import configparser import os import time from argparse import Namespace from itertools import chain from logging import getLogger from typing import Dict, Iterator, Callable, Tuple, Optional, List, Union from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, QSettings, pyqtSlot, QThreadPool from legendary.lfs.eos import EOSOverlayApp from import Game, SaveGameFile from rare.lgndr.core import LegendaryCore from import RareGame, RareEosOverlay from rare.models.signals import GlobalSignals from .image_manager import ImageManager from .workers import ( QueueWorker, VerifyWorker, MoveWorker, FetchWorker, GamesWorker, NonAssetWorker, SavesWorker, EntitlementsWorker, ) from .workers.uninstall import uninstall_game from .workers.worker import QueueWorkerInfo, QueueWorkerState logger = getLogger("RareCore") class RareCore(QObject): progress = pyqtSignal(int, str) completed = pyqtSignal() # lk: special case class attribute, this has to be here __instance: Optional['RareCore'] = None def __init__(self, args: Namespace): if self.__instance is not None: raise RuntimeError("RareCore already initialized") super(RareCore, self).__init__() self.__args: Optional[Namespace] = None self.__signals: Optional[GlobalSignals] = None self.__core: Optional[LegendaryCore] = None self.__image_manager: Optional[ImageManager] = None self.__games_fetched: bool = False self.__non_asset_fetched: bool = False self.__saves_fetched: bool = False self.__entitlements_fetched: bool = False self.args(args) self.signals(init=True) self.core(init=True) self.image_manager(init=True) self.settings = QSettings() self.queue_workers: List[QueueWorker] = [] self.queue_threadpool = QThreadPool() self.queue_threadpool.setMaxThreadCount(2) self.__games: Dict[str, RareGame] = {} self.__eos_overlay_rgame = RareEosOverlay(self.__core, EOSOverlayApp) RareCore.__instance = self def enqueue_worker(self, rgame: RareGame, worker: QueueWorker): if isinstance(worker, VerifyWorker): rgame.state = RareGame.State.VERIFYING if isinstance(worker, MoveWorker): rgame.state = RareGame.State.MOVING rgame.set_worker(worker) rgame.set_worker(None)) self.queue_workers.remove(worker)) self.queue_workers.append(worker) self.queue_threadpool.start(worker, priority=0) self.__signals.application.update_statusbar.emit() def dequeue_worker(self, worker: QueueWorker): rgame = self.__games[worker.worker_info().app_name] rgame.set_worker(None) self.queue_workers.remove(worker) self.__signals.application.update_statusbar.emit() def active_workers(self) -> Iterator[QueueWorker]: return list(filter(lambda w: w.state == QueueWorkerState.ACTIVE, self.queue_workers)) def queued_workers(self) -> Iterator[QueueWorker]: return list(filter(lambda w: w.state == QueueWorkerState.QUEUED, self.queue_workers)) def queue_info(self) -> List[QueueWorkerInfo]: return [w.worker_info() for w in self.queue_workers] @staticmethod def instance() -> 'RareCore': if RareCore.__instance is None: raise RuntimeError("Uninitialized use of RareCore") return RareCore.__instance def signals(self, init: bool = False) -> GlobalSignals: if self.__signals is None and not init: raise RuntimeError("Uninitialized use of GlobalSignalsSingleton") if self.__signals is not None and init: raise RuntimeError("GlobalSignals already initialized") if init: self.__signals = GlobalSignals() return self.__signals def args(self, args: Namespace = None) -> Optional[Namespace]: if self.__args is None and args is None: raise RuntimeError("Uninitialized use of ArgumentsSingleton") if self.__args is not None and args is not None: raise RuntimeError("Arguments already initialized") if args is not None: self.__args = args return self.__args def core(self, init: bool = False) -> LegendaryCore: if self.__core is None and not init: raise RuntimeError("Uninitialized use of LegendaryCoreSingleton") if self.__core is not None and init: raise RuntimeError("LegendaryCore already initialized") if init: try: self.__core = LegendaryCore() except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError as e: logger.warning(f"Config is corrupt: {e}") if config_path := os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"): path = os.path.join(config_path, "legendary") else: path = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/legendary") with open(os.path.join(path, "config.ini"), "w") as config_file: config_file.write("[Legendary]") self.__core = LegendaryCore() if "Legendary" not in self.__core.lgd.config.sections(): self.__core.lgd.config.add_section("Legendary") self.__core.lgd.save_config() # workaround if egl sync enabled, but no programdata_path # programdata_path might be unset if logging in through the browser if self.