#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ShareX Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using ShareX.HelpersLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShareX.ScreenCaptureLib { internal partial class ShapeManager : IDisposable { public List Shapes { get; private set; } = new List(); private BaseShape currentShape; public BaseShape CurrentShape { get { return currentShape; } private set { currentShape = value; if (currentShape != null) { currentShape.OnConfigSave(); } OnCurrentShapeChanged(currentShape); } } private ShapeType currentShapeType; public ShapeType CurrentShapeType { get { return currentShapeType; } private set { currentShapeType = value; if (form.IsAnnotationMode) { if (IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion) { Config.LastRegionTool = CurrentShapeType; } else { Config.LastAnnotationTool = CurrentShapeType; } } DeselectCurrentShape(); OnCurrentShapeTypeChanged(currentShapeType); } } public Rectangle CurrentRectangle { get { if (CurrentShape != null) { return CurrentShape.Rectangle; } return Rectangle.Empty; } } public bool IsCurrentShapeValid => CurrentShape != null && CurrentShape.IsValidShape; public BaseShape[] Regions => Shapes.OfType().ToArray(); public BaseShape[] ValidRegions => Regions.Where(x => x.IsValidShape).ToArray(); public BaseDrawingShape[] DrawingShapes => Shapes.OfType().ToArray(); public BaseEffectShape[] EffectShapes => Shapes.OfType().ToArray(); private BaseShape currentHoverShape; public BaseShape CurrentHoverShape { get { return currentHoverShape; } private set { if (currentHoverShape != null) { if (PreviousHoverRectangle == Rectangle.Empty || PreviousHoverRectangle != currentHoverShape.Rectangle) { PreviousHoverRectangle = currentHoverShape.Rectangle; } } else { PreviousHoverRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; } currentHoverShape = value; } } public Rectangle PreviousHoverRectangle { get; private set; } public bool IsCurrentHoverShapeValid => CurrentHoverShape != null && CurrentHoverShape.IsValidShape; public bool IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion => IsShapeTypeRegion(CurrentShapeType); public bool IsCreating { get; set; } public bool IsMoving { get; set; } public bool IsPanning { get; set; } public bool IsResizing { get; set; } public bool IsCornerMoving { get; private set; } public bool IsProportionalResizing { get; private set; } public bool IsSnapResizing { get; private set; } public bool IsRenderingOutput { get; private set; } private bool isAnnotated; public bool IsAnnotated => isAnnotated || DrawingShapes.Where(x => x.ShapeType != ShapeType.DrawingCursor).Count() > 0 || EffectShapes.Length > 0; public List Windows { get; set; } public bool WindowCaptureMode { get; set; } public bool IncludeControls { get; set; } public RegionCaptureOptions Config { get; private set; } public AnnotationOptions AnnotationOptions => Config.AnnotationOptions; public List ResizeNodes { get; private set; } private bool nodesVisible; public bool NodesVisible { get { return nodesVisible; } set { nodesVisible = value; if (!nodesVisible) { foreach (ResizeNode node in ResizeNodes) { node.Visible = false; } } else { BaseShape shape = CurrentShape; if (shape != null) { shape.OnNodePositionUpdate(); shape.OnNodeVisible(); } } } } public bool IsCursorOnNode => NodesVisible && ResizeNodes.Any(node => node.IsCursorHover); public event Action CurrentShapeChanged; public event Action CurrentShapeTypeChanged; public event Action ShapeCreated; private RegionCaptureForm form; private bool isLeftPressed, isRightPressed, isUpPressed, isDownPressed; public ShapeManager(RegionCaptureForm form) { this.form = form; Config = form.Config; ResizeNodes = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { ResizeNode node = new ResizeNode(); form.DrawableObjects.Add(node); ResizeNodes.Add(node); } ResizeNodes[(int)NodePosition.BottomRight].Order = 10; form.Shown += form_Shown; form.LostFocus += form_LostFocus; form.MouseDown += form_MouseDown; form.MouseUp += form_MouseUp; form.MouseDoubleClick += form_MouseDoubleClick; form.MouseWheel += form_MouseWheel; form.KeyDown += form_KeyDown; form.KeyUp += form_KeyUp; CurrentShape = null; if (form.Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Annotation) { CurrentShapeType = Config.LastRegionTool; } else if (form.IsEditorMode) { CurrentShapeType = Config.LastAnnotationTool; } else { CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.RegionRectangle; } } private void form_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (form.IsAnnotationMode) { CreateToolbar(); } } private void form_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsCornerMoving = IsProportionalResizing = IsSnapResizing = false; } private void form_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (!IsCreating) { StartRegionSelection(); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) { if (form.IsEditorMode) { StartPanning(); } } } private void form_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (IsMoving || IsCreating) { EndRegionSelection(); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (IsCreating) { DeleteCurrentShape(); EndRegionSelection(); } else if (form.IsAnnotationMode) { RunAction(Config.RegionCaptureActionRightClick); } else if (IsShapeIntersect()) { DeleteIntersectShape(); } else { form.Close(); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) { if (form.IsEditorMode) { EndPanning(); } else { RunAction(Config.RegionCaptureActionMiddleClick); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.XButton1) { RunAction(Config.RegionCaptureActionX1Click); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.XButton2) { RunAction(Config.RegionCaptureActionX2Click); } } private void form_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion && ValidRegions.Length > 0) { form.UpdateRegionPath(); form.Close(RegionResult.Region); } else if (CurrentShape != null && !IsCreating) { CurrentShape.OnDoubleClicked(); } } } private void form_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control) && form.Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Annotation) { if (e.Delta > 0) { CurrentShapeType = CurrentShapeType.Previous(); } else if (e.Delta < 0) { CurrentShapeType = CurrentShapeType.Next(); } } else { if (e.Delta > 0) { Config.MagnifierPixelCount = Math.Min(Config.MagnifierPixelCount + 2, RegionCaptureOptions.MagnifierPixelCountMaximum); } else if (e.Delta < 0) { Config.MagnifierPixelCount = Math.Max(Config.MagnifierPixelCount - 2, RegionCaptureOptions.MagnifierPixelCountMinimum); } } } private void form_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.ControlKey: IsCornerMoving = true; break; case Keys.ShiftKey: IsProportionalResizing = true; break; case Keys.Menu: IsSnapResizing = true; break; case Keys.Left: case Keys.A: isLeftPressed = true; break; case Keys.Right: case Keys.D: isRightPressed = true; break; case Keys.Up: case Keys.W: isUpPressed = true; break; case Keys.Down: case Keys.S: isDownPressed = true; break; } switch (e.KeyData) { case Keys.Insert: if (IsCreating) { EndRegionSelection(); } else { StartRegionSelection(); } break; case Keys.Delete: DeleteCurrentShape(); if (IsCreating) { EndRegionSelection(); } break; case Keys.Shift | Keys.Delete: DeleteAllShapes(); break; case Keys.F1: Config.ShowHotkeys = !Config.ShowHotkeys; if (tsmiTips != null) tsmiTips.Checked = Config.ShowHotkeys; break; } if (!IsCreating) { if (form.Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Annotation) { switch (e.KeyData) { case Keys.Tab: SwapShapeType(); break; case Keys.NumPad0: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.RegionRectangle; break; } } if (form.IsAnnotationMode) { switch (e.KeyData) { case Keys.NumPad1: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingRectangle; break; case Keys.NumPad2: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingEllipse; break; case Keys.NumPad3: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingFreehand; break; case Keys.NumPad4: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingLine; break; case Keys.NumPad5: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingArrow; break; case