.X + InputManager.MouseVelocity.X, CanvasCenterOffset.Y + InputManager.MouseVelocity.Y); PanToOffset(offset); } if (Options.EnableAnimations) { borderDotPen.DashOffset = (float)timerStart.Elapsed.TotalSeconds * -15; } ShapeManager.Update(); } private void FpsManager_FPSChanged() { if (Options.ShowFPS && !IsFullscreen) { UpdateTitle(); } } protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e) { //base.OnPaintBackground(e); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { Update(); Graphics g = e.Graphics; ShapeManager.CurrentDPI.X = g.DpiX; ShapeManager.CurrentDPI.Y = g.DpiY; ZoomTransform(g); if (IsEditorMode && !CanvasRectangle.Contains(ClientArea)) { g.Clear(canvasBackgroundColor); g.DrawRectangleProper(canvasBorderPen, CanvasRectangle.Offset(1f)); } DrawBackground(g); DrawShapes(g); if (Options.ShowFPS && IsFullscreen) { DrawFPS(g, 10); } if (!pause) { Invalidate(); } } private void DrawBackground(Graphics g) { using (GraphicsQualityManager quality = new GraphicsQualityManager(g, false)) { g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; g.DrawImage(backgroundBrush.Image, CanvasRectangle); g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; } } private void DrawShapes(Graphics g) { // Draw snap rectangles if (ShapeManager.IsCreating && ShapeManager.IsSnapResizing) { BaseShape shape = ShapeManager.CurrentShape; if (shape != null && shape.ShapeType != ShapeType.RegionFreehand && shape.ShapeType != ShapeType.DrawingFreehand) { foreach (Size size in Options.SnapSizes) { RectangleF snapRect = CaptureHelpers.CalculateNewRectangle(shape.StartPosition, shape.EndPosition, size); g.DrawRectangleProper(markerPen, snapRect); } } } List areas = ShapeManager.ValidRegions.ToList(); if (areas.Count > 0) { // Create graphics path from all regions UpdateRegionPath(); // If background is dimmed then draw non dimmed background to region selections if (!IsEditorMode && Options.UseDimming) { using (Region region = new Region(regionDrawPath)) { g.Clip = region; g.FillRectangle(backgroundHighlightBrush, ClientArea); g.ResetClip(); } } g.DrawPath(borderPen, regionDrawPath); g.DrawPath(borderDotStaticPen, regionDrawPath); } // Draw effect shapes foreach (BaseEffectShape effectShape in ShapeManager.EffectShapes) { effectShape.OnDraw(g); } // Draw drawing shapes foreach (BaseDrawingShape drawingShape in ShapeManager.DrawingShapes) { drawingShape.OnDraw(g); } // Draw tools foreach (BaseTool toolShape in ShapeManager.ToolShapes) { toolShape.OnDraw(g); } // Draw animated rectangle on hover area if (ShapeManager.IsCurrentHoverShapeValid) { if (Options.EnableAnimations) { if (!ShapeManager.PreviousHoverRectangle.IsEmpty && ShapeManager.CurrentHoverShape.Rectangle != ShapeManager.PreviousHoverRectangle) { if (regionAnimation.CurrentRectangle.Width > 2 && regionAnimation.CurrentRectangle.Height > 2) { regionAnimation.FromRectangle = regionAnimation.CurrentRectangle; } else { regionAnimation.FromRectangle = ShapeManager.PreviousHoverRectangle; } regionAnimation.ToRectangle = ShapeManager.CurrentHoverShape.Rectangle; regionAnimation.Start(); } regionAnimation.Update(); } using (GraphicsPath hoverDrawPath = new GraphicsPath { FillMode = FillMode.Winding }) { if (Options.EnableAnimations && regionAnimation.IsActive && regionAnimation.CurrentRectangle.Width > 2 && regionAnimation.CurrentRectangle.Height > 2) { ShapeManager.CurrentHoverShape.OnShapePathRequested(hoverDrawPath, regionAnimation.CurrentRectangle.SizeOffset(-1)); } else { ShapeManager.CurrentHoverShape.AddShapePath(hoverDrawPath, -1); } g.DrawPath(borderPen, hoverDrawPath); g.DrawPath(borderDotPen, hoverDrawPath); } } // Draw animated rectangle on selection area if (ShapeManager.IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion && ShapeManager.IsCurrentShapeValid) { if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Ruler) { using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, 255, 255, 255))) { g.FillRectangle(brush, ShapeManager.CurrentRectangle); } DrawRuler(g, ShapeManager.CurrentRectangle, borderPen, 5, 10); DrawRuler(g, ShapeManager.CurrentRectangle, borderPen, 15, 100); g.DrawCross(borderPen, ShapeManager.CurrentRectangle.Center(), 10); } DrawRegionArea(g, ShapeManager.CurrentRectangle, true); } // Draw all regions rectangle info if (Options.ShowInfo) { // Add hover area to list so rectangle info can be shown if (ShapeManager.IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion && ShapeManager.IsCurrentHoverShapeValid && areas.All(area => area.Rectangle != ShapeManager.CurrentHoverShape.Rectangle)) { areas.Add(ShapeManager.CurrentHoverShape); } foreach (BaseShape regionInfo in areas) { if (regionInfo.Rectangle.IsValid()) { string areaText = GetAreaText(regionInfo.Rectangle); DrawAreaText(g, areaText, regionInfo.Rectangle); } } } // Draw resize nodes ShapeManager.DrawObjects(g); // Draw magnifier if (Options.ShowMagnifier || Options.ShowInfo) { DrawCursorGraphics(g); } // Draw screen wide crosshair if (Options.ShowCrosshair) { DrawCrosshair(g); } // Draw image editor bottom tip if (IsEditorMode && Options.ShowEditorPanTip && editorPanTipAnimation != null && editorPanTipAnimation.Update()) { DrawBottomTipAnimation(g, editorPanTipAnimation); } // Draw menu tooltips if (IsAnnotationMode && ShapeManager.MenuTextAnimation.Update()) { DrawTextAnimation(g, ShapeManager.MenuTextAnimation); } } internal void DrawRegionArea(Graphics g, RectangleF rect, bool isAnimated) { g.DrawRectangleProper(borderPen, rect); if (isAnimated) { g.DrawRectangleProper(borderDotPen, rect); } else { g.DrawRectangleProper(borderDotStaticPen, rect); } } private void DrawFPS(Graphics g, int offset) { Point textPosition = new Point(offset, offset); if (IsFullscreen) { Rectangle rectScreen = CaptureHelpers.GetActiveScreenBounds(); rectScreen = RectangleToClient(rectScreen); textPosition = textPosition.Add(rectScreen.Location); } g.DrawTextWithShadow(FPSManager.FPS.ToString(), textPosition, infoFontBig, Brushes.White, Brushes.Black, new Point(0, 1)); } private void DrawInfoText(Graphics g, string text, RectangleF rect, Font font, int padding) { DrawInfoText(g, text, rect, font, new Point(padding, padding)); } private void DrawInfoText(Graphics g, string text, RectangleF rect, Font font, Point padding) { DrawInfoText(g, text, rect, font, padding, textBackgroundBrush, textOuterBorderPen, textInnerBorderPen, textBrush, textShadowBrush); } private void DrawInfoText(Graphics g, string text, RectangleF rect, Font font, int padding, Brush backgroundBrush, Pen outerBorderPen, Pen innerBorderPen, Brush textBrush, Brush textShadowBrush) { DrawInfoText(g, text, rect, font, new Point(padding, padding), backgroundBrush, outerBorderPen, innerBorderPen, textBrush, textShadowBrush); } private void DrawInfoText(Graphics g, string text, RectangleF rect, Font font, Point padding, Brush backgroundBrush, Pen outerBorderPen, Pen innerBorderPen, Brush textBrush, Brush textShadowBrush) { g.