; requires Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2 Datacenter Edition (32-Bit x86), Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition (32-Bit x86), Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (32-bit x86), Windows XP Service Pack 2 [CustomMessages] wic_title=Windows Imaging Component wic_size=1.2 MB [Code] const wic_url = 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/f/1/ff178bb1-da91-48ed-89e5-478a99387d4f/wic_x86_'; wic_url_x64 = 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/4/5/645fed5f-a6e7-44d9-9d10-fe83348796b0/wic_x64'; function GetConvertedLanguageID(): string; begin Result := 'enu'; case ActiveLanguage() of 'zh': // Chinese Result := 'chs'; 'de': // German Result := 'deu'; 'es': // Spanish Result := 'esn'; 'fr': // French Result := 'fra'; 'it': // Italian Result := 'ita'; 'ja': // Japanese Result := 'jpn'; 'nl': // Dutch Result := 'nld'; 'pt': // Portuguese Result := 'ptb'; 'ru': // Russian Result := 'rus'; end; end; procedure wic(); begin if (not IsIA64()) then begin // only needed on Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 if ((exactwinversion(5, 1) and exactwinspversion(5, 1, 2)) or (exactwinversion(5, 2))) then begin if (not FileExists(GetEnv('windir') + '\system32\windowscodecs.dll')) then AddProduct('wic' + GetArchitectureString() + '_' + GetConvertedLanguageID() + '.exe', '/q', CustomMessage('wic_title'), CustomMessage('wic_size'), GetString(wic_url, wic_url_x64, '') + GetConvertedLanguageID() + '.exe', false, false, false); end; end; end; [Setup]