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2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" id="root">
<xsd:import namespace=""/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<xsd:element name="assembly">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<xsd:element name="data">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2"/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3"/>
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<xsd:element name="resheader">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="DNSChangerForm_DNSChangerForm_Manual" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ActionsCodeMenuEntry_FilePath_File_path" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Percorso File</value>
<data name="ActionsCodeMenuEntry_OutputFilePath_File_path_without_extension____Output_file_name_extension_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Percorso File senza Estensione</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_t_Title_of_active_window" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Titolo della Finestra</value>
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<value>Nome del Processo della Finestra</value>
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<value>Anno Corrente</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_yy_Current_year__2_digits_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Anno Corrente (2 cifre)</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_mo_Current_month" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mese Corrente</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_mon_Current_month_name__Local_language_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome Mese Corrente (Lingua Locale)</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_mon2_Current_month_name__English_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome Mese Corrente (Inglese)</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_d_Current_day" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Giorno Corrente</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_h_Current_hour" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ora Corrente</value>
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<value>Minuto Corrente</value>
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<value>Secondo Corrente</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_ms_Current_millisecond" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Millisecondo Corrente</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_pm_Gets_AM_PM" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ottieni AM/PM</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_w_Current_week_name__Local_language_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome Giorno della Settimana Corrente (Lingua Locale)</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_w2_Current_week_name__English_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome Giorno della Settimana Corrente (Inglese)</value>
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<value>Orario Unix</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_i_Auto_increment_number" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Auto Incremento Numerico. Sarà aggiunto uno 0 davanti usando {n}</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_rn_Random_number_0_to_9" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Numero Casuale da 0 a 9. Ripeti usando {n}</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_ra_Random_alphanumeric_char" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carattere Alfanumerico Casuale. Ripeti usando {n}</value>
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<value>Larghezza Immagne</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_height_Gets_image_height" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Altezza Immagne</value>
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<value>Nome Utente</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_uln_User_login_name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome Utente per l'Accesso</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_cn_Computer_name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome Computer</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_n_New_line" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nuova Linea</value>
<data name="DirectoryNameEditor_EditValue_Browse_for_a_folder___" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cerca Cartella...</value>
<data name="ExeFileNameEditor_EditValue_Browse_for_executable___" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cerca Eseguibile...</value>
<data name="CssFileNameEditor_EditValue_Browse_for_a_Cascading_Style_Sheet___" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cerca CSS...</value>
<data name="Stop" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ClipboardContentViewer_ClipboardContentViewer_Load_Clipboard_content__Image__Size___0_x_1__" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Contenuto Appunti: Immagine (Dimensione: {0}x{1})</value>
<data name="ClipboardContentViewer_ClipboardContentViewer_Load_Clipboard_content__Text__Length___0__" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Contenuto Appunti: Testo (Lunghezza: {0})</value>
<data name="ClipboardContentViewer_ClipboardContentViewer_Load_Clipboard_content__File__Count___0__" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Contenuto Appunti: File (Numero: {0})</value>
<data name="ClipboardContentViewer_ClipboardContentViewer_Load_Clipboard_is_empty_or_contains_unknown_data_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Appunti vuoti o contententi dati sconosciuti.</value>
<data name="PrintTextForm_LoadSettings_Name___0___Size___1_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome: {0}, Dimensione: {1}</value>
<data name="UpdateCheckerLabel_UpdateControls_Update_check_failed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Controllo aggiornamenti fallito</value>
<data name="UpdateCheckerLabel_UpdateControls_A_newer_version_of_ShareX_is_available" xml:space="preserve">
<value>È disponibile una nuova versione di {0}</value>
<data name="UpdateCheckerLabel_UpdateControls_ShareX_is_up_to_date" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} è aggiornato</value>
<data name="DownloaderForm_DownloaderForm_Waiting_" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CodeMenu_Create_Close" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FolderSelectDialog_Title_Select_a_folder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Seleziona una Cartella</value>
