Automatic URL shortening support

Automatic URL shortening support if the URL longer than a specified
This commit is contained in:
mcored 2014-01-19 12:27:27 +08:00
parent 4ff5e27761
commit bbfc9b7017
3 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("82E6AC09-0FEF-4390-AD9F-0DD3F5561EFC")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("8.5.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("8.5.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("8.5.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("8.5.1")]

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@ -302,9 +302,12 @@ public class TaskSettingsAdvanced
[Category("After upload"), DefaultValue(""), Description("Balloon tip content format after uploading. Supported variables: $result, $url, $shorturl, $thumbnailurl, $deletionurl, $filepath, $filename, $filenamenoext, $folderpath, $foldername, $uploadtime and other variables such as %y-%mo-%d etc.")]
public string BalloonTipContentFormat { get; set; }
[Category("After upload / Automatic URL Shortener"), DefaultValue(0), Description("Automatically shorten URL if the URL is longer than the specified number of characters. 0 means automatic URL shortening is not active.")]
public int AutoShortenURLLength { get; set; }
private float toastWindowDuration;
[Category("After upload"), DefaultValue(4f), Description("Specify how long should toast notification window will stay on screen (in seconds).")]
[Category("After upload / Notifications"), DefaultValue(4f), Description("Specify how long should toast notification window will stay on screen (in seconds).")]
public float ToastWindowDuration
@ -317,12 +320,12 @@ public float ToastWindowDuration
[Category("After upload"), DefaultValue(ContentAlignment.BottomRight), Description("Specify where should toast notification window appear on the screen.")]
[Category("After upload / Notifications"), DefaultValue(ContentAlignment.BottomRight), Description("Specify where should toast notification window appear on the screen.")]
public ContentAlignment ToastWindowPlacement { get; set; }
private Size toastWindowSize;
[Category("After upload"), DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "400, 300"), Description("Maximum toast notification window size.")]
[Category("After upload / Notifications"), DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "400, 300"), Description("Maximum toast notification window size.")]
public Size ToastWindowSize

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@ -466,7 +466,8 @@ private void DoAfterUploadJobs()
if (Info.TaskSettings.AfterUploadJob.HasFlag(AfterUploadTasks.UseURLShortener) || Info.Job == TaskJob.ShortenURL)
if (Info.TaskSettings.AfterUploadJob.HasFlag(AfterUploadTasks.UseURLShortener) || Info.Job == TaskJob.ShortenURL ||
(Info.TaskSettings.AdvancedSettings.AutoShortenURLLength > 0 && Info.Result.URL.Length > Info.TaskSettings.AdvancedSettings.AutoShortenURLLength))
UploadResult result = ShortenURL(Info.Result.URL);