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, rect.Offset(-2)); g.DrawRectangleProper(innerBorderPen, rect.Offset(-1)); g.DrawRectangleProper(outerBorderPen, rect); g.DrawTextWithShadow(text, rect.LocationOffset(padding.X, padding.Y).Location, font, textBrush, textShadowBrush); } internal void DrawAreaText(Graphics g, string text, RectangleF area) { int offset = 6; int backgroundPadding = 3; Size textSize = g.MeasureString(text, infoFont).ToSize(); PointF textPos; if (area.Y - offset - textSize.Height - (backgroundPadding * 2) < ClientArea.Y) { textPos = new PointF(area.X + offset + backgroundPadding, area.Y + offset + backgroundPadding); } else { textPos = new PointF(area.X + backgroundPadding, area.Y - offset - backgroundPadding - textSize.Height); } if (textPos.X + textSize.Width + backgroundPadding >= ClientArea.Width) { textPos.X = ClientArea.Width - textSize.Width - backgroundPadding; } RectangleF backgroundRect = new RectangleF(textPos.X - backgroundPadding, textPos.Y - backgroundPadding, textSize.Width + (backgroundPadding * 2), textSize.Height + (backgroundPadding * 2)); DrawInfoText(g, text, backgroundRect, infoFont, backgroundPadding); } private void DrawTextAnimation(Graphics g, TextAnimation textAnimation) { Size textSize = g.MeasureString(textAnimation.Text, infoFontMedium).ToSize(); int padding = 3; textSize.Width += padding * 2; textSize.Height += padding * 2; Rectangle textRectangle = new Rectangle(textAnimation.Position.X, textAnimation.Position.Y, textSize.Width, textSize.Height); DrawTextAnimation(g, textAnimation, textRectangle, padding); } private void DrawTextAnimation(Graphics g, TextAnimation textAnimation, Rectangle textRectangle, int padding) { using (Brush backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)(textAnimation.Opacity * 200), textBackgroundColor))) using (Pen outerBorderPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((int)(textAnimation.Opacity * 200), textOuterBorderColor))) using (Pen innerBorderPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((int)(textAnimation.Opacity * 200), textInnerBorderColor))) using (Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)(textAnimation.Opacity * 255), textColor))) using (Brush textShadowBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)(textAnimation.Opacity * 255), textShadowColor))) { Matrix transform = g.Transform; ZoomTransform(g, true); DrawInfoText(g, textAnimation.Text, textRectangle, infoFontMedium, padding, backgroundBrush, outerBorderPen, innerBorderPen, textBrush, textShadowBrush); g.Transform = transform; } } private void DrawBottomTipAnimation(Graphics g, TextAnimation textAnimation) { Size textSize = g.MeasureString(textAnimation.Text, infoFontMedium).ToSize(); int padding = 5; textSize.Width += padding * 2; textSize.Height += padding * 2; int margin = 20; Rectangle textRectangle = new Rectangle((ClientArea.Width / 2) - (textSize.Width / 2), ClientArea.Height - textSize.Height - margin, textSize.Width, textSize.Height); DrawTextAnimation(g, textAnimation, textRectangle, padding); } internal string GetAreaText(RectangleF rect) { if (IsEditorMode) { rect = new RectangleF(rect.X - CanvasRectangle.X, rect.Y - CanvasRectangle.