<data name="Start" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PrintForm_LoadSettings_Print" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExportImportControl_Serialize_Export_failed_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esportazione fallita.</value>
<data name="Error" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExportImportControl_tsmiExportClipboard_Click_Settings_copied_to_your_clipboard_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Impostazioni copiate negli appunti.</value>
<data name="DownloaderForm_DownloaderForm_Filename___0_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nome File: {0}</value>
<data name="MyMessageBox_MyMessageBox_Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MyMessageBox_MyMessageBox_Yes" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HSB_ToString_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tonalità: {0:0.0}°, Saturazione: {1:0.0}%, Luminosità: {2:0.0}%</value>
<data name="CMYK_ToString_Cyan___0_0_0____Magenta___1_0_0____Yellow___2_0_0____Key___3_0_0__" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ciano: {0:0.0}%, Magenta: {1:0.0}%, Giallo: {2:0.0}%, Chiave: {3:0.0}%</value>
<data name="ExportImportControl_Deserialize_Import_failed_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Importazione fallita.</value>
<data name="DNSChangerForm_btnSave_Click_DNS_successfully_set_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>DNS impostati correttamente.</value>
<data name="DNSChangerForm_btnSave_Click_DNS_successfully_set__Reboot_is_required_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>DNS impostati correttamente. Riavvio richiesto.</value>
<data name="DNSChangerForm_btnSave_Click_Setting_DNS_failed_with_error_code_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Impostazione DNS fallita con codice errore:</value>
<data name="DNSChangerForm_btnSave_Click_Setting_DNS_failed_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Impostazione DNS fallita.</value>
<data name="DownloaderForm_ChangeStatus_Status___0_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stato: {0}</value>
<data name="DownloaderForm_ChangeProgress_Progress" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avanzamento: {0:0.0}%
Velocità Scaricamento: {1:0.0} KB/s
Dimensione File: {2:n0} / {3:n0} KB</value>
<data name="MyPictureBox_LoadImageAsync_Loading_image___" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Caricamento pagina...</value>
<data name="Extensions_AddContextMenu_Cut" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Extensions_AddContextMenu_Copy" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Extensions_AddContextMenu_Paste" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ExportImportControl_tsmiImportURL_Click_URL_to_download_settings_from" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Scarica Impostazioni da</value>
<data name="DownloaderForm_StartDownload_Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="DownloaderForm_StartDownload_Downloading_" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="DownloaderForm_StartDownload_Getting_file_size_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ottenimento dimensione file.</value>
<data name="MyPictureBox_pbMain_LoadProgressChanged_Loading_image___0__" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Caricamento immagine: {0}%</value>
<data name="DownloaderForm_fileDownloader_DownloadCompleted_Download_completed_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Scaricamento completato.</value>
<data name="DownloaderForm_fileDownloader_DownloadCompleted_Install" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Helpers_OpenFolder_Folder_not_exist_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cartella inesistente:</value>
<data name="Helpers_DownloadString_Download_failed_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Scaricamento fallito:</value>
<data name="GIFQuality_Bit4" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quantizzatore Octree a 16 colori</value>
<data name="GIFQuality_Bit8" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quantizzatore Octree a 256 colori (Lento - Qualità Migliore)</value>
<data name="GIFQuality_Default" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Codifica .NET Predefinita (Veloce - Qualità Media)</value>
<data name="GIFQuality_Grayscale" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Paletta di Quantificazione in Scala di Grigi 256 Colori</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="ProxyMethod_Automatic" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ProxyMethod_Manual" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ProxyMethod_None" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_ActiveMonitor" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Monitor Attivo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ActiveWindow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Finestra Attiva</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_AutoCapture" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Automatica</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ClipboardUpload" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica dagli Appunti</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ClipboardUploadWithContentViewer" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica dagli Appunti Mostrando il Contenuto</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_DragDropUpload" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica con Drag &amp; Drop</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_FileUpload" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica File</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_FolderUpload" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica Cartella</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_FTPClient" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Client FTP</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_HashCheck" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Controlla Hash</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ImageEffects" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Effetti Immagine</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_IndexFolder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Indicizza Cartella</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_LastRegion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Ultima