Keys.NumPad6: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingTextOutline; break; case Keys.NumPad7: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingStep; break; case Keys.NumPad8: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.EffectBlur; break; case Keys.NumPad9: CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.EffectPixelate; break; case Keys.Control | Keys.V: PasteFromClipboard(); break; case Keys.Control | Keys.Z: UndoShape(); break; case Keys.Home: MoveCurrentShapeTop(); break; case Keys.End: MoveCurrentShapeBottom(); break; case Keys.PageUp: MoveCurrentShapeUp(); break; case Keys.PageDown: MoveCurrentShapeDown(); break; case Keys.Q: Config.QuickCrop = !Config.QuickCrop; tsmiQuickCrop.Checked = !Config.QuickCrop; break; } } } int speed; if (e.Shift) { speed = RegionCaptureOptions.MoveSpeedMaximum; } else { speed = RegionCaptureOptions.MoveSpeedMinimum; } int x = 0; if (isLeftPressed) { x -= speed; } if (isRightPressed) { x += speed; } int y = 0; if (isUpPressed) { y -= speed; } if (isDownPressed) { y += speed; } if (x != 0 || y != 0) { BaseShape shape = CurrentShape; if (shape == null || IsCreating) { Cursor.Position = Cursor.Position.Add(x, y); } else { if (e.Control) { shape.Move(x, y); } else { shape.Resize(x, y, !e.Alt); } } } } private void form_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.ControlKey: IsCornerMoving = false; break; case Keys.ShiftKey: IsProportionalResizing = false; break; case Keys.Menu: IsSnapResizing = false; break; case Keys.Left: case Keys.A: isLeftPressed = false; break; case Keys.Right: case Keys.D: isRightPressed = false; break; case Keys.Up: case Keys.W: isUpPressed = false; break; case Keys.Down: case Keys.S: isDownPressed = false; break; } } private void RunAction(RegionCaptureAction action) { switch (action) { case RegionCaptureAction.CancelCapture: if (form.Mode == RegionCaptureMode.TaskEditor) { form.Close(RegionResult.AnnotateContinueTask); } else { form.Close(); } break; case RegionCaptureAction.RemoveShapeCancelCapture: if (IsShapeIntersect()) { DeleteIntersectShape(); } else if (form.Mode == RegionCaptureMode.TaskEditor) { form.Close(RegionResult.AnnotateContinueTask); } else { form.Close(); } break; case RegionCaptureAction.RemoveShape: DeleteIntersectShape(); break; case RegionCaptureAction.SwapToolType: SwapShapeType(); break; case RegionCaptureAction.CaptureFullscreen: form.Close(RegionResult.Fullscreen); break; case RegionCaptureAction.CaptureActiveMonitor: form.Close(RegionResult.ActiveMonitor); break; } } public void Update() { OrderStepShapes(); BaseShape shape = CurrentShape; if (shape != null) { shape.OnUpdate(); } UpdateCurrentHoverShape(); UpdateNodes(); } private void StartRegionSelection() { if (IsCursorOnNode) { return; } InputManager.Update(); // If it's a touch event we don't have the correct point yet, so refresh it now BaseShape shape = GetIntersectShape(); if (shape != null && shape.ShapeType == CurrentShapeType) // Select shape { IsMoving = true; form.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; CurrentShape = shape; SelectCurrentShape(); } else if (!IsCreating) // Create new shape { DeselectCurrentShape(); shape = AddShape(); shape.OnCreating(); } } private void EndRegionSelection() { bool wasCreating = IsCreating; IsCreating = false; IsMoving = false; form.SetDefaultCursor(); BaseShape shape = CurrentShape; if (shape != null) { if (!shape.IsValidShape) { shape.Rectangle = Rectangle.Empty; UpdateCurrentHoverShape(); if (IsCurrentHoverShapeValid) { shape.Rectangle = CurrentHoverShape.Rectangle; } else { DeleteCurrentShape(); shape = null; } } if (shape != null) { if (Config.QuickCrop && IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion) { form.UpdateRegionPath(); form.Close(RegionResult.Region); } else { if (wasCreating) { shape.OnCreated(); OnShapeCreated(shape); } SelectCurrentShape(); } } } } private void StartPanning() { IsPanning = true; form.