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height); } else if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Ruler) { PointF endLocation = new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom - 1); string text = $"X: {rect.X} | Y: {rect.Y} | Right: {endLocation.X} | Bottom: {endLocation.Y}\r\n" + $"Width: {rect.Width} px | Height: {rect.Height} px | Area: {rect.Area()} px | Perimeter: {rect.Perimeter()} px\r\n" + $"Distance: {MathHelpers.Distance(rect.Location, endLocation):0.00} px | Angle: {MathHelpers.LookAtDegree(rect.Location, endLocation):0.00}°"; return text; } return string.Format(Resources.RectangleRegion_GetAreaText_Area, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height); } private string GetInfoText() { if (IsEditorMode) { PointF canvasRelativePosition = new PointF(ScaledClientMousePosition.X - CanvasRectangle.X, ScaledClientMousePosition.Y - CanvasRectangle.Y); return $"X: {canvasRelativePosition.X} Y: {canvasRelativePosition.Y}"; } else if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.ScreenColorPicker || Options.UseCustomInfoText) { Color color = ShapeManager.GetCurrentColor(); if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.ScreenColorPicker) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.ScreenColorPickerInfoText)) { return CodeMenuEntryPixelInfo.Parse(Options.ScreenColorPickerInfoText, color, CurrentPosition); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.CustomInfoText)) { return CodeMenuEntryPixelInfo.Parse(Options.CustomInfoText, color, CurrentPosition); } return string.Format(Resources.RectangleRegion_GetColorPickerText, color.R, color.G, color.B, ColorHelpers.ColorToHex(color), CurrentPosition.X, CurrentPosition.Y); } return $"X: {CurrentPosition.X} Y: {CurrentPosition.Y}"; } private void DrawCrosshair(Graphics g) { int offset = 5; PointF mousePos = ScaledClientMousePosition; PointF left = new PointF(mousePos.X - offset, mousePos.Y), left2 = new PointF(0, mousePos.Y); PointF right = new PointF(mousePos.X + offset, mousePos.Y), right2 = new PointF((ClientArea.Width - 1) / ZoomFactor, mousePos.Y); PointF top = new PointF(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y - offset), top2 = new PointF(mousePos.X, 0); PointF bottom = new PointF(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y + offset), bottom2 = new PointF(mousePos.X, (ClientArea.Height - 1) / ZoomFactor); if (left.X - left2.X > 10) { g.DrawLine(borderPen, left, left2); g.DrawLine(borderDotPen, left, left2); } if (right2.X - right.X > 10) { g.DrawLine(borderPen, right, right2); g.DrawLine(borderDotPen, right, right2); } if (top.Y - top2.Y > 10) { g.DrawLine(borderPen, top, top2); g.DrawLine(borderDotPen, top, top2); } if (bottom2.Y - bottom.Y > 10) { g.DrawLine(borderPen, bottom, bottom2); g.DrawLine(borderDotPen, bottom, bottom2); } } private void DrawCursorGraphics(Graphics g) { int cursorOffsetX = 10, cursorOffsetY = 10, itemGap = 10, itemCount = 0; Size totalSize = Size.Empty; int magnifierPosition = 0; Bitmap magnifier = null; if (Options.ShowMagnifier) { if (itemCount > 0) totalSize.Height += itemGap; magnifierPosition = totalSize.Height; magnifier = Magnifier(Canvas, ScaledClientMousePosition, Options.MagnifierPixelCount, Options.MagnifierPixelCount, Options.MagnifierPixelSize); totalSize.Width = Math.Max(totalSize.Width, magnifier.Width); totalSize.Height += magnifier.Height; itemCount++; } int infoTextPadding = 3; int infoTextPosition = 0; Rectangle infoTextRect = Rectangle.Empty; string infoText = ""; if (Options.ShowInfo) { if (itemCount > 0) totalSize.Height += itemGap; infoTextPosition = totalSize.Height; CurrentPosition = InputManager.MousePosition; infoText = GetInfoText(); Size textSize = g.MeasureString(infoText, infoFont).ToSize(); infoTextRect.Size = new Size(textSize.Width + (infoTextPadding * 2), textSize.Height + (infoTextPadding * 2)); totalSize.Width = Math.Max(totalSize.Width, infoTextRect.Width); totalSize.Height += infoTextRect.Height; //itemCount++; } Point mousePos = InputManager.ClientMousePosition; Rectangle activeScreenClientRect = RectangleToClient(CaptureHelpers.GetActiveScreenBounds()); int x = mousePos.X + cursorOffsetX; if (x + totalSize.Width > activeScreenClientRect.Right) { x = mousePos.X - cursorOffsetX - totalSize.Width; } int y = mousePos.Y + cursorOffsetY; if (y + totalSize.Height > activeScreenClientRect.Bottom) { y = mousePos.Y - cursorOffsetY - totalSize.Height; } Matrix initialTranform = g.Transform; if (Options.ShowMagnifier) { ZoomTransform(g, true); if (Options.UseSquareMagnifier) { g.DrawImage(magnifier, x, y + magnifierPosition, magnifier.Width, magnifier.Height); g.DrawRectangleProper(Pens.White, x - 1, y + magnifierPosition - 1, magnifier.Width + 2, magnifier.Height + 2); g.DrawRectangleProper(Pens.Black, x, y + magnifierPosition, magnifier.Width, magnifier.Height); } else { using (GraphicsQualityManager quality = new GraphicsQualityManager(g, true)) using (TextureBrush brush = new TextureBrush(magnifier)) { brush.TranslateTransform(x, y + magnifierPosition); g.FillEllipse(brush, x, y + magnifierPosition, magnifier.Width, magnifier.Height); g.DrawEllipse(Pens.White, x - 1, y + magnifierPosition - 1, magnifier.Width + 2 - 1, magnifier.Height + 2 - 1); g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, x, y + magnifierPosition, magnifier.Width - 1, magnifier.Height - 1); } } g.Transform = initialTranform; } if (Options.ShowInfo) { if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.ScreenColorPicker) { int colorBoxOffset = 2; int colorBoxSize = infoTextRect.Height - (colorBoxOffset * 2); int textOffset = 4; int colorBoxExtraWidth = colorBoxSize + textOffset; infoTextRect.Width += colorBoxExtraWidth; infoTextRect.Location = new Point(x + (totalSize.Width / 2) - (infoTextRect.Width / 2), y + infoTextPosition); Point padding = new Point(infoTextPadding + colorBoxExtraWidth, infoTextPadding); Rectangle colorRect = new Rectangle(infoTextRect.X + colorBoxOffset, infoTextRect.Y + colorBoxOffset, colorBoxSize, colorBoxSize); DrawInfoText(g, infoText, infoTextRect, infoFont, padding); using (Brush colorBrush = new SolidBrush(ShapeManager.GetCurrentColor())) { g.FillRectangle(colorBrush, colorRect); } g.DrawLine(textInnerBorderPen, colorRect.Right, colorRect.Top, colorRect.Right, colorRect.Bottom - 1); } else { infoTextRect.Location = new Point(x + (totalSize.Width / 2) - (infoTextRect.Width / 2), y + infoTextPosition); Point padding = new Point(infoTextPadding, infoTextPadding); ZoomTransform(g, true); DrawInfoText(g, infoText, infoTextRect, infoFont, padding); g.Transform = initialTranform; } } } private Bitmap Magnifier(Image img, PointF position, int horizontalPixelCount, int verticalPixelCount, int pixelSize) { horizontalPixelCount = (horizontalPixelCount | 1).Clamp(1, 101); verticalPixelCount = (verticalPixelCount | 1).Clamp(1, 101); pixelSize = pixelSize.Clamp(1, 1000); if (horizontalPixelCount * pixelSize > ClientArea.Width || verticalPixelCount * pixelSize > ClientArea.Height) { horizontalPixelCount = verticalPixelCount = 15; pixelSize = 10; } RectangleF srcRect = new RectangleF(position.X - (horizontalPixelCount / 2) - CanvasRectangle.X, position.Y - (verticalPixelCount / 2) - CanvasRectangle.Y, horizontalPixelCount, verticalPixelCount).Round(); int width = horizontalPixelCount * pixelSize; int height = verticalPixelCount * pixelSize; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width - 1, height - 1); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; if (!new RectangleF(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height).Contains(srcRect)) { g.Clear(canvasBackgroundColor); } g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half; g.