Regione</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_None" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenScreenshotsFolder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Apri Cartella Screenshot</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_PrintScreen" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo Intero</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_QRCode" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Codice QR</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_RectangleLight" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Regione (Semplice)</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_RectangleRegion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Regione</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_Ruler" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenColorPicker" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Colore</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo usando una Regione Personalizzata</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_StopUploads" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ferma Tutti i Caricamenti Attivi</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_TweetMessage" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_UploadURL" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica da URL</value>
<data name="FileDestination_CustomFileUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento File Personalizzato</value>
<data name="FileDestination_SharedFolder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cartella Condivisa</value>
<data name="ImageDestination_CustomImageUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento Immagini Personalizzato</value>
<data name="ImageDestination_FileUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento File</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ResponseType_Headers" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Intestazioni di Risposta</value>
<data name="ResponseType_RedirectionURL" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Reindirizzamento URL</value>
<data name="ResponseType_Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Testo di Risposta</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="TextDestination_CustomTextUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento Testo Personalizzato</value>
<data name="TextDestination_FileUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento File</value>
<data name="UrlShortenerType_CustomURLShortener" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Accorciamento URL Personalizzato</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_AddImageEffects" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Aggiungi Effetti Immagine / Watermark</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_AnnotateImage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Annota Immagine</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_CopyFilePathToClipboard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Copia Percorso File negli Appunti</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_CopyFileToClipboard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Copia File negli Appunti</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_CopyImageToClipboard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Copia Immagine negli Appunti</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_DeleteFile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Elimina File Locale</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_PerformActions" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esegui Azioni</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_SaveImageToFile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Salva Immagine...</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_SaveImageToFileWithDialog" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Salva Immagine come...</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_ShowInExplorer" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra File in Explorer</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_SaveThumbnailImageToFile" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Salva Miniatura Immagine</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_SendImageToPrinter" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stampa Immagine</value>
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_UploadImageToHost" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica Immagine su Host</value>
<data name="AfterUploadTasks_CopyURLToClipboard" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Copia URL negli Appunti</value>
<data name="AfterUploadTasks_OpenURL" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Apri URL</value>
<data name="AfterUploadTasks_ShareURL" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Condividi URL</value>
<data name="AfterUploadTasks_ShowQRCode" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra Finestra Codice QR</value>
<data name="AfterUploadTasks_UseURLShortener" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Accorcia URL</value>
<data name="FileExistAction_Ask" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Chiedi cosa fare</value>
<data name="FileExistAction_Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Non Salvare</value>
<data name="FileExistAction_Overwrite" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sovrascrivi File</value>
<data name="FileExistAction_UniqueName" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Aggiungi Numero al Nome File</value>
<data name="PopUpNotificationType_BalloonTip" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra Notifica nell'Area di Notifica</value>
<data name="PopUpNotificationType_None" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Non Mostrare Niente</value>
<data name="PopUpNotificationType_ToastNotification" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra Notifica con Anteprima</value>
<data name="SupportedLanguage_Automatic" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_StartAutoCapture" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia Cattura Automatica usando l'Ultima Regione</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_StartScreenRecorder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo usando l'Ultima Regione</value>
<data name="UpdateMessageBox_UpdateMessageBox_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>È disponibile una nuova versione di {0}.