__core.egl_sync_enabled: if self.__core.egl.programdata_path is None: self.__core.lgd.config.remove_option("Legendary", "egl_sync") self.__core.lgd.save_config() else: if not os.path.exists(self.__core.egl.programdata_path): self.__core.lgd.config.remove_option("Legendary", "egl_sync") self.__core.lgd.save_config() return self.__core def image_manager(self, init: bool = False) -> ImageManager: if self.__image_manager is None and not init: raise RuntimeError("Uninitialized use of ImageManagerSingleton") if self.__image_manager is not None and init: raise RuntimeError("ImageManager already initialized") if self.__image_manager is None: self.__image_manager = ImageManager(self.signals(), self.core()) return self.__image_manager def deleteLater(self) -> None: self.__image_manager.deleteLater() del self.__image_manager self.__image_manager = None self.__core.exit() del self.__core self.__core = None self.__signals.deleteLater() del self.__signals self.__signals = None del self.__args self.__args = None RareCore.__instance = None super(RareCore, self).deleteLater() def __validate_installed(self): filter_lambda = lambda rg: rg.is_installed and not (rg.is_dlc or rg.is_non_asset) length = len(list(self.__filter_games(filter_lambda))) for i, rgame in enumerate(self.__filter_games(filter_lambda)): self.progress.emit( int(i / length * 25) + 75,"Validating install for {}").format(rgame.app_title) ) if not os.path.exists(rgame.igame.install_path): # lk: since install_path is lost anyway, set keep_files to True # lk: to avoid spamming the log with "file not found" errors for dlc in rgame.owned_dlcs: if dlc.is_installed:'Uninstalling DLC "{dlc.app_name}" ({dlc.app_title})...') uninstall_game(self.__core, dlc.app_name, keep_files=True) dlc.igame = None f'Removing "{rgame.app_title}" because "{rgame.igame.install_path}" does not exist...' ) uninstall_game(self.__core, rgame.app_name, keep_files=True)"Uninstalled {rgame.app_title}, because no game files exist") rgame.igame = None continue # lk: games that don't have an override and can't find their executable due to case sensitivity # lk: will still erroneously require verification. This might need to be removed completely # lk: or be decoupled from the verification requirement if override_exe := self.__core.lgd.config.get(rgame.app_name, "override_exe", fallback=""): igame_executable = override_exe else: igame_executable = rgame.igame.executable # lk: Case-insensitive search for the game's executable (example: Brothers - A Tale of two Sons) executable_path = os.path.join(rgame.igame.install_path, igame_executable.replace("\\", "/").lstrip("/")) file_list = map(str.lower, os.listdir(os.path.dirname(executable_path))) if not os.path.basename(executable_path).lower() in file_list: rgame.igame.needs_verification = True self.__core.lgd.set_installed_game(rgame.app_name, rgame.igame) rgame.update_igame()"{rgame.app_title} needs verification") def get_game(self, app_name: str) -> Union[RareEosOverlay, RareGame]: if app_name == EOSOverlayApp.app_name: return self.__eos_overlay_rgame return self.__games[app_name] def __add_game(self, rgame: RareGame) -> None: self.__signals.discord_rpc.set_title.emit("")) self.__games[rgame.app_name] = rgame def __filter_games(self, condition: Callable[[RareGame], bool]) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return filter(condition, self.__games.values()) def __create_or_update_rgame(self, game: Game) -> RareGame: if rgame := self.__games.get(game.app_name, False): logger.warning(f"{rgame.app_name} already present in {type(self).__name__}")"Updating Game for {rgame.app_name}") rgame.update_rgame() else: rgame = RareGame(self.__core, self.__image_manager, game) return rgame def __add_games_and_dlcs(self, games: List[Game], dlcs_dict: Dict[str, List]) -> None: for game in games: rgame = self.__create_or_update_rgame(game) if game_dlcs := dlcs_dict.get(, False): for dlc in game_dlcs: rdlc = self.__create_or_update_rgame(dlc) # lk: plug dlc progress signals to the game's rdlc.signals.progress.start.connect(rgame.signals.progress.start) rdlc.signals.progress.update.connect(rgame.signals.progress.update) rdlc.signals.progress.finish.connect(rgame.signals.progress.finish) rgame.owned_dlcs.append(rdlc) self.__add_game(rdlc) self.__add_game(rgame) @pyqtSlot(object, int) def handle_result(self, result: Tuple, res_type: int): status = "" if res_type == FetchWorker.Result.GAMES: games, dlc_dict = result self.__add_games_and_dlcs(games, dlc_dict) self.__games_fetched = True status = "Loaded games for Windows" if res_type == FetchWorker.Result.NON_ASSET: games, dlc_dict = result self.__add_games_and_dlcs(games, dlc_dict) self.