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; } private void EndPanning() { IsPanning = false; form.SetDefaultCursor(); } private BaseShape AddShape() { BaseShape shape = CreateShape(); AddShape(shape); return shape; } private void AddShape(BaseShape shape) { Shapes.Add(shape); CurrentShape = shape; } private BaseShape CreateShape() { return CreateShape(CurrentShapeType); } private BaseShape CreateShape(ShapeType shapeType) { BaseShape shape; switch (shapeType) { default: case ShapeType.RegionRectangle: shape = new RectangleRegionShape(); break; case ShapeType.RegionEllipse: shape = new EllipseRegionShape(); break; case ShapeType.RegionFreehand: shape = new FreehandRegionShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingRectangle: shape = new RectangleDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingEllipse: shape = new EllipseDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingFreehand: shape = new FreehandDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingLine: shape = new LineDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingArrow: shape = new ArrowDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingTextOutline: shape = new TextOutlineDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingTextBackground: shape = new TextDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingSpeechBalloon: shape = new SpeechBalloonDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingStep: shape = new StepDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingImage: shape = new ImageDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingImageScreen: shape = new ImageScreenDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingCursor: shape = new CursorDrawingShape(); break; case ShapeType.EffectBlur: shape = new BlurEffectShape(); break; case ShapeType.EffectPixelate: shape = new PixelateEffectShape(); break; case ShapeType.EffectHighlight: shape = new HighlightEffectShape(); break; case ShapeType.DrawingCrop: shape = new CropDrawingShape(); break; } shape.Manager = this; shape.OnConfigLoad(); return shape; } private void UpdateCurrentShape() { BaseShape shape = CurrentShape; if (shape != null) { shape.OnConfigLoad(); } } private void SwapShapeType() { if (form.Mode == RegionCaptureMode.Annotation) { if (IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion) { CurrentShapeType = Config.LastAnnotationTool; } else { CurrentShapeType = Config.LastRegionTool; } } } public Point SnapPosition(Point posOnClick, Point posCurrent) { Size currentSize = CaptureHelpers.CreateRectangle(posOnClick, posCurrent).Size; Vector2 vector = new Vector2(currentSize.Width, currentSize.Height); SnapSize snapSize = (from size in Config.SnapSizes let distance = MathHelpers.Distance(vector, new Vector2(size.Width, size.Height)) where distance > 0 && distance < RegionCaptureOptions.SnapDistance orderby distance select size).FirstOrDefault(); if (snapSize != null) { Point posNew = CaptureHelpers.CalculateNewPosition(posOnClick, posCurrent, snapSize); Rectangle newRect = CaptureHelpers.CreateRectangle(posOnClick, posNew); if (form.ScreenRectangle0Based.Contains(newRect)) { return posNew; } } return posCurrent; } private void UpdateCurrentHoverShape() { CurrentHoverShape = CheckHover(); } private BaseShape CheckHover() { if (!IsCursorOnNode && !IsCreating && !IsMoving && !IsResizing) { BaseShape shape = GetIntersectShape(); if (shape != null && shape.IsValidShape) { return shape; } else { switch (CurrentShapeType) { case ShapeType.RegionFreehand: case ShapeType.DrawingFreehand: case ShapeType.DrawingLine: case ShapeType.DrawingArrow: case ShapeType.DrawingTextOutline: case ShapeType.DrawingTextBackground: case ShapeType.DrawingSpeechBalloon: case ShapeType.DrawingStep: case ShapeType.DrawingImage: case ShapeType.DrawingCursor: return null; } if (Config.IsFixedSize && IsCurrentShapeTypeRegion) { Point location = InputManager.MousePosition0Based; return new RectangleRegionShape() { Rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(location.X - Config.FixedSize.Width / 2, location.Y - Config.FixedSize.Height / 2), Config.FixedSize) }; } else { SimpleWindowInfo window = FindSelectedWindow(); if (window != null && !window.Rectangle.IsEmpty) { Rectangle hoverArea = CaptureHelpers.ScreenToClient(window.Rectangle); return new RectangleRegionShape() { Rectangle = Rectangle.Intersect(form.ScreenRectangle0Based, hoverArea) }; } } } } return null; } public SimpleWindowInfo FindSelectedWindow() { if (Windows != null) { return Windows.