Vuoi scaricarla e installarla ora?</value>
<data name="UpdateMessageBox_UpdateMessageBox_update_is_available" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Aggiornamento disponibile</value>
<data name="Helpers_CreateDirectoryIfNotExist_Create_failed_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Impossibile creare la cartella.</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ColorPicker" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Selezione Colore</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderGIF" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo (GIF) usando una Regione Personalizzata</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_StartScreenRecorderGIF" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo (GIF) usando l'Ultima Regione</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_RectangleTransparent" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Regione (Trasparente)</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_CustomRegion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Regione Personalizzata</value>
<data name="ScreenRecordGIFEncoding_FFmpeg" xml:space="preserve">
<value>FFmpeg (Qualità Buona)</value>
<data name="ScreenRecordGIFEncoding_NET" xml:space="preserve">
<value>.NET (Qualità Cattiva)</value>
<data name="ScreenRecordGIFEncoding_OctreeQuantizer" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quantizzatore Octree (Qualità Media)</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ActiveMonitor_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ActiveWindow_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_AutoCapture_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ClipboardUploadWithContentViewer_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_ClipboardUpload_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_ColorPicker_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_CustomRegion_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_DragDropUpload_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_FileUpload_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_FolderUpload_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_FTPClient_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_HashCheck_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_ImageEffects_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_IndexFolder_Category" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_LastRegion_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenScreenshotsFolder_Category" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_PrintScreen_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_QRCode_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_RectangleLight_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_RectangleRegion_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_RectangleTransparent_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_Ruler_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenColorPicker_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderGIF_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorder_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_StartAutoCapture_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_StartScreenRecorderGIF_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_StartScreenRecorder_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_StopUploads_Category" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_TweetMessage_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_UploadURL_Category" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_WindowRectangle_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderActiveWindow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo usando la Finestra Attiva</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderActiveWindow_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderGIFActiveWindow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo (GIF) usando la Finestra Attiva</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderGIFActiveWindow_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ImageEditor" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Editor Immagini</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ImageEditor_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_DNSChanger" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cambia DNS</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_DNSChanger_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_MonitorTest" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Prova Monitor</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_MonitorTest_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_CaptureWebpage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Pagina Web</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_CaptureWebpage_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_DisableHotkeys" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Attiva/Disattiva Scorciatoie</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_DisableHotkeys_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_ia_Auto_increment_alphanumeric" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Auto Incremento Alfanumerico (Case-Insensitive). Sarà aggiunto uno 0 davanti usando {n}</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_ix_Auto_increment_hexadecimal" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Auto Incremento Esadecimale. Sarà aggiunto uno 0 davanti usando {n}</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_rx_Random_hexadecimal" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carattere Esadecimale Casuale. Ripeti usando {n}</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_iAa_Auto_increment_alphanumeric_all" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Auto Incremento Alfanumerico (Case-Sensitive). Sarà aggiunto uno 0 davanti usando {n}</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_ib_Auto_increment_base_alphanumeric" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Auto Incremento Alfanumerico in Base {n} (1 &lt; n &lt; 63)</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuEntry_guid_Random_guid" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GUID Casuale</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuCategory_Date_and_Time" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Data e Ora</value>
<data name="ReplCodeMenuCategory_Incremental" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="ReplCodeMenuCategory_Random" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ReplCodeMenuCategory_Image" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ReplCodeMenuCategory_Target" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="HotkeyType_ScrollingCapture" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura a Scorrimento</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ScrollingCapture_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ImageCombiner" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Combina Immagini</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ImageCombiner_Category" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_VideoThumbnailer" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Generatore Miniature Video</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_VideoThumbnailer_Category" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ResponseType_LocationHeader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Intestazione Posizione</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="UpdateMessageBox_UpdateMessageBox_Portable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>È disponibile una nuova versione di {0}.