__non_asset_fetched = True status = "Loaded games without assets" if res_type == FetchWorker.Result.SAVES: saves, _ = result for save in saves: self.__games[save.app_name].saves.append(save) self.__saves_fetched = True status = "Loaded save games" if res_type == FetchWorker.Result.ENTITLEMENTS: self.__core.lgd.entitlements = result self.__entitlements_fetched = True status = "Loaded game entitlements" logger.debug(f"Got API results for {FetchWorker.Result(res_type).name}") fetched = [ self.__games_fetched, self.__non_asset_fetched, self.__saves_fetched, self.__entitlements_fetched, ] self.progress.emit(sum(fetched) * 10, status) if all(fetched): self.progress.emit(75,"Validating game installations")) self.__validate_installed() self.progress.emit(100,"Launching Rare")) logger.debug(f"Fetch time {time.time() - self.start_time} seconds") self.completed.emit() def fetch(self): self.__games_fetched: bool = False self.__non_asset_fetched: bool = False self.__saves_fetched: bool = False self.__entitlements_fetched: bool = False self.start_time = time.time() games_worker = GamesWorker(self.__core, self.__args) games_worker.signals.result.connect(self.handle_result) games_worker.signals.finished.connect(self.fetch_saves) games_worker.signals.finished.connect(self.fetch_extra) QThreadPool.globalInstance().start(games_worker) def fetch_saves(self): if not self.__args.offline: saves_worker = SavesWorker(self.__core, self.__args) saves_worker.signals.result.connect(self.handle_result) QThreadPool.globalInstance().start(saves_worker) else: self.__saves_fetched = True def fetch_extra(self): non_asset_worker = NonAssetWorker(self.__core, self.__args) non_asset_worker.signals.result.connect(self.handle_result) QThreadPool.globalInstance().start(non_asset_worker) entitlements_worker = EntitlementsWorker(self.__core, self.__args) entitlements_worker.signals.result.connect(self.handle_result) QThreadPool.globalInstance().start(entitlements_worker) def load_pixmaps(self) -> None: """ Load pixmaps for all games This exists here solely to fight signal and possibly threading issues. The initial image loading at startup should not be done in the RareGame class for two reasons. It will delay startup due to widget updates and the image might become availabe before the UI is brought up. In case of the second, we will get both a long queue of signals to be serviced and some of them might be not connected yet so the widget won't be updated. So do the loading here by calling this after the MainWindow has finished initializing. @return: None """ QThreadPool.globalInstance().start(self.__load_pixmaps) def __load_pixmaps(self) -> None: # time.sleep(0.1) for rgame in self.__games.values(): rgame.set_pixmap() # time.sleep(0.0001) @property def games_and_dlcs(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: for app_name in self.__games: yield self.__games[app_name] @property def games(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return self.__filter_games(lambda game: not game.is_dlc) @property def installed_games(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return self.__filter_games(lambda game: game.is_installed and not game.is_dlc) @property def game_list(self) -> Iterator[Game]: for game in yield @property def dlcs(self) -> Dict[str, Game]: """! RareGames that ARE DLCs themselves """ return { game.owned_dlcs for game in self.has_dlcs} # return self.__filter_games(lambda game: game.is_dlc) @property def has_dlcs(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: """! RareGames that HAVE DLCs associated with them """ return self.__filter_games(lambda game: bool(game.owned_dlcs)) @property def bit32_games(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return self.__filter_games(lambda game: game.is_win32) @property def mac_games(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return self.__filter_games(lambda game: game.is_mac) @property def no_asset_games(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return self.__filter_games(lambda game: game.is_non_asset) @property def unreal_engine(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return self.__filter_games(lambda game: game.is_unreal) @property def updates(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: return self.__filter_games(lambda game: game.has_update) @property def saves(self) -> Iterator[SaveGameFile]: """! SaveGameFiles across games """ return chain.from_iterable([game.saves for game in self.has_saves]) @property def has_saves(self) -> Iterator[RareGame]: """! RareGames that have SaveGameFiles associated with them """ return self.__filter_games(lambda game: bool(game.saves))