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Rectangle.Contains(InputManager.MousePosition)); } return null; } public WindowInfo FindSelectedWindowInfo(Point position) { if (Windows != null) { SimpleWindowInfo windowInfo = Windows.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsWindow && x.Rectangle.Contains(position)); if (windowInfo != null) { return windowInfo.WindowInfo; } } return null; } public Image RenderOutputImage(Image img) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img); if (DrawingShapes.Length > 0 || EffectShapes.Length > 0) { IsRenderingOutput = true; using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { foreach (BaseEffectShape shape in EffectShapes) { if (shape != null) { shape.OnDrawFinal(g, bmp); } } foreach (BaseDrawingShape shape in DrawingShapes) { if (shape != null) { shape.OnDraw(g); } } } IsRenderingOutput = false; } return bmp; } private void SelectShape(BaseShape shape) { if (shape != null) { shape.ShowNodes(); } } private void SelectCurrentShape() { SelectShape(CurrentShape); } private void SelectIntersectShape() { BaseShape shape = GetIntersectShape(); if (shape != null) { CurrentShape = shape; SelectShape(shape); } } private void DeselectShape(BaseShape shape) { if (shape == CurrentShape) { CurrentShape = null; NodesVisible = false; } } private void DeselectCurrentShape() { DeselectShape(CurrentShape); } public void DeleteShape(BaseShape shape) { if (shape != null) { shape.Dispose(); Shapes.Remove(shape); DeselectShape(shape); UpdateMenu(); } } private void DeleteCurrentShape() { DeleteShape(CurrentShape); } private void DeleteIntersectShape() { DeleteShape(GetIntersectShape()); } private void DeleteAllShapes() { foreach (BaseShape shape in Shapes) { shape.Dispose(); } Shapes.Clear(); DeselectCurrentShape(); } public BaseShape GetIntersectShape() { return GetIntersectShape(InputManager.MousePosition0Based); } public BaseShape GetIntersectShape(Point position) { for (int i = Shapes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BaseShape shape = Shapes[i]; if (shape.ShapeType == CurrentShapeType && shape.Intersects(position)) { return shape; } } return null; } public bool IsShapeIntersect() { return GetIntersectShape() != null; } public void UndoShape() { if (Shapes.Count > 0) { DeleteShape(Shapes[Shapes.Count - 1]); } } public void MoveShapeBottom(BaseShape shape) { if (shape != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Shapes.Count; i++) { if (Shapes[i] == shape) { Shapes.Move(i, 0); return; } } } } public void MoveCurrentShapeBottom() { MoveShapeBottom(CurrentShape); } public void MoveShapeTop(BaseShape shape) { if (shape != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Shapes.Count; i++) { if (Shapes[i] == shape) { Shapes.Move(i, Shapes.Count - 1); return; } } } } public void MoveCurrentShapeTop() { MoveShapeTop(CurrentShape); } public void MoveShapeDown(BaseShape shape) { if (shape != null) { for (int i = 1; i < Shapes.Count; i++) { if (Shapes[i] == shape) { Shapes.Move(i, --i); return; } } } } public void MoveCurrentShapeDown() { MoveShapeDown(CurrentShape); } public void MoveShapeUp(BaseShape shape) { if (shape != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Shapes.Count - 1; i++) { if (Shapes[i] == shape) { Shapes.Move(i, ++i); return; } } } } public void MoveCurrentShapeUp() { MoveShapeUp(CurrentShape); } public void MoveAll(int x, int y) { foreach (BaseShape shape in Shapes) { shape.Move(x, y); } } public void MoveAll(Point offset) { MoveAll(offset.X, offset.Y); } public void RemoveOutsideShapes() { foreach (BaseShape shape in Shapes.ToArray()) { if (!form.ImageRectangle.IntersectsWith(shape.Rectangle)) { shape.Remove(); } } } private bool IsShapeTypeRegion(ShapeType shapeType) { switch (shapeType) { case ShapeType.RegionRectangle: case ShapeType.RegionEllipse: case ShapeType.RegionFreehand: return true; } return false; } private void UpdateNodes() { BaseShape shape = CurrentShape; if (shape != null && NodesVisible) { if (InputManager.IsMouseDown(MouseButtons.Left)) { shape.OnNodeUpdate(); } else { IsResizing = false; } shape.OnNodePositionUpdate(); } } public void PauseForm() { form.Pause(); } public void ResumeForm() { form.Resume(); } public void OrderStepShapes() { int i = 1; foreach (StepDrawingShape shape in Shapes.OfType()) { shape.Number = i++; } } private void PasteFromClipboard() { if (Clipboard.ContainsImage()) { Image img = ClipboardHelpers.GetImage(); if (img != null) { CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingImage; ImageDrawingShape shape = (ImageDrawingShape)CreateShape(ShapeType.DrawingImage); shape.StartPosition = shape.EndPosition = InputManager.MousePosition0Based; shape.SetImage(img, true); AddShape(shape); SelectCurrentShape(); } } else if (Clipboard.ContainsText()) { string text = Clipboard.GetText(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { CurrentShapeType = ShapeType.DrawingTextBackground; TextDrawingShape shape = (TextDrawingShape)CreateShape(ShapeType.DrawingTextBackground); shape.StartPosition = shape.EndPosition = InputManager.MousePosition0Based; shape.Text = text.Trim(); shape.AutoSize(true); AddShape(shape); SelectCurrentShape(); } } } public void AddCursor(IntPtr cursorHandle, Point position) { CursorDrawingShape shape = (CursorDrawingShape)CreateShape(ShapeType.DrawingCursor); shape.UpdateCursor(cursorHandle, position); Shapes.Add(shape); } public Rectangle LimitRectangleToImage(Rectangle rect) { return Rectangle.Intersect(rect, form.ImageRectangle); } public void DrawRegionArea(Graphics g, Rectangle rect, bool isAnimated) { form.DrawRegionArea(g, rect, isAnimated); } public void CropArea(Rectangle rect) { Image img = CropImage(rect, true); if (img != null) { form.InitBackground(img); MoveAll(form.ImageRectangle.X - rect.X, form.ImageRectangle.Y - rect.Y); isAnnotated = true; } } public Image CropImage(Rectangle rect, bool onlyIfSizeDifferent = false) { rect = CaptureHelpers.ScreenToClient(rect); Point offset = CaptureHelpers.ScreenToClient(form.ImageRectangle.Location); rect.X -= offset.X; rect.Y -= offset.Y; rect.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, form.Image.Width, form.Image.Height)); if (rect.IsValid() && (!onlyIfSizeDifferent || rect.Size != form.Image.Size)) { return ImageHelpers.CropImage(form.Image, rect); } return null; } private void ChangeImageSize() { Size size = new Size(250, 200); Size oldSize = form.Image.Size; if (size != oldSize) { Image img = ImageHelpers.ResizeImage(form.Image, size); if (img != null) { Rectangle oldRect = form.ImageRectangle; form.InitBackground(img); //MoveAll(form.ImageRectangle.X - oldRect.X, form.ImageRectangle.Y - oldRect.Y); isAnnotated = true; } } } private void ChangeCanvasSize() { using (CanvasSizeForm canvasSizeForm = new CanvasSizeForm()) { if (canvasSizeForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Padding canvas = canvasSizeForm.Canvas; Image img = ImageHelpers.AddCanvas(form.Image, canvas); if (img != null) { Rectangle oldRect = form.ImageRectangle; form.InitBackground(img); MoveAll(form.ImageRectangle.X - oldRect.X + canvas.Left, form.ImageRectangle.Y - oldRect.Y + canvas.Top); isAnnotated = true; } } } } private void RotateImage(RotateFlipType type) { Image clone = (Image)form.Image.Clone(); clone.RotateFlip(type); form.InitBackground(clone); isAnnotated = true; } private void OnCurrentShapeChanged(BaseShape shape) { if (CurrentShapeChanged != null) { CurrentShapeChanged(shape); } } private void OnCurrentShapeTypeChanged(ShapeType shapeType) { if (CurrentShapeTypeChanged != null) { CurrentShapeTypeChanged(shapeType); } } private void OnShapeCreated(BaseShape shape) { if (ShapeCreated != null) { ShapeCreated(shape); } } public void Dispose() { DeleteAllShapes(); } } }