Vuoi scaricarla ora?</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_ShowAfterCaptureWindow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra Finestra "Dopo la Cattura"</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_ShowBeforeUploadWindow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra Finestra "Prima del Caricamento"</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AfterUploadTasks_ShowAfterUploadWindow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra Finestra "Dopo il Caricamento"</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_ShowQuickTaskMenu" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mostra Menu Operazioni Veloci</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenHistory" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Apri Finestra Cronologia</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenHistory_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenImageHistory" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Apri Finestra Cronologia Immagini</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenImageHistory_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="Helpers_OpenFile_File_not_exist_" xml:space="preserve">
<value>File inesistente:</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="Helpers_BrowseFolder_Choose_folder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Scegli Cartella</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="Helpers_BrowseFile_Choose_file" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Scegli File</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenMainWindow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Apri Finestra Principale</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_OpenMainWindow_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderCustomRegion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo usando la Regione Pre Configurata</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderCustomRegion_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderGIFCustomRegion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Avvia/Ferma Registrazione Schermo (GIF) usando la Regione Pre Configurata</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ScreenRecorderGIFCustomRegion_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AfterCaptureTasks_DoOCR" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Riconoscimento Testo (OCR)</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_TextCapture" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Testo (OCR)</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_TextCapture_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="RegionCaptureAction_CancelCapture" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Annulla Cattura</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="RegionCaptureAction_CaptureActiveMonitor" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Monitor Attivo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="RegionCaptureAction_CaptureFullscreen" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cattura Schermo intero</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="RegionCaptureAction_None" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="RegionCaptureAction_RemoveShape" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Rimuovi Forma</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="RegionCaptureAction_RemoveShapeCancelCapture" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Rimuovi Forma o Annulla Cattura</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="RegionCaptureAction_SwapToolType" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cambia Tipo di Strumento</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingArrow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Freccia</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_EffectBlur" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Effetto: Sfoca</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingEllipse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Ellisse</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_EffectHighlight" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Effetto: Evidenzia</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingLine" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Linea</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_EffectPixelate" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Effetto: Pixel</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingRectangle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Rettangolo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingStep" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Punti</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_RegionEllipse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Regione: Ellisse</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_RegionRectangle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Regione: Rettangolo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollMethod_Automatic" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Prova automaticamento tutti i metodi finché uno non funziona</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollMethod_KeyPressPageDown" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Simula Pressione del Tasto "Pagina Giù"</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollMethod_MouseWheel" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Simula Scorrimento della Rotella del Mouse</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollMethod_SendMessageScroll" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Invia Messaggio di Scorrimento alla Finestra o al Controllo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollTopMethod_All" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Prima simula la pressione del tasto "Inizio", poi invia il messaggio di scorrimento in cima</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollTopMethod_KeyPressHome" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Simula la pressione del tasto "Inizio"</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollTopMethod_None" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disattiva lo Scorrimento in Cima</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ScrollingCaptureScrollTopMethod_SendMessageTop" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Invia Messaggio di Scorrimento in Cima</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_AbortScreenRecording" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Annulla Registrazione Schermo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_AbortScreenRecording_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Registra Schermo</value>
<data name="ShapeType_RegionFreehand" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Regione: a Mano Libera</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingFreehand" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: a Mano Libera</value>
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingImage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Immagine (File)</value>
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingSpeechBalloon" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Fumetto</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ToggleActionsToolbar" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Abilita/Disabilita Barra delle Azioni</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ToggleActionsToolbar_Category" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ExitShareX" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Esci da ShareX</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ExitShareX_Category" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingTextOutline" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Testo (Contorno)</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingTextBackground" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Testo (Sfondo)</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingImageScreen" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Immagine (Schermo)</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="URLSharingServices_GoogleImageSearch" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ricerca Immagini Google</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="CustomUploaderDestinationType_URLShortener" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Accorciamento URL</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="CustomUploaderDestinationType_FileUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento File</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="CustomUploaderDestinationType_TextUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento Testo</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="CustomUploaderDestinationType_ImageUploader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Caricamento Immagine</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="PNGBitDepth_Default" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="PNGBitDepth_Automatic" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Rileva Automaticamente</value>
<data name="ShapeType_DrawingCursor" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Disegna: Cursore</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_ShortenURL" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Accorcia URL</value>