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.None; using (SolidBrush crosshairBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(125, Color.LightBlue))) { g.FillRectangle(crosshairBrush, new Rectangle(0, (height - pixelSize) / 2, (width - pixelSize) / 2, pixelSize)); // Left g.FillRectangle(crosshairBrush, new Rectangle((width + pixelSize) / 2, (height - pixelSize) / 2, (width - pixelSize) / 2, pixelSize)); // Right g.FillRectangle(crosshairBrush, new Rectangle((width - pixelSize) / 2, 0, pixelSize, (height - pixelSize) / 2)); // Top g.FillRectangle(crosshairBrush, new Rectangle((width - pixelSize) / 2, (height + pixelSize) / 2, pixelSize, (height - pixelSize) / 2)); // Bottom } using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(75, Color.Black))) { for (int x = 1; x < horizontalPixelCount; x++) { g.DrawLine(pen, new Point((x * pixelSize) - 1, 0), new Point((x * pixelSize) - 1, height - 1)); } for (int y = 1; y < verticalPixelCount; y++) { g.DrawLine(pen, new Point(0, (y * pixelSize) - 1), new Point(width - 1, (y * pixelSize) - 1)); } } g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, ((width - pixelSize) / 2) - 1, ((height - pixelSize) / 2) - 1, pixelSize, pixelSize); if (pixelSize >= 6) { g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, (width - pixelSize) / 2, (height - pixelSize) / 2, pixelSize - 2, pixelSize - 2); } } return bmp; } private void DrawRuler(Graphics g, RectangleF rect, Pen pen, int rulerSize, int rulerWidth) { if (rect.Width >= rulerSize && rect.Height >= rulerSize) { for (int x = 1; x <= rect.Width / rulerWidth; x++) { g.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(rect.X + (x * rulerWidth), rect.Y), new PointF(rect.X + (x * rulerWidth), rect.Y + rulerSize)); g.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(rect.X + (x * rulerWidth), rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.X + (x * rulerWidth), rect.Bottom - rulerSize)); } for (int y = 1; y <= rect.Height / rulerWidth; y++) { g.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y + (y * rulerWidth)), new PointF(rect.X + rulerSize, rect.Y + (y * rulerWidth))); g.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y + (y * rulerWidth)), new PointF(rect.Right - rulerSize, rect.Y + (y * rulerWidth))); } } } internal void UpdateRegionPath() { if (regionFillPath != null) { regionFillPath.Dispose(); regionFillPath = null; } if (regionDrawPath != null) { regionDrawPath.Dispose(); regionDrawPath = null; } BaseShape[] areas = ShapeManager.ValidRegions; if (areas != null && areas.Length > 0) { regionFillPath = new GraphicsPath { FillMode = FillMode.Winding }; regionDrawPath = new GraphicsPath { FillMode = FillMode.Winding }; foreach (BaseShape regionShape in ShapeManager.ValidRegions) { regionShape.AddShapePath(regionFillPath); regionShape.AddShapePath(regionDrawPath, -1); } } } public Bitmap GetResultImage() { if (IsEditorMode) { return ShapeManager.RenderOutputImage(Canvas, CanvasRectangle.Location); } else if (Result == RegionResult.Region || Result == RegionResult.LastRegion) { GraphicsPath gp; if (Result == RegionResult.LastRegion) { gp = LastRegionFillPath; } else { gp = regionFillPath; } if (gp != null) { using (Bitmap bmp = RegionCaptureTasks.ApplyRegionPathToImage(Canvas, gp, out Rectangle rect)) { return ShapeManager.RenderOutputImage(bmp, rect.Location); } } } else if (Result == RegionResult.Fullscreen) { return ShapeManager.RenderOutputImage(Canvas); } else if (Result == RegionResult.Monitor) { Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens; if (MonitorIndex < screens.Length) { Screen screen = screens[MonitorIndex]; Rectangle screenRect = RectangleToClient(screen.Bounds); using (Bitmap bmp = ShapeManager.RenderOutputImage(Canvas)) { return ImageHelpers.CropBitmap(bmp, screenRect); } } } else if (Result == RegionResult.ActiveMonitor) { Rectangle activeScreenRect = RectangleToClient(CaptureHelpers.GetActiveScreenBounds()); using (Bitmap bmp = ShapeManager.RenderOutputImage(Canvas)) { return ImageHelpers.CropBitmap(bmp, activeScreenRect); } } return null; } private Bitmap ReceiveImageForTask() { Bitmap bmp = GetResultImage(); if (Options.AutoCloseEditorOnTask) { CloseWindow(); } return bmp; } internal void OnSaveImageRequested() { if (SaveImageRequested != null) { Bitmap bmp = ReceiveImageForTask(); string imageFilePath = SaveImageRequested(bmp, ImageFilePath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFilePath)) { ImageFilePath = imageFilePath; UpdateTitle(); ShapeManager.ShowMenuTooltip(Resources.ImageSaved); ShapeManager.IsImageModified = false; } } } internal void OnSaveImageAsRequested() { if (SaveImageAsRequested != null) { Bitmap bmp = ReceiveImageForTask(); string imageFilePath = SaveImageAsRequested(bmp, ImageFilePath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFilePath)) { ImageFilePath = imageFilePath; UpdateTitle(); ShapeManager.ShowMenuTooltip(Resources.ImageSavedAs); ShapeManager.IsImageModified = false; } } } internal void OnCopyImageRequested() { if (CopyImageRequested != null) { using (Bitmap bmp = ReceiveImageForTask()) { if (bmp != null) { CopyImageRequested(bmp); ShapeManager.ShowMenuTooltip(Resources.ImageCopied); ShapeManager.IsImageModified = false; } } } } internal void OnCopyImageRequested(Bitmap bmp) { if (CopyImageRequested != null && bmp != null) { CopyImageRequested(bmp); } } internal void OnUploadImageRequested() { if (UploadImageRequested != null) { Bitmap bmp = ReceiveImageForTask(); UploadImageRequested(bmp); ShapeManager.ShowMenuTooltip(Resources.ImageUploading); ShapeManager.IsImageModified = false; } } internal void OnPrintImageRequested() { if (PrintImageRequested != null) { Bitmap bmp = ReceiveImageForTask(); PrintImageRequested(bmp); ShapeManager.IsImageModified = false; } } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { IsClosing = true; ShapeManager?.Dispose(); backgroundBrush?.Dispose(); backgroundHighlightBrush?.Dispose(); borderPen?.Dispose(); borderDotPen?.Dispose(); borderDotStaticPen?.Dispose(); infoFont?.Dispose(); infoFontMedium?.Dispose(); infoFontBig?.Dispose(); textBrush?.Dispose(); textShadowBrush?.Dispose(); textBackgroundBrush?.Dispose(); textOuterBorderPen?.Dispose(); textInnerBorderPen?.Dispose(); markerPen?.Dispose(); canvasBorderPen?.Dispose(); defaultCursor?.Dispose(); openHandCursor?.Dispose(); closedHandCursor?.Dispose(); CustomNodeImage?.Dispose(); if (regionFillPath != null) { if (Result == RegionResult.Region) { LastRegionFillPath?.Dispose(); LastRegionFillPath = regionFillPath; } else { regionFillPath.Dispose(); } } regionDrawPath?.Dispose(); DimmedCanvas?.Dispose(); Canvas?.Dispose(); base.Dispose(disposing); } } }