#region License Information (GPL v3) /* ShareX - A program that allows you to take screenshots and share any file type Copyright (c) 2007-2022 ShareX Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Optionally you can also view the license at . */ #endregion License Information (GPL v3) using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShareX.HelpersLib { public static class CaptureHelpers { public static Rectangle GetScreenBounds() { return SystemInformation.VirtualScreen; } public static Rectangle GetScreenWorkingArea() { return Screen.AllScreens.Select(x => x.WorkingArea).Combine(); } public static Rectangle GetScreenBounds2() { Point topLeft = Point.Empty; Point bottomRight = Point.Empty; foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) { if (screen.Bounds.X < topLeft.X) topLeft.X = screen.Bounds.X; if (screen.Bounds.Y < topLeft.Y) topLeft.Y = screen.Bounds.Y; if ((screen.Bounds.X + screen.Bounds.Width) > bottomRight.X) bottomRight.X = screen.Bounds.X + screen.Bounds.Width; if ((screen.Bounds.Y + screen.Bounds.Height) > bottomRight.Y) bottomRight.Y = screen.Bounds.Y + screen.Bounds.Height; } return new Rectangle(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, bottomRight.X + Math.Abs(topLeft.X), bottomRight.Y + Math.Abs(topLeft.Y)); } public static Rectangle GetScreenBounds3() { Point topLeft = Point.Empty; Point bottomRight = Point.Empty; foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) { topLeft.X = Math.Min(topLeft.X, screen.Bounds.X); topLeft.Y = Math.Min(topLeft.Y, screen.Bounds.Y); bottomRight.X = Math.Max(bottomRight.X, screen.Bounds.Right); bottomRight.Y = Math.Max(bottomRight.Y, screen.Bounds.Bottom); } return new Rectangle(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, bottomRight.X + Math.Abs(topLeft.X), bottomRight.Y + Math.Abs(topLeft.Y)); } public static Rectangle GetScreenBounds4() { return Screen.AllScreens.Select(x => x.Bounds).Combine(); } public static Rectangle GetActiveScreenBounds() { return Screen.FromPoint(GetCursorPosition()).Bounds; } public static Rectangle GetActiveScreenWorkingArea() { return Screen.FromPoint(GetCursorPosition()).WorkingArea; } public static Rectangle GetPrimaryScreenBounds() { return Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; } public static Rectangle GetScreenBounds0Based() { return ScreenToClient(GetScreenBounds()); } public static Rectangle GetActiveScreenBounds0Based() { return ScreenToClient(GetActiveScreenBounds()); } public static Rectangle GetPrimaryScreenBounds0Based() { return ScreenToClient(GetPrimaryScreenBounds()); } public static Point ScreenToClient(Point p) { int screenX = NativeMethods.GetSystemMetrics(SystemMetric.SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); int screenY = NativeMethods.GetSystemMetrics(SystemMetric.SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); return new Point(p.X - screenX, p.Y - screenY); } public static Rectangle ScreenToClient(Rectangle r) { return new Rectangle(ScreenToClient(r.Location), r.Size); } public static Point ClientToScreen(Point p) { int screenX = NativeMethods.GetSystemMetrics(SystemMetric.SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); int screenY = NativeMethods.GetSystemMetrics(SystemMetric.SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); return new Point(p.X + screenX, p.Y + screenY); } public static Rectangle ClientToScreen(Rectangle r) { return new Rectangle(ClientToScreen(r.Location), r.Size); } public static Point GetCursorPosition() { if (NativeMethods.GetCursorPos(out POINT point)) { return (Point)point; } return Point.Empty; } public static Point GetZeroBasedMousePosition() { return ScreenToClient(GetCursorPosition()); } public static void SetCursorPosition(int x, int y) { NativeMethods.SetCursorPos(x, y); } public static void SetCursorPosition(Point position) { SetCursorPosition(position.X, position.Y); } public static Color GetPixelColor() { return GetPixelColor(GetCursorPosition()); } public static Color GetPixelColor(int x, int y) { IntPtr hdc = NativeMethods.GetDC(IntPtr.Zero); uint pixel = NativeMethods.GetPixel(hdc, x, y); NativeMethods.ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, hdc); return Color.FromArgb((int)(pixel & 0x000000FF), (int)(pixel & 0x0000FF00) >> 8, (int)(pixel & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); } public static Color GetPixelColor(Point position) { return GetPixelColor(position.X, position.Y); } public static bool CheckPixelColor(int x, int y, Color color) { Color targetColor = GetPixelColor(x, y); return targetColor.R == color.R && targetColor.G == color.G && targetColor.B == color.B; } public static bool CheckPixelColor(int x, int y, Color color, byte variation) { Color targetColor = GetPixelColor(x, y); return targetColor.R.IsBetween((byte)(color.R - variation), (byte)(color.R + variation)) && targetColor.G.IsBetween((byte)(color.G - variation), (byte)(color.G + variation)) && targetColor.B.IsBetween((byte)(color.B - variation), (byte)(color.B + variation)); } public static Rectangle CreateRectangle(int x, int y, int x2, int y2) { int width, height; if (x <= x2) { width = x2 - x + 1; } else { width = x - x2 + 1; x = x2; } if (y <= y2) { height = y2 - y + 1; } else { height = y - y2 + 1; y = y2; } return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } public static Rectangle CreateRectangle(Point pos, Point pos2) { return CreateRectangle(pos.X, pos.Y, pos2.X, pos2.Y); } public static RectangleF CreateRectangle(float x, float y, float x2, float y2) { float width, height; if (x <= x2) { width = x2 - x + 1; } else { width = x - x2 + 1; x = x2; } if (y <= y2) { height = y2 - y + 1; } else { height = y - y2 + 1; y = y2; } return new RectangleF(x, y, width, height); } public static RectangleF CreateRectangle(PointF pos, PointF pos2) { return CreateRectangle(pos.X, pos.Y, pos2.X, pos2.Y); } public static Point ProportionalPosition(Point pos, Point pos2) { Point newPosition = Point.Empty; int min; if (pos.X < pos2.X) { if (pos.Y < pos2.Y) { min = Math.Min(pos2.X - pos.X, pos2.Y - pos.Y); newPosition.X = pos.X + min; newPosition.Y = pos.Y + min; } else { min = Math.Min(pos2.X - pos.X, pos.Y - pos2.Y); newPosition.X = pos.X + min; newPosition.Y = pos.Y - min; } } else { if (pos.Y > pos2.Y) { min = Math.Min(pos.X - pos2.X, pos.Y - pos2.Y); newPosition.X = pos.X - min; newPosition.Y = pos.Y - min; } else { min = Math.Min(pos.X - pos2.X, pos2.Y - pos.Y); newPosition.X = pos.X - min; newPosition.Y = pos.Y + min; } } return newPosition; } public static PointF SnapPositionToDegree(PointF pos, PointF pos2, float degree, float startDegree) { float angle = MathHelpers.LookAtRadian(pos, pos2); float startAngle = MathHelpers.DegreeToRadian(startDegree); float snapAngle = MathHelpers.DegreeToRadian(degree); float newAngle = ((float)Math.Round((angle + startAngle) / snapAngle) * snapAngle) - startAngle; float distance = MathHelpers.Distance(pos, pos2); return pos.Add((PointF)MathHelpers.RadianToVector2(newAngle, distance)); } public static PointF CalculateNewPosition(PointF posOnClick, PointF posCurrent, Size size) { if (posCurrent.X > posOnClick.X) { if (posCurrent.Y > posOnClick.Y) { return new PointF(posOnClick.X + size.Width - 1, posOnClick.Y + size.Height - 1); } else { return new PointF(posOnClick.X + size.Width - 1, posOnClick.Y - size.Height + 1); } } else { if (posCurrent.Y > posOnClick.Y) { return new PointF(posOnClick.X - size.Width + 1, posOnClick.Y + size.Height - 1); } else { return new PointF(posOnClick.X - size.Width + 1, posOnClick.Y - size.Height + 1); } } } public static RectangleF CalculateNewRectangle(PointF posOnClick, PointF posCurrent, Size size) { PointF newPosition = CalculateNewPosition(posOnClick, posCurrent, size); return CreateRectangle(posOnClick, newPosition); } public static Rectangle GetWindowRectangle(IntPtr handle) { Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Empty; if (NativeMethods.IsDWMEnabled() && NativeMethods.GetExtendedFrameBounds(handle, out Rectangle tempRect)) { rect = tempRect; } if (rect.IsEmpty) { rect = NativeMethods.GetWindowRect(handle); } if (!Helpers.IsWindows10OrGreater() && NativeMethods.IsZoomed(handle)) { rect = NativeMethods.MaximizedWindowFix(handle, rect); } return rect; } public static Rectangle GetActiveWindowRectangle() { IntPtr handle = NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow(); return GetWindowRectangle(handle); } public static Rectangle GetActiveWindowClientRectangle() { IntPtr handle = NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow(); return NativeMethods.GetClientRect(handle); } public static bool IsActiveWindowFullscreen() { IntPtr handle = NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow(); if (handle.ToInt32() > 0) { WindowInfo windowInfo = new WindowInfo(handle); string className = windowInfo.ClassName; string[] ignoreList = new string[] { "Progman", "WorkerW" }; if (ignoreList.All(ignore => !className.Equals(ignore, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { Rectangle windowRectangle = windowInfo.Rectangle; Rectangle monitorRectangle = Screen.FromRectangle(windowRectangle).Bounds; return windowRectangle.Contains(monitorRectangle); } } return false; } public static Rectangle EvenRectangleSize(Rectangle rect) { rect.Width -= rect.Width & 1; rect.Height -= rect.Height & 1; return rect; } } }