<data name="HotkeyType_ShortenURL_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_UploadText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Carica Testo</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="HotkeyType_UploadText_Category" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="CustomUploaderDestinationType_URLSharingService" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Condivisione URL</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="URLSharingServices_CustomURLSharingService" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Servizio Condivisione URL Personalizzato</value>
<data name="LinearGradientMode_BackwardDiagonal" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Diagonale Indietro</value>
<data name="LinearGradientMode_ForwardDiagonal" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Diagonale Avanti</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="LinearGradientMode_Horizontal" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="LinearGradientMode_Vertical" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AmazonS3StorageClass_STANDARD" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="AmazonS3StorageClass_STANDARD_IA" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Standard - Infrequent Access (Accessi Sporadici)</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ImgurThumbnailType_Big_Square" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quadrato Grande</value>
<data name="ImgurThumbnailType_Huge_Thumbnail" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Anteprima Enorme</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="ImgurThumbnailType_Large_Thumbnail" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Anteprima Grande</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ImgurThumbnailType_Medium_Thumbnail" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Anteprima Media</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="ImgurThumbnailType_Small_Square" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quadrato Piccolo</value>
<data name="ImgurThumbnailType_Small_Thumbnail" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Anteprima Piccola</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="PastebinPrivacy_Public" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PastebinPrivacy_Unlisted" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Non in Elenco</value>
<data name="PastebinPrivacy_Private" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Privato (solo membri)</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="PastebinExpiration_N" xml:space="preserve">
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="PastebinExpiration_M10" xml:space="preserve">
<value>10 Minuti</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="PastebinExpiration_H1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1 Ora</value>
<data name="PastebinExpiration_D1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1 Giorno</value>
2017-10-03 04:30:34 +13:00
<data name="PastebinExpiration_W1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1 Settimana</value>
<data name="PastebinExpiration_W2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>2 Settimane</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00
<data name="PastebinExpiration_M1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1 Mese</value>
<data name="UpdateMessageBox_UpdateMessageBox_CurrentVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Versione Attuale</value>
<data name="UpdateMessageBox_UpdateMessageBox_LatestVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ultima Versione</value>
New Crowdin translations (#3265) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Hungarian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations Resources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Hungarian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Hungarian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations MainForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations StickerPackForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskInfoEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations QuickTaskMenuEditorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Italian) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MainForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Italian) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Italian) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Italian) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Italian) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Italian) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Italian) * New translations InputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Italian) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Italian) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Italian) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Italian) * New translations Resources.resx (Italian) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations TextDrawingInputBox.resx (Italian) * New translations WebpageCaptureForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountTypeControl.resx (Italian) * New translations AccountsControl.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthControl.resx (Italian) * New translations FTPClientForm.resx (Italian) * New translations EmailForm.resx (Italian) * New translations JiraUpload.resx (Italian) * New translations OAuthWebForm.resx (Italian) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ActionsToolbarEditForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations StickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations TaskSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations MainForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations QRCodeForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenColorPicker.resx (Dutch) * New translations ScreenRecordForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FirstTimeConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HotkeySettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AboutForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations TwitterTweetForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UploadersConfigForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations UserPassBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations Resources.resx (Dutch) * New translations HotkeySelectionControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations ActionsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations EncoderProgramForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageHistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageEffectsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DirectoryIndexerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageCombinerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations VideoThumbnailerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations CanvasSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations EditorStartupForm.resx (Korean) * New translations FFmpegOptionsForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ImageSizeForm.resx (Korean) * New translations NewImageForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ScrollingCaptureForm.resx (Korean) * New translations HistoryItemInfoForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Korean) * New translations HashCheckForm.resx (Korean) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Korean) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Korean) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Korean) * New translations InputBox.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateMessageBox.resx (Korean) * New translations MonitorTestForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintForm.resx (Korean) * New translations PrintTextForm.resx (Korean) * New translations Resources.resx (Korean) * New translations DownloaderForm.resx (Korean) * New translations UpdateCheckerLabel.resx (Korean) * New translations ResponseForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations OCRSpaceForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations AfterCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations Resources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ColorPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations GradientPickerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ExportImportControl.resx (Dutch) * New translations VideoEncodersForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations MyPictureBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations DNSChangerForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ClipboardContentViewer.resx (Dutch) * New translations DebugForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations ErrorForm.resx (Dutch) * New translations WatchFolderForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations InputBox.resx (Dutch) * New translations FileExistForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AfterUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ApplicationSettingsForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AutoCaptureForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations BeforeUploadForm.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ClipboardFormatForm.resx (Chinese Simplified)
2018-03-30 